The Contract

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The Contract Page 33

by Jerry D. Young

  “That must be tough,” Trinity said.

  Jeannette nodded. “We have moved a few times before, but it was always in the summer. And had at least two or three weeks to get ready.”

  “Well, do not worry,” Sara said, “Jason, Trinity and I will make sure things go as easily as possible.”

  “Absolutely,” Trinity said. “Kennedy is a great school. And there are a ton of things to do in the city. Do you have a car?”

  “Uncle Jack said…” Jeannette’s eyes cut to Jason.

  “You can use the BMW,” Jason said, barely looking toward her. “It needs to be driven more than it is, anyway.”

  “Thank you, Jason,” Jeannette said quietly.

  Jason nodded.

  “That will make it easier. I had a Honda at home. Father sold it when he took the assignment.”

  “What is it your father does?” Sara asked.

  “He is an accountant,” Jeannette replied. “He works for a big mining company.”

  “What kind?” Trinity asked. “My uncle works for a gold mine. He is a mainte-nance foreman.”

  “I guess they do all kinds. Father has mentioned gold, silver, copper, and… zinc, I think. He just does bookkeeping. He does not actually mine anything himself.”

  “How about your mother?” Sara asked. “Does she work?”

  Jeannette shook her head. “She does sometimes. They did not say if she would down there, or not.”

  They continued to talk during dinner, though Jason was even more quiet than usual.

  When they were getting up from the dining table, Jason said, “I will take care of the dishes, if you want to show Jeannette around the place a little.”

  “You have to do the dishes?” Jeannette asked, looking startled.

  “Even I have to help, now, when I come over,” Trinity said.

  Sara quickly said, “But you are a guest. You do not have to do chores.” She ginned over at Trinity. “Trinity insisted on being treated like family. Before she knew exactly what that meant.”

  Trinity grinned. “Fool that I am, I felt bad about abusing their hospitality.”

  “You stay here a lot?” Jeannette asked.

  “Daddy had to travel quite a bit this year, too. This place has sort of become an unofficial orphanage. Funny thing, though,” Trinity said, smiling over at Jason. “It is always girls that stay over for a few days.”

  Jeannette quickly looked over at Sara. Only Jason saw the look as Trinity and Sara were moving toward the door.

  “Are you sure, Jason?” Sara asked. “Since you did mention it, I thought Trinity and I could help Juliet get Jeannette unpacked and settled in.”

  Jason nodded.

  When he went up to the bedroom sometime later Trinity was brushing Sara’s hair at the dressing table. It was a common occurrence now. Jason went into the bathroom as the two girls continued their quiet talk.

  Sara’s eyes did follow Jason, however, until he was out of sight.

  “What do you think he thinks of Jeannette?” Trinity asked.

  “Nothing, yet, I am sure,” Sara said. “She has only been here a couple of hours now. He has barely spent twenty minutes with her.”

  “Do you think…” Trinity’s words faded away.

  Sara met her eyes in the mirror.

  “Never mind,” Trinity said quietly. “I think I should do what you and Jason are. Wait and see. She actually seems pretty okay. Especially considering her uncle.”

  “I know,” Sara replied. “I know how hard it is to be left somewhere.”

  “Oh, Sara!” Trinity said, “I should not have made the wisecrack about orphans. I did not intend to make you think of your mother!”

  “You did not,” Sara said quietly. “The situation made me think of her. I do not, as much as I used to.”

  Jason returned to the bedroom from the bath, in pajamas and robe. Dropping the robe onto the foot of the bed, Jason slid between the sheets as usual.

  And, just as usual, when Trinity was visiting and was in the bedroom at such time, she and Sara simply dropped their voices slightly and continued their conversation. Jason turned out the bedside lamp, rolled onto his side and closed his eyes.

  When the knock came on the bedroom door, and Jeannette said it was her through the door, Sara said, quietly, “Come in.”

  “Sara,” Jeannette said, entering the bedroom wearing a tee shirt that hung just a short way down her thighs, “I ran out of lotion just before I came up here. Could I borrow some until I…”

  Sara interrupted her, quickly saying, “Let me get you a robe, Jeannette.”

  “That is okay. I brought one. I do not need to borrow one.”

  “Maybe you better put this one on till you go back to your room,” Sara said, hurriedly grabbing Jason’s from the foot of the bed and handing it to Jeannette.

  “Well, sure, if you want me to. But why? I did not think you would be jealous, since Trinity is in here.”

  “We are always careful not to be provocative around Jason,” Sara said. Her eyes cut to Jason. His eyes were open, watching Jeannette.

  Jeannette slipped into the robe, but Sara saw the hem of the tee shirt lift high enough to expose most of her bottom when she lifted her arms to let the robe sleeves slide down them.

  “At least she has on panties,” Sara thought to herself. “But, lord, she has long legs!”

  “I am doing something wrong, again,” Jeannette said, the quiver again evident in her voice.

  “You are not doing anything wrong,” Sara quickly said. “Tell her, Jason.”

  “Jeannette,” Jason said, rolling over onto his other side, where she would not be in his easy view, “you did not know. Your uncle may have left out a few details when he explained the situation here.”

  Sara cut in. “Jason and I share a room and sleep together, Jeannette. But we do not have sex, or anything. We are both careful not to put the other in an uncomfortable situation.”

  “But Uncle Jack said you have been living together for a couple of years. How can you sleep together and not do… anything?”

  “I found it hard to believe, too,” Trinity offered. “But I have known about this almost from the start, and I have never seen any sign otherwise. Jason is always a perfect gentleman when I am here.”

  Jeannette’s eyes cut to the bed.

  “He does not even try to see you naked? Is he gay or something?”

  “No, he is not gay!” Sara said just a little more forcefully than she intended.

  Trinity smiled, remembering a similar conversation.

  “Are you and Trinity…”

  “NO,” Sara said. “We are not gay, either.” Sara frowned over at Trinity when Trinity did not speak up.

  “Hey,” Trinity did say then, “I understand her confusion. Remember mine?”

  “Yes. I do,” Sara said, frowning slightly again.

  “So you two are not really… doing it?” Jeannette asked.

  “No we are not. I have a boyfriend,” Sara said. “Trinity does, too. Jason goes out casually. He and I just have this… arrangement. I really rather not go into it right now, Jeannette. I will get you that lotion.”

  “Okay,” Jeannette said, her eyes going once again to Jason.

  “Do not worry, Jeannette,” Trinity said. You will get used to it.”

  Jeannette took the lotion Sara handed to her. “I just could not do it,” Jeannette said. “Be like that and not do it.”

  It slipped out. “You have done it with a guy?” Trinity asked.

  She slapped her hand over her mouth even as Sara exclaimed, “Trinity!”

  Sara was not sure who she was more annoyed with, Trinity or Jeannette, for Jeannette calmly said, “Well, sure! You mean none of you have ever… with someone else, even?”

  Jeannette looked amazed. “Wow! I do not think I know anyone your age that has not...”

  “I think we should probably drop the subject, if you do not mind,” Sara quickly said. She nudged Trinity. “Jeannette, I know yo
u have had a long day. From the looks of it earlier, there is going to be a heavy snow tonight. Jason and I both have to get up and shovel. So I think we should all get some sleep.”

  “I am tired,” Jeannette said.

  “I am not,” Trinity said.

  This time it was not a nudge that Sara gave her friend.

  “You may have to remind me,” Jeannette said, slipping out of the robe and letting it fall back onto the foot of the bed. “I am just used to running around the house back home in just my underwear or tee shirts like this one.”

  “Just try to remember,” Sara said, ushering both the other girls from the room.

  Jason rolled back onto his other side.

  “I am sorry about that, Jason. I should have warned her, I guess. We have just fallen into such an easy routine, I never think about it anymore. And Trinity and the others that visit sometimes… The same thing.”

  “It is not a problem for me,” Jason said quietly.

  Sara dropped her robe and slid into the bed. It was as she reached for the switch on the bedside lamp on her side that she noticed that Jason would have been able to see Jeannette in the mirror of the dressing table, even laying on his side the way he had earlier.

  She rolled over and watched him for several moments, before rolling onto her back again without saying anything.

  Two days later Jason asked Mrs. MacDougal and Sara to meet with him in the study. “I think you should hire a temporary maid to help Juliet for the duration of Miss Lawrence’s stay,” Jason told Mrs. MacDougal.

  “It is up to you, of course,” Jason added, looking over at Sara.

  “She is not doing anything really bad,” Sara said with a sigh. “But Juliet does seem to be working three times harder now, than before. I think I agree.”

  Looking over at Mrs. MacDougal, Sara asked, “Do you know if you can get someone suitable?”

  Mrs. MacDougal nodded. “Juliet has not complained, and Candy has been helping, but another maid would help.”

  “Mrs. MacDougal,” Jason said, “Thank you for your patience with this situa-tion.”

  Mrs. MacDougal smiled faintly. “I am becoming accustomed to situations such as this. Though I must admit, she is one young woman I do not quite understand.”

  “Me either,” Sara said. “She is not that bad, but then she does something really annoying, apologizes when she realizes it, and everything is fine again.”

  Sara looked over at Jason. “I just wish I could get her to quit running around half naked.”

  Jason smiled. “I told you, just as I told her. It does not bother me.”

  “She really does seem more comfortable that way.” Sara glared slightly at Jason. “And not only does it not seem to bother you, if anything, you are enjoying it.”

  “I suppose I am,” Jason replied. “But that is beside the point. If it bothers you, I will speak to her…”

  “No,” Sara replied. “It is not that it bothers me, I just do not want you to feel uncomfortable.”

  With another smile that was beginning to infuriate Sara, Jason said, “What slight discomfort it causes is more than made up by the slight discomfort it causes.”

  “How would you like to wear a pickup truck for a necklace,” Sara asked.

  Jason headed for the study doors. “Just tell me if you want me to get her to stop.”

  “One of these days,” Sara muttered, turning back to Mrs. MacDougal.

  “He would, you know. Get her to stop,” Mrs. MacDougal said.

  “I am sure he would. But maybe… Maybe it is a good thing.” Sara shook her head. “Anyway, do get someone to help Juliet. I will not have anyone else stay over until we get the extra help.”

  “Your friends have never strained the staff, Miss Sara. One house guest should not. I really have not quite put my finger on why there is so much extra work because of her.”

  “Well, I better go see if she is ready. We were going to pick up Trinity and go down to the mall this evening.”

  When they returned much later that evening, Jeannette asked Sara, “He really does not mind that George is your boyfriend?”

  Sara sighed. “No, Jeannette. He does not mind. Much more important, however, is the fact that it is none of his business. We have the contract, yes. But it is very specific. You can ask him yourself. We both free as the birds. Only when it comes to the regular sleeping arrangements.”

  “So you could do George, and it would not affect anything here?” Jeannette asked.

  “Do? I am not sure… Oh!” Sara colored. “Not that it is any of Jason’s or your business, but no, it would not affect anything here.”

  “And the same goes for Jason?”

  “Yes. Jeannette, I really do not want to discuss this further. Jason could probably explain better than I, anyway.”

  “Perhaps I should ask him,” Jeannette said after another quick look at Sara. “I wanted to ask him about the party, anyway.”

  With a nod, Sara went to find Mrs. MacDougal to discuss something. Anything.

  She was restless that evening. Jason noticed it, but said nothing, waiting for Sara to bring up whatever was bothering her.

  It was not until they had been in bed for several minutes that Sara flipped back the blankets and rose, that Jason knew she was ready to speak her mind.

  “You know,” she said, anger evident, “this is really none of your business! I do not know why I am even telling you. But you asked that one time…

  “I have been going with George for over a year, Jason. I have thought a great deal about things recently. He and I have discussed this… He has not pressured me. It is a mutual decision. I think I am ready to… I am not actually planning anything specific, but if the circumstances occur… I will sleep with George. You know what I mean. Not like you and me. But… Sex.”

  “I understand,” Jason said quietly, watching her pace back and forth beside the bed.

  “I think I better sleep in the other room,” she said suddenly.

  “I will go,” Jason said quietly. “It will be easier for tonight.”

  “This is none of your business,” she said again.

  “I know,” Jason said as he slipped out of the bed and headed for the door connecting to the other bedroom. “You did not have to say anything to me. I am sorry I made you feel as if you had to, that time.”

  The following evening, Sara spoke to Jason in the study. “Look. We have an agreement. I intend to honor it, until the terms are met,” she said. When she started to speak, her eyes were lowered, but she lifted them after the first few words and met Jason’s eyes as she finished.

  Jason nodded. “Is there anything I can do to make things easier for you?”

  “No. You are not the one that makes things hard for me. I am. I am not quite sure why, either.” Sara smiled. “I do not suppose you have any pull over at Montrose? To get them to change the night of their prom?”

  “I am afraid not. But I will see what I can do.”

  Sara chuckled as she headed for the doors of the study. But a sudden thought struck her. Before she left she turned and looked at Jason. “I was kidding. Promise me you will not try."

  Jason looked at her for long enough to make her start to worry.

  “I promise.”

  That night, before she fell asleep, Sara asked Jason. “If I had not made you promise, would you have actually tried to change the Montrose prom night.”

  “I really do not see any way I could do it,” Jason replied.

  “I know you. You did not answer my question.”

  She felt the bed move with the shrug. “Probably.”

  “Oh, Jason! Do not be so… in love with me. Okay?”

  Sara could not be sure, but she thought Jason was smiling, from the sound of his voice, when he said. “That I cannot do.”

  She did not bother saying anything else.

  Two weeks before the senior prom Bootsi followed Sara into one of the girls bathrooms between classes. “Sara, I really need to talk to you.�

  Sara could tell that Bootsi was near tears.

  “Bootsi, what is the matter? Are you okay?”

  Bootsi shook her head. “Oh, Sara! I do not know what to do! I have to talk to someone.” She looked around the bathroom. She did not see anyone else.

  “What is it, Bootsi? Do I need to get the nurse?”

  “This is not physical. At least not yet. If Trinity finds out… But she will not. I just will not let it get to that point.”

  “Trinity?” Sara asked. “Bootsi, what is wrong? You are about to cry.”

  Bootsi bit her lips. “You know Alan and I went to the Cheerleaders’ dinner last week?”

  “Sure. You two go together every year, Trinity said. Bootsi, Trinity does not mind. She did not mind last year either.”

  “I know,” Bootsi said, her voice still quivering. “She joked with us about it. Even took me aside and said I should get Alan to kiss me goodnight.”

  “I know. She told me,” Sara replied. “She knows you two are casual friends. It is no big deal to her. Not a goodnight kiss.”

  “Sara, that is what it was. Really. But… Oh, Sara… It was suddenly like an electric shock! Alan jumped back. He apologized. Sara, he literally ran to the car. He has barely spoken to me since. Just long enough to tell me that he is not going to hurt Trinity.

  “I do not want to hurt Trinity, either, Sara. But I cannot stop thinking about Alan! Trinity has been my friend for years! What do I do?”

  “Bootsi! I do not know! You are doing the right thing by not pursuing it, but … You cannot keep going on like this. It is obviously tearing you up inside.”

  “I know. I cannot look Trinity in the face. I have barely spoken to her since it happened. Not because I am ashamed of what happened. We did not really do any-thing wrong. It was just a goodnight kiss. Or was supposed to be.”

  “Actually,” Sara said, looking at Bootsi carefully, “you do know what you have to do.”

  Bootsi wiped away two tears and nodded. “I have to talk to her. Even if Alan and I do not ever see one another again, I have to tell her. Sara, will you be with her when I do? She deserves to have someone there to help her.”


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