Shifters Gone Wild: A Shifter Romance Collection

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Shifters Gone Wild: A Shifter Romance Collection Page 68

by Skye MacKinnon

  “Sparrow, please,” he said, his voice a growl. He gently picked up one of my legs and hooked my knee over his shoulder. He kissed up my thigh. If Zak hadn’t been holding me, I would have toppled over.

  Everett was on the couch, sliding off his jeans. I looked for Drake—he was standing off to the side in his boxer briefs, dark brown eyes glittering with lust.

  “What are you doing?” I asked him.

  “Watching,” he said. “You’re so fucking beautiful, turned on like this, getting pleasured. I’m gonna watch until I can’t stand it anymore.” Winking, he reached down and squeezed his cock through the cloth of his briefs.

  At the same moment, Roman buried his face in my panties and licked me through the lace.

  “Oh, fuck!” I shouted.

  Roman’s rumbling laugh vibrated against my pussy. Reaching down, he started stroking his cock through the opening of his unfastened jeans.

  I kissed Zak again, desperately, pushing all of the wanton lust coursing through me into our kiss. A second later, I felt Everett standing behind me, completely bare. His naked cock was hard, but smooth as velvet against my skin. With one hand, he gripped my waist, and with the other, he slid the bottom of my panties aside.

  Suddenly, Roman’s lips were against my bare skin, nibbling, sucking, rubbing against me. I fell back against Everett, but Zak grabbed my neck and pulled me toward him to resume our kiss.

  Everett pressed a single finger inside of me. I quaked and pulsed around him, wanting more.

  “So wet,” he whispered, his voice a raspy, low growl in my ear.

  “Ready for you,” I gasped.

  He pulled his finger from me and paused. “Condom? I’ll go get one right now—”

  “Not necessary,” I said, pulling away from Zak’s lips.

  “Sparrow,” he groaned, then plunged his cock inside of me.

  Roman’s tongue flicked over my clit while Everett pumped slowly, almost lazily, in my pussy. Zak held one of my breasts in his hand, and he brought his mouth down to suck my other nipple. Opening my eyes, I saw Drake moving closer, completely naked now, his cock hard and proud and thick, jutting up and outward. I reached for him, and he pulled my hand over his cock, helping me squeeze him. Then he lifted my hand to his mouth and sucked and bit one of my fingers.

  I moaned as Everett began to thrust faster and with more force. Roman brought his mouth over my clit and alternated sucking and licking. Then with Zak and Drake on either side of me, it was too much. The orgasm wasn’t a surprise but it came on so suddenly, it burned through my body like a comet. I shrieked and collapsed against Everett’s chest. He held me in place, slowly thrusting, helping me through the aftershocks.

  “Do you still want more?” he asked.

  I looked around at all four of them. Four adoring, caring men, four rock-hard cocks all waiting for me. “Hell yeah, I want more,” I said, then pushed Zak backward on the couch. Immediately, I climbed over him and positioned myself over his cock.

  He slid in easily, murmuring my name. I locked eyes with him as I moved my hips, taking in the hard lines of his square jaw, the intensity of his emerald eyes. He brought up his hands to palm my breasts. I arched forward, pressing myself against his touch.

  “Drake,” I panted. “Are you done watching yet?”

  He was at my side in an instant. “What do you want?”

  His dick was at eye level, so I slowly moved my gaze up over his six-pack, past his built chest, past his neck where his pulse jumped, past his sexy full lips, and to his eyes.

  “What I want,” I said, “is your cock in my mouth.”

  His eyes flashed with heat and he gripped my hair in one hand and directed my head toward his cock. I wet my lips with my tongue, then opened for him. He tasted salty and masculine, and I trailed my tongue over his hardness, tasting him, reveling in the feel of him in my mouth.

  Warm hands smoothed over my shoulders and down my back. From the corner of my eye, I saw Roman shoving his pants the rest of the way down. Then he returned his hands to my shoulders before moving them down to my ass. He palmed one of my cheeks, then gave me a playful slap.

  “How do you feel about anal, Sparrow?” he asked.

  I let go of Drake’s cock long enough to turn around and squint at Roman. “I like it,” I said, “if it’s done right.”

  “Whoa, I was half-kidding,” he said, face growing serious. “I’ve never done it before. Maybe I should sit this out—”

  “No, wait,” I said. I stopped moving on Zak so I could turn halfway and face Roman. “If you want to try, I’m down. I’ll help you through it, tell you what I like.”

  His blue eyes met mine, looking soft and full of adoration. “That’s nice of you to offer, but I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t,” I said. “I’ll walk you through. Everett can give some pointers, too.”

  His jaw dropped when he turned to Everett, who stood off to the side. He eyed Everett’s thick cock. All the guys were big, but Everett was thicker than any of the guys I’d been with.

  “You took him there?” Roman asked incredulously.

  “Yeah.” I gave him my most seductive smile, then I beamed at Everett. “And it was fan-fucking-tastic.”

  At the memory of it, my muscles tensed up in lust. Zak groaned and gripped my hips tight, and I felt him twitch inside of me. I wondered how long he would last once Roman started moving in my ass.

  “Get some lube,” I said to Roman.

  He looked at the guys. “I don’t have any—”

  “I’ve got some,” Everett said, and padded toward the bathroom. He came out a second later and tossed a small bottle to Roman.

  Zak started moving in me again, bringing me back to what we were doing. He pumped hard, rough, making my whole body shake. Drake reached over to cup one of my breasts and pinched the nipple at the same moment I felt slippery, cool lube cover my ass and drip down along the cleft.

  “You gotta prep her first,” Everett said to Roman. “Look.”

  A large finger pushed against my hole, and I tensed up momentarily before allowing him in.

  “So fucking hot,” Roman said.

  I turned around to see his eyes on me. Everett’s, too, as he played with my ass, matching Zak’s rhythms.

  “Now you try,” Everett said to Roman.

  Despite the fact that this was one of the hottest situations I’d ever been in, there was something remarkably sweet about Everett showing Roman what to do. If I’d ever had any doubts about having a relationship with multiple guys at once, they were erased right now. These guys were like brothers in the best sense of the word—generous and caring with each other.

  “Now try a second finger,” Everett said.

  I moaned as Roman added to the first.

  “It feels...really great,” I said.

  “Yeah?” Roman asked. “Are you ready for my cock?”

  I nodded. “Yeah.”

  “More lube,” Everett said.

  The slippery liquid covered my crack again, tickling almost, alerting all my nerve endings that something amazing was about to happen. Zak stilled within my pussy. I frowned at him, and he grinned.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not done with you yet. Just want to go slow at first,” Zak said, his green eyes twinkling. He reached up to cup my face. “You look so beautiful, and I’m so happy that we belong to you, Sparrow. This is the best night of my life.”

  As Zak resumed thrusting slowly, I felt the head of Roman’s cock at my ass. He pressed forward gently, almost tentatively. “Am I hurting you?”

  “Not at all. More,” I said. “Give me more.”

  With a growl, he pressed the rest of the way inside. “Dude, I’m not gonna last long.”

  “You guys should take turns,” I said.

  “I’m down,” Everett said.

  Roman stroked a few times, then I felt him leave, and Everett took his place behind me. He was thicker, but it wouldn’t matter—the full feeling when two guys were in
me like this was the same. I glanced over at Drake and said, “Come here.”

  He knew exactly what I wanted, and brought his dick to my mouth again. I pulled him in and tasted him. He groaned and tightened his fingers in my hair, tugging me closer.

  Roman and Everett switched again. Whoever was back there, they moved in tandem with Zak’s strokes. Never had I felt so full. Never had I felt so cared for and adored. Hands explored my body—so many hands, I couldn’t tell who was doing what, where.

  Suddenly, the hands at my hips tightened, and Everett groaned. “Sparrow, I’m coming—I—”

  He froze in place, nothing but his cock twitching inside of me as he came. He pulled out quickly, and Roman took his place. Everett leaned across the back of the couch so he could cup one of my breasts, and Zak held the other. With the feeling of Drake’s cock in my mouth, Zak in my pussy, and Roman in my ass, all their eyes on me and their love flowing through and around me, I could feel my second orgasm beginning.

  I looked up and met Drake’s heated gaze. He let go of my hair to bring his hand down to my jaw. With the gentlest, barest of caresses, he said, “I love you, Sparrow.”

  His love, and the love from the others as well, filled me more than the sex, more than the pleasure spiraling through my body, cresting into a peak that had me going rigid. My climax sent the other guys on their way, Roman first, then Drake emptying into my mouth, and finally, helping me ride through the orgasm with the steady thrusts of his cock massaging my walls, Zak.

  I collapsed on top of him, mashing my breasts against his chest.

  “I think you guys killed me,” I said. “I’m never going to get up again.”

  “Come on,” Zak said. “Shower.”

  I didn’t know how any of them had strength to stand, but somehow they got me up, too. Zak and Everett walked me into their bathroom. I was so tired after all the terror—and then the incredible sex—that the shower passed in a blur. Everett washed me, then Zak dried me off and dressed me in one of his band t-shirts.

  When they brought me to the main room again, the three bunk beds had been moved right next to each other. Drake lay on the middle one. With a smile, he patted the mattress next to him.

  “Right here, Sparrow,” he said. “We’ll all be together.”

  They couldn’t all be next to me at once, but I reached out and made sure to run my hands over each of them before I fell into an exhausted, contented sleep.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The goodbyes with Mom and David this morning had been full of tears, but now I was finally on the road. Everett’s shiny orange Jeep was big enough to hold all five of us comfortably, and I was curled up in the big back seat between Zak and Roman. Roman leaned over and kissed my cheek, then sat back.

  “Um, excuse me?” I said in a scolding voice.

  He gave me a puzzled look. “What? It was just a kiss.”

  “Exactly,” I said. “Just one little kiss. How can you do that to me? I need a kiss.”

  Laughing, he turned my head and planted a wet, smacking kiss on my lips, then moved his tongue in before I had a chance to open my mouth all the way.

  “Ew!” I said, pushing him off.

  He came back for more even as I playfully batted at his shoulders. As his skillful tongue swiped over my lips this time, though, I forgot about playing or fighting and let him kiss me the way we both wanted—slow and sexy.

  “Hey, no sex while I’m driving!” Everett said from the driver’s seat.

  “We’re not having sex,” I said.

  “Yet,” Roman coughed.

  Drake turned around and squirted Roman with his water bottle. Zak reached over me and slugged Roman in the shoulder.

  “Okay, children…” Everett said in a warning voice. Then he pointed up ahead. “Which way, Sparrow? We can go west, or south.”

  That was an easy answer. “South.” Chad Curtis’s company was only a few hours away. He knew where Wren was, and I was going to get it out of him no matter what it took.

  “South we go,” Everett said.

  My phone rang, and I glanced at the caller ID. Dickhead, it said.

  I answered. “What do you want, Charlize?”

  Roman tensed beside me, and the car was silent.

  “Ms. Solaris,” she said. “It’s come to my attention that you’ve chosen not to accept my offer.”

  “No,” I said. “I’m not particularly excited about working for someone who sends kidnappers with their invitation.”

  “That’s unfortunate,” she replied. “But there are two of you, aren’t there. I’ve been informed that your sister—”

  “Stay the hell away from Wren,” I said.

  “One of you will be joining me at Geard Enterprises. It’s only a matter of time.”

  The line clicked. She hung up, but her words repeated in my head. I would find Wren first, and on the way I’d need to watch my back.

  “We’ll find Wren, don’t worry.” Zak reached back and put his hand on my knee.

  Roman pulled my shoulders in against his chest.

  “Together,” Everett said, meeting my eyes in the rearview mirror.

  “Together,” Drake and Roman repeated.

  Spellbound Shifters

  The Spellbound Shifters world is full of kickass heroines and their harems of swoon-worthy alphas.

  For the next chapter in Sparrow’s story, check out Oracle Adored here:

  Check out the complete list of Keira and Liza's reverse harem books!

  About the Authors

  Keyboard ninja, late-blooming bibliophile, proud geek, animal lover, eternal optimist, visual artist.

  USA Today Bestselling Author Keira Blackwood writes exciting paranormal romance with all the snort laughs and all the feels.

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  Liza likes her heroes packing muscles and her heroines packing agency. She got her start in romance by sneak-reading her grandma’s paperbacks. Now she spends her time writing about hot shifters with fierce and savage hearts.

  Join Liza's mailing list and get a FREE book as well as an exclusive prequel story!

  Breath of Night

  Rising Dragons #1

  Ophelia Bell

  Rowan grew up believing she was an outcast, with strange needs she never truly understood. On the prowl for a partner at a nightclub, her unique shade of red hair attracts a mysterious and powerful man. For the first time, she’s the one who feels like prey, rather than the hunter. But little does she know the secrets the enigmatic, dark-eyed Rafe will reveal once they’re together. Not just his, but secrets of her own she never knew she had.

  In a single night, Shadow Dragon Rafe shows her the Red Dragon form that is Rowan’s birthright. What follows is a weekend of passion that leads to a love that she never imagined she would find. Except Rafe didn’t reveal all his secrets, and there are things about her new world she may not be able to reconcile.

  Chapter 1

  Rowan rested on her barstool, sipping her tequila. There was a kind of depravity in seeking out a new lover. A desperation in the act of looking that she hated as much as she loved finding him. Bodies drifted by, carried by the colorful strobing lights and rhythmic music.

  She preferred dark places like the club because her vibrant red hair didn’t stand out quite so much. She’d grown up with an unusual set of features that doctors just explained away as a genetic anomaly. She wore colored contact lenses to avoid startling people with the strange, red color of her irises, but the hair color wasn’t so easy to cover up. For some reason no dye would stick, but at least that part she could pass off as a fashion statement, and it did catch the attention of potential lovers. Not that it was difficult to catch their attention, with her unique looks. Even though most women looked at her like she was some kind of alien creature, the men we
re barely able to keep their dicks in their pants.

  Some nights she’d come to this place just to watch, have a drink, and wonder at the eventual crumbling of the women’s wills against the men who found them. What woman would let herself give in so completely to a man? She never would, and neither did she need to. She’d been drawn to lucrative financial opportunities from an early age, forced to find her own opportunities as an orphan. Now she enjoyed collecting rare, ancient carvings, a passion that had proved to be the only occupation that really fulfilled her.

  She wore one small piece of her collection now—a tiny, red jade medallion with a dragon carved into it. It was set in gold and hung from a delicate chain around her neck resting just at the base of her throat. She touched it absently, believing she could feel some power in it, but knowing it was all her imagination. The only power was in her ability to seduce a man, but the right one had yet to present himself. She entertained herself watching the club patrons in the meantime.

  A couple tumbled into a corner a few yards away and embraced. She watched covertly, entertained that they thought the corner was private even though it clearly wasn’t.

  The woman tilted her head back against the wall, inviting the man’s lips to trace down her throat. She wore a tiny little dress that barely covered her. Easy access, Rowan supposed, taking a sip of her drink.

  A dark shape sat down at the bar beside her. “A round of drinks says he’ll fuck her right there,” a rough, thickly accented voice said near her ear.

  She didn’t look at him, but her skin tingled in a way that let her know he was the one. Sexual premonition? Maybe. Whatever it was, she never needed much information to know a man was worth her attention. This one’s voice—the gruff tone and foreign accent—were enough for her to know without even seeing him. And she smiled at the challenge he’d offered.


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