An Unexpected Love (Hudson Brothers PI Book 1)

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An Unexpected Love (Hudson Brothers PI Book 1) Page 1

by J. Haney

  Hudson Brothers PI Book One

  An Unexpected Love

  By: J. Haney

  This book is a work of fiction. Any similarities to any person, place, or theory is in no way intended or to be inferred as fact or reference.

  The work is the singular property of the Author and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission, unless as part of a Review, Interview or Public push of the work and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Contains adult situations. 17+ only

  Cover Design by Author S.I. Hayes

  ©2015/2018 Haney

  ISBN: 9781719921787

  All rights reserved



  This book is dedicated to my Caleb. This story would not be what it is today if it were not for him. Many late nights with him, listening to my crazy ass as I rambled on and on about nothing in particular. More than once he asked me, “What’s going on in that head of yours?” I’ve also been called twisted and told that I’m crazy. Anywho, Caleb, this is dedicated to you. Thank you so much for always being there when I need you.


  First, I want to thank my family for not killing me as I spent days, nights, weekends, and hell, even weeks straight writing. There were days Momma would just look at me like I was crazy. Maybe I am, but you know I’m okay with that. Poor Jessalyn and Aiden, they were always mad at me because I was writing instead of playing with them. So I think it may be time to take a couple days and spend with my babies.

  Shannon! My God, what can I say other than… You are one of the most amazing people I know. Here I was supposed to be there for you, and we ended up with this beautiful friendship. Honestly, I have no idea what I’d do without you in my life.

  Annelle! Lady, I’m not even sure what to say other than I DID IT!! You’ve been with me since the beginning, and I hope and pray you are here for even more. Thank you for kicking my ass in gear when I needed it.

  Patricia, I think you love this story more than I do! I want to thank you for being around at three in the morning when I wasn’t sure what I should do. We need to meet up soon!

  Jamie and Lisa, you two are like the most amazing PA’s a gal could have. What the hell would I do without you two? Well, besides maybe go insane. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making sure I had everything I needed.

  To my amazing Street Team! You gals are some crazy pimpin’ fools, but I love you so much for it. Thank you for being so awesome!

  Crystal! Thank you so much for helping me make this book what it could be. You have no idea how thankful I am to have you as my book manager! You rock!!

  Last but most certainly not least, to my amazing fans. Thank you so much for reading Kyler and Caleb’s story. This story made me laugh, want to kill someone, cry on multiple occasions. I hope each of you have enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  Prologue~ Kyler

  Ten Years Ago

  I can’t help but be brought back to when my family was still alive and we were all getting ready for breakfast each morning. As I drifted to sleep I thought back to the last day I saw them alive…

  I was seven months pregnant with Jaxson and Avaline, sitting at the table laughing and joking with my eleven-year-old brother. We were discussing our plans for the evening, considering I was as big as a whale and didn’t feel like doing much. I suggested a low-key evening in, to veg out while watching a movie, like we did when we were younger. I remember finishing my breakfast, telling my little brother goodbye as I ruffled his hair. I went over to Mom and Dad, giving them both a hug and kiss before grabbing my book bag…

  Around noon, I was called to the office. When I walked in, there were two policemen waiting there for me. The tall, young one stepped up and introduced himself as Detective Ryan and his slightly older partner as Detective Cochran.

  "Are you Kyler Jefferson?"

  I looked up at him, confused. "Yes. Did I do something wrong?”

  “No honey, you didn’t.” Said Detective Cochran. "Can you come with us, please? We need to ask you a few questions."

  “Sure, can I go grab my bags from class?”

  Detective Ryan looked at me with sad eyes. “Of course, we’ll come with you.”

  I turned and walked away from them, beyond scared. I started feeling one of the twins kick from the stress, which wasn’t good for them. I stopped for a minute, holding my very pregnant belly, and Detective Cochran came up to me.

  “How far along are you?”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “I’m seven months today. I think these two are going to be soccer players.” Laughing a little, I looked down at my belly. “Okay you two, please stop kicking Mommy so hard, it hurts.”

  Detective Ryan came up to my other side and put his hand on my back. which made me look up at him, as he looked to his partner with concern.

  “Come on, let’s get your things. You’ll be taking the rest of the day off.”

  I smiled, not knowing what else to do. “Okay, that sounds good. I’d love to get home and see Mom. She seems to be the only person who can get them to settle down.”

  When Detective Ryan looked at me, I again saw sadness in his eyes. “Is there something wrong with my family?”

  “We will talk about it when we get out of here.”

  “Um… Okay. Right here is my class. I’ll be right back.”

  I walked into class and Tyson, my boyfriend, glanced up from his work. He could tell something was wrong.

  “Kyler, are you okay?”

  How do I answer that when I don’t even know what is going on?

  “Um… Ty, I’m not sure yet. I have to go somewhere with these two detectives. I’ll call when I know something, okay?”

  He stood and hugged me, then kissed my forehead. “Love you, babe,” he whispered.

  “Love you too.” I grabbed my bags and headed out of the room. “Okay, let’s go,” I tell the detectives.

  Once outside I asked, “Um… Can I drive my car or should I just leave it here?”

  The younger one looked at me. “Show us which one is yours. We have a tow truck waiting on it.”

  I pointed out my little Nissan Frontier. “There it is.”

  They helped me into the back of the police car, and I stared out the window as we went down the road.

  When we arrived at the station, they took me into a room and brought me a glass of water.

  “Thanks. Now will someone please tell me what is going on?” I asked as they sat across the table from me.

  “Kyler, your family has been murdered and we were trying to figure out why you weren’t with them.”

  I started crying. Detective Ryan handed me a tissue.

  “I eat breakfast with them every morning, but I left early so I could get to school and work a little harder, so I don’t fall behind when I have to take some time off to have the twins,” I said, blubbering. “You can ask my teachers. I have a 4.0. I really do not want my GPA to hit bottom because I am having babies. Can you tell me what happened?”

  “We still have questions that need to be asked.” Detective Cochran was watching me very closely.

  I stared at both of them, more than just a little confused. “You think I did it?”

  Detective Cochran looked me straight in the eye. “Well, as of now, you’re our only lead,” he answered, glancing at his partner.

  I shook my head in awe as if both the detectives had lost their minds. “I am seven months pregnant with twins. I do good just to walk upstairs, and these babies could come any day.”

  We sat there for near
ly five hours as they asked question after question. Finally, Detective Ryan said that I could stay with him and his wife in case something happened. Explaining that he knew my father, and promising I would be safe. I didn’t know anyone else so I agreed.

  When I got to Detective Ryans house, he showed me around the room where I’d be staying. When his wife got home, she came in and made sure I was okay.

  “I’m fine, Mrs. Ryan. Thank you for asking.” I was numb.

  “Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes.” She smiled and left the room.

  I ate dinner with the Ryans that night. They had no children, but they were still a young couple. They asked me a lot of questions about my babies.

  Sitting at the dinner table, my cell phone dinged. It was a text from Ty. I’d totally forgotten to call him.

  Hey, Babe you okay?

  I replied quickly.

  Ty, something awful happened. My family was murdered. Until the cops can figure out what happened I’ll be with Detective Ryan and his wife. He’s one of the cops that came to the school today.

  When I looked back up, the Ryans were watching me. “Sorry, that was my boyfriend.” I quickly put my phone back in my pocket.

  After dinner, I took a quick shower and went to bed. I was happy to see that someone had picked up some clothes for me.

  The next morning, I woke up hearing the Ryans talking about me, so I stayed quiet and listened.

  “Where is she going to go?” Mrs. Ryan asked.

  “She actually has a lot of money and household things from her family.” Detective Ryan answered. “She’s old enough to be emancipated, it won’t take much to get it done. Then I figured we would take her to the next state, get her set up in an apartment, and start her in college or something. I checked her grades. She should have graduated last year. Why don’t you take some time off work and stay with her? That way she has someone when the babies come.”

  “Actually, I think that’s a very good idea,” Mrs. Ryan said. “Now we just need to run it by Kyler.”

  Chapter One ~ Kyler

  It’s been exactly ten years since my family was killed. I sit up in bed remembering the day.

  Today starts just like every other day has since we’ve lived in this house. My phone dings to alert me about the weather; of course, more rain. The only bad thing about Seattle, it’s always raining. Walking down the hall to check on my babies, I open Ava’s door and peek inside, then repeat the process with Jax. Both are sound asleep. I head back to my room so I can get a shower and check my scheduler for the day’s events. Once showered and dressed, I grab my laptop off the dresser and head toward the kitchen.

  I turn the coffee pot on and sit down at the table with my devices. Booting up my laptop, I check my phone for messages. Ah, this is why I love my PC; scheduler automatically comes up without me clicking anything.

  Peterson photo shoot at noon and nothing before it. Easy day. Hearing one of the kids stirring upstairs, I check the clock. It’s only seven. I walk to the stairs, look up, and see my beautiful little lady staring back at me.

  “Avaline, you’re up early. Is everything okay?” I smile as she walks down the steps toward me.

  “Yes, Momma. I just woke up and heard you down here making noise.”

  I laugh a little. “I’m sorry, baby. Want to come help me with breakfast, or do you want to wake Jaxson?” I playfully raise an eyebrow, watching her smile reach her eyes.

  “I will help you, then go wake Jax.”

  Shaking my head at her, I turn back to the kitchen. “I had a feeling you’d say that.”

  Finishing up breakfast, I look at Ava. “Okay, time to go wake Jax.” She gives me the mischievous grin only a younger sibling can when they are about to get even for something or aggravate their older sibling, even if he’s only older by five minutes.

  I listen closely and hear the water run, thinking maybe one of them is brushing their teeth. Then Jaxson screams.

  I take the steps two at a time. “What is going on in here?” I demand, turning the corner. I find Ava walking toward me with a cup. “Ava, did you pour cold water on your brother?” I try to contain my laugh.

  She looks up at me, laughing, then stops when she sees the look I’ve managed to gain on my face. “Yes, Momma. He tore the heads off my Barbie’s again.”

  I shake my head at the both of them. “Avaline Michelle, you are grounded!” Hearing Jax laugh behind her, I glare at him. “Jaxson Mishon, you are no better off right now. You are both grounded for a week. Either of you want to guess what that means?” I can see the wheels turning in their heads and their eyes get big at the same time. They already know what I’m going to say. If they are grounded it means no private photoshoot this weekend. Or next, if they keep it up. They love playing with the props and cameras, so it really does put a crick in their days.

  “That’s right. Now Ava, you get your tail downstairs and start setting the table. I am going to help Jax get the wet stuff to the laundry basket so we can get it downstairs. If I hear one bit of argument from either of you today, I will add another week. Come on, Jaxson, get off your butt.”

  Ava scurries out of the room and down the stairs as Jax gets out of bed and starts cleaning up.

  Jaxson and I walk down the stairs, both carrying the wet clothes, sheets, and cover, head straight for the washer. I see that it is empty; Ava has tried to get herself out of trouble.

  “Thank you, Avaline, but you are still in trouble,” I call over my shoulder.

  “I know, Momma.” I barely hear her whisper then I hear one say, “Ow!” Then a slap. When I look over, they’re both in their seats.

  “That’s about enough. I will not tell either of you again.” I turn back and put the last of the wet items into the washer before I head over to the stove and start filling their plates, then grab the milk to fill their cups.

  “Thank you for breakfast, Momma,” Jaxson says. “It is really good.”

  I shake my head, laughing. “That’s enough sucking up, Jaxson.” I have to keep a sharp eye on them as they eat their breakfast. While I get the dishes done, I give them both a list of things to do to keep them busy so I can clean up the rest of the morning mess.

  Not even five minutes later the arguing starts. I stomp quickly to the steps. “I am going to give you two to the count of three to shut that up! One… Two…”

  Both of their mouths shut before I can get to three. “That’s what I thought now hurry up. Oh, and you’re now both grounded for two weeks.” I laugh when I hear them groaning.

  I go back to finish up in the kitchen, stopping to move the stuff from the washer to the dryer and start another load, then work my way back to finish up the dishes. Just as I’m drying my hands, they come in dressed and ready to go.

  “Where are your backpacks?”

  Ava speaks up. “They’re by the door ready to go.”

  I start packing up my stuff as they finish their morning chores. I make a beeline to my study where my books are for the kids’ schoolwork and notice I still haven’t graded everything that I need to. I grab the papers and add them to my bag of work for the kids and me today.

  I turn to head out the door and see the clock on the wall reads 9:00 a.m. Well hell, I have an hour drive in front of me; this is going to be a very long day. I shut the door to my office — that’s the one room the kids are not allowed to go into — and find them in the living room watching cartoons.

  “Come on, let’s go. We’re running behind today,” I say, gesturing them toward the door. Once on the stoop, I lock up behind us before we head to the truck.

  Chapter Two ~ Caleb

  Hearing the blaring alarm clock, I groan and smack it. Rolling over, I feel someone in bed with me.

  “What the fuck?” I jump out of bed and look over to find a blonde with big tits. She stirs as I’m scratching my head trying to figure out what the fuck happened last night. The blonde looks at me.

  “Hey Cal, why don’t you get back in bed and show me
some more of them moves from last night?”

  She giggles. God, I hate when chicks giggle! Running my hand down my face, I count to three then look again; yep, she’s still here. Fuck. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I squint at the blonde.

  “I... um… I’ve got to jump in the shower and get ready for work. Just leave your number on the counter in the kitchen and I’ll give you a ring sometime,” I say quickly, then head to the shower, leaving the naked blonde lying in my bed. Shutting the bathroom door, I turn the water on. As I step into the shower, the door opens.

  “Cal, can I come in?” the blonde coos. I hope for a moment that I can just fuck her and maybe then she’ll leave. Before I can answer, she slips into the shower with me. I look her over from head to toe: bleach blonde hair, blue eyes, fake tits, nice ass, and long legs.

  “Turn around and put your hands on the wall,” I command as I grip her hip and move my cock to her entrance. Without much more than a groan, I thrust into her hard and fast.

  “That’s...It…Cal…Fuck…Me…Hard…Baby…” she grunts between thrusts. I can feel myself getting closer. Pumping my cock into her harder and harder, I smack her ass just to hear her scream out.

  “Come…for…me!” The blonde screams.

  “Turn around and get on your knees,” I demand through gritted teeth as I pull out. The blonde drops to her knees in front of me and takes my cock into her mouth slowly. I groan louder as my cock touches the back of her throat. Wrapping both hands in her hair, I start pumping my cock into her mouth.

  “Fuck!” I scream as I come.

  Done, I turn away from the blonde and hurry to finish my shower. I jump out, leaving the water on for the chick. Wrapping a towel around my waist, I go to my closet and grab my clothes for the day: jeans, button-down shirt, and a jacket to hide my guns. Just as I finish getting my clothes on, the blonde walks out completely dressed. Thank fuck; hopefully she is ready to leave.


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