The Contract

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The Contract Page 17

by Jerry D. Young

  He decided he would need to be elsewhere when an identical system showed up here at the house. Sara had chosen a laptop computer and cellular telephone and was using them. Jason had an idea that she might get a little upset when the CAD system showed up.

  Jason smiled when he thought about the midsized SUV that was to be dropped off in the early morning hours for Sara’s sixteenth birthday. Complete with a huge bright red bow.

  Sara looked at him suspiciously.

  Knowing that he was going to be able to tell Sara that the Commodore and Mrs. Erickson had arranged for the SUV, Jason continued to smile at her. He would not tell her that he had manipulated the situation. Bringing it up in casual conversation how much she would like to have one.

  Trinity had turned sixteen earlier that month and had received a new convertible. Jason knew Sara had liked it, but the comments she had made afterward gave clear indication she preferred a sport utility type vehicle.

  The Commodore and Mrs. Erickson had literally fallen in love with Sara as they spent more time with her. Sara had even started working for Mrs. Erickson a few hours a week. Real work, apparently, from the comments Sara occasionally made about what she was doing for Mrs. Erickson.

  It had not been difficult for Jason to set the situation up so the Commodore and Mrs. Erickson would feel Sara out and pick out the perfect vehicle for her. Using, of course, the money Jason had set aside for such things.

  Fortunately for Jason’s health, he was still very good on the track team as a long distance runner. Sara almost caught him, with murder in her eye, when she saw him after school that day.

  The Commodore and Mrs. Erickson had known exactly what Jason had been up to. Included with the huge red bow was an equally huge birthday card. The message being: Jason said you wanted one of these, so he arranged through us to buy it and deliver it to you

  Jason knew he had to get home and change. The Commodore and Mrs. Erickson were taking both Jason and Sara out for a birthday dinner, as Jason’s was coming up and the Erickson’s were to be out of town on the day.

  When he entered the house he found Mrs. MacDougal. “Has Miss Lee made it home from school?”

  “You know she has. She is changing for dinner tonight. Now, you march right up there and take your medicine.”

  “She is still upset.” It was not a question.

  “Of course she is upset. You finagled something on her. She knew she could get a vehicle. You went behind her back to get her one. She is perfectly capable of making her own decisions and knows it.”

  Jason winced. Mrs. MacDougal was not happy with him, either.

  He left with a hangdog look on his face. Duchess, Candy, Juliet and Henrietta gathered around Maggie as soon as Jason had gone upstairs.

  “You were kind of hard on him,” Duchess said.

  Maggie grinned. “He might as well learn from this. He is generous to a fault. He knows Sara is reluctant to be at all extravagant. But Sara will not let him get by with things like this. If he had talked to her, she would probably have picked out the very vehicle he got for her.

  “She was mature for her years, because of her past. She is maturing even more, here.”

  Candy had a hard time getting the story out of how she had seen Jason run-ning down the street for his life, barefoot, roller-blades in his hand, Sara hard on his heels, as Candy drove past on the way to the store for Duchess. “I picked her up and took her back to school to get the truck when Jason finally got away from her. She was fuming.”

  Jason knocked on the bedroom door, but did not pause, then entered the way they both had learned to do to not walk in on the other when they were dressing or undressing.

  “If that is you, Jason McKindrick, you had better get in here right now! Since you are in this house, you will live. But I have a few choice words for you.”

  Sara was standing near the bed, arms crossed, still wearing a robe. One foot was tapping as she stared at him as he slowly entered the bedroom.

  “Do not, ever, do that again! We have a contract. I expect you to honor it. You did not give me that vehicle. There are provisions in the contract for my transportation. You trying to con the Commodore and Mrs. Erickson into something so you could give me that truck specifically without seeming to was low.

  “Give me something yourself if you want. I will either accept or refuse. Do not go behind my back like that again. Do you understand me?”

  Jason nodded.

  “Say it,” Sara insisted, arms still crossed in front of her chest, foot tapping.

  “I will not go behind your back like that again. I promise.”

  “Okay. Good. Now go get a shower. I will finish changing out here while you are in the bathroom and wait downstairs for you.”


  Sara looked at him, astonished. She had never heard that sound from him before.

  Her eyes narrowed suddenly. “I am not going to like this, either, am I?”

  Jason shook his head.

  “Give it to me now, all of it, and I promise not to hurt you to the point you cannot compete in the track meet this weekend.”

  He sighed. “I bought a CAD system for the house. Like the ones at school. It just is not here yet because they only had two in stock.”

  “I am going to do something truly evil to you. I just do not know what. Or when. Get your shower.”

  “Could you please tell me? I do not want this hanging over my head.” Jason was almost begging.

  “Tough. Now go. I need to get dressed.” Sara pointed at the bathroom.

  With a sigh, Jason did so.

  When Jason came downstairs and went to the entry hall, he found Sara talking to Juliet while she waited. They were discussing the abilities of the Kennedy High School Girls’ Basketball team, which Sara had gone out for and been eagerly accepted.

  “I am telling you, Miss Sara, with you as one power forward, and Trinity as playmaker guard, Kennedy could easily go to state this year. Mancuso is six two and can hold her own in the slot. Her hook shot is better than mine, and mine was very good. You have three more good guards and two good forwards that can rotate in and out.

  “Coach knows what she is doing, planning on you, Trinity and Mancuso playing most of the time and the others rotating. You have the stamina.”

  Juliet saw Jason and grinned at him. Looking back at Sara she said, “Candy said you almost caught Master Jason. And he is very good at long distances.”

  Sara had seen the glance and looked over at Jason.

  “If I had not been wearing a dress I would have caught him. He had only fear driving him. I had righteous indignation speeding me on.”

  Jason managed to smile at her statement. “That was nice phrasing. Miss Murcheson would be proud of you.”

  “You are not getting off the hook that easy,” Sara said, though she did smile. Miss Murcheson did love words. She was trying to get Sara to try out for a part in whatever play they put on that winter.

  “And besides, if I had been on my bike or been able to get my roller blades on, you never would even have come close.”

  Sara smiled at him sweetly. “I would have just jumped into my brand new, beautiful truck and run you down, wheels versus wheels.”

  “That is enough, you two,” Mrs. MacDougal said as she came up to them. “I want this to be a non-issue tonight. The Erickson’s are nice people. He is your guardian, but you live under this roof. I expect both of you to comport yourselves as if you can remember at least half the things I have taught you. Now, as you are a duly licensed driver with a vehicle in safe driving condition, and I need Candy for other duties, I expect you to provide transportation for your engagement tonight, Miss Sara.

  “Both of you will be back, together, by ten, as it is a school night.” She suddenly grinned at Jason and told Sara, “I am truly sorry that you must be in that early, in light of your new, later curfew. But Master Jason is only fifteen.”

  Sara grinned at Jason.

  “Can we go now?” he asked.

  He turned and walked backward as he told Mrs. MacDougal. “We are celebrating my birthday tonight, too. Would that not qualify me for the extended curfew?"

  “No,” Mrs. MacDougal said with a smile.

  Sara used the remote to unlock the doors. “I am driving, you know,” she said when Jason followed her around to the driver’s door.

  “Oh,” she quickly added when he gave her a sour look and opened the door for her. “I thought… It is just those manners again.”

  When he climbed into the passenger seat and buckled his seatbelt he said, “I really should check with Mrs. MacDougal to see if she has taught you to curtsey.”

  Sara looked over at him. “Actually, she has. Last week. Just in case, she said.”

  Jason again looked sour and Sara laughed lightly.

  He looked over at her when she started the truck but did not put it into gear. She was adjusting the seat, then the mirrors.

  She cut a sideways glance over at him. “Um… Would you… kind of help me keep an eye on traffic? I would die if something happened…”

  Jason smiled. “Sure. It has to be scary the first few times you are out on your own. It is not the same as with the driving instructor, is it?”

  Sara shook her head. “I was on pins and needles today. You probably could have gotten away from me on your roller blades. I do not think I went over fifteen miles an hour to or from school.”

  “You will do fine,” Jason reassured her. “You are very responsible. And have very good reflexes.” He waited until Sara had come to a stop at a traffic signal. “I saw what Rodney did yesterday.”

  “I may just have to break his arm,” Sara said. She was checking traffic.

  “I can do it for you. Or hold him while you do it. Or just watch while you do it on your own,” Jason said, causing Sara to cut him a quick look.

  “That was you that first day in school. You popped him with the basketball when he grabbed me.”

  “You were new here, uncomfortable for several reasons and already upset. Besides, I just do not like him, his cronies or many of the things he does.”

  “I understand that. But you let me take care of him, in relation to what he does to me.” Sara was able to take a quick look at Jason. “Though, if Kathy Wilkenson does not do something herself, I will. I might even let you help, since it is not for me.”

  “Is he bothering her again?”

  Sara could not look over at Jason, because of traffic, but she wanted to, hearing the tone of his voice.

  “Please talk to her about it, if you can. Get her to talk to someone. Do not let her let him push her. Someone will really get hurt, this time.”

  “What happened,” Sara asked. She had parked and was setting the brake. She knew something had.

  Jason was staring out the passenger window. “Rodney is a senior this year so is a couple years older than us. He tried something when Kathy was eleven. She never told anyone… I told her I would not, either. Unless he tried something again. I trust you not to say anything about the other time. But I cannot know about this and not do something about it.

  “Kathy Wilkenson is not a bad person, but she has some problems. This will only make them worse, if Rodney is allowed to get by with it. I do not particularly like her, but no one should be subjected to the things Rodney might try, now that he is older.”

  “You do not like her?” Sara asked, taking his arm automatically when he offered it on the way from the parking lot to the Marina Restaurant.

  “She is nice enough, but just too… flighty or something. She has been a cheerleader since sixth grade. So has Bootsi. But Bootsi is like you. I do not know. Real. You are all beautiful, but you and Bootsi have more in your life than just one thing.”

  Jason shook his head. “Be that as it may, Kathy still should not have to suffer because of Rodney. If you cannot get her to talk to someone, please let me know.”

  “What will you do?” Sara asked.

  “Probably the same thing I did last time. Get the ever living daylights beat out of me. But make sure Rodney stops, at least for a while.”

  Sara stopped. They were a few yards from the entrance of the restaurant. “What did you do the other time?”

  “It really is not important,” Jason said.

  Sara had noticed him rub his leg in the truck after the conversation about Kathy had started. He unconsciously reached down and rubbed his right thigh again.

  She did not press it, allowing him to escort her inside.

  “Looks like you have all your body parts, Jason,” the Commodore said as Jason and Sara walked up to them near the bar.

  The Commodore studied him carefully.

  “Behave,” Mrs. Erickson said.

  “You are the one that had the card made, Martha.”

  Mrs. Erickson smiled at Jason when he cut a quick look at her. “Never try to con an old woman. We have learned the ways of the world. And have little to lose when we choose to exercise our will.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” Jason looked over at Sara. “Young women, as well.”

  “Well, good for you, Sara,” the Commodore said, taking his wife’s arm to escort them toward the table the hostess was leading them toward. “I take it you had a few choice words for Jason over his attempted subterfuge.”

  “Yes, sir. I do not think he will try that particular ploy again.” Sara glared at Jason once more and the Commodore and his wife laughed.

  Jason was suddenly smiling.

  “We felt, with your perceptive nature and speed afoot, that it best we spring this on you before you had a chance to spot anything and get a head start out of here.”

  “What are you talking ab…”

  Sara flinched slightly when a dozen people suddenly appeared near the table and began singing Happy Birthday.

  “Happy Birthday, my dear,” Mrs. Erickson said, leaning over to kiss Sara’s cheek. She handed Sara a brightly wrapped gift.

  “Martha picked that up,” the Commodore said. He reached into his inside jacket pocket and removed two envelopes. “This is from me, personally. Guardian to ward.” He handed Sara one of the envelopes.

  The other he handed to Jason. “This is for you. I could not figure out how not to get you anything, since you were going to be here tonight, too.”

  “Stop teasing him, Dear,” Mrs. Erickson admonished the Commodore.

  “I have to do something to distract people from Sara. She has started to cry.”

  “Oh, dear!” Mrs. Erickson said, rising, to take Sara’s hand. “Come along, we shall fix this all up in the ladies lounge.”

  The Commodore and Jason had risen when Mrs. Erickson had. The started to take their seats, but Jason saw Trinity and her father approaching.

  “Hi, Jason! Commodore.”

  Mr. Vandeuson added his greetings to Trinity’s.

  “If you have a moment, Captain, I would like to speak to you about the west-side fueling dock.”

  “Certainly, Commodore. Trinity?”

  “Jason will keep me company, Daddy.”

  As the two men walked toward the bar for some privacy, Trinity said, “Daddy loves it when the Commodore calls him Captain. It is only a twenty-three footer.”

  “He is still captain of that vessel,” Jason replied.

  “You guys and your bo… ships!”

  Jason smiled.

  “I heard about your high dive. Who screwed up this time?”

  “One of the less experienced crew. It was no big deal.”

  “Hey! There is Sara. And Mrs. Commodore.”

  Trinity turned an inquisitive look at Jason. “What is she doing with Mrs. Commodore?”

  “She works for her, part time. The Commodore is her guardian, while her mother is away. Like Jack Lawrence is mine. I thought you knew that.”

  “She did tell me the other night when she stayed at my house for the birthday party that her mother was not here. I was too excited about my birthday to pay much attention to the rest. Only the mother thing caught my

  Jason rose when Mrs. Erickson and Sara came up to the table. Sara looked fine, with no signs of the tears earlier. She did look just a little apprehensive at Trinity’s presence at the table.

  “Hi Sara. Hi, Mrs. Commodore. Daddy and the Commodore are talking marina business in the bar.” Trinity looked at Sara expectantly.

  “I am surprised Jason is not with them,” Mrs. Erickson said, taking her seat as Jason held it.

  “He is keeping me company while I wait.” Trinity too, waited until Jason held her chair before taking her seat.

  Sara had started to sit down, but waited for Jason to seat her.

  “You guys together?” Trinity asked Sara, looking from Sara to Jason and back.

  “I am afraid that is our fault,” Mrs. Erickson smoothly interjected. “You probably know that Henry is Sara’s guardian while her mother is away. We are celebrating her birthday. And since we are away on Jason’s, Henry and I decided to have this dinner do double duty.”

  Mrs. Erickson saw Mr. Vandeuson and her husband approach the table, and added, in a slightly louder voice, “You know how big a skinflint he is.”

  Trinity giggled and Sara smiled when the Commodore harumphed, equally loudly as he took his seat.

  “Join us, Mathew, Trinity.”

  “Daddy was going to get me a lobster…”

  “This old skinflint can afford another lobster,” the Commodore said. “It has been some time I have been surrounded by three beautiful women. It would be worth another lobster. Or two. Or three. Or…”

  “That is enough, Henry,” Mrs. Erickson said.

  Trinity managed to keep a straight face, almost, when she asked the Commodore, wide eyed, “Could I really have three lobsters?”

  “And that, Sweet One, is enough from you,” Mr. Vandeuson told Trinity.

  “Yes, Daddy.” She cut a dimpled grin toward the Commodore.

  He held up two fingers, where Mathew Vandeuson could not see them. Trinity stifled a giggle.

  “Sara,” Mr. Vandeuson said, “would you be so kind as to take my unruly daughter over to the lobster tank and see if she can find a suitable crustacean. I would like to spare the Commodore and his wife five or ten minutes of my daughter’s giggles.”


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