Shifters Gone Wild: A Shifter Romance Collection

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Shifters Gone Wild: A Shifter Romance Collection Page 40

by Skye MacKinnon

  The group collectively sighed as they all heaved their backpacks on their shoulders, picked up the last remnants of camp and got ready to retrace their footsteps. JP quickly stomped into the ashy fire pit once more, making sure the fire was really out, while Regan conjured a map out of nowhere. Danny was leaning over his arm to give out directions and Aspen and Ashleigh were tugging on the vest as now they both seemed to want it.

  I sighed. Should I really stay with this group for any longer than I should? They were exhausting, all the chattering and the bickering, it was almost too much.

  Sure, the company was nice and it definitely took a load off task wise. I had already gotten used to having Aspen as my travel companion and Darren's cooking was to die for. JP was probably one of the most interesting people I had come across in years and Danny's cheeriness was contagious. Being around Regan definitely made me feel more secure and I would bet he could find dry firewood in the middle of the ocean. Seriously, that guy had a gift.

  And then there was Ashleigh. Beautiful, stunning Ashleigh who woke my wolf every time she looked at me.

  But I had a mission to accomplish. And I couldn't just abandon my tribe just to chase after my mate. I needed to make my way to the East and bring back the Winter Stone... I had already lost so many days, although staying with them had helped me rejuvenate. I felt strong enough to travel further, maybe even go out on a hunt. I couldn't keep relying on the group to feed me, could I?

  But going out on my own... That meant leaving Ashleigh behind. And as much as I wanted to free my wolf, as much as I wanted to honour my grandparents and finally make my family proud, it all seemed to fade into the background. This was my mate, how could I not stray from my mission to follow her to the ends of this realm?

  I tore my eyes up into the sky, counting out the days I had been gone and wondering about how much time I had left before spring would arrive.

  How long had I been gone in total? Three weeks? Maybe more? How many days had I lost since I found Aspen? Could I afford to stall even a little? But then again, they were moving in the right direction. Travelling a little bit further with them couldn't hurt, right?

  As long as they headed towards the East, it would be stupid to not join them... But I would be able to travel faster on my own...

  "Akira, you coming?" I peered up as Ashleigh's crystal voice called for me. While I had been lost in thought, the gang had started disappearing into the forest. Aspen in the front with Regan and Danny in tow. Not far behind them, JP followed suit while Darren strayed a little to the side as he seemed to be admiring a winter flower. And last, but definitely not least, Ashleigh.

  She pulled up an eyebrow as she stared curiously at me. Somehow, none of them even seemed to consider travelling without me.

  My wolf stirred inside my chest. Of course, I was coming.

  "Yes, right behind you!" I hastily called out to her, scrambling up from my spot as I ran to her. A beautiful smile appeared on her lips that lightened up her whole face as she nudged me with her shoulder.

  "What were you so intensely thinking about?" she questioned, a hint of amusement in her voice.

  "Nothing," I grinned, as I followed the rest of the gang. Effectively, albeit temporarily, joining their pack.

  That was the smart thing to do, right? I mean... How bad could it really be? At least only two of them were my mates, right?


  The Cave

  Darren had been right about the cave. About a mile ahead, we found the rather well-hidden entrance to what looked like a deserted cave. At least, I hoped it was empty. Even surrounded by the pack, I still didn't feel like intruding on a Black Bear's home.

  "Tadaa," Darren proudly grinned, happily tapping the rocky wall. "Home sweet home?"

  Danny groaned and I knew why. A dry cave was definitely much preferred over the unprotected spot I had chosen as my campsite.

  "Looks great, love..." she sighed, kissing Darren softly as he seemed rather pleased with himself for discovering the cave. To be fair, I probably wouldn't have found it if I hadn't him to guide me.

  "We are spending the next nights here. We should gather more firewood, snow and edibles before the storm traps us," Regan grimly said, his hand above his eyes as he peered up into the grey sky.

  I followed his gaze and nodded my head as I saw the dark clouds gathering above our heads. As usual, he was probably right.

  Beside me, Aspen nodded. “You’re right. Let's get it done before the moon appears. Regan, firewood. JP, food. Anything you can find. Ash, you’re in charge of snow. Darren and Danny, you two set up camp inside. I'll join Regan and Akira, you can join JP or Ash, whatever suits you the best," he spoke, quickly and efficiently organising all of us. The group collectively nodded, scattering at the entrance of the cave to get all the tasks done before the night took over. As childish and immature they all liked to behave at times, when it came down to it, they were all far more responsible and well organised than I was.

  I looked between JP and Ashleigh, contemplating which one I should join, but the thought hadn't even grown cold as I felt my legs automatically run towards my mate. I grinned. Why was I still pretending I could stay away from her?

  Finally, we'd have some alone time.

  Mine. My wolf happily yipped, as Ashleigh's smirk told me she knew I wouldn't have been able to resist joining her.

  With Ashleigh's pinky finger brushing totally accidental not accidental over the back of my hand, we strutted into the forest, for the first time, leaving the rest of the group behind us.

  The first snow of the day had already started falling and as it did it muffled most of the world's noise. It was almost if the forest had silenced everything for me except for the beautiful woman walking next to me.

  I glanced beside me and studied her features. Her raven-dark hair in stark contrast with her pale complexion. The slight crease on her forehead made her look like she was always deep in thought, but the way her lips curled up, made you wonder what kind of thoughts she had exactly. She had a light scar on the right side of her face, one that barely missed her eyelid. Her arm was lightly flexed as she carried the largest cauldron and I couldn't help but admire how toned she was. Another scar decorated her bicep, but this one looked more like a bite. I wondered which animal could've gotten close enough to my mate. I should ask her about that one as well. And about the one on her face. I made a note to inquire about all of it later. I wanted to know everything about Ashleigh. Everything and anything there was to know.

  That sounded slightly stalky. But I didn't care. This was my mate. I had a whole lifetime ahead to get to know her. Anything and everyone else disappeared into the background when I was around her.

  So this was what everyone was always talking about. This was how it felt to be completely enchanted by your mate.

  "You coming or want to daydream some more?"

  A crystal voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I felt the smog lift from my brain and as the world opened, I was greeted with the sight of Ashleigh. Stray flakes of snow gently falling to the earth around us, but when it came to her, it looked like they almost weaved themselves around her. Like the snow somehow gave way for Ashleigh. Surreal. Totally a surreal sight. She was nothing less than out of this world beautiful.


  I loved how she said my name. She was the only one who rolled the "R" in my name and somehow, it made it sound more breathy. Like she was purring out my name. I could only imagine how she sounded when she was actually purring.

  "Just one moment," I smiled, taking a mental picture of her in the snow. I didn't know why, but it suddenly seemed like a big moment. Something I would remember forever. I wasn't sure yet why, but I just knew.

  This was how I always wanted to remember her. Untouched by time, unyielding against the cold, untainted as she was almost one with nature. Breathtaking.

  And as I burned that image in my head, I shook the thin layer of snow from my shoulders and ran after her. Ran after her
like I knew I always would.

  "You seemed deep in thought?"

  I flashed her a smile. "Just thinking."


  I curled my pinky finger around hers as I pressed myself softly against her side. "Nothing important," I lied, earning myself a knowing grin from my mate.

  "If you say so," she chuckled, her pinky curling around mine as our arms intertwined.

  It was damn good to be alone with her. I hadn't realised how much I had been restraining myself from actually paying attention to Ashleigh. As if part of me instinctively knew that letting my guard down around her, would result in me jumping her.

  "Ashleigh?" I breathed out a cloudling, as I broke the winter's silence once more.


  I caught a smile playing on her lips and shook my head. Compared to her over the top brother, Ashleigh was so much more down to earth and subtle. Instead of voicing all the thoughts running through her mind, her expressions were painted on her face like delicate brushstrokes.

  "What?" she inquired, gently nudging me with her shoulder.

  "Nothing," I smiled back, catching the flicker in her eyes.

  "Okay, if you say so," she grinned, like she knew exactly what was going through my mind.

  I squinted my eyes, trying to figure out what the twinkle in her eyes meant. “You’re mysterious."

  "Me? Not at all, I’m an open book."

  "Yes, like an open book with invisible text."

  Ashleigh threw her head back, her dark curls dancing around her face. "You really think too highly of me. I’m just a simple woman."

  With the laughing lines still on her face, she turned to me. Her hand gently grazed over my cheek as she gently brushed a strand of hair away. With a much softer voice, she added: "No, out of the two of us, you’re definitely the mysterious one."

  I snorted. "I really am an open book. Ask me anything,"

  Ashleigh pulled up an eyebrow. "Anything?"

  "Anything," I confirmed.

  "Why do you keep calling me Ashleigh instead of Ash, like everyone else?"

  "I don't like nicknames."

  "Why not?"

  People had asked me before, and while I usually made up an excuse, the kindness in her eyes compelled me to tell the truth.

  "When I was little... When my older siblings found out I inherited the wolf, while none of them didn't... They used to tease me. A lot." I paused, wondering if I wanted to breathe new life back into that awful nickname. "They called me..."

  "You don't have to tell me," Ashleigh interrupted, her eyes far softer than the ones I used to feel.

  "Thank you..." I breathed, not realising how much stress I had been holding in my body. Bringing up old memories always made me realise how much my family, apart from my mother, had hated me.

  Ashleigh gently smiled, her eyes glimmering with something I could not place. "We should get that snow and go back," she muttered, her voice slightly cracking.

  Before I could ask what got her so emotional, she turned on her feet and bent down to scoop up as much fresh snow as she could. The conversation was clearly over, so I dug my own hands into the cold powder and in silence, we filled the pot.

  The world was so quiet it was almost hard to believe a storm was coming. There just was something about Ashleigh that made me forget about the rest of the world. All the urgency, the rush, the impatience of this world seemed to fade into the background.

  I almost forgot about the storm, my family, or even the Winter Stone. All I wanted was to spend the rest of my time with her.

  Not yet ready to accept that my priorities had been shifting around ever since I met her, I pushed that thought to the back of my head and tore my eyes away from her. Instead, I glared up into the sky and noted how the thick, dark clouds were collecting above our heads.

  "We should head back," Ashleigh said, as she followed my concerned gaze. I nodded as I grabbed the pot. I didn't feel like getting caught in a whirlwind or a snowstorm.

  With the cauldron filled with snow, we hastily retraced our prints in the snow to the cave. I could make out a small, red glow from behind the fallen and I rejoiced, knowing there was a fire I could warm my hands on.

  "Wait..." Ashleigh's cold hand found my wrist. I stared up at her, again amazed at just how blue her eyes were. They were just so clear and bright, it made my head a little dizzy.

  "I just..." I tilted my head to the side, patiently waiting as the woman in front of me seemed to search for the right words.

  After a short pause, her eyes focused and she brought her face down to mine. "You can tell me anything, okay?"

  I nodded wordlessly, knowing well enough that initially she had wanted to say something else, but had chickened out. I made a mental note to ask her about that later, but right now, the rest of the group was probably waiting for us.

  The storm

  "It is freaking cold in this rotten cave," Danny grumbled as she threw another stick on the ridiculously small fire we had going.

  We all nodded in agreement. Our fire was barely heating up our cave and even as wolves, we were feeling the nasty bite of the cold.

  I glanced at the entrance of the cave. I could barely see the treeline, as almost everything was obscured by the storm of snow raging by. Even if the cave was cold and quite wet, it was by far better than getting caught outside in the weather.

  JP turned to me. "W-Where are you headed?" he stuttered, but I couldn't tell if it was from the shivering or just his nervous self. He was already draped in Regan's massive coat and was wearing an extra pair of gloves on his feet, but the poor boy couldn't stop shaking. I guess humans have a harder time staying warm.

  "Poor baby," Danny cooed as she cosily curled up next to him, her head resting on his shoulder as she tried to warm him.

  "Yeah, where are you headed?" Aspen chimed in as he curiously leant forward, resting his chin in his hands.

  "You've been with her for days and haven't bothered to ask what she is doing in the middle of freaking nowhere?" Ashleigh asked, looking at her brother in astonishment as she shook her head in disbelief. "What did you guys talk about?"

  The rascal threw her a dirty grin. "Maybe we didn't do much talking, at all."

  I quickly cleared my throat, pulling the attention back towards me before the siblings could start their all too familiar bickering. Regan threw me a grateful look while Danny winked at me. How they managed to keep up with all the fighting, was a freaking miracle.

  I briefly contemplated I should just lie, but as I felt five pairs of eyes on me, all genuinely wondering where I was going, I figured telling them couldn't hurt.

  "I’m actually headed for the East."

  "Coyote Country?" Danny frowned. Ashleigh cocked her head to the side as Aspen scratched the back of his head.

  "What business could you have there?" Regan asked as he suspiciously eyed me, probably wondering what kind of wolf would voluntarily travel into enemy territory.

  "I, ehmm..." Should I tell them? I mean, Ashleigh already knew. But that didn't mean I should tell the rest. The fewer people who knew about it, the better.

  "They stole something from our tribe and I need to get it back." There, that wasn't exactly a lie.

  "Something important?" Danny inquired, her voice empathic. Of course, she would sympathise with me.

  "Very important." I nodded, hoping they wouldn't ask more details. Our Winter Stone was a well-kept secret, the fewer people knew about it, the better.

  "Damn Coyotes!" Darren growled as he slammed his fist into the wall of the cave. Okay? Nobody liked Coyotes, but that was a bit over the top. Angry much?

  "You okay there?" I asked, looking around in the group as I wondered if him getting angry was a big deal or not. Should I worry here?

  But instead of him blowing up like all of them seemed to do, he calmed himself down, put on his pouting face and crawled up to Danny's other side. She caringly wrapped her arm around him as he hid himself in her shirt. It was definitely confusing,
a bit weird, and kind of cute.

  I wondered what that was about, but nobody in the group seemed to really react to his outburst, so I figured it was probably better to let it slide.

  "So, how old are you, Akira?" Danny asked, her two men cuddled up against her. I smiled gratefully at her. They all seemed to have quite a temper and I honestly believed this cave was too small for an all-out fight between either of them.

  "Probably around Darren's age? I am... "

  "I’m a lot older than I look," Darren interrupted me as he puffed up his chest and loudly exhaled through his nose.

  "O-kay?" I slowly said, wondering what had brought on this.

  "How old do you think I am?" he smirked, his eyes lighting up as he seemed to have found a fun new game to play. Torture Akira. Yaay.

  I groaned. I hated guessing age, not because people got offended, what did I care. No, I hated it because I was terrible at it.

  "Do we really have to?" I reluctantly asked, hoping only Darren wanted to play this stupid game. But with the rest of the group's eyes on me and their encouraging smiles, I realised there was no escaping.

  "Umm... I don't know, twenty-... six?" I guessed for Darren, already pushing it. If he told me he was twenty-three, I would still believe him.

  A loud laugh echoed through the cave. I slowly turned around, rather disturbed, as I started at an unusual sight. Regan could laugh? His face knew how to do that?

  "Him? Twenty-six? He wishes," Regan chuckled, as this was apparently the funniest thing that had been said the entire time I had been with them.

  Darren threw a little rock against Regan's head, but it just bounced off of him like a pebble against a mountain. I don't even know he felt it.

  "I’m twenty-six," Darren proudly said, as he puffed up his chest.

  Another snort was heard.

  "Twenty-six? More like twenty-five," Aspen joined in, his eyes bright in amusement as apparently Darren's age was a running joke between all of them.


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