The Contract

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The Contract Page 13

by Jerry D. Young

“Of course, Mrs. MacDougal.”

  “Yeah, right!” Duchess snorted. “You two tell me what you find out and I will tell Maggie so she does not have kittens.”

  “You know, Duchess, you can be fired.”

  Duchess grinned. “I know. And the Marina will hire me in a heartbeat. We are all family here. You keep the company line, just like you must, and we will make sure that you never know we are doing anything that we should not.”

  “Good,” replied Mrs. MacDougal with a smile. “I knew I had trained each of you well.”

  She looked at Juliet. “Hurry. She is very unsure of herself. Do whatever you feel you must.”

  “I will,” Juliet said quietly. “This is something she feels she must do. I am certainly glad Master Jason is the person he is. I honestly think he will make it easy on her.”

  They all agreed.

  Juliet found Sara standing in the room she had been using, just looking at the bed, where several items of clothing were laid out.

  Sara looked at Juliet and sighed. “I do not know what to do,” she said simply.

  “You are still sure…”

  Nodding, Sara said, “I am. He is not being unfair. He will be a gentleman about things. I simply have no frame of reference.”

  “I am very glad to hear that,” Juliet said.

  “What? Why? I wish I knew something more.”

  “The only way you would, is if you had done something similar. And with anyone except Master Jason, similar would mean you had already had relations with some boy.

  “No, Miss Sara, not having experience is a good thing in this circumstance. If you believe what you said about Master Jason, then just do what comes to mind. If you think about it too much, over analyze it, you will drive yourself nuts.

  “Quickly, without thinking about it, what do you want to wear tonight?”

  Sara took Juliet’s suggestion to heart. “The green pajamas and robe.”

  She looked at Juliet. Juliet smiled. “Nice. Not provocative. Functional. Comfortable. I think a very good choice.”

  Sara managed a small smile. “Okay. That worked for what to wear. What do I do when I go into the room?”

  “Trust me. You will do just fine. Now, just in case you change your mind about anything, I can stay in the other room tonight. Be handy if you want or need me.”

  Juliet could tell that Sara considered it.

  “No. That part will be fine. I do trust him.”

  “How about if I go ahead and start moving your things into the room, after you join him. It will take me an hour or so. Plenty of time for you to decide if you really want to stay the night.”

  “I do not want you to do all that tonight,” Sara said.

  Juliet smiled. “It is my job. I would be moving your things anyway.”

  “I would not want it to disturb him…”

  “I am used to working quietly,” Juliet replied.

  “Well… Okay. I guess. As long as he does not object.”

  “I doubt if he will,” Juliet said. “In fact, I suspect he is as nervous about this as you.”

  “He never gets nervous,” Sara replied with a snort. “I was ready to do him great bodily harm, several times. He never batted an eye once.”

  “Be that as it may, just think about it if you feel yourself getting a little nervous. In fact, knowing him the way I do, just ask him if you are unsure about something.”

  Juliet was gathering up several things. Sara picked up the pajamas and robe she had decided to wear and the two turned toward the door of the bedroom.

  “He has answered every question I have asked, when I asked outright, I must admit,” Sara said.

  It amazed Juliet that Sara did not even hesitate when they entered the bedroom adjoining Jason’s. Sara did stop to change. She simply went to the connecting door between the two rooms, gave a cursory knock, then entered Jason’s bedroom

  Juliet saw the room brighten. Jason had apparently already gone to bed. Juliet smiled. He obviously had not expected Sara to come to the room now.

  Sara realized the same thing. “You were already asleep?”

  “No,” Jason replied, looking over at Sara. She was standing just inside the connecting door. “I thought you would wait until this weekend…”

  “A deal is a deal. I see no reason to wait,” Sara said. “Juliet is going to start moving my things. Unless that will bother you?”

  “She is an excellent maid. Very quiet. It will not bother me.”

  “Okay.” Sara turned toward the connecting door, still open slightly.

  “He said it would not bother him, Juliet. Just do as much as you want…”

  Sara turned back toward Jason. “Wait a minute. I thought I was going to share the bedroom with you.”

  “I thought you should have the option… Whenever you chose not… If you were not feeling well… or something.”

  “Oh. Options,” Sara replied, realizing that was part of the reason, but now sure that Juliet was right. Jason was at least somewhat nervous about the situation. She had not noticed any hesitation in his speech pattern before.

  Suddenly the image of Kathy Wilkenson came to her mind. “Juliet,” Sara called, heading toward the bathroom of Jason’s bedroom. “Just move my things in here. If I am to share the bed and the bedroom, I do not intend to be running hither and yon for every little thing.”

  Then she was in the bathroom, the door shut firmly behind her.

  “Hither and yon?” Jason said aloud. He looked over at the connecting door when Juliet knocked.

  “Enter,” Jason called.


  Jason shrugged. “As she wishes, Juliet. For the moment rearrange as you think necessary, then as she instructs. You might want to fetch more appropriate toiletries…”

  “Yes, sir. Immediately.”

  Juliet hurried down to the other room and back with the few things Sara had in that bathroom. A quick knock, after glancing at Jason, now reading in the bed, and Juliet tried the knob to the bathroom. Sara had not locked it.

  “Amazing girl!” she whispered to herself, then called softly through the door, “It is Juliet, Miss.”

  “Come in.”

  Sara was standing in bra and panties, staring at herself in the large mirror over the vanity.

  She turned to look at Juliet. “I cannot believe I did that!” she said softly. “You said to just do what comes to mind. I cannot believe that I did.”

  “I think you did swell,” Juliet said, and meant it. “You have a great deal of style, Miss Sara. You agreed to this, and you seem to be quite comfortable with the idea now.

  Sara gulped. “Not as much as you might think. I have been standing here in my underwear for a long time. Because I cannot think of what to do next.”

  Juliet chuckled. “Well, I think a shower is in order. Master Jason sent me for your toiletries.” She set them down on the vanity.

  “I will hang your dress while you finish getting ready for bed.” Juliet turned to leave and added, “I will be in and out for a few minutes, so…”

  “Thanks, Juliet,” Sara whispered.

  Sara came out several minutes later, in the pajamas, the robe belted almost tight enough to cause her breathing difficulties. She carried a hairbrush in one hand.

  She saw that Jason was reading. Juliet was still arranging things in one of the three closets that opened into the room.

  “Juliet,” Jason said as she came back into the main part of the bedroom. “Please make a note to bring in a dressing table and chair tomorrow. I seem to re-member seeing my mother brushing her hair…”

  Both women looked at Jason carefully for a moment. His eyes were focused in the distance as he seemed to try to capture the memory.

  With a shake of his head he quickly said, “Perhaps you should discuss it with Miss Lee. Whatever changes or additions she wants.”

  Jason quickly set his book on the nightstand and turned out the lamp.

  Juliet quickly looked at Sara. Sara was star
ing at the bed. Juliet was sure that Sara was relieved that it was a king. Jason was lying on his side near the right edge. There was still a huge amount of room between Jason and the other edge.

  “Would you like me to brush out your hair, Miss Sara?” Juliet quietly asked.

  “Huh? Oh,” Sara said after starting at Juliet’s question. “He already turned out the lamp again. I…”

  “It is all right. You will not disturb me. I was taught not to retire with wet hair. Please feel free to allow Juliet to brush it out for you.”

  Sara smiled at Jason’s quiet chuckle. “I believe that Juliet will tell you that I can sleep though most anything, if I so wish.”

  Juliet nodded when Sara looked over at her.

  “I will make sure there is a dressing table with mirror and chair tomorrow,” Juliet said. “In lieu, if you will sit here in the side chair, I will do your hair.”

  Sara sat down and handed Juliet the brush. Juliet adjusted her stance behind Sara as Sara turned slightly to watch Jason lying in the bed.

  Juliet stretched the process out as long as she could. Sara started to fidget. “I believe that will do, Miss Sara. Is there anything else you would like me to do before I move the rest of the things?”

  “Just move them into the connecting room for tonight, Juliet. It really is late. We can decide what else to do tomorrow,” Sara said, standing and moving toward the bed.

  “Yes, Miss Sara. Good night. Good night, Master Jason.”

  “Good night, Juliet.”

  Jason rolled over onto his side, facing away from Sara.

  “I do not know if I can do this,” Sara said so softly that Jason thought, at first, that he had imagined it.

  Sara sat on the edge of the bed. Her voice was just a bit stronger when she continued. “I just…”

  “It is all right,” Jason said softly.

  Sara felt the bed move and turned around.

  Jason was slipping out from under the covers. “I will go to one of the other rooms. You just relax here. There is no…”

  “Wait!” Sara said, more firmly. “Just… give me a moment to get used to the idea of being in bed with a guy. I had not really planned on this ‘til I was… older than fifteen, for sure.”

  “I can…” Jason repeated, half in and half out of the bed.

  “No. I will do this. Get back into the bed. For this first time… would you close your eyes while I take off my robe and get under the covers?”

  “Whatever makes it easiest for you,” Jason replied, doing as she asked.

  “If I do or say something to make you uncomfortable, to make the situation more difficult, just tell me. I will correct the situation.”

  Sara had quickly slipped out of the robe and tossed it to the end of the huge bed. Now, on her back, right at the edge of the bed, covers drawn up to her chin she snorted delicately and said, “Yeah. And terminate the contract, giving me everything a person could ask for until I get my degree. I told you I would go through with this. I will.”

  “I did not mean it like that. I was not trying to get out from under this… Just… I knew you would go through with it… I just do not want it to be more difficult for you than necessary. Just like closing my eyes now… Whatever you want me to do, I will. Just tell me. Anything like that, I will not consider it grounds for termination.”

  “You promise?” Sara asked, turning her head to look at Jason.

  “I do,” Jason replied.

  “Un-uh,” Sara replied. “I have found that you always keep your promises. But you set this up very carefully. Look me in the eyes and promise me directly.”

  There was a slight smile on Jason’s face when he turned to face her.

  “You do not trust me, yet you are sharing the bed?”

  Jason saw her eyes narrowing. “Are you avoiding making that promise?”

  “I could not if I tried. You would not let me, would you?” as his reply.

  “No. Now say it,” Sara told him, still watching his face.

  “I will not consider grounds for terminating the contract any modification of my behavior you ask me to make as a courtesy to you. I promise.”

  “Lord, you are a wordy son of a gun. But I believe you. Closing your eyes was for this time only. Unless I ask you again, specifically. You have to get something out of this.”

  “I told you that all I wanted…”

  “Please do not repeat what you said at the Commodores! Please!”

  “But…” Jason protested, seeing the look on Sara’s face. He was sure tears were forming in her eyes.

  “Of course. I will not. Just like this. Request, or even flat tell me. I do not want to make it worse for you.”

  “Okay,” Sara said, turning onto her back again. “I… guess you can turn off the lights.”

  She waited until her eyes adjusted to the dark before she softly said, “If there is something I can do, other than the two things I have already said I would not do, to make this situation more rewarding for you, ask me, and I will do it. I promise.”

  “No,” Jason replied, just as softly. “I cannot accept that promise.”

  “But why? I am just doing what you have done.”

  Jason could hear the aggravation in Sara’s voice.

  “No, you have not. Mine was intended to make you more at ease. What you are offering, whether you know it or not, opens up so many possibilities… Just… Look… If there is something that makes me uncomfortable… I will tell you, as I have asked you to tell me.”

  “Well… I guess that will have to do. But I do not see what the big deal is. I still think you should get more out of this.”

  “One thing I would ask… As a favor… Nothing to do with the contract…”

  Eagerly Sara turned to look at him again. All she could see was his vague profile in the dark, as he was laying on his back.

  “What is it?”

  “You picked up very quickly the nuances of the contract…”

  “You knew I would. You were half hoping… at least half, I am beginning to believe, that I would take the option of accepting everything and never sharing your room, much less your bed.”

  “I… I am not totally sure,” Jason said quietly. “Be that as it may, you did pick up on the ramifications. And, despite my planning on marrying you in the future…”


  “I’m not,” Jason hurriedly assured Sara. “I am not starting on the subject, honestly. But you do know what I said. Knowing that, as you do, you are also aware, though you might not have thought about it with everything else going on.

  “There are no restrictions in the contract about… I mean, your obligation is only as stated. There is no mention of other people… situations… exclusivity…”

  “What do you mean… Oh… I think… I think I understand. Just because I sleep with you, platonically, does not mean I cannot… say… go out with someone… go on dates and things like that.”

  “Exactly. You can date whomever you want, whenever you want… I am not giving permission. That is what I am trying to say. It is none of my business. Only what is in the contract.”

  “Then why bring it up?” Sara asked. She knew she needed to think about this. Jason was right. She had not, as yet, though it was obvious, once stated that there were no restriction, just as he had said.

  “Though, you are right. You made a very wise decision to make it clear that not only were you not actively giving me permission, but that you could not, because you do not have the power to give permission, or deny it.”

  “I know,” Jason said. “I have learned that you react, strongly, to several specific subjects.”

  “Are you…”

  “I am sorry. I am not trying to upset you, or make you mad. I just wanted… What I want to say, first, is that I know exactly what is in the contract. It is exactly what I mean. I do understand that the arrangement covers only what the contract states specifically. We share a bedroom whenever convenient, and share a bed, at your discretio
n. That is all.”

  “Okay. You know exactly what you meant. Those provisions and only those. So?”

  “So… I am asking you, as a favor, again nothing to do with the contract…”

  “Okay, Okay. I get that. What is it?”

  “Never mind. First and foremost, I have no right to ask you. It is none of my business. You are already upset. Any further…”

  “You will finish this. I am not going to wonder about this for hours. Okay. I have a temper. I promise you I will not do anything crazy. You have said it is none of your business. I give you express permission to broach the subject. If I agree that it is none of your business, I will say so. We will quit talking. We will go to sleep. So, just go ahead and ask me the favor, before I do get angry.”

  Jason did not say anything for several long moments.

  “So?” Sara repeated, forcefully.

  “I… ah… would like you to talk to me, before… if you find someone you love, and you decide that it is appropriate… I would like you to talk to me before you have sexual relations with someone for the first time.”

  “You no good, low down, dirty…”

  Jason could almost feel Sara calming herself down.

  Her voice low, controlled, but very understandable, Sara said, “You are right. It is none of your business whom I might, at some distant time, have sex with. And if you think that you could talk me out of it, to keep me a virgin, until such time as you can convince me, in some way, to marry you, then you will be vastly disappointed. I will have sex with whomever I choose, whenever I choose, wherever I choose! I do not plan on it anytime soon, I assure you. But that is beside the point.

  “Do not, ever, bring up this subject with me again, and I may just finally quit thinking up ways to do nasty things to you that would get me thrown in jail for the rest of my life. Do I make myself understood.”

  “Yes,” was all Jason said.

  Sara was sure he meant it.

  “My apologies for upsetting you. If you need me to leave for the night, so you can calm down and get some sleep, I will.”

  “Oh, no. You are not getting off that easy. We are in this together. You will just have to suffer the same consequences as I. So just… Good night.”

  “Good night,” Jason replied softly.


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