Seven Stories for a Summer Afternoon

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Seven Stories for a Summer Afternoon Page 5

by Jossy Loes

  That day we saw the island of Tenerife, the twilight peeked leaving diluted these colors of the sky that made our moment unique and special. For a few moments, I saw the horizon and I could swear that the shapes of the clouds were like hearts, I won't deny that I have a huge imagination and that I was crazy for Alberto, but I couldn't ignore the fact that the sunset at las Canteras was one of the most beautiful that I had ever enjoyed.

  —Well? I see that you haven't brought a complaint of attempted murder of an iPod —he said, joking around.

  Askance, I gave him a furious look, then I breathed in deeply.

  —It is in intensive care unit, yesterday I had to take it to the technician. This is going to cost me my savings that I have been collected for months.

  —Wow! I'm sorry. —He stopped, looked at me, rubbing his nape of the neck—. If you want my help in the medical expenses... —I opened my mouth, but I saw him hiding a sly smile, frowned my eyebrows to his joke and I didn't respond to save my pride—. Tomorrow will be the night of San Juan, I hope to see you —he said, changing the subject.

  —I always attend, it's the family tradition —I told with my heart jumping from joy for knowing that he wanted to see me again, smiled, and continued walking.

  —I have heard that there will be live music —he said looking at me slyly—. And in my family it is not a tradition, but we like to see fireworks.

  —Also what I have heard —I said— and besides the fireworks, it will be a really cool night.

  —I'll send you a WhatsApp to know where you will be —he said when we got close to his friends, and I heard Ana laughing out loud.

  —I will be waiting —I said, and we looked at the group again.

  The murmurs of jokes were noticeable, he responded with an "Up yours". Ana smiled as if she had won the jackpot and I felt a terrible shame, I wished to go away from there as soon as possible.

  —I must go, see you the other day —said my friend, sending a kiss with her hand to everyone in general.

  —Ana! Don't forget to send me a message —said one of the guys.

  —In your dreams, kid! —Roared with laughter and we said goodbye. When they couldn't hear us, Ana mumbled.

  —Tell me that he put his tongue to your uvula, or I will go back there and give him a slap on his neck for being such an idiot.

  —Then I'll wait for you in the ice cream parlor.

  —Smooth loudmouth!

  —What do you know that I don't?

  —My lips are sealed —she said, making a gesture with her hand, I rolled my eyes.

  When she switched to that way of acting, she was unbearable, so I decided to tell her the short story and what is the final status. I wasn't going to hide that when he hinted, he would kiss me I felt tickling all over my body, but I tried by all means not to hope too much.

  During the next day the hours were eternal, upon returning home I tried secretly to go out as beautiful as possible, without my wonderful brother being aware of it, or otherwise he wouldn't have stopped bothering me until I confessed what was going on. My parents dressed as usually, and at eight in the evening we headed to the beach of las Canteras.

  My head was filled with romantic images and I looked nervously to all sides, we settled at the plaza Saulo Torón near the stage. I took my mobile and wrote to Ana to tell her where I was, she had made me promise not to write ti him until she was with me as a support.

  Twenty minutes later I sent the message to Alberto with Ana glancing over. The time passed and he didn't response, I assumed that for whatever reason he hadn't been able to read it, but to my surprise he had read it, so I started to feel a pinch of disappointment, coming to the idea that maybe he head more fun with his friends and that I should do the same.

  I said that to Ana, not willing to listen to her theories, so I wrote to my brother to find out where he was and I went to him. I won't deny that all this time I was saying to myself "dumb ass" until the midnight approached and we went out to take the first bath and then to see the fireworks.

  The night was splendid, the sea breeze accompanied us along with the shouts of the people around, I heard the first shot of a fireworks and I set my gaze on the sky, imagining that Alberto was by my side, watching the beautiful shapes and colors that were flashing.

  I heard behind me the voice of Rayco, the best friend of my brother, but I didn't want to turn toward him. I wasn't in the mood to talk, but he approached me and passed his arm around my shoulder.

  —Hello, Xio.

  —What are you doing here? Aren't you with María?

  —María? Who is that? —I preferred not to respond and he laughed at my grimace—. Why are you so stubborn? Don't tell me that it's about that glutton Alberto. —I frowned, thinking why did he deduce that.

  —I'm not stubborn and I don't know what does Alberto have with all of this.

  —You drool when you see him.

  —You're a moron! —I said indignantly, he laughed again.

  —Watch how you became defensive, to make you see what a good friend I am, I saw him an hour ago walking to Playa Chica with Elena.

  —You're a troublemaker! —Ana reproached, since she heard him.

  —You as well —he said, looking at her with a sideways smile—. I'm telling the truth.

  And without saying anything else, he walked away. I felt rage for having illusions and wanted to leave.

  Looking at the fireworks and listening to live music wasn't interesting to me anymore. Every year it was exciting to see how the colors of the fireworks stick out between the sea and the darkness of the night, the light show was beautiful and it's enjoyed best sitting in the sand, even more swimming in the warm waters of the Atlantic, but that night everything had changed.

  When we were coming back, we bumped into Alberto and he was with Elena. Rayco, who was walking behind, ran to my side and passed his arm around my shoulder, catching me unprepared. Alberto and I looked at each other surprised, but he continued with his family, within a second I pushed Rayco throwing him a string of swear-words, then I walked alone with all kinds of ideas boiling in my head.

  The next day I received a WhatsApp message from Alberto, who was wondering if I would hang around the Cicer, I ignored it and went back to my aunt's house as I had promised, deciding to go to the beach next morning and spend the afternoon with her, taking the opportunity to read for a while.

  That's how I spent the weeks until Echedey appeared in my house explaining what had happened. Yes, it was true that Alberto was with Elena, it was because their parents were great friends and went out together, but he had no interest in her. I felt awful for not having responded to him. I told my friends what Echedey had told me and their conclusions were that if he hadn't insisted, then he hadn't so much interest and I figured that they were right.

  So I went to Fuerteventura, forcing myself to forget it all, right there I knew I had made a mess. I wrote to him, telling him everything that had happened, and during that afternoon, we clarified many things, but we didn't agree to nothing until the day that Ana sent me a message to go to the cinema.

  And here I was, dead nervous, while my friend was pushing me secretly to approach him. Not only her, also Echedey did the same with Alberto, who looked at me askance, but instead of pursuing a conversation topic. I was silent; it was as if the mice had eaten my tongue. Frustrated, I looked around, the place also barely inspired any topic, it was gradually filled up with young people and couples who were walking with their hands intertwined.

  —You're very pretty, Xio —finally said Alberto, breaking the barrier between us, while my head was trying to figure out what to say.

  —Thanks, I like that haircut.

  I wanted to die because of my silly answer. He smiled and returned to that silence between us. Sideways, the couples gave each other cuddles and laughed in the intimate conversations. A woman, who spoke on her phone, ran into me, causing me to stumble, worsening the situation, but Alberto was very agile, grabbing my arm to preve
nt the fall. His face was so close to mine that I could smell his pleasant fragrance.

  —I don't know why every time when we are together this happens to you, I'll have to take you by the hand to avoid it —he said, winking at me. My heart jumped from joy when he intertwined his hand with mine, and the desire to feel his lips on mine was born.

  Many times I imagined a movie scene with romantic little songs, it was silly, I knew it beforehand, but to dream for a few seconds was not bad, and even less about the guy that I liked. We arrived at the ticket office of the cinema, and our friends started a discussion about the movies to watch, Alberto let me go and moved away. He said he would go around for a while until they decided which movie to watch. Ana pulled me out of my thoughts, asking me which one I would prefer; I told her I would accept the decision of the majority.

  It was difficult to confess that I was there just for Alberto.

  And like a fool in love, sideways, I looked at him again. Although I didn't really know what was it like to be in love, when I saw him, he was talking to the girl who was selling doughnuts. A wave of jealousy overwhelmed me, he laughed and she flirted with some impertinence, so I decided to stop looking, trying to get back into the conversation about selecting a movie.

  Ana, who knew me, gave me a nudge to show me up.

  —At the end it was decided to watch Sex without hiding between the three.

  —What?! —I asked surprised, and she roared with laughter, willing to continue making fun of me.

  Her mobile saved her from being shot to hell by me, she checked the message, smiled, and saved it. She gave me another nudge, I felt pain this time.

  —You're an animal! —I exclaimed in protest while she was stroking where she hit me.

  —And you so soft! —she answered, mocking me again—. It seems to me that Alberto is calling you —she continued, with a mocking tone. I raised my eyes so quickly that I thought I would break my neck, so I hid the creak of it, I had to save my pride before Ana starts laughing out loud.

  With a gesture of confirmation she reassured me and, as if my feet have grown wings, I went to him.

  —I asked the friendly clerk what could like a girl that I wanted to invite to the cinema. —I put my head to one side, fluttering my eyelashes. What you want: nachos or doughnuts? —My heart was again jumping in my chest, as if I had won the lottery.

  —Whatever you want —I replied, sitting on a cloud—. What would you like?

  He gave me his beautiful smile again, passed his hand through his hair and embraced my waist making my emotions grow. "Oh, yes!, my desires are becoming true!".

  —I'll order a combo of nachos.

  Our friends would be whispering and joking, however, after the misunderstanding from months ago I couldn't care less. After paying, we returned to the group that was looking at us with the giggles that wanted to say: "we're getting it all." Alberto ignored them, asking what they had chosen.

  —The Beauty and the Beast —my friends said in chorus, falsely turning their look down so I would have sworn they dropped me a hint. I began to wonder what the hell they had chosen a movie for children, but I forgot it immediately when Alberto interlaced his hand with mine again.

  —Want some? —he said offering me nachos.

  I gladly accepted and we headed auditorium, where the smells of doughnuts together with the laughter of the audience filled the atmosphere. Those few minutes my nerves calmed down until each of them came to its place.

  The whispering of my friends was unbearable and, when the movie began, Ana and the others went to leave us alone. I was about to send a message to my friend either to thank her or to send her to hell.

  —I saw this movie with my little sister —he said in a low voice close to my ear. I turned to him waiting to continue the conversation—. If I confess you a secret, you won't get mad with me, right?

  I swallowed saliva, through my head went a millions of ideas and all of them, absolutely all, were evil. I breathed all the air I could and waited for the worst news.

  —I bribed Ana and the others to choose the movie.

  I opened my eyes, even in my most remote thoughts I wouldn't have imagined that they all conspired behind my back. Alberto turned to the screen again, put a nacho in his mouth and pretended he was watching the movie.

  "Why did he choose this movie?", I asked myself. It was The Beauty and the Beast, speaking of similarities, just that I was the beast, and again my little head engineered and engineered during these few seconds, starting again to be suspicious about all this mystery.

  I sighed with a grimace of resignation, but ten minutes later, he grabbed my hand, moved closer to my ear and whispered.

  —During the whole summer I've remembered the only two evenings that I spent with you. Those moments when the beach, the waves and the sunset accompanied us. Your laughter in harmony with the sound of the waves and the reflection of the sun in your eyes was electrifying, it was magical.

  I was speechless, I turned to him realizing that he was only at a millimeters distance from me.

  —Do you speak seriously? —I asked him and he nodded, in that moment more than ever I wanted to kiss him. He turned to continue watching the movie.

  I sunk into a whirlpool of emotions. I also remembered those days on the beach where, since my childhood, I was creating sand castles and playing with my fantasies, listening to the squawks of seagulls, announcing that soon the night will embrace us.

  I had to thank to the nature for giving me the opportunity to share those moments with Alberto.

  —Look and listen —said Alberto—. This part is for you. My heart was beating so fast that I thought that it would explode.

  I set my eyes on the screen and swallowed a groan; it was a declaration of love, I turned to him with my eyes open and he kissed me. Yes! He gave me the first kiss; in the beginning he drew back and saw that I was amazed and, without waiting, I grabbed his shirt and went back to kissing, not as deeply as I wanted. He laughed and moved away.

  —I didn't know you were so daring.

  How could I have answered to that? The only thing I could have done was to smile, but again he surprised me giving me a kiss on my cheek.

  —What if we continued later?

  No words were needed for me to realize that the feelings were mutual and what I had wanted had been fulfilled. I looked askance perceiving again the scent of his cologne, and I dared to respond.

  —I hope it would be better like that—I said in a challenging way. He smiled and looked at me askance.

  —I assure you it would.

  He smiled at the game that was starting among us, picked up another nacho, and asked me a tricky question.

  —Do you want nachos or another kiss?

  From the Heart of Tuscany

  Do you by chance have a friend who has traveled lately to Tuscany wearing Pinocchio's underpants?


  It had been two years since her divorce, a divorce that consumed her dreams and her life. Valeria was limited barely to surviving, she was going from her home to work, and from work to home, and the next day repeated the same routine.

  To tell the truth, her job was the only thing she had left, she moved away from her friends to avoid bumping into her ex, she already had it enough seeing him in the hallways of the court every time she had a case, and having to stand him being in another place was too much for her, but when they met, her mind was overwhelmed by bad memories, she believed in love putting all of her hopes into this relationship, and they were trampled on viciously, that the day she found him with another in their own bed.

  Her parents thought of an idea to put an end to this trail of sadness that she was carrying everywhere, they loved their daughter, the woman she had been, that young woman who organized parties and used to surprise with unexpected details, hence they invited her to a dinner one Friday with the excuse of seeing her. Valeria attended by the mere commitment of not listening to her parents complain about how she was wasting her life.<
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  Once seated at the table, she noticed they were muttering among themselves and looking at her askance, so, without a preamble, she got to the point.

  —Very well, what's going on? —They looked at each other and focused on her.

  —Valeria —rushed her mother—, it is time for you to go on vacation.

  —I don't need vacation, mom. I feel perfectly.

  —Again the same excuse —her father pointed out—. I won't tolerate it, you will go on vacation, that's an order, two years have passed and you're still engaged in that duel that eats up your life and you have to change the scenery.

  —Dad! —she reproached angrily.

  —Valeria, everyone deserves a chance, you are young and it's time to go on with your life, you worked too hard to let the years just fall over you, Carlos having a happy life with that attitude you have taken.

  She could not give another replica, her father was right, she was the one with sad eyes in the hallways, while her former husband appeared each week hand in hand with different young girls who had recently graduated.

  She had endured hiding for two years holding her head up high and every time it was heavier.

  —We have prepared a journey of fifteen days through Tuscany and its countryside —her father said—. You should take some of the tours that the agency proposed, it will help you to interact with new people.

  —You shouldn't have meddled —reproached Valeria, rankled at how they had acted behind her back.

  —Say whatever you want —said her mother, getting up to pick up the table and mark the end of the dinner. You are our daughter, and as long as we are alive, we will continue to look after you.

  She returned to the kitchen, finalizing the discussion.

  —In the office you will find the tickets and the itinerary —added her father, also getting up—. I don't think that your boss will be angry if you take fifteen days of vacation and several more days to prepare for the journey. — He said with a sarcastic voice, and also went out of the dining room.


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