Seven Stories for a Summer Afternoon

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Seven Stories for a Summer Afternoon Page 9

by Jossy Loes

  —Since when do I need specific place to do it?

  Emma, wanting to respond, realized that he was right.

  On the day of their wedding he had kidnapped her for fifteen minutes bringing her into the house of the estate where it was celebrated, and there they ended up consuming their marriage. It would have remained a secret between them, but once again the bad luck appeared.

  As they were coming out, the first person they met was her aunt Sarito that, realizing what they had done, fainted. As a result of that, she predicted that they would last just for a year and a half.

  —Borja, it would be shameful to throw me out of the Woodward mansion for being tricked.

  —Don't be party breaker! —he teased her—. Truly she predicts you a hundred.

  She looked at him askance. Clearly that she would jump on him like on a motorcycle, no one would avoid one quickie, including her, since she had been nearly three weeks without sex.

  She stopped dancing to prove him that she was willing. Borja held her by the hand and they went out of the tent to seek some place within the house where they could release all the passion that they had.

  They entered the first door they have found, realizing it was a kind of living room. Without giving her time to breathe, he attacked her mouth with possessiveness, lifting as he could her dress until hearing the noise of the fabric breaking.

  —Borja! —shushed—. Have you torn my dress?

  —Nobody will notice! —he said trying to take off her stockings, and Emma started to laugh nervously.

  —I'll kill you! —she warned him, at the same time taking off his frock coat to unbutton the vest and take off the shirt.

  They walked stumbling to the side of a curved sofa, feeling again the ripping of her dress. For the sake of her work she had to stop him, but her body desperately needed that Borja submerges inside of her.

  She lowered his pants along with the boxer, throwing them scattered on the floor while her dress rolled up around her waist and he lowered her sleeves, leaving her exposed. He looked at the chair and smiled from the side.

  —It seems to me that this sofa has its function. —He pushed her to support half of her body on the headrest of the chair, he took off her thong and entered with an encouraging sigh.

  Emma was about to protest, but when Borja was plunged in her, she forgot everything. The curve of the chair helped that the penetration was deep, feeling how her insides were screaming of pleasure. Borja held her legs when coming out to settle better, and started entering again.

  —I want a chair like this! —she mumbled feeling how it sheltered her—. I will have to ask Jim where the hell he bought it —he said.

  To Emma it was the same where he had purchased it, the adrenaline rush of fear to be discovered, along with the pleasure of each thrust, made her feeling high. He came out of her and passed his hand over her body, kissing her and trapping one of her nipples, making her to ask for more, and that he liked.

  He couldn't deny that she was right about the chair, he could move with freedom, feeling each thrust in crescendo. She bit her lip to not scream when she felt that it came to orgasm and was carried away. Borja went on harshly following her.

  He ended on her chest with droplets of sweat on the forehead, kissed her head and got out of her to get dressed and help her.

  —You can't complain, you've sullied a couch in the Woodward mansion —he said mockingly.

  —You're a moron! You are a bad influence for me, I will have to stay away or I'll end up in serious problems. —Borja roared with laughter.

  —Oh, girl! Oh, you like guys who give you the stick! —Emma stopped unrolling the dress and looked at it shaking her head.

  —Oh, lad, what have you made of it! On the day I would decide to have a child I will have a big task ahead and it is to avoid that it imitates the lousy comic to be born like you. —Borja raised an eyebrow and held her by the hand to pull her closer.

  —I didn't know those were your next plans —muttered, giving her a sweet kiss.

  —You are the one who has told everyone that by the time the children stay with the storks. —Borja laughed again—.

  —Until we completely renovate the house, I don't want it to have breathing problems because of the dust, pretty much I freaked out when I saw you with that asthmatic attack.

  Emma smiled and hugged him, and he helped her to adjust the sleeve.

  —That is why I love you.

  —For adjusting the sleeve of the dress? —She made a grimace.

  —You know what I mean and come on, people are going to start to wonder where we went. —Borja held her by the hand and they walked out, running into Jim, who looked with a raised eyebrow.

  —Do you like the tantric chair, Borja? —She wanted to die of shame.

  Her boss understood what they were doing inside that room. Nor could she pretend a lot, her cheeks, her hair and wrinkles from the Borja's jacket spoke for themselves.

  —Excellent —he responded with an enthusiasm more than expected—. I wanted to ask you, where did you buy it? —Surprised, she looked at him. It was pretty violent that her boss also ends up talking about a chair as if it were a wine tasting.

  "A moment," he said, "what tantric chair?", he asked, looking back to Jim.

  —You'll have to ask the one who has been living for the last few months here. Now I understand why they spent so much time in this room.

  —I assure you that I will ask him —answered Borja with a smile on his lips, they shook hands and said goodbye.

  Upon arriving at the table, people also looked at them with some insight. She got to feel as if she had committed a sacrilege, sat down, and in that instant, again felt the dress tearing.

  —Borja! —she said frustrated and cursing him on the inside—. Why do I always end up having embarrassing time with you?

  —Calm down, sweetheart —he replied roaring with laughter—. I will lend you my frock-coat, no one will have the pleasure of seeing your ass, just me.

  —You'll pay for it! —she warned him.

  He had no doubt that he would pay her back thrusting himself into her all the night when they return to the hotel.

  13th of December

  The previous night she had been up late at the agency and as soon as she arrived home, went directly to the kitchen to calm the roaring of her stomach. She opened the fridge and grabbed everything she saw on the way, regardless whether it was cold or not.

  She took a shower and went to sleep, letting the heat emanating from Borja's body to wrap her up. In the morning not only it was hard to get up, but everything she ate made her sick with a solid indigestion.

  Exhausted, she called Lucho, telling her how bad she was, and that as soon as she feels a little better she would go to the office to finish the details for the spot that was to be recorded in four days. Went back to bed and fell asleep.

  The smell of chicken woke her up. Disoriented, she looked at the clock and cursed for having lost the day. Quickly searched for a dress and realized that it was a bit narrow. She blamed her swollen stomach, she would have to buy another, showered and went to the kitchen. As Borja saw her, he froze.

  —Where are you going?

  —To the office.

  —Let me understand the following, Lucho called me distressed telling me that you were having a gastroenteritis, I came as fast as I could and I saw you sleeping, and now you're going to the office? At what time did you eat spinach, Popeye?

  —Last night —she replied with a laugh—. I ate so late that it gave me indigestion.

  —You don't have to swear to me—he said pissed-off—. I opened the refrigerator and it seems that a troop ran through it. —Emma snorted.

  —Borja, I'm aware that I'm not well, but I have to finish the details. In three days we are going to Gran Canaria and I need to stop everything I planned. —He frowned and let out air.

  —I will take you, but before you'll eat something.

  —Oh, holy heavens, it's just an
indigestion, not a deadly disease!

  —Emma, you've been feeling sick a couple of days and I don't like to see you like that, the two of us have crossed many difficulties, but I told you that you can't continue taking so much on yourself, you have to delegate to the others.

  —Honey, if I did it for few months without a problem, for a few months that I have caught the flu and... —At that moment she realized something that she had not missed, opened her eyes and felt a great dizziness. Borja held her seeing how she turned pale.

  —It's over! Right now I'll call Jimmy, you can't continue with so much excessive work.

  —No! Please, I have to leave everything planned, it's only stress. Oh, that stress! I promise that I'll call Jimmy and tell him that I need to bring forward the vacation. —Borja opened his eyes puzzled and frowned.

  —Do whatever you want! I won't argue, it's your health, not mine. —He left the plate with chicken soup on the table and went out.

  Emma sat down without giving importance to it, she had a major concern. She racked her brains thinking when it had been the last time and she didn't remember. Anxious, took some chicken soup, but immediately felt nauseous. The panic appeared and she could do just one thing, write to her friends by WhatsApp.


  "Guys, I think I'm going to die in five minutes."


  "I just hope that it's due to a mega orgasm".


  "I'm not in the mood for games, it's very serious".


  "Oh, my God! Then, these ideas aren't mine."

  She knew Emma like the back of her own hand, and they spent many years working together five days a week, eight hours a day. After she returned from the boss' wedding, she began to change.

  At first she didn't gave it importance, until she realized that the weeks went by and the days of having the sarcasm stratospheric level had not arrived. She didn't mind it, but as days passed, she got the wish for eating white chocolate Tirma, something very rare for her, and it was super difficult to find in London. She even began to complain of fatigue and that led to only one adjective.


  "What do you have, Em? Maybe you have a baby bump?".

  No one said anything in the next few minutes, since for many it was a great news, not for Emma, and much less for Borja, who was convinced that it wasn't the best time for a baby.


  "It can't be true!".


  "I knew it! For days you go around asking for weird things, in addition, you're more chubby and more beautiful. There will be Emmita or Borjita hovering around!".


  "Do you speak seriously? Emma with a baby in her arms? She doesn't know hot to care for herself."


  "You're a bitch! I'm desperately trying to settle my accounts, I have two delays. Two!".


  "This can be arranged by a vulgar proof. You're not the first who has delays, I have them, in by the way, how the hell have you ended up with a baby bump?".


  "I don't think I have to elaborate it, Cristina, although as horny as you are... Emma, if I were you, I would run to buy it."


  "My life is a mess! In three days I'll go to the Canary islands and everybody is going to notice, Borja will be pissed off."


  "Let's see, beautiful, it's something that usually happens between couples, I don't think you're the Virgin Mary. You did dirty things, so it's up to both of you".


  "Borja has always talked you would wait until the end of the reforms, we just have finished a discussion, he believes that you're feeling stressed about work. Oh, my God! Damn tantric chair, it was there, I'm sure".


  "You said that you were missing just the kitchen and the living room, you could have waited. If the destiny decided that you should be parents, it's because the time is right, in addition, Borja loves you madly, and in the end it will be the best Christmas gift. By the way, what is a tantric chair?".

  Cristina started to roar with laughter, the last thing she had imagined was to make a baby on a chair like that.


  "Let's not speculate yet, perhaps it's a false alarm, what you have to do is to resolve the doubts. Lucho, go to the pharmacy and ask for a pregnancy test, and Veronica, if you need to know what is a tantric chair, it's time for you throw yourself on that guy of Tenerife".


  "I'm going, and Cristina... you're done".


  "I'm going to act as if I haven't read anything. Lucho, as soon as you arrive to Em's home, make a video call".

  Emma walked from one side to the other. It wasn't that she would not like to form a family, but she would have liked that it was planned, not by the fault of being horny. In that moment she recalled her aunt Sarito and blamed her for that letter that she had sent to her.

  If it turns out that her suspicions were true, they would have to find a way to tell it to Borja, but when?, if they would travel to the Canary Islands in three days.

  —Oh, crap! My mother will notice and it will be announced up to The Village —she said, totally appalled.

  Test show two blue rather dark stripes. Borja hadn't written any message in whole afternoon and that meant he was still angry, on the other hand, the nausea reappeared.

  Feeling sorry, she called Jimmy and told him that she would need to stay at home for few days because she had a stomach flu. "Oh, what a flu!".

  Lucho promised that she would take care of everything with the other head of accounts. Her friend had encouraged her for Borja's arrival, she had told her that soon it will be over, but his face told them that he was still angry, so she decided to ignore the advice of her friends.

  17th of December

  The plane, by the misfortune, broke down, and they had two stopovers. First to Barcelona, then to Madrid and finally to Gran Canaria, a journey of suffering because of the dizziness, the nausea and the concern of how to let it out to Borja.

  As he stepped on the airport of the island, he knelt down giving thanks to God.

  —I don't know what the fuck has happened to you, but you've been for four days behaving as a soul in grief, and it's time for you to tell me what's going on or I will be forced to tell to Maricarmen to bring the truth out of you up to the point of the so called gofio broth.

  —Gofio broth[5]?

  She wasn't a fan of it, but as she imagined it, appeared the urge to vomit. She ran to the bathroom and threw that little she had eaten. "If I continue like this, I won't make it to Christmas. Each day I feel worse and I find it difficult to hide".

  Since I had seen those two little blue lines, sea of cries rushed toward me. Lucho, Vero and Cristina had convinced her to surprise him on Christmas Eve. After a few drinks, along with the relevant witnesses, he would be able to assimilate her expecting state.

  She took a deep breath, cooled her face, rinsed the mouth and went out; there was her husband, arms crossed with a serious face, a hint that her secret could be discovered at any time.

  —As soon as we get to Las Palmas, we'll go to the emergency.

  —What? You're crazy! My mother must have the perfect remedy to cure this indigestion.

  —You've been like this already for four days!

  —Borja, sweetheart, since when the virus can be healed in four hours? Let's get out of here or my mother will start to call like crazy. —He looked at her carefully, breathed out, picked up the suitcases and turned his back to her.

  —Oh, you!

  Emma remembered that email sent by her aunt, it was all her fault. Each time when she aimed at her with the pointed finger, the curse appeared.

  When they got out of the terminal, they met her father and her sister Iraida, feeling momentary relief, before meeting the inquisitive eyes of her mother.

  —Emmita —her father said with affection—. You don't look well.

nbsp; —Indigestion! —said Borja ironically. Immediately, the eyes of Iraida and Jacobo, her father, fell on her. Emma smiled nervously.

  —I had a big blowout couple of days before and you know that I'm not usually eating a lot. —Iraida broke out in laughter.

  —Mmm, what a blowout! If you continue like that, little sister, I don't even want to imagine you in a few months.

  She wanted to kill her. She has been for less then thirty minutes on Gran Canaria and there she was already after her. Iraida let Borja and her father go ahead and, when nobody saw her, she made an explicit signal that Emma had never been able to imagine.

  She pointed at her with the finger and then with her hands made a tummy on her body as if she was pregnant. Emma opened her mouth to try to defend herself, but couldn't.

  —Borja doesn't know, don't say a word. This has been a big surprise.

  —You silly ass! How are you going to hide it? Mom will notice right away and aunt Sarito, too. —She laughed out loud—. What a lovely Christmas! It will be very funny.

  —Oh, fuck you! —Emma exclaimed, quite angry because she made fun of her.

  —You haven't changed at all —she replied with a laugh—. And how long have you been pregnant?

  —I don't know, I just discovered four days ago!

  —How sloppy you are! I can't imagine you as a mother, able to leave the boy in Las Canteras next year and I see mom screaming all over the beach. Borjita, Emmita!

  —Fuck you! Thanks for the support. And I'm not so inhumane, my God!

  —Maybe you're not —she replied laughing— but what happens to you, doesn't happen to anyone. To see that I am not a moron, I'll give you a hand. I'll call my gynecologist, maybe he would have a gap and receive you as quickly as possible, and so you'll know how old is that pea that causes you indigestion —she said between laughs, following Borja and Jacobo.

  —I don't know whether to thank you or to send you to hell.

  —You decide, you're the one having an intestinal flu of nine months —she replied mockingly.

  On the way, Emma put on her makeup to conceal the horrible dark circles that she had around the eyes, before her mother guesses her expecting state. The problem would be her aunt Sarito.


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