Forgiving Keven: A Stand-Alone Second Chance Romance

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Forgiving Keven: A Stand-Alone Second Chance Romance Page 17

by Siobhan Davis

  “Men.” Kent corrects him. “We’re all men now.”

  Kade tries to smother his laughter, but he can’t. And I get it.

  Kent has the maturity level of a three-year-old.

  “While we’re all here,” I interject, figuring this is a good time to divert the conversation before it descends into the gutter. I hate having to do this while we’re on vacation, but I’d rather say it to the guys than in front of the whole family. “You need to be aware of the situation with Cheryl as it potentially impacts everyone. And I want to discuss some precautionary safety measures.” I proceed to fill them in on Stanten, his ties to Eva’s ex, and the risks involved for both girls and anyone connected to them. Everyone listens carefully, even Kent, although he looks disinterested, but at least he doesn’t interrupt. When I’ve finished explaining, they all agree to allow me to install the new tracking software on their cells and the girls’ cells.

  As we roll out of the clubhouse an hour later, en route to the house, Kal asks me about Cheryl. “What’s the deal with you two? It sounds serious.”

  “It is. I’m not letting her go this time.”

  He thumps me in the arm. “Good for you, bro. I hope it works out for you as well as it’s worked out for me and Lana.”

  Dinner is mayhem with so many of us crowded around the table, but everyone gets fed. Between Hewson buzzing around the place, Kent’s and Whitney’s antics, and Mom’s frequent bouts of laughter—courtesy of a few glasses of wine—it’s an entertaining afternoon.

  I take a moment to appreciate it, truly grateful for my family. We’ve endured a tough couple of years, but we’ve come out the other side, stronger and happier.

  My parents have a very amicable separation, and, it could be argued, they get along better than ever. Everyone adores Lana’s parents and Faye’s dad. And my brothers are happy with their respective others. It’s only Keaton and Keanu who don’t have anyone with them today.

  Keaton’s girlfriend Melissa is only seventeen, and she’s spending the holidays with her family. And no one knows the status of Keanu’s relationship with Selena or if it even is a relationship. He’s always been really tight-lipped when it comes to the statuesque girl he models with. So, both my brothers are flying solo this weekend. Ordinarily, that would be me, and I hold Cheryl more tightly against me as that thought flits through my mind, so happy to have her here with me—back where she belongs.

  The rest of the vacation passes by quickly, and before we know it, it’s Monday evening and we’re heading back to the city. Everyone else is hanging around for another few days, so we take a commercial flight back to Boston. Both Cheryl and I have work tomorrow.

  “Did you have a good trip?” I ask her when we’re in my car heading back to Chelsea later that night.

  “I had the best time.” She leans back in her chair, beaming. “Honestly, it was just what I needed. I was a little worried your family might hate me, but that couldn’t be furthest from the truth.”

  “My family adores you almost as much as I do.”

  “And I adore them too. Hewson is so cute, and it was great getting to know Faye, Rachel, and Lana. I think we’ll be good friends, and you already know how much I love Eva. I just …” She trails off, and a faint blush stains her cheeks.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s kinda silly,” she sheepishly admits.

  “Nothing that comes out of your mouth is silly, and you can tell me anything.”

  I watch a multitude of emotions flicker across her face. “It’s just I love your family as much as I love mine, and being with everyone this weekend felt normal. And good. Really good. It felt like I belong,” she quietly admits.

  I pull my X5 into the shoulder and put it in park. Twisting around, I cup her beautiful face. “Honey, you do belong. You have always fit right in.” I don’t want her doubting her place in my life or her position in my family. A strange sensation invades my chest, and I exhale heavily as I gather my thoughts. I can’t believe I’m actually going to say this, but it doesn’t feel awkward or forced—it feels right.

  “In case I haven’t made it clear enough, you’ll be an official part of my family someday. I’m not saying I’m going to propose right away, but we will be getting married, Cheryl. You are going to be my wife and the mother of my children. Unless you tell me you don’t want that.” My breath hitches in my throat as I wait for her to respond.

  Tears glisten in her eyes. “It’s what I’ve always wanted,” she whispers. “Back in high school, I used to imagine it all the time.”

  I lean in, releasing the breath I’d been holding, and press a kiss to her forehead. “This is going to make me sound like a pussy, but I did that too. I pictured us together with the white picket fence and two point five kids.”

  I hold her hand, bringing it to my mouth for a soft kiss. “And we’re going to have that, babe. When all this shit is behind us, and the time is right, I’m going to put a ring on your finger.”

  And as I fuck her later that night, I vow to find a way of eradicating Daniel Stanten from our lives so we can start making those plans for our future.

  The next month passes quickly, and it’s hard to remember the time when Cheryl wasn’t a permanent fixture in my life. Nights are occupied curled up on the couch watching those crappy reality shows she loves while sipping wine. She makes it up to me when we go to bed, indulging my bossy side and subjecting herself to my every whim and desire.

  I fall asleep, exhausted, every night after worshiping her body with my hands, my mouth, and my cock. Sex with Cheryl in high school was exciting because it was the first time for both of us, and we had fun exploring our mutual wants and needs. Now, it’s out of this fucking world. Her body is my shrine, and I worship at her altar, finding imaginative ways to bring her to new heights. I’ll never grow tired of watching her face dissolve in ecstasy as she falls apart in my arms.

  However, Stanten continues to be a nuisance, showing up at MassArt and the studio where she works. No matter how many times Cheryl tells him she’s done, he refuses to go away.

  We’ve kept up our weekly sessions with Kade and Eva, in the gym and at the firing range, and Cheryl is much more confident handling a firearm now. She has a good grasp of basic self-defense moves, but there’s more to learn, and I keep pushing her because as long as Stanten’s sniffing around her, the danger is real. She doesn’t disagree, and I know it gives her some peace of mind knowing she can defend herself.

  The case is at a virtual standstill, much to my disgust. The hidden camera feed was evidently discovered because we lost access to the cameras in Stanten’s house two weeks ago, and we still haven’t found any alternate entry points onto his property. It’s frustrating as fuck because I want to make him go away.

  But I brush those thoughts aside as I wait for Cheryl to leave the bathroom, because there’s no way I’m letting that asshole ruin today.

  “Hon, we’re going to be late if we don’t leave soon.”

  “I’m sorry,” she rasps, hurrying into the living room. “I was trying to pin my hair up, and I made a mess of it, so I had to invoke Plan B.”

  She’s like a vision in a pink silky dress that hugs her voluptuous curves. The dress flairs out at the waist, falling to just above her knee, and I take a moment to appreciate her slim, shapely legs and the pretty silver sandals she has on. I step in front of her, smiling as I rake my gaze over her. Her beautiful blonde hair is wavy and falling loosely down her back, just how I like it. “If this is Plan B, I wholeheartedly approve.” I move in to kiss her, but she slams her hands on my chest, keeping me back.

  “I’ve got gloss on, babe.” She points at her shiny mouth.

  I grab hold of her waist, tugging her into me. “Do I look like I give a shit about lip gloss?” I don’t wait for her reply, fusing my lips to hers and sliding my tongue quickly into her mouth. She gives up protesting, press
ing her gorgeous tits into my chest and kissing me like I’m the air she needs to breathe.

  “Damn you and your sexy mouth,” she says, mock pouting when I reluctantly break the kiss a few minutes later. “Now you’re wearing half my gloss.” She swipes her thumb across my swollen lips, grinning.

  “You can fix your makeup in the car,” I say, grabbing her hand and hauling her out into the hallway. I stoop down to pick up our overnight bag and then hustle her out the door.

  “How do I look?” she says when we pull into the church parking lot twenty minutes later.

  She’s spent the last few minutes touching up her makeup in the passenger side mirror. I pretend to notice the difference, inspecting her face meticulously. Cheryl always looks perfectly beautiful to me. “Like a goddess,” I truthfully reply, and I’m rewarded with a big-ass smile.

  “If I hadn’t just reapplied my gloss, I’d totally kiss the shit out of you now,” she says while I park the car and kill the engine.

  “I’m holding you to that later.” I jab my finger in the air.

  “Deal, babe. And you know I’m good for it.”

  I help her out of the car, and we walk over to where my brothers and their girlfriends are congregating outside the front of the church. I notice a few paparazzi hovering around, and I wrap my arm protectively around Cheryl, advising her to keep her head down. I rush her into the church before any of those douchebags have time to take her picture. Faye and Rachel trail into the church behind us, and I leave Cheryl sitting with them, returning to my brothers.

  “Everything okay?” Kade asks with a frown.

  “Everything’s fine.” I don’t want him worrying about any of this shit today. It’s his wedding, and he doesn’t deserve to be burdened with any of that crap now.

  “You don’t want the photographers to spot her,” he surmises, refusing to let it drop.

  “Definitely not. I’ve gone to huge lengths to hide our relationship so Stanten doesn’t find out.”

  “You’re worried he’ll discover you’re FBI?” His grave eyes fix mine in place.

  I nod. “It’s the only reason I haven’t told him to back the fuck off my girlfriend. And the only reason Cheryl hasn’t filed for a restraining order. Antagonizing that bastard wouldn’t be good so we’re trying to lay low.”

  “Both Eva and I would’ve been fine if you couldn’t attend today.”

  I know he means that sincerely, but it still pisses me off. “There’s no way I’d miss your wedding. Besides, who the fuck else could you trust to be your best man?”

  Kade clamps his hand down firmly on my shoulder.

  The motherfucker.

  “No one. You’re the only man for the job.”

  I gulp over the sudden wedge of emotion clogging my throat. “I’m happy for you, man. And glad to admit my initial interpretation of Eva was wrong. I can see why you love her, and you know I’m trying to keep her safe too. Everything I do is about protecting Cheryl and Eva.”

  “I hope someday I’ll get to repay you for all you’ve done for us, Kev.”

  “You don’t need to repay me, Kade. You’re my brother. It’s what brothers do.”

  He pulls me into a hug, and it’s a weirdly emotional moment.

  For once, Mom stages a timely intervention. “Boys!” Her shrill voice stabs my eardrums. “Over here!” She waves frantically at both of us, and we share a conspiratorial smile as we wander off to join the rest of our brothers in a family photograph.

  The ceremony is beautiful, and Eva is a radiant bride. Her dress is white but nontraditional, quite simple but elegant, and it ends just below her knees. It’s a custom Alex Kennedy creation, and that’s one of the reasons why the numbers of paparazzi have swollen outside the church by the time the ceremony is over. Cheryl, watched over by her bodyguard, waits around the back of the church for me to bring the car around. I tell her to keep her head down as I floor it out of there.

  The reception at the hotel is as extravagant as you’d expect it to be with no expense spared. Mom doesn’t do anything by half. After the speeches and dinner are out of the way, I get rid of my tie and unbutton my shirt, finally breathing more easily.

  Kade dropped a vast sum of money to secure singer Adele for the night. She’s a well-respected British singer Eva is a huge fan of. Kade kept it a surprise, and Eva’s screams of delight could be heard all over the grand ballroom.

  “That’ll be you next,” I overhear Brad telling Kyler behind me as I watch Cheryl, Rachel, Faye, Melissa, and Lana shake their stuff on the dance floor.

  “Not if Kev beats me to it,” he quips, dragging my attention away from the girls.

  “We’re in no rush,” I admit.

  Ky’s mouth hangs open. “I was joking, but you’ve already discussed marriage?”

  I scrub a hand over my jaw, wondering how to phrase this. “I’m not sure if discussed is the right word. I told Cheryl I’d be putting a ring on her finger one day, and she was happy with that.”

  Brad chuckles, and Ky rolls his eyes. “I hope your proposal will be more romantic than that,” he teases.

  “It will be,” I say with confidence, because if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s planning shit. Ky went all out with his marriage proposal, whisking Faye away to the Bahamas to propose, so I’ve a lot to live up to. I look at Brad, happy to deflect the heat in his direction. “What about you and Rachel?”

  “What about us?” he asks, running a finger under the collar of his shirt, starting to sweat.

  Ky and I smirk. “Don’t play shy, McConaughey. Will you be putting a ring on Rachel’s finger any time soon?”

  “Not any time soon, but someday, yeah, definitely.” Brad rubs the back of his neck. “If she’ll have me” he tags on the end.

  “That’s a given. She’s crazy about you,” I admit, because that girl never stops swooning over her man no matter how often I tell her she’s making my ears bleed.

  Ky smiles a wide smile, and it’s good to see all the tension of the past few years has completely been laid to rest. “Faye will be over the fucking moon.”

  “Save me,” Cheryl says, suddenly appearing through the crowd, clutching onto my arm from behind. “My feet are killing me!” She keeps one hand on my arm as she bends down, slipping her sandal off and rubbing the arch of her foot.

  I don’t hesitate, uncaring of the large audience. Scooping her up into my arms, I carry her to one of the velvet couches at the back of the room. I lay her down and flop onto the opposite end of the couch. Removing her other sandal, I start massaging her feet. She leans back, tucking her hands underneath her head and grinning at me. “Everyone’s watching, you know.”

  “I couldn’t give a flying fuck.” I knead her feet with my thumbs, and she sighs contentedly.

  “I’m nominating you for Best Boyfriend of the Year,” she exclaims a few minutes later.

  “And I’ll nominate you for Best Girlfriend of the Year if you blow me in the bathroom,” I joke.

  She sits bolt upright, fire flaring in her eyes. “I’ll do one better than that,” she says, hooking the straps of her sandals through one finger and swinging her bare feet to the floor. She scoots along the couch until she’s alongside me, fixing me with a lusty look. “I’ll let you fuck me in the bathroom.”

  I wasn’t serious, well, not much, but the instant she ups the stakes, my cock surges to life, answering for me. Jumping up, I grab her hand and lead her out to the bathroom, ignoring the knowing looks on my brothers’ faces when they notice the direction we’re heading in.

  The minute we’re locked in the wheelchair accessible bathroom, Cheryl drops to her knees, and I can’t keep the smug grin off my face.

  Best fucking wedding ever.

  Chapter 21


  “What’s wrong?” I ask the minute Kev steps through the front door of the stud
io just before closing. “I thought we were going to meet at the firing range?” It’s Thursday, and I usually drive myself there after work unless we’ve made other arrangements. We still meet Kade and Eva every week without fail. I never thought I’d enjoy firing a weapon, but learning to defend myself has given me a confidence I didn’t expect. Plus, it makes me feel badass, so there’s that.

  “I need to talk to you about something,” he says, looking solemn. “And then my boss wants to meet with you.”

  Blood thrums in my ears and a fluttering feeling breaches my chest cavity. “You’re scaring me.”

  He comes around the front desk, placing his hands on top of my shoulders and squeezing. “What I have to tell you will probably enhance that feeling, and it’s likely to upset you too, but I wanted you to hear it from me first before I bring you to my workplace.” Kev’s always so careful to never publicly mention the fact he works for the FBI. I’ve introduced him to my boss, but she believes he’s a freelance tech consultant too. “Can we go somewhere private to talk?” he asks.

  “Sure. Just let me square it with Sara.” I walk over to my boss, quickly filling her in, and she has no issue with me taking Kev into the staff room.

  “Okay. Hit me with it,” I say the instant we walk into the empty staff room.

  Kev takes my hands in his, bringing me over to the couch and forcing me to sit down beside him. “Hayley’s body has been found.”

  I blink profusely as the words sink in. “Where?” My voice sounds remarkably calm even though I’m already quaking inside.

  “In a seedy motel in Texas,” he confirms, rubbing soothing circles on the back of my hand.

  “And when you say found, do you mean she’s … she’s dead?” I whisper the last words.

  He nods. “I’m sorry.”

  I try to work out how I feel about this. I didn’t know Hayley all that well, and half the time we were supposed “friends,” she was lying to me and cheating with my fiancé behind my back. But that doesn’t mean I wanted her dead. I have thought of her over the last few weeks and regularly asked Keven for any updates since she disappeared. My mouth turns dry, and a cold chill tiptoes up my spine. “And you think Dan did this?”


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