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Trapped Page 10

by E J Pay

  Yes, she says, that is how I came to be with Dom and you, but that isn’t where this form was created.

  I pause for a moment to consider the options. I am too afraid to mention the one that stands out most. But I know it can’t wait forever.

  Where was this form created, little pearl? I ask, reluctant to break the band of security that exists between us. The little pearl is silent for a moment, also wanting to maintain our union. Unwilling to let go of the bond we have formed since Dom died. But even she cannot hold it inside.

  It is from Jaffa, she whispers.


  Jaffa, the city and port where no one wears green. The sea where Mama’s womb was cursed, where Dom and I were given powers that would make us hunted. The sea home where Queen Nyobi Kadul resides.

  This is where the little pearl was created.

  Why didn’t you tell this to me before? I ask. I’m nervous. I’m afraid that the little pearl and I are being used by our enemy. But if that were true, why haven’t we been found? Why are we still alive?

  I didn’t tell you because I wanted to remain with you, the little pearl says. I know I am from a dangerous and magic place, but Dom was always so tender to me. I was devoted to him. Since his death, I have become devoted to you. I don’t have any allegiance to the Queen. My allegiance is with you.

  I feel sadness and fear sweeping from the little pearl. She is afraid I will abandon her, afraid I will run away from her. But how could I do that to her? Dom loved her and she has been good to me since his death. And we are family.

  Thank you for telling me now, little pearl, I say to her as I lay her on the table.

  I sense her feelings of rejection as I set her down. I want to put her at ease.

  I am not putting you away from me, little pearl, I say. I am just setting you down so I can ready myself for bed.

  Her relief is tangible and fragile. She doesn’t know if I am sincere in my statement. I am. I will not send her away. I know she is true to me and to Dom’s memory. But if she were to feel rejected, would she become prey to Queen Nyobi Kadul? Would she be able to withstand the power of the evil sea witch?

  Yes, she says, I believe you. But her words are hesitant and full of uncertainty. It will take time for us to take apart this barrier to our trust.

  There is a knock at my door. It is Aphrodite.

  “You’ll have to put your work clothes back on,” she says through the door. “A late party of guests has arrived and you’ll be needed in the kitchen.” She shuffles away from the door and back to the kitchen. I am called from bed more often than the other servants because I am trusted. Aphrodite knows she can trust me to take care of the new arrivals and their food needs. It is a place of honor even if it means I miss some sleep now and then.

  It will be okay, I say to the little pearl. We can work this out together. Let’s just rest tonight. You’ll see. Everything will be alright.

  Alright, Pearl Athena, she says to me. I trust you.

  And I close the door behind me, leaving my little pearl alone and cold in the dark.

  Chapter 17

  Happy birthday to Athena.

  15 years old. The excitement of finally feeling safe has worn off and I am dreaming more and more strange things. Sometimes I recognize the people in my dreams. Sometimes I do not. But there is always a longing to be with all of those people. I cry when I dream of my Dom. Other dreams are of men and women, some of them have legs that have become fins and they swim in water. I swim in the water with them. I sometimes see a girl a little older than me in the water. Her hair and skin are dark like they are here in Greece. Ominous clouds of silt come between us and I lose her from my view. Sometimes I am sitting in a meeting with army generals. The lead general is a woman with a fin. It is fascinating and I wake up feeling like these dreams are memories. Whatever they are and whatever they mean, they leave me with a yearning to travel to Atlantis. I don’t know why. Maybe Dom and I were destined to be there together.

  I am reliving one of those dreams this morning as I lie in bed. The little pearl is not far from me on the little table with my bag. We have eased into trust again, relying on our family relationship to guide us. It is unnerving still that she is from Jaffa, where Queen Nyobi Kadul reigns and dominates the sea. Knowing she is connected to the curse that binds me nearly drove me crazy. But I could not deny her devotion to Dom and to me.

  A loud banging on my shed door pulls me from my thoughts.

  “Aphrodite wants you now, Athena!” I hear through the door. “We have a feast to prepare for tonight!” Another feast? This is the third feast this week. Nadir and Desdemona must be trying to gain favor with some of the local politicians. Maybe they are trying to get more money from their pockets. I sometimes hear Desdemona yelling at her husband late at night. He manages to lose money very quickly. As soon as a little money fills his purse, he disappears for a day or two. Then the money is gone. Gone to gambling. Gone to drink. Gone to other women.

  “I’ll be there,” I call out and I hear footsteps running back to the kitchen. I dress quickly and touch the little pearl where she lies. I feel the heat in our touch for a moment, but she is quiet this morning. Probably enjoying the warm morning rest.

  I head to the kitchen and meet with Aphrodite in the doorway.

  “What are you wearing, Athena?” she asks me. I look down and realize I have on my good robes.

  “I’m sorry, Aphrodite,” I say. “I grabbed the wrong robes in my hurry to get here.” Aphrodite’s suspicion about my romantic motives has been increasing over the past several months. She is always reminding me to not get romantically involved with anyone or I will lose my place no matter what Desdemona has to say about it. Everything I do or wear or say has Aphrodite asking me questions about my heart. I assure her constantly that I have no intention of giving my heart away.

  “Well,” she says, “I guess you are stuck in those today. We have too much to do to take the time to change. Just be sure to leave them in your room tomorrow.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” I answer.

  We head into the kitchen and everything is in disarray. This feast meal is going to be larger than the last two thrown by the inn and everyone is running about trying to fulfill their many tasks. The dining room is busy with the servant boys trying to get everything swept up and in order from the last feast. Women are bustling around the boys, arranging fresh flowers and herbs and finding the right plates for serving.

  I work in the kitchen alongside Aphrodite making meats and appetizers, breads and desserts. I am trying to be careful in my good robes, but every time I get anything on them, Aphrodite is after me for wearing them at all. Her reproofs are tiresome and constant. Curse these robes.

  The day is especially warm. The sun is melting the butter faster than Aphrodite and I can get it mixed with the cheeses and pastries. This puts her in an even more foul mood. By the time evening rolls around and the guests are arriving for the meal, all of the servants are a hot and tired mess. One or two have to retire for the day, they are so overcome by the heat. I work in the dining room with Aphrodite to make up for the missing servers.

  A moment after I set down the main course, I hear a familiar voice.

  “Well, girl,” he says. I know it is the drunken man, Spiro, who was here two years ago. He hasn’t forgotten me. “Desdemona said you were an investment and she was right. You have grown into quite the beauty.”

  My face is red and the sweat beads roll down my back and face. I look up at Aphrodite who is glaring at me in my cursed good robes. She will be angry with me tomorrow for sure. But there is nothing I can do. Unless…

  I reach into the man’s mind and change what he sees in me. I make my face pockmarked and I tickle his nose with the foul odor of rotten meat. His nose crinkles as the smell hits his face. I use a new maneuver of thought I have been working on. It is meant to make the impression last, even if I can no longer see the person. This is the first time I have tried it on a human. I move into the kit
chen to retrieve more food. When I return, the man looks at me through squinting eyes.

  “I could have sworn…” he says. He puts his focus back on his food and eats quietly for the rest of the meal. I continue to work alongside Aphrodite, but she doesn’t say a word to me. She is watching my every move, looking for a reason to blame my behavior for his actions. I am determined to not give her anything to find fault with. I keep my eyes on my work and say as little as possible to our guests. I will not be moved from my place.

  By the time dessert is set out, Spiro is more drunk than I’ve seen him. His words slur and he talks constantly about servants and investments. I try to sway his thoughts, but his mind is so fuzzy that he cannot even grasp his own thoughts, let alone the ones I am trying to give him. As I finish clearing the food from the tables, he reaches for my arm. But he is slow and uncoordinated. Instead of grabbing my arm, his grip lands firmly on my thigh.

  I can see the anger in Aphrodite before she even realizes it is there. Spiro hiccups and lets go of my leg, “Ever so sorry, my girl,” He says through drool and food. “Lost my aim.” He then yawns loudly and calls for Nadir.

  “Nadir, my fine man. I’d like a word with you if I may.” Nadir’s face is flushed and he breaks into a sweat. His hands tremble as he follows Spiro from the room. Desdemona glares at her husband. Nadir definitely owes Spiro money.

  Aphrodite orders me to the kitchen and tells me I am to continue there for the rest of the night. She will take care of the remainder of the guests in the dining room with the younger serving boys. My face is burning with embarrassment and frustration in addition to the hot weather. I am angry with Aphrodite for blaming me for a drunken man’s actions. I will use my mind to put things to rights.

  But it isn’t long before one of the servant boys comes to the kitchen with a message for me.

  “You’d better get to your room quick,” he says. “Spiro is talking to Nadir about taking you from the inn. Aphrodite is redder than I’ve ever seen her. She is doing nothing to help you. You need to be out of sight.”

  But out of sight for me is out of control. I cannot control them if I cannot see them. I am not strong enough for that. I push my way around the servant boy and head for the dining room. I run into another serving boy entering the kitchen with arms full of dirty dishes. He spills his load and I can’t make it past the mess all over the floor.

  By the time the dishes are picked up and I enter the dining room, Nadir and Spiro are gone. Aphrodite sees me and points with her stout arm to the kitchen. I send her waves of affection for me, determined to get her help. Her arm wavers and she lowers her finger. She shakes her head in a gesture of pity for her lost Athena.

  “We will talk tomorrow,” she says to me. “For now, you must go to your room to rest.”

  The inn guests glance up at us as we openly talk in their presence. I don’t want to be in any more trouble than I am already in and I don’t want Aphrodite in trouble either. There is no telling what she would say to defend herself if I was not there to feed answers to her.

  I turn from the room and go back to my little shed. I am too tired and upset to talk to the little pearl. I try to send her an image or feelings, but my head hurts. I cannot reach her tonight. There will be time to explain in the morning.

  As I drift off to sleep, I hold my small bag of money close to my heart. If I am sold and sent to live with Spiro, I will run away. I can figure out something.

  Chapter 18

  Iam dreaming of a city underwater. It looks like the major cities of Greece, but it is in ruins. I see a man’s face speaking to me in the water. I can’t hear him so I move closer to his face. He is yelling something. His face is distraught and worried. I want to comfort him. Then I hear him.

  “They are coming for you! Run!”

  A hand grabs my arm and yanks me from my cot. My blankets fall to the ground. I am confused and disoriented on this hot night. I am still trying to wake up and understand what is going on. I open my mouth to scream, but a rag is shoved into my mouth as I do. I kick and thrash but that only lasts for a moment. Soon, I am being held tight and ropes are tied around my arms and legs. Multiple people are holding me. A bag is placed over my head and we step out of my shed into the stifling night air.

  I am bound, gagged, and blindfolded for days. I ride in the back of a cart, bouncing along the road to wherever we are going. Twice each day I am lowered to the ground and escorted by a woman to go to the bathroom. My gag is only removed long enough for me to eat a bit of pita bread and drink water. I don’t know where I am going. I don’t know who has me. I never hear the sounds of civilization so we must be traveling through the countryside. Whether east or west, north or south, I do not know.

  On the third day, we make a sharp turn. I roll sideways in the cart as we move onto this new road. Two days later, we finally stop.

  Again, I am guided by the hand of a woman. We move through tall grass for a few moments before my feet feel soft and smooth dirt. Soon, we walk on stone. We climb stairs and enter a cool room. I am led to a chair where I sit and wait. My gag is removed again and I am given water. The gag is left out of my mouth, but I am not ready to say anything. My mouth is dry and several blisters have formed on the edges of my lips from the abuse they have received.

  “Oh, my girl,” my stomach grows stone cold when I hear his voice. It is Spiro. He had me kidnapped and brought me to him. “I am sorry to see you so ill-treated. If only your Master Nadir would have consented to give you to me to pay his debts, I wouldn’t have had to take you by night. Normally, I would never have deigned to take someone of your…appearance, but I couldn’t seem to get you out of my mind. Namaah, do take our new servant to her quarters and help her recover from her journey.” Couldn’t get me out of his mind? Is that the result of my attempts? He sees me forever ugly, but he cannot get me out of his mind. I‘ve created a twisted obsession. Now he wants me here and doesn’t know why. At least his appetite for my visage has disappeared.

  “I do hope your time here is more comfortable than with Nadir,” Spiro calls out. “I do like to keep my servants happy.” Happy? How can his servants be happy when they are kidnapped?

  There is shuffling next to me as Namaah follows the orders of her master, but she doesn’t say a word. Together, we move about the room until we reach a narrow hallway. I feel one side of the wall brushing against my arm as Namaah leads me. When we stop, I hear Namaah open a door to our right. She leads me through it and helps me sit on a bed. Once I am seated, Namaah removes the dark cloth that has been covering my eyes. I pull my face away from the light that is shining into the room. There is a window above the door and the sun is just at the right angle to reach my face. Even if I hadn’t been blindfolded for days, the sun would have me squinting.

  Namaah is making quick work of removing the ropes from my arms and legs. They are swollen from their imprisonment and the pain of removing the ropes is enough to make me cry. Namaah reaches up and puts her hand on my shoulder. She still says nothing. I look into her face. Her hazel eyes are soft and gentle. Her hair is long and dark and curled like mine, though her skin is more golden. On her cheek is a long scar that cuts nearly four inches across her face. I shudder at what would create something so painful on a person so beautiful. Our eyes meet and she points to her lips, shaking her head.

  I don’t understand what she is trying to tell me. Am I not supposed to talk? Is she not allowed to talk to me? I blink slowly and she moves her hand to her throat, still shaking her head and I understand. She is mute.

  I blink away my tears and nod. Namaah moves to the wall next to the bed and points to clothing hooks. The clothing hanging from the hooks is the clothing of a servant though they are nicer than any servants’ clothes I’ve ever seen. She points to the clothing then points to me. I nod. I know they are for me. Namaah smiles. She walks to a small table near the door where a vase and bowl sit. She pours water into the bowl and dips a rag inside. She gently cleans my face, my hands, my feet. Ever
ything is painful to the touch, but I am grateful it will be cleaned. She rinses the rag then hands it to me, pointing at my body. I take the rag and do my best to wipe the dirt from my stomach and chest. Namaah goes to the clothing pegs and pulls down a nightshirt. She helps me put it on and helps me climb into the bed.

  The sheets are softer than I’ve been used to. They are cool and soothing on my damaged skin. As I lay my head on the pillow, I feel like I am in a real bed, like only the wealthy sleep in. A tiny tear leaves the corner of my eye and creates a tiny circle on the pillow. I mouth the words “Thank you” to Namaah. She smiles and wipes a tear from her own eye and brushes my hair from my face with her fingers. She points to herself, then points to the wall next to me. Her room is next to mine. I give a small smile then close my eyes and sleep.

  Chapter 19

  Iam in my room for several days with no one but Namaah in to see me. She brings me food and fresh water for my wounds and body. She helps me regain my strength and lets me cry when I am too overwhelmed by what is happening. It is a full day before I can use my voice again. It is ragged and scratchy and my throat hurts, but under Namaah’s care, it too begins to heal.

  The room I am in is brighter than the other rooms I have seen in Greece. Its walls are white, so is the ceiling, so is the floor. The bed is on a raised wooden platform and filled with feathers. The linens are as white as the walls. A white netting hangs from the ceiling and covers the bed, keeping any bugs out. The hydria vase and bowl on the table by the door are covered in a bright mosaic depicting Amphitrite, the water goddess, being captured by the dolphin who returned her to Poseidon. Another table nearer to the bed is empty, waiting for my personal belongings.

  I sit up straight in the bed, pain shooting through me with the effort. The little pearl! The little pearl was on the table in my shed at the inn! I don’t have her with me! A tear opens in my heart, ripping clear to my stomach. The little pearl is gone. Even if I ever get away from this place, there is no way that I will find her again. Anyone else who finds her will think she is a sentimental trinket left behind by a girl who ran away. She will be sold or made into jewelry. And I will be alone.


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