“Ryker!” Shane yelled.
“You won’t be hung, Missus. You have my word. You said two men were with Bragg when he came for you. One of them murdered the private. The other will confess as not to be hung with the guilty party. We’ve narrowed it down to twelve men.”
“You’ll be cleared soon, Missus. Are you following?”
“Yes, Sir.” After rounding a corner, she couldn’t see Bragg anymore. She slumped against Shane and wanted to go back to sleep.
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“We’re heading to Blue. The General’s taking us. You’ll see your fam before we go to Braugh.”
“Aye. The General will tell your people of Bragg’s death. No more babes born like you or your crew will ever be taken or killed. It’s over. Your tribe will be protected by Gov from now on. You’re the reason it’ll stop. You, wee Zoe and Angela.”
“And,” General Ryker added, “you’ll be cleared of any suspicion prior to reaching the planet. You have my word on it. By, God, this nightmare will end.”
She mumbled, trying to tell them how glad she felt. It simply couldn’t be done with the warmth and sway of motion from Shane’s long-legged strides. Home.
* * * * *
Jessica started off the morn in the training center. Nothing felt right and she couldn’t name why. As promised, General Ryker received a confession from the man who murdered the private. With swift justice, the corporal found the same fate as Bragg. She didn’t attend his execution. She should be happy all was now well and she could wear the uniform she’d admired for years. The collar happened to be too tight, the color wasn’t becoming and it itched. The real problem lay in the fact that everything considered, it seemed too little, too late and Bragg didn’t live long enough to see her wear it.
She jumped for the bar, caught it in her hands and hung while simulated gravity pulled the kinks from her spine. Shifting her bare feet forward and back lazily, she began swinging, letting the force test the muscles in her arms. Her arc grew steadily higher with the forward and back motion. On the first complete revolution over the top, she allowed her back to arch before swinging her feet forward to increase the speed of rotation. That motion agreed with her for a while. When her hands grew tired, she slowed and stopped as her body aligned perpendicular to the bar. Upside down, she let her legs part until her toes rested against the rail. The exercise and stretching helped relieve the anxiety she woke with.
Her legs came back together and she began the quick rotations again. On a final pass, she released the bar and hurled forward to catch the dual rings fifteen feet away.
No one watched, so it mattered little if she looked awkward. Flattening her arms out, the rings held at length, she brought her body upside down before bringing the arch of her feet to rest on the back of her head. She moved from complex to simple stretches, loosening muscles and relieving tension at the same time.
When Shane woke that morn, she was gone. As he searched the ship, LeRoy questioned his actions. Apparently LeRoy summoned the General who escorted Shane 134
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to the room to watch Jess. Maybe with all the sleeping she’d done, she’d finally got sick of lying in bed. Shane watched with Ryker from the outer room as Jess pushed herself through intricate and flowing movements.
“She’s most gifted, Sir,” Ryker said as he watched Jess.
“Aye, that she is,” Shane replied, admiring the strength in his gal.
“Your statement has the slightest hint of trepidation. Why? Certainly you’re most pleased and proud of the fine woman.”
“In learning what she’s truly capable of, I wonder about our union. I’m a tribesman.” He watched Jess’ grace and strength and finished his statement, still in awe of whom he’d wed. “She deserves better. More. She wasn’t created for a mere Braughman.”
“Perhaps once,” the General said, turning to regard him. “But with her unusual education, I truly believe there’s not a better man to have at her side.” He cleared his throat and Shane turned. Words appeared difficult for the General to muster. “There was a time when sallow messengers lived greatly beyond the rest of us. Bragg and his predecessor changed that in a single lifetime. He decimated the only living creatures in the universe that all people, all worlds, held in regard.”
“Sallow messengers? I don’t know the term or its meaning.”
“Angels, Sir. I’m sure your world has fables of such. Blue was the origin of those myths. Most beings embellished the messengers’ abilities and physical characteristics, but the woman in yonder room and those like her, were the foundation of most eve time stories.”
“She’s not what you think. Jess is made of flesh and blood.”
Ryker chuckled. “Most assuredly, but many beings haven’t researched the origin of the sallow messenger. The Governance did. I’ve recently studied their investigations.
They were sought out for the purpose of military implication and found to possess nothing useful.”
Watching Jess, Shane disagreed.
Ryker said, “I gather by your expression I’ve offended you. My apology. Let me be more explicit. While their military value was nil, the Governance deemed their inherent gifts to be most precious to those having contact with them.”
“What abilities, Sir?”
“Their voices.”
That gained Shane’s complete attention.
“It’s the basis of most folklore. There isn’t a sound in the universe more exquisite than the voice of a sallow messenger in song. Once heard, it remains with a being for life. A gift, Mr. Tiernan. A gift that can’t be recorded or duplicated. Many have tried to no avail. Some say the music comes from their souls.”
“Aye,” Shane agreed. The remembrance of Jess singing created warmth within him.
“They can’t capture the songs with any form of tech?”
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“No. It’s not understood exactly why. Hence, only word of mouth has spread what some have witnessed in the flesh.”
“If Gov thought those like Jess and her crew to be precious, how did they become targets by some of your officers?”
“I looked into Gorman’s military records and found he’d been treated for a disabling brain malady. He died from complications of the disease.”
“That explains one sick man, but what of Bragg?”
“Unfortunately for your missus and those like her, Bragg also suffered impairments having gone undetected by the Governance. He’d been severely tortured as a child by his mother. We learned this after his death. His mother was quite beautiful and strongly resembled your wife. We believe his treatment of the women stemmed from some sick need to retaliate for crimes committed against him.”
Shane remained quiet for a time and thought about how two men with different forms of mental defects could wind up in control of Jess. He’d spent confinement time with Jess doing some research about Gov while she slept. For her to suffer two sadistic commanders was unfathomable. The odds of such happening were astronomical. She clearly had shit for luck. He’d make sure things improved for her.
When Ryker spoke, Shane drew himself from his deliberations. “Were you aware, Sir, there’s never been one recorded instance of a messenger taking a spouse?”
Shane’s stomach dropped as he turned toward the General. “Not one?”
“No, Sir.”
“I’ll make the Governance study available for you to read.”
“I’d be in your debt if you’d explain it to me now.”
The General turned to watch Jess and peered through the glass. He looked downright uncomfortable. “It seems, from what the report said…”
“That bad, eh?”
Ryker cleared his throat and said, “They’ve no appetite for intimacy.”
“The r
eport cited some unnatural ability to sense or see what lay inside other beings.
Because of this skill, the messengers found it impossible to trust. Because they could see faults, and couldn’t trust, they remained without physical attachment to other beings.
Have I clarified, Mr. Tiernan?”
One word kept circling Shane’s brain and he blurted it out. “Virgins?”
I’ll go to hell because I focked an angel and made her come! Once he allowed the thought to surface, it seemed so ridiculous, Shane laughed. The smile left his face as another thought surfaced. “I wonder what the hell that all means. How could she come past so much?”
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“It’s obvious. She loves you.”
“Damn, but why? In all those years not one of her kind found someone appealing enough to rut with?” When he realized he’d spoken what lay in his mind, Shane said.
“Your pardon, General, I’m thinking out loud.”
“Your missus is an exceptional woman, but perhaps a bit more information would give you something else to consider.”
“All right.”
“The sallow messengers had always been treated in a particular manner and were raised with certain expectations. Most beings adored them and held them in great esteem. They received adoration for their vocal abilities. Perhaps, for them at the time, it’d been enough to satisfy their need for acceptance and love. Without the praise and adoration of billions of beings, as well as an unusual childhood, could it be they finally craved attachments of a more normal, personal nature?”
“I’ll study your report and come up with an answer,” Shane said, already plotting how he’d attack the problem.
“Do you really want to?”
Shane pondered the question. “On second thought, nay. I’m not overly shiny but I’m also not a fool. I don’t want to know exactly why Jess cares for me. I’ll simply accept it.”
“I’d say you’re a very intelligent man, Sir.”
They both turned to watch Jess. As they stared, Ryker said, “It’s still early and I’ve not been able to sleep. Perhaps I can steal an hour or two prior to the morn meal.”
“Aye, good eve, Sir.”
The General didn’t leave. His chin rose an inch as he gazed at Jess. “My deepest gratitude for your rescue, Shane.”
“My pleasure. And I return the gratitude, Gage, for not having me hung when I pointed a gun at your face.”
They laughed and when Ryker turned toward him, Shane turned as well. A firm handshake settled any remaining issues. Ryker cared for his gal but would do naught to break the trust between them. He knew in his gut the General was a righteous man.
“Perhaps you’ll bring your wife and her crew to take a meal with us.”
“I’ll make it a point to.”
Ryker left and Shane strode into the training room. Jess swung around in circles on the bar. Watching made his head spin. “Mrs. Tiernan!”
He meant to surprise her, not scare. She lost her grip and flew through the air. He quickly caught her before any harm came. He took a beating however, because in catching her, the momentum knocked them both to the floor. Jess wound up on top.
“Tiernan!” she said, seething and trembling.
“Aye.” She knocked the wind from him and he had a hard time answering.
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“Are you hurt?”
“Nay.” The one word made him cough. His breath wasn’t back yet.
“You are. I’m sorry.”
When last she squirmed around on top of him, afraid she’d hurt him, he’d gotten much compensation. Gov could monitor the room and what came to mind wasn’t something Gov needed to see. With carnal thoughts racing through his head, they needed to get to their cabin soonest for privacy. Having made the decision, he found himself unable to move. Before he could distance himself from his wife and walk her back to their bed, he needed a moment or two to get closer first. A few kisses should tide him over. It’d have to because he wouldn’t have a repeat of what happened in the prison. What he and Jess did together wouldn’t be observed by others.
Very carefully, he rolled his soaking wet gal to her back and came over her. “You didn’t hurt me, sweet. It was me fault you lost your grip so let me apologize.”
“Tiernan,” she said, trying to get up.
“Let me kiss you. It’s been a while and I can’t stand it another minute. Just one quick kiss.”
“They can see us!”
“Aye, I said quick.”
“Don’t be shy. We’re wed.”
“No one needs a demonstration.”
“Maybe not, but your husband needs a demonstration.” He leaned closer. “Open to me.”
“Tiernan.” By the tone of her voice, the anger was fading. He licked her bottom lip and she shivered. “Oh.”
“Aye, ohhhh.” He took her mouth for a taste and groaned, instantly getting as hard as stone. The time spent watching her sleep while his head ached from worry made relief come about in a certain way. She kissed him back. In fact, she sucked his tongue and wiggled and stretched out beneath him. He nipped her lips before moving his mouth beyond her reach. “Hon, we need to get to quarters.”
“Oh.” It came out as a protest this time.
He knew if they didn’t leave quickly, he’d do something in ten seconds they’d both regret later. He got up and offered her assistance. After pulling on her boots, she accepted his hand and got to her feet. Pushing her toward the doors, he kept her moving by placing pressure on her lower back. Once they’d gotten to the corridor, they separated and walked quickly. She was probably tired from all the exercise. He didn’t see a problem because he’d do all the work as soon as they got to quarters.
When they passed an officer, Shane nodded an acknowledgement. The man nodded back and looked to Jess who dropped her gaze. Her shoulders rolled forward too. The change in posture didn’t sit well.
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“What’s wrong?”
They turned a corner. “You didn’t give the major back yonder a proper greeting.
She stayed quiet and walked a bit faster.
“Jess, answer me.”
She didn’t and the next man they passed was a private. Shane acknowledged him but Jess didn’t. His spine grew stiff as they reached the cabin door. Once inside, he asked, “Why do you look down when you should make a greeting to those you pass?”
“Congratulations.” She took a step away.
He closed the gap with one long stride. “On what?”
“Learning appropriate Governance gestures in record time. Well done.”
“Don’t be sarcastic.” His temper could be a bad thing. It didn’t surface often, but when it did…
“Your vocabulary steadily improves too.”
“You’re pushing, Jess.”
“I need to get cleaned up.”
She turned and he twisted her so she’d remain facing him.
“I think you’ll answer me instead.”
“I’ve forgotten the question.”
“Why do you drop your eyes when you walk past another soldier?”
Her eyes stayed cast down then too.
He touched her chin. “You should answer me. Right now.”
His gut turned. “Of me?”
“No.” She didn’t look up. “For you.”
When her meaning took hold, he grabbed her shoulders. “Why? Have any of those men—have you been with them? Did Bragg make you…”
She picked at her fingers before trying to leave. She gave up, slumped and shook her head. “None on board.”
“We’re married now. No man would dare think of you in any way but as me wife.”
“Being your wife doesn’t disc
ount what I’ve been! They know it. The whole of the universe knows it! You’re the only slimwit that doesn’t seem able to comprehend who and what I’ve been!”
He pulled her close. “Hush now. Things aren’t so bad.”
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She trembled with more than anger. Her shame knotted his stomach. He took her to the bed, sat down and pulled her onto his lap.
Cuddling her, he said, “So you truly think Ryker’s a slimwit too.”
Her golden eyes brightened with tears. “No, I think quite highly of him.”
“What do you mean— oh?”
“The detail of what you were made to do was told to him.”
“I know.”
“And you look him in the eye when the need comes. You think less of him than you do other men aboard.”
“And then there’s me men. You speak when spoken to and give them attention.
You don’t hold them in any regard. I get it. We’re naught but Braughmen. They’re not of import so you feel nay shame in front of them.”
“No!” She shook her head and sat a little straighter. “It’s not that. You know how I feel about your men. Even when they thought I killed Reilly, they weren’t cruel. You weren’t either. You all had a reason to be though.”
“I guess I was wrong then. It’s not shame making you hide from people you find of import.” He held her chin so she’d continue looking at him. “I know what it is. The Gov crew was bad to you.”
She needed to start thinking about her actions. He hoped she would when he added, “The bastards treated you as a throwback.”
“No,” she said, leaning against him, needing his strength for a time. He’d give it, as much as she wanted so she could figure things out. “Only Bragg.”
“Then why don’t you give them their due? They suffered with you, hon. They didn’t like what Bragg did. They damn near mutinied because of you and your crew.”
She inhaled and held a breath before it rushed out with a sound of distress.
Aye, just as I thought, she didn’t think of that. When a being felt low, they behaved low. After a lifetime of being cast down, it was hard to rise up. It was long past time his gal stretched some.
“Do you think they view my actions as disrespectful?”
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