A Bite of Christmas Cheer

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A Bite of Christmas Cheer Page 9

by Thea Dane

  Violetta held up the list. “I’ll choose from what you gave me. Thanks so much.”

  When the receptionist left, she reached for the chamomile tea on her desk and sipped, willing the warm liquid to make her calm. This was going in all kinds of crazy directions. She needed to slay Lee already. Instead, he had her hands busy with party planning and her mind occupied with thoughts of sweaty sheets and what his dick looked like when it was hard. “Stop it.” She set the cup down on the desk hard enough to make tea splash across the surface of the notepad. She blotted it dry with a napkin. She let things get too far with Lee. This little crush she developed was beyond awkward. It had to be the vampire pheromone he exuded. Had to be.

  About thirty minutes later, she regretted drinking chamomile tea. Now she was too sleepy. She needed a cup of hot coffee to get her through the last hour of the night. She could smell someone brewing it in the break room down the hall. Violetta took her phone and list of Christmas party recommendations with her. Maybe working in a different location that wasn’t so close to Lee’s office might help settle her mind.

  No good. When she stepped inside the room, Lee was there. One hand in his suit pocket, he stood over the coffee maker, waiting for it to finish making his favorite French roast.

  She stopped in her tracks. “I thought you went home after your twelve o’ clock interview at the radio station.”

  He turned to Violetta, unhurried, as if he expected her to come into the break room. “That was at noon yesterday, not midnight tonight.”

  “You mean, you’ve been active all day yesterday and tonight with no rest in between?”

  “That tends to come with the territory when doing business with humans.” His voice was monotone. Something struck her as different about him.

  She set her phone and notepad on one of the tables. Now she didn’t know what to do with her empty hands. “If I knew you were in the office, I could have brought food from the café.”

  “This will do.” He pulled the steaming mug from the machine once it was done dispensing the coffee. “I need you to do something else for me that’s more important.”

  She waited to hear the details of another potential acquisitions meeting or the name of another city official she needed to call.

  “How good are you at personal shopping?”

  She tilted her head, wondering if she heard him correctly. “Shopping?”

  “My mother is visiting from Ireland this Christmas. She enjoys this time of year and I still haven’t had a chance to get her anything.”

  He wanted her to buy his mother a Christmas present? It was the last thing Violetta expected to hear come out of his mouth. She shook her head to stop her mind from taking a detour to think about his mouth. “Has she asked for anything specific?”

  “My mother never makes gift requests. She likes surprises. These days, it’s the home decorating kind.”

  “She likes décor. What kind of house does she live in?”

  “A thirteenth century ancestral castle in rural Ireland.”

  “Well.” Violetta blinked. “I’m guessing traditional is the way to go.”

  His lips spread to show white teeth. She got a small laugh out of him. “There is nothing traditional about my mother. She’s been on a contemporary kick ever since she’s been able to stream the Happy Home Decorating Network’s shows.”

  “That’s a good network.”

  He grumbled and shook his head. “Not you, too.”

  “What? It’s calming background noise when I work or study. Anyway, one of their sponsors has a flagship store nearby in DC.”

  “Do you think you can go there this morning and pick out something for her? I don’t see when I’m going to have time to go there myself.”

  DC was about an hour’s drive away. “Do you want me to take the train?”

  “Take one of the company cars. Let Harry the driver know where you want to go.”

  “Ok, I will. Thanks.”

  Lee walked past her with his coffee mug. Beneath the scent of coffee, she caught a whiff of his cologne and the heat of his natural vampire pheromone. Was he creating it now or was it just her mind remembering it from earlier?

  Just how thirsty are you? She scolded herself as she proceeded to grab a to-go cup and make some coffee for the road.

  HAPPY HOUSEWARES AND Furniture’s store was packed when Violetta arrived an hour and a half later at seven in the morning. This was her thing, but who knew the growing popularity of interior decorating would draw such a crowd? The parking lot was nearly full at this early hour, thanks to extended holiday hours.

  Harry the driver opened the door for her. His entire face was covered with a ski mask to protect him from the sun. “Here we are, Miss Sharpe. Sorry about the traffic jam back on 495.”

  “Not your fault.” She grabbed her wallet, loaded with her new business expense account credit card. “I’ll do my best to make it quick. If you want to grab something to eat and come back, I don’t mind.”

  “No. Mr. Desmond gave me strict instructions to wait for you. He said he didn’t want you to get lost in there.”

  How funny. “Okay. See you in a little bit.”

  She entered the store, where a cheery sales associate in a red apron and green flannel shirt greeted her. “Welcome to Happy Housewares and Furniture. Anything I can help you with today?”

  Oh, yes, ma’am. I’m shopping for a vampire’s mother, she imagined saying aloud. Do you have anything modern and contemporary that doesn’t suck? “I’m looking for something fresh and modern to go into a classic space. Very classic. I mean, the house is built like a castle classic.”

  “Ooh, we have some new rugs that came in. Lime green is going to be a hit next year.”

  She didn’t know about presenting Lee with a neon gift to give his mother for Christmas. “Let me see your room accents section.”

  “Right this way.”

  The saleslady took her past an array of sleek furniture and cushy bedroom pieces. Violetta eyed one bedroom display that had a four-poster king size bed made of dark ebony wood and metal accents on the posts. It looked stately and almost gothic. Did Lee sleep on a bed like that?

  She pushed the thought aside and followed the saleslady to the room accents section. There, she stared at the displays of lighting, tableware décor, and wall art. She wondered what Lee’s mother would think of the wares. Goodness, she hoped she wouldn’t have to meet her. She could imagine the conversation. Yes, Mrs. Desmond, I do work for your son. We also happened to suck each other’s faces off while I was technically at work.

  “Anything here that stands out to you?” The sales associate tried to be helpful.

  Violetta looked towards the corner and saw an end table lamp with a genuine amber vase that was tall and slim like a champagne flute. The lamp shade was ivory with soft gold thread woven throughout. Stately enough to hold its own in a castle, and yet, contemporary. “That one.” She pointed to it. The saleslady handed it to her. She inspected it and gave it a final approval. “I’ll take it.”

  “I’ll get this gift-wrapped for you to take home.” She disappeared to finalize the purchase.

  Violetta went after her, all the while imagining the conversation that could take place. Yes, Mrs. Desmond. It’s a lovely lamp. Did I mention I’m a slayer? Merry Christmas.

  VIOLETTA RETURNED TO Briar City with the intended gift for Lee’s mother. She left it in her office for the day. When she returned to work at eight that evening, she presented the neatly wrapped gift for Lee’s inspection. He approved of the purchase, and took it from her. “I’ll keep it in my penthouse until it’s time to give it to my mother. You did well, especially on short notice.”

  “Glad you like it. I hope your mother does, too.”

  He reached out and ran his thumb along her jawline. “What would I do without you?”

  Her skin danced in response to his touch. “I’m sure there are tens if not hundreds of people fresh out of college who’d be willing to work
or intern for your company.”

  “But none of them have your knack for doing things, or your particular touch.”

  Speaking of touch. She took a step back to gain a little distance and to clear her head. He had of way of making her feel like the only person in the world who mattered. They were interrupted by Lee’s cell phone. He viewed the number on the screen before answering. “Yes?”

  Violetta noticed he didn’t answer the phone with his usual phrase, “This is Lee Desmond.” The caller must have been someone he knew on a very personal basis.

  “You have them. Are you certain?”

  She turned her back, pretending not to listen to his long pauses. Curiosity got the better of her. She busied herself by organizing old files that needed to be shredded.

  “Give me twenty minutes.”

  She looked up in time to see Lee put his phone away. “Something came up?”

  “I have a new round of business to handle tonight. It’ll probably take up most of the night.”

  “I’ll go ahead and clear your schedule.”

  “Meet me downstairs after.”

  “You want me to come with you?”

  “I’ll need you to witness.”

  Witness. What a weird word to use for something business-related. Or was it something else? Before she could ask, Lee had already exited her office.

  She took twenty minutes to make phone calls and move things around on Lee’s calendar. Once the night was clear, she left the office and took the elevator downstairs. Lee stood in the lobby, looking tall and handsome in his dark grey coat and leather gloves. Even though the cold didn’t affect him, his winter attire added an element of mystery to his already enigmatic demeanor.

  Violetta tucked her scarf around her neck. “Where to?”

  “You’ll find out soon enough.”

  Could he get any more cryptic? She followed him out the building and into the awaiting car. She didn’t know whether the driver was Harry or another employee of Desmond Industries. The privacy window separating driver from passengers was up and tinted near black. She couldn’t see a thing.

  Lee was silent during the trip. Violetta watched the nighttime scenery go by through the car’s passenger windows. She saw Lee’s reflection as his gaze settled on her. The window wasn’t exactly a polished mirror, but it debunked the myth that vampires didn’t have reflections. She wasn’t sure if he noticed she caught him staring.

  The car went through downtown and into the entertainment district. Some of the buildings used to be old factories that had been refurbished into nightclubs. The clubs had lines backing out the doors on the frigid December night. Men had their hands thrust into their pockets and their heads practically buried in the necks of their coats. Women huddled in their skirts and heels, bare legs shivering. Once the car came to a halt in front of a nondescript factory building, Lee put his hand on the door handle and kept it there.

  “What’s wrong?” Violetta looked to see if there was something dangerous outside. All she saw were people, but she did detect multiple sources of vampiric energy nearby. She sensed them to be coming from the brownstone.

  “I’m about to take you into a place where few humans have ventured.” He focused on her like a hawk. Though the interior of the backseat was dark, the street lights captured the sharp gleam in his green eyes. “You’ll see some things, but you must stay by my side at all times. Your life depends on it. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” He was preparing to take her inside a place filled with his kind. Violetta had nothing to protect her from the vampires. Her slayer kit was back at the office in her tote bag. Her silver knife was locked in her desk drawer. She had no paralysis serum, no poison antidotes or neutralizing sprays to disguise her scent. All she had was Lee for protection.

  He opened the door to the ice and snow and reached for her hand. He was solid. He was more than enough.

  She walked with him towards the building. The door opened right as they approached. A suited vampire stood before them with his arms crossed. His black hair was gathered in a low ponytail in the back. His bulky biceps stretched the fabric of his jacket.

  “Tell the council I’m here,” Lee spoke.

  The vampire immediately unfolded his arms, looked from Lee to Violetta, but didn’t say a word as he nodded and led them further into the building.

  Violetta walked with Lee past vampires dressed for a night on the town. The males looked her up and down, but didn’t approach because of Lee. The females checked out Lee and sized her up with their shrewd gazes. She kept her head up to display confidence, even though she knew without Lee she was dead matter, vastly outnumbered by the vampires.

  The interior was dark and dim. The light had a reddish filter. Loud music from further down the hallway pulsed through the floor. She felt its beat through her chest. She tugged at her coat sleeve. The temperature in the building was balmy, almost hot. “What’s the name of this place?” She had to raise her voice to be heard over the music.

  “It’s Club Onyx, a secret meeting place for the Bloodbound.” Lee walked her past the main dancefloor area, where at least sixty vampires were congregating.

  “What the—?” She put a hand to her mouth when she saw they were all in various stages of foreplay and sex. A male fondled a female vampire’s exposed voluptuous breasts by the dance floor. Another bit and licked at a small wound on his male partner’s chest. Both males’ erections bulged in their tight pants. Around the room, various couples grinded against each other on the couches and against the walls, their bodies straining and covered in a fine sheen of sweat. The erotic energy in the room made her tense.

  “I should have mentioned Club Onyx is a sex club.” Lee’s mouth touched the shell of her ear when he spoke into it. Her body made an involuntary tremor.

  How could this club be smack dab in the heart of Briar City and her family of vampire hunters did not know about it? “How long has it been here?”

  “It just opened. This building used to be a manufacturing facility before the council bought it.”

  Vampire council. Violetta heard many things about them from her aunt and uncle. She was told they were the vampire lord’s eyes and ears, issuing decrees and executing his judgments over all the Bloodbound affairs in the city. Was that who he spoke to on his phone? “Why does the council operate this kind of club?”

  Her question brought a quiet laugh from him. “Do you think we only have need for blood, Violetta?” He caressed her arm. His body was up close to hers. She felt the heat of him through his suit and even through her layers of clothes. “Humans need food, but you also need the intimacy and creativity that sex provides.”

  Her eyes fluttered closed for a split moment and she inhaled his clean scent. Her mind stayed on the words he used to describe sex. Intimacy and creativity. Was he creative when made love? How close could someone possibly get to him? She exhaled. “When you said ‘you also need’, did that mean people in general?”

  “Even you, Violetta, need the experience of pleasure and release.” He laughed again. She didn’t interpret as him mocking her. Only that he found her amusing.

  “This way.” The bouncer indicated. She completely forgot about him standing a couple feet ahead until he spoke. Flustered, she turned away from the orgy-filled dance floor. Her pulse and breathing were elevated. Seeing the vampires in mid coitus threw her off guard. Talking to Lee about it kicked her arousal up several notches.

  The bouncer took them up a flight of stairs and down a second hallway. This area of the building was quiet, the only sound being the muffled beat of the song from the dancefloor downstairs. Lee’s hand went to her back in his gesture of protection. Violetta trained her senses to focus. Gritty light spilled from a half-open door several feet ahead.

  More vampires were in the new room yet they were fully clothed and sober. She counted twenty when she and Lee entered, all male. Four of them were in the middle of a semicircle, hands bound and restrained. Two more stood guard by them, carrying
guns in their hands. Violetta stiffened at the sight of their firearms. They wore uniforms of black and grey Kevlar gear.

  Another vampire in Kevlar stepped forward to approach Lee. “Sir, these guard members in chains confessed to being in Lieutenant Nilsson’s gang. They all bare the same tattoo on their necks as he did. When questioned, they admitted to attacking the male human at Polk Station last month.”

  Violetta felt like someone jerked her by a string. She couldn’t believe she was standing in the same room with her brother’s attackers. Her eyes took in each one carefully, memorizing the details of their faces.

  “Your leader knew gang activity is forbidden by the Bloodbound Code,” Lee said. “Still, he chose to let you do it. I can’t discipline him because of his untimely death, but I will see justice is served with you.”

  One of the gang members lifted his head. “Sir, our lieutenant was slain in the sewer. A human slayer got to him. Why are we being punished for defending ourselves against them?”

  Violetta bit down on her lower lip. She killed the gang’s leader underground near the theater. Thoughts went crazy in her head as she replayed everything. She pressed her hands together to keep from fidgeting and drawing attention to herself.

  “You’re being punished because you violated the code.” Lee’s voice was stern. “For being in a gang, all of you will be forever stripped of your guard status. For targeting a human, even a slayer, without orders, you will all serve thirty-six months in the Confinement.”

  The four males accepted their punishment without verbal reply. The next few minutes went by with the guards surrendering their Kevlar vests and decorated medals on their chests. They laid all of these at Lee’s feet. Violetta stared at them, her mind still thinking all angles of the situation. She killed the gang leader. Lee punished the gang for attacking her brother. She viewed him with new eyes, amazed that he would enact this form of discipline on the guards when could have easily dismissed it and let them have open season on humans. Justice had been served.

  Lee dismissed the council. They left, filing out of the room one after another to go downstairs. The remaining guards looked at Violetta yet didn’t speak. She sensed their wariness and suspicion.


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