Shifters Gone Wild: A Shifter Romance Collection

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Shifters Gone Wild: A Shifter Romance Collection Page 113

by Skye MacKinnon

  “I’m your Tia Rosana. Your aunt.”

  Cassidy nodded. “She is, love.”

  Rosana reached up to finger the gold tiara. “Wow, that’s beautiful.”

  Rianna removed the thumb. “Thank you. I like your dress, Auntie Rosana.”

  “Really? I made it myself.” The river fada glanced down at her purple dress. The fitted bodice flowed into a short skirt with pleats that alternated between sky blue and lavender. She beamed at her niece. “We’ll play after the ceremony, okay?”

  Rianna beamed back. “Okay.”

  Meanwhile, Cleia had ’ported out a third time, to return with a tawny-haired woman in leggings and a flowered tunic and a young man who was clearly another do Rio.

  “Tiago.” Nic thumped him on the back. They hugged and then Nic introduced them to Cassidy. “This is my younger brother Tiago, and his mate, the dryad Alesia.”

  The dryad dipped her head shyly at Cassidy. Her mass of curly hair slid forward, revealing a fae’s pointed ears. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “And you.” Cassidy held out her hands and Alesia squeezed them.

  Cassidy turned to welcome Tiago, a younger version of Dion with the same wavy black hair and silvery eyes.

  And then all the newcomers converged on her. Nic shouldered his way back to her side to set a possessive hand on the small of her back, and she gave him a grateful smile. It took fifteen minutes for things to settle down as they exchanged a flurry of greetings and hugs.

  From her perch on Marlin’s shoulders, Rianna watched everything with wide eyes.

  The mating ceremony began again, this time with Dion speaking the blessing with a smiling Cleia at his side. Cassidy about swallowed her tongue when it occurred to her that the sun fae queen—one of the most powerful fae in the world—was attending her mating ceremony. But Cleia was warm and friendly, and clearly madly in love with her river fada mate.

  When Dion finished, Cleia called down a blessing from the sun. She wore a short peach-colored gown and diamonds glittered in her hair, around her neck, and on her right wrist. As she turned her face up, all the light in the room seemed to gather around her—both fae lights and the sunlight streaming through the ceiling slits—so that she sparkled as if dipped in fairy dust.

  “May the Goddess and the God consecrate this mating,” she said in a low, carrying voice, “bestowing a long, happy life on you both. And may your union be fruitful.” Her gaze shot to Rianna and her mouth curved.

  Then it was Cassidy’s turn. The words she’d prepared had flown out of her head, so she spoke from the heart.

  “I claim you, Nicolau do Rio, as my true mate, the mate of my heart and the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love you”—her voice broke, but she swallowed and continued—“more than I can say.”

  Nic’s strong throat worked. “And I claim you, Cassidy O’Byrne, as my true mate. I will cherish you and our daughter for the rest of my days.” He leaned closer to whisper for her ears alone, “My dragon knows treasure when he sees it, and you are mine. Eu te amo.”

  He clasped a gold chain around her wrist. From it dangled two emeralds and a diamond. “To represent our family,” he murmured.

  He winked at their daughter. “And you, Princesa Rianna. I claim you as mine, to love forever. Eu te amo.”

  She held out her arms, her small face wreathed in smiles.

  Marlin handed her over, and Nic settled her on his hip as if he’d been doing it for years. Cassidy and Nic kissed, their daughter between them. A long, deep kiss, a promise of what Nic would do with her later.

  A sexy shiver went down Cassidy’s spine. It had been almost two weeks since they’d made love. First Nic had been too sick, and then when he’d felt better, he’d decided to wait so that they’d have a special mate-celebration night. That hadn’t stopped the man from driving her half-mad with teasing touches and hot murmurs whenever he could get her alone.

  She was already planning her revenge.

  Ben had prepared a special dinner, and Nic and Marlin had brought back champagne, wedding cake, and assorted hors d’oeuvres from the mainland. They sat or stood around the firepit, gorging themselves on the treats, so that they barely had room for Ben’s delicious grilled salmon and vegetables, but everyone somehow managed to eat a bit more.

  Marlin had even remembered to buy wine glasses, so they clinked glasses as everyone took turns toasting the newly mated pair.

  Cleia was the last to raise her glass. “I’d like to gift you with a ward for the island.”

  Cassidy gulped. Nic had told Dion part of the story—that the fae had tried to kidnap Rianna because she was a sea dragon. But he hadn’t told his brother that he was a dragon, too.

  She glanced uncertainly at Nic. Cleia seemed to be one of the good fae, and she was family now, but after the weeks Cassidy had spent on the run, she wasn’t sure she wanted any favors from a fae. On the other hand, it was never smart to offend a powerful fae.

  Cleia seemed to read her mind. “No tricks,” she murmured. “I have a little one, too, you know.” The sun fae’s striking face was soft with love. She exchanged a private smile with Dion.

  “Nic told me.” Cassidy nodded. The two of them had had plenty of time to talk while he was recovering. He’d opened up about his family, including the fourth brother, Joaquim, whom no one had seen for several years. Now she glanced again at Nic, and at his nod of approval, said, “We’d be honored to accept your gift.”

  “No one will get within a hundred yards without your permission,” Cleia said, “and humans will see a heavy white fog. After a while, they won’t even remember that an island was ever here.”

  She handed her wine glass to Dion and raised her hands to one of the shafts of sunlight that seemed to follow her about the dining hall. Once again, she seemed to sparkle, and her fingertips glowed so brightly that Cassidy had to narrow her eyes against the glare. The sun fae queen spread her fingers and the light streamed out from her in all directions.

  She murmured something unintelligible in fae and brought her hands back to her sides. “It is done.”

  Cassidy impulsively hugged Cleia. “I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

  “As do I,” said Nic.

  Cleia squeezed her back. “It’s my pleasure. Your little girl deserves to grow up undisturbed—but take care with her if you leave the island. Word may have gotten around.”

  “We will,” Nic assured her grimly.

  The party went late. Cassidy was amused to see the interplay between the three brothers. Dion teased Nic and Nic harassed Tiago—and Tiago took it all in stride, clearly used to being the little brother, even though he was an adult himself and a mated man to boot. All three men seemed baffled by Rosana, whose heart-shaped face concealed a sharp wit.

  It was Rosanna who coaxed Joe to play the ukulele so they could dance. Ben joined in on a conga drum, and Marlin surprised them all by singing a couple of songs in a mellow tenor.

  Rosana twirled happily around the dining hall, face alight, her pleated skirt swirling to reveal long, tan legs. First Rianna, and then Cassidy joined her, and soon everyone but Joe was dancing.

  Nic pulled Cassidy into his arms, his hands rested on her bottom as he moved her easily around the room. She twined her arms around his neck and rested her head in the warm hollow between his throat and shoulder.

  His lips teased her temple. “I remember the first time we danced.”

  “At a ceilidh.”

  He nodded against her hair. “If you’d known what I was thinking, you’d have run away as fast as you could.”

  She nipped his earlobe. “Try me.”

  His tongue traced the shell of her ear. “I wanted to drag you off to a secret cave and keep you naked except for the jewels I gave you. A diamond for your navel.” He slid a hand between them and stroked her belly. “A strand of pearls to decorate those pretty pink nipples.”

  Her breath sped up, but he continued in husky tones, her merciless dragon-lover.

  “Rubies. Emeralds. Maybe I’d blindfold you so you’d feel it even more intensely. I’d balance gold coins on your mound and make you hold still while I licked you. And if you moved and let one drop, I’d turn you over my knee for being a bad girl.”

  Cassidy’s whole body flushed. Her fingers opened and closed on his nape.

  “And now I have you in my secret caverns—and you’re mine.” Hot words against her throat, while below, his erection pressed into her abdomen. “It’s only fair to warn you that I intend to do all that to you and more.”

  She swallowed. “Promises, promises,” she managed to say.

  He groaned. “You’re not helping, Cassidy. Keep that up and the party is going to end right now.”

  The music changed. Nic set Cassidy away from him. “You’d better dance with someone else,” he said in a hoarse voice more animal than human.

  Their gazes locked—and then Rianna tugged on Cassidy’s skirt. “I wanna dance with you, Mam.”

  Cassidy drew a much-needed breath and turned to her. “I’d love that, alanna.”

  She danced first with Rianna, and then with each of Nic’s brothers as well as Ben and Marlin. Finally, Joe set the ukulele aside so he could have a beer. A short time later, Nic, Dion and Tiago disappeared in the direction of Nic’s quarters.

  “They’re going to talk about my mother and father.” Rosana tossed her wavy black hair. “Like I don’t want to know what’s going on. You know what it’s like to have big brothers who still treat you like you’re thirteen?”

  “I do, actually.” Cassidy chuckled. “I’m an only child, but I have three older cousins who treat me like a little sister.”

  “Let them have their conference.” Cleia patted Rosana’s hand. “I’ll make sure you’re part of any planning.”

  “Thank you.” The younger woman fingered the pleats of her skirt. “I barely remember them, I was so small when they were lost. I still can’t believe they’ve been alive all this time.”

  Alesia had been silently listening. Now she moved closer and set an arm around Rosana’s shoulders. “They’ll be so proud to see how you’ve grown up.”

  “You think so?” Rosana sent her an uncertain look from beneath thick black lashes.

  The dryad smiled at her. “I do.”

  “Of course they will,” Cleia said. “If they’re alive,” she continued, “we’ll find them. The king knows damn well that I mated with Dion. I’m surprised he hasn’t set a ransom for them. He must know I’ll pay it.”

  Rosana nodded. It was clear she trusted Cleia. In fact, she seemed to regard the older woman as a mother figure. If Cassidy hadn’t already warmed to the beautiful fae queen, she would’ve right then.

  The men returned, and as midnight approached, Cleia and Dion glanced at each other and rose to their feet. “We’ll leave you to enjoy your mate-night in peace,” the queen murmured.

  “You don’t have to leave,” Cassidy returned, although she itched to be alone with Nic.

  Cleia shook her head. “We have to get home to our little girl. We’ll have to bring her to meet Rianna someday.”

  “I’d love that. Truly.” Cassidy hesitated, and then held out her hands. “Thank you for coming.”

  Cleia pulled her into a hug, and then lifted Rianna for a kiss. “Would you like to meet your cousin, little one?”

  Rianna jerked her chin in a bashful nod and then pressed a kiss to the queen’s cheek.

  “She’s adorable,” Cleia said as she handed her back to Cassidy.

  “Thank you.” Cassidy shifted Rianna to her shoulders and watched as Cleia ’ported out with Rosana first, while the three brothers shared a last hug. Within five minutes, the dining hall was clear except for the six members of the den.

  Her den, thought Cassidy with a rush of affection for Ben, Marlin and Joe. It was hard to believe that she’d known them for less than a month. She slipped her arm around Nic’s waist and he smiled down at her, sensing her happiness through their bond.

  “Guess what?” Marlin announced. “We’re having a sleepover in the dining hall. How about it, Rianna?”

  The little girl clapped her hands. “May I, Mam?” and when Cassidy agreed, she ran to their quarters to get her Annie-doll, too excited to question why her parents were sleeping in their own quarters.

  “Thank you,” Nic told the men. He intended to build Rianna a room off the main bedroom, but for now, she slept with them, although they’d bought her a kid-size futon in Ventura.

  They kissed Rianna goodnight, and she skipped over to where Ben was making a nest of blankets for her near the firepit. The three men set sleeping mats around her in a protective formation, their heads pointing in toward her.

  Cassidy grinned. Rianna had acquired several badass uncles.

  Nic set a hand on Cassidy’s lower back. “Time for bed, querida.” His low tone vibrated down her spine as they left to the chorus of good nights.

  “Don’t stay up too late,” Marlin called. “You need your beauty sleep.”

  Nic lifted his middle finger at him, and the men all chuckled.

  The last thing Cassidy heard was Rianna asking what was so funny, then Nic shut and locked the door to his quarters and steered her into the bedroom.

  Cassidy’s eyes widened. Everywhere she looked were pots of flowers—fat sunflowers, bright daisies, spiky lavender, and other colorful, scented blooms. They surrounded the plain bed and spilled down niches in the wall. Three new fae balls wafted overhead, glowing a soft candlelight-yellow.

  “Oh.” She pressed her fingers to her mouth. “It’s lovely. Cleia must have done it.”

  “Mm.” Nic nuzzled her neck as he stripped off his shirt. “We’ll have to thank her the next time we see her.”

  He turned Cassidy around to slide down the zipper of her dress. Warm lips touched the sensitive spot between her shoulder blades. Her head fell back against his shoulder.

  “Did I tell you today how beautiful you are?” He slid a finger beneath the camisole she wore under the dress and teased her nipple.

  “Mm-hmm. But you can tell me again.”

  “I’ll tell you every day for the rest of our lives. Now, take off your dress.”

  The husky command sent a thrill of heat to her core. She slipped out of the dress and hung it on one of the pegs Nic had installed for her and Rianna, then returned to where he waited, chest bare, legs braced apart. All smooth olive flesh, and he was hers.

  Her man. Her mate. She stroked her hands over the rounded muscles of his shoulders.

  Hot, gold-touched eyes took in her lacy camisole and panties, the same grassy color as her dress. Beneath the camisole, her nipples pricked.

  “Beautiful,” he repeated as he smoothed his hands down her body, playing with her breasts, squeezing her ass. He cupped her face and murmured against her lips. “Sit on the bed, querida.”

  When she obeyed, he took a delicate gold chain from his pocket and knelt at her feet.

  “What’s that?” she asked as he set her foot on his thigh.

  “A private gift.” He clasped the chain around her right ankle, beneath the scar.

  She knew how tightfisted dragons could be with their treasure. That Nic shared his so freely with her and Rianna was huge. She twisted her leg to see the tiny gold heart dangling from the chain.

  “You’re my heart.” He met her eyes. “Meu coração.”

  “I love it.” She set her forehead against his. “I love you.”

  “Yeah?” He smiled until he saw the tear run down her cheek. He touched it. “What’s the matter, love?” He lifted her and sat on the bed, cradling her in his arms.

  “Nothing.” She swiped the tear away and set her hand on his chest over his heart. It beat beneath her palm, strong and steady. “I just never thought we’d get here. You. Me. Rianna.”

  “I’m sorry.” He set his cheek to hers. “I wasn’t there for you when you needed me. I swear I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you both.”

bsp; “No.” She stroked her fingers through the soft curls on his nape. “You were right. I didn’t want to go with you four years ago. Not really. I loved you, but…”

  She felt his swallow. “No woman should have to make that choice. I hate that you have to give up your family and your clan for me.”

  “I’m not giving them up. I know they’ll always be there for me. But this is my family now, and you, Rianna, and the men are my clan.”

  He lifted his head to meet her eyes. “It could be a long time until you see them. It’s not safe to take Rianna too far from the ward.”

  “Then that’s how it has to be.” She cupped his face with one hand. “It’s not your fault, love. You didn’t ask to be a sea dragon. I saw how my clan was when they heard a sea dragon was in the area. They practically got out the bloody pitchforks.”

  His mouth twisted. “I’m a throwback, as much reptile as mammal. They can’t help it.”

  “Bollocks,” she returned. “They can learn. It’s prejudice, plain and simple. But perhaps we should give them a chance. Tell them the truth.”

  “I don’t know. It’s not just me anymore—we have Rianna to think about now.”

  She sighed. “I suppose there will always be those who’d sell out a clan member for the fae’s gold.”

  “Or for a fae lover,” he said, and she knew he meant Blaer and Evan.

  She stroked his jaw. He’d let his beard grow while he convalesced so that it formed a neat black line around his mouth. “At least tell Rosana and your brothers—and your granddad. What’s the worst that can happen? They can’t banish you from their clans. You’ve already founded your own.”

  “This?” He made a dismissive gesture. “It’s not a clan.”

  “No? The men treat you like an alpha. Right now it’s a den, but when they start their own families, you’re going to be head of a clan.”

  “Huh.” He pressed his lips together, but she could tell he was pleased.

  “Think about it. That’s all I ask. Your family loves you—they may surprise you.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Brilliant.” That was enough for now. She turned so she straddled him, her panties rubbing over his jeans-clad erection. She framed his face with her palms. “Now, where were we?”


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