Forgiving Keven: A Stand-Alone Second Chance Romance

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Forgiving Keven: A Stand-Alone Second Chance Romance Page 13

by Siobhan Davis

  Lin is swooning the next day when I fill her in on everything over lunch. The studio is busy, so we’ve just grabbed a sandwich at the local deli. “Oh my God. He’s so romantic and so sweet yet fucking sexy at the same time,” she says in a dreamy voice.

  “I know. Believe me, I know.” I’m grinning like a loon, which is a miraculous thing because the Dan cloud still lingers ominously. “I was crazy in love with Kev back in high school, but he’s all grown up now, and I think I have the potential to completely lose my mind over him. I’m glad he stopped things last night. I’m not sure I’m ready to handle that level of intensity yet.”

  “I’m really happy for you, Cher.” She squeezes my hand, grinning. “You are positively glowing, and you deserve this.”

  “Do you think I’m right to entertain a second chance with him?” I ask, because our past still haunts me. Still worries me.

  “Yes, because it isn’t true love if it isn’t scary as shit. I know you’re worried he’ll hurt you again, but you won’t know unless you take that leap of faith. You could miss out on the love of a lifetime if you don’t push yourself out of your comfort zone.”

  I hug her as we get up to leave. “Thank you for being such a good friend to me.”

  She loops her arm in mine as we walk back to the studio. “It works both ways. You were there for me when Summer and I broke up, and I’m glad to be able to return the favor.”

  “Woah.” Lin’s eyes pop wide when we arrive back at the studio to the sight of a massive bouquet of red roses resting on the table in the staff room.

  My stomach twists into ugly knots, and I veer away from the table as if they’re poisonous. I don’t need anyone to tell me they’re for me. And I don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know who they’re from. “Get rid of them,” I say through gritted teeth. “Please.”

  She glances at the card and her lips pinch together. “Got it.” Snatching them up, she leaves the room and my breathing recalibrates.

  The afternoon is extremely busy, and the last client has just left when two gentleman wearing black coats, black pants, and shiny black shoes step into the studio. Alarm bells ding in my head, and my blood pressure soars. The taller of the two steps up to the desk, approaching me. Sara—the photographer and owner of the studio—hurries toward us. “Ms. Keeland.” The man pulls out a badge, flashing it at me. “I’m Special Agent Higgins, and this is Special Agent Mead. We need you to come with us.”

  “What’s this about?” I ask, my voice quaking a little.

  “We need to ask you some questions about Daniel Stanten.”

  My stomach lurches as I nod. I should’ve known to expect something like this. “Okay. Just let me grab my bag and jacket.”

  Sara and Lin follow me to the staff room. “Do you want me to call my attorney for you?” Sara offers, but I shake my head.

  “I don’t think I’ll need an attorney. I haven’t done anything wrong, and I don’t even know anything that Dan is involved in.”

  “Are you sure?” She pins me with worried eyes, and that’s without knowing any of the background as the only one I’ve confided in is Lin.

  “I’m sure.” Besides, if I do happen to need an attorney, I’m pretty sure Keven will send the Kennedy family attorney to help me. I send him a quick text, letting him know the FBI is taking me in for questioning. He’ll only worry if I don’t show up at the firing range.

  I walk back outside and tentatively smile at the two men. “I’m ready.”

  Chapter 15


  I’m at the firing range where Cheryl is a half hour late, and I’m officially worried. I stupidly left my cell at home on the kitchen counter although I have her number memorized, so I’ve called and left a message from Kade’s phone.

  “There’s no point in you staying here,” Kade says, watching me pace back and forth. “Go to the studio. I’m betting she got caught up in work and forgot the time.”

  “Or he’s taken her. I knew I should’ve gone to pick her up.”

  “I thought you said an agent was assigned to follow Stanten? Surely, he would’ve informed you if he’d gone anywhere near Cheryl?”

  “He could’ve sent one of his lackeys. Give me your cell.” I hold out my hand, and he places his cell in my palm. “I can log into the tracking software via the cloud, and that should give me a lock on her location.” My fingers fly over the keypad as I log into the system, scroll through the list and call up her number. All the blood leaches from my face when I see the location. “Shit!”

  “What?” Eva removes her earmuffs and glasses, looking worried as she loops her arm in Kade’s.

  “My fucking boss has taken her in. I’ve got to go.” I practically throw Kade’s cell at him and take off running.

  I slam my X5 into reverse, tires screeching as I peel out of the parking lot. I was planning on fessing up tonight over a home-cooked meal, and I’d sent the SSA a text earlier explaining I’d bring Cheryl in tomorrow. I can’t believe he’s gone over my head with this. I know he’s in charge, but he fucking knows who she is to me. He has totally screwed me over, and I’ll be lucky if Cheryl gives me the time of day after this.

  As I race up the highway toward Chelsea, I call Dad’s security guy. I’ve worked with Paul several times over the last few years, and he’s the only one I trust to help me protect Cheryl. I should’ve trusted my instincts and done this weeks ago, but I was afraid it would just be something else I’d have to explain. “Keven, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Paul says answering on the third ring.

  “I need a bunch of your men for bodyguard duty. The best you’ve got available. Two for here and a couple for Delaware.” I don’t want to leave Cheryl’s family unprotected in case Stanten attempts to use them to get to her.

  “Consider it done. Send me the details, and I’ll have someone on it within the hour.”

  “Thanks, man.” I end the call and press the pedal to the metal, hoping I can get to Cheryl in time to conduct damage limitation.

  I tear into the building, grinding my teeth to the molars. I feel like kicking in the door to every interrogation room until I find her, but I rein my emotions in and think about this objectively.

  Heading to my desk, I pull up the internal system, quickly locating the room she’s in. Agent Cunningham is assisting the SSA with the interview. I stride toward the room as fast as my legs will carry me without drawing attention. I slip into the observation room, and my heart sinks as I watch Cheryl sitting across the desk from my boss and my colleague.

  “I understand you’re upset, Ms. Keeland, but I’m sure Mr. Kennedy will explain later. Right now, we need to ask you some questions pertaining to Mr. Stanten and his business interests. We are also concerned about Hayley Jackson. Her roommate has officially reported her as missing, and we have reason to believe Mr. Stanten is involved in her abduction.”

  I don’t wait to hear Cheryl’s reply, bursting into the room even though it could mean I lose my job.

  Three heads swivel in my direction.

  None of them are happy to see me.

  Cheryl wears her hurt and her upset like a weapon. The SSA narrows his eyes in disappointment, and Sinead shoots me a sympathetic look. “I was going to tell you tonight,” I blurt, eyeballing Cheryl. “I swear.”

  “This is an official interview, Mr. Kennedy, and I need you to leave the room,” the SSA says in a level tone.

  “You couldn’t give me a few more hours?” I bark at him, standing my ground.

  “I informed you by text of my intention.”

  “I left my cell at home.” I can’t ever remember doing that, but my head’s cluttered with shit right now, and I was distracted. I should’ve returned for it when I realized I didn’t have it on me. If it was physically possible, I’d kick myself in the ass.

  “Well, that’s unfortunate, but it doesn’t change things. I nee
d you to wait outside. You can speak to Ms. Keeland then.”

  “Cheryl, I’m sorry, and I can explain,” I say, as the SSA takes my arm, ushering me toward the door.

  “Save it,” she snaps. “I’ve heard it all before.”

  My shoulders are heavy with dejection as I let the SSA drag me out of the room. “Pull another stunt like that and you’re out of here,” he snaps, shoving me into a chair outside the room. “I’m warning you, Kennedy. I’ve pulled a lot of strings and made a lot of allowances to get you on this task force. You have the makings of a very fine agent one day. Don’t blow it. And don’t betray the faith I’ve put in you. Do not come back into that room, or you’re fired. Just stay put until we’re done.” He stalks back into the room, closing the door firmly after him.

  Because I’m a glutton for punishment—and I fucking hate anyone telling me what to do—I slip back into the observation room, only this time it’s not empty. Agent Dickhead sends me a gloating look as I stand in front of the hidden window. “Real smooth, Kennedy. You fucking idiot.”

  “Tell me how you really feel,” I snarl, focusing on Cheryl as she listens to the SSA explain about Hayley and how she slipped through our hands. Somehow, Jesse Roberts managed to get her out right under our nose. The sting was a bust, and the SSA’s been in a pissy mood since.

  “Stanten’s used to getting his way. He’s not going to give her up without a fight.”

  “If it’s a fight he wants, he’ll get one.”

  “That’s a surefire way to lose your job.”

  I glower at him. “Do I look like I give a fuck? Keeping her safe is the only thing that matters.” I point at Cheryl.

  “Well, you won’t be able to do that from behind bars, and that’s where you’re headed if you don’t take your head out of your ass and play it by the book.”

  “If I wanted your advice, I’d ask for it.” A muscle clenches in my jaw.

  He puts his face all up in mine. “Stop acting like the stereotypical poor little rich boy.”

  I shove at his chest. “Get the fuck out of my face.”

  “I was dead set against bringing you into this team,” he says.

  “Tell me something I don’t know,” I sneer.

  This time, he shoves me, pinning his arm underneath my chin and backing me up against the door before I’ve time to deflect the move. Although Colin has at least fifteen years on me, he’s in peak physical shape, and the dude’s strong. I can’t wrangle out of his hold, and that irritates the fuck out of me. “Shut up and listen.”

  Steam is practically billowing out of his ears.

  “I didn’t want you here. Hated how easy it was for you to get a position on this team when most of us have had to work our butts off to get a foot in the door. Knew you were only doing this for that girl.” He jerks his head in Cheryl’s direction. “And I hated you more for that, but you’ve got talent and intelligence, and if you stop acting the idiot, you’ll see you can protect your woman, put that asshole away, and keep your job.”

  He lets me go, and I drag in a few lungsful of air. “Screw you.”

  “Lose the shitty attitude.” He straightens his shoulders and eyeballs me. “I’m trying to bury the hatchet here, and if you’re half as smart as you appear to be, then you’ll accept my olive branch.” He looks through the window into the interrogation room. “Because if you want to keep that girl safe, you’re going to need all the help you can get.”

  “Stay away from me,” Cheryl hisses as I follow her out of the FBI building.

  “If you’ll just let me explain.”

  She twirls around, jabbing her finger in my chest. Heat flares in her eyes. “I’ve had enough of your explanations to last a lifetime!” she screeches.

  “I couldn’t tell you at first, but I swear I was planning on telling you tonight. I was going to tell you last night, but I didn’t want to spoil the mood, and I—”

  “Don’t!” She shoves my chest. “Don’t you dare say it. I let you kiss and touch me, and this whole time, you’ve been lying to me!”

  “I was protecting you.” I slip my hands into the pockets of my jeans, rocking back on my heels.

  “By lying to me!” She throws her hands in the air.

  I rub a hand along the back of my neck. “I know you’re pissed, and you’ve every right to be, but if you come home, I can explain everything. I’ll answer anything you want to know.”

  “Are you crazy? I’m not going home with you.”

  Goose bumps sprout on my arms. “The hell you aren’t! That fucking psycho is out there, and he wants you back. What the hell do you think he’ll do if you don’t go willingly?”

  “That’s not your problem anymore,” she says, waving her arms at an incoming vehicle.

  I grab hold of her arm. “Don’t fucking do this. Be mad at me all you want. Hate me and never speak to me again, but don’t risk your life like this. Even if I’ve ruined everything, at least let me keep you safe. Let me protect you.”

  “The only one I need protecting from is you!” she shrieks as a car pulls up to the curb.

  “Where are you going?” I demand, keeping tight hold of her arm.

  “I’m going to stay with my friend Lin. You can drop my stuff off at her place. I guess you already have the address, considering you knew who she was before I’d told you anything about her!” I forgot that I screwed up by mentioning Lin, but I thought I’d gotten away with it as Cheryl didn’t seem to notice. Looks like she’s been going over stuff in her head, and that’s not going to end well for me.

  “Cher?” A girl with long dark hair walks around the back of the car toward us, and I recognize Lin from the photos I’ve seen of her.

  “Let me go, Kev.”

  “Please, Cheryl. I’m begging you. Please don’t do this. Don’t run away again before I’ve had a chance to explain.”

  And that was totally the wrong thing to say. A frustrated scream rips from her lips and she starts pummeling my chest with her fists. “Let me go, Kev, or I’ll call Supervisory Special Agent Clement and tell him you’re holding me against my will.”

  I let her go although it pains me to do so. “Fine. You win, but I’m not going away Cheryl. You can’t run from me this time. I won’t let you.” I walk away, before listening to her response, with a heavy weight pressing down on my chest.

  I drop a bag with some of her stuff over to Lin’s apartment a couple hours later. I’m pissed and concerned, but at least the bodyguard I hired is in position now. He’ll swap out with the day guy in the morning. Cheryl looks like she wants to flay the skin from my bones when she realizes I didn’t bring all her stuff. Tough shit. I’ll give her time to cool off, but I’m not facilitating her to move out permanently. If she wants to get all her belongings, she’ll have to organize it herself. She slams the door shut in my face when I articulate that point.

  With nothing better to do, I head over to the FBI building and work into the middle of the night trying to find any evidence online of what happened to Hayley Jackson. We need to pin something on Stanten in order to have enough grounds to issue a warrant. But it’s like the girl vanished into thin air, and I can find no trace of her being taken out of the city.

  Frustrated, I shut off my laptop after sending an email to the SSA with a status update. I’m on my way home to grab a few hours’ sleep when I change course for the city.

  Parking my butt in the hallway outside Lin’s apartment, I cover myself with the blanket I had in the trunk of my X5 and settle in for the night.

  The next thing I know, I’m being shaken awake. The distinguishable scent of coffee tickles my nostrils, and I force my eyelids open. Cheryl’s friend Lin is crouched down in front of me, waving a cup of joe in my face. “Good morning, sunshine. Time to get up.” A couple of people stare at me as they walk by. “I don’t want the super getting on my case. Come inside and drink you
r coffee.”

  I stagger to my feet, grab my blanket, and follow her into the apartment. “Where’s Cheryl?” I mumble, fighting a yawn.

  “She left already,” Lin confirms, gesturing for me to take a seat at the same kitchen table. “She’s meeting her study group to discuss a project they’re working on.”

  “I’m guessing she’s still mad at me. Awesome,” I deadpan, inhaling the coffee aroma before I bring the cup to my lips.

  “She’s seething,” Lin confirms. “But she’ll cool down. Just give her a little time and space.”

  “I’m terrified if I give her too much time and space she’ll believe she’s better off without me.”

  Lin grins, handing me a bacon and egg sandwich. Sitting down across from me, she blows on the steam arising from her mug. “I don’t think so. Girl’s crazy about you although I’m not sure if she fully realizes it.”

  “Why aren’t you mad at me?” I ask, taking a big bite out of the sandwich. I groan. “Ugh. This is so good.”

  She grins again. “Anyone that appreciates a good bacon and egg sandwich gets the thumbs-up from me. Besides, I can be objective about this where Cheryl can’t. I figure you couldn’t tell her about your job because you were afraid it’d get back to that asshole she was engaged to and it would jeopardize the case.”

  “Got it in one. And I hated not being wholly truthful with her, but I was doing what I could to keep her safe. It’s killed me these last few weeks having to stand by and watch her go home to him every night, but my hands were tied.”

  “I get that, and she will too, but you’ve got to see it from her perspective. It feels like another betrayal.”

  “I screwed up once, and I don’t want to make the same mistake again, but I’m scared for her, Lin. Stanten isn’t going to give up until he gets her back.”


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