His Alien Hostage: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Alien Pirates Of Cania Book 2)

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His Alien Hostage: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Alien Pirates Of Cania Book 2) Page 1

by Zara Zenia

  His Alien Hostage

  A Sci-Fi Alien Romance

  Zara Zenia

  Juno Wells

  Illustrated by

  Natasha Snow

  Edited by

  Elizabeth A Lance

  Copyright © 2020 by Zara Zenia

  All rights reserved.

  Cover design by Natasha Snow Designs

  Edited by Elizabeth A Lance

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the authors’ imagination.


  VIP Reader Club

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40


  About Zara Zenia

  Also by Zara Zenia

  About Juno Wells

  Preview of Alien Prince Charming

  Sign up to Zara’s mailing list and find out about her latest releases, giveaways, and more. Click here!

  Visit her site: www.zarazenia.com

  Like and Follow her on Facebook!

  Sign up to Juno’s mailing list for the newest releases, giveaways, and more. Click here!

  Visit her site: http://junowells.wordpress.com

  Like and Follow her on Facebook!


  Bella checked her camera bag one last time as she climbed out of her SUV and headed toward the crowd of protesters. She'd gotten the alert on her phone about the downtown protest becoming violent about twenty minutes earlier, and she knew she needed to be there to document the action. As a freelance photojournalist, she had to be where the action was, and luckily, this protest broke out in her hometown, so she didn't have to fly anywhere to get there quickly.

  The sun had set already, and it was getting quite dark as she ran toward the crowd, she pulled out a lens and attached it to the camera that hung around her neck. She'd learned a long time ago to multi-task. It was the only way to get things done quickly.

  The crowds were protesting against the police for the death of a young Hispanic kid, as they were all over the US, but the alert she'd gotten had specifically listed direct threats of violence toward not only the police, but also the mayor and the governor. The rioting had started near the Children's Museum, but the protestors had been making their way north toward the Governor's Residence. She'd driven around trying to find a spot she could park in that wouldn't be in the way. Last thing she needed was her SUV trashed by the angry protestors. She'd found a parking lot off 28th Street between the rioters and the police and now she was charging toward the action snapping pictures along the way.

  The police had set up a barricade on Gavin St. near Larkington Park and Bella was excited at the pictures she was getting. She zoomed in as a clash broke out between three protestors and two of the cops. The protestors were hitting the cops with water bottles filled with what looked like cement or something equally as hard because they left gashes on the cops' faces when they hit. Other protesters threw various other items they had gotten their hands on like bricks and rocks, one was even throwing a stop sign, not the post, but the sign part.

  On her camera screen, Bella could see one particular cop's fury and she snapped a shot of his face. She moved closer, snapping shot after shot, and then one of the cops looked directly at her and motioned for her to stop taking pictures, but they couldn't stop her. It was a free country, right? She had every right to take these pictures.

  She snapped a couple more as another cop started beating one of the protestors with a baton, and then it was like everything was in slow motion. Her eyes were drawn to the fury of the cops as several of them broke rank and started toward her while the others moved to protect the cop doing the beating. Worry filled her as she started to back away, but they kept coming. Holding onto her camera, she jumped down from the ledge she was standing on, spun on her heel, and pushed her way through the crowd that seemed to fill every possible space in the area.

  "Move!" she shouted, as she bumped her shoulder into a guy who had his fist raised in the air. She looked over her shoulder and could see the cops still coming, so she dropped down and wove through bodies, popping up on the side of the crowd, closer to 28th Street, if she could just make it to her SUV, she'd be fine.

  Why did I have to wear a white shirt? she thought as she looked around. She stood out in this crowd of protesters, mostly all dressed in black. Was there a memo on dress code I missed? Geez!

  She glanced back again, but the four cops were almost through the crowd. She didn't want them to catch her, so she took off at a run, passing the China Buffet and then ducking into a one-way side street between it and an apartment building. She had hoped to find a place to hide, but there wasn't much there though. She ducked down behind the plants and air-conditioning unit for the apartment building and undid her lens from the camera and shoved both in her bag as quietly as she could.

  "Come out of there now!" one of the cops shouted from somewhere on her left.

  "We just want the SD card; you can keep the equipment!" another of the cops said from her right.

  They must have split up and come into the side street from both ends to make sure she didn't get away. Damn it! she thought. I can't give it to them! I have a week's worth of photos on here, everything from my trips to LA and Seattle. Why didn't I pack an extra SD card, she berated herself for not thinking of that sooner.

  "If you don't come out, we'll arrest you for obstruction!"

  "Those photos aren't worth your life, just hand them over!"

  Did they just threaten to kill her for the pictures?

  Suddenly the street lights all started to dim and flicker.

  "Damn lights," one of the cops muttered from way too close to her hiding spot.

  Bella held her breath, praying for a miracle.

  And then it went completely dark. Darker than normal with the lights off. So dark she couldn't even see her hand in front of her face.

  "What the hell?" another cop said.

  As Bella was looking around in the dark, trying to see something, anything, she decided to try and make a run for it, but then a bright white light in the sky flicked on and she looked up. It was circular in shape and started getting wider as it came down toward her. She stood up, fearing it was a police helicopter search
light, but she couldn't hear the blades, and she knew those were super loud. She wanted to run, but it was as if she were frozen in place. She couldn't move. Every inch of her body was like stone, unyielding and hard. She couldn't hear anything. Not the rioters, not the cops standing right behind her, nothing. It was as if all sound had ceased to exist.

  And then unexpectedly, there was a piercing sound and the light surrounded her completely. After a second, her eyes rolled up into the back of her head and she passed out.


  Bella's head hurt. She felt a sting as if some bug or other had bitten her and she rubbed her neck with a too heavy hand. Her tongue clung to the roof of her mouth and her eyelids felt heavy. She struggled to open them, but they wouldn't quite go up more than a fraction. All she saw before they closed again were her own lashes before sinking back into the dark oblivion.

  The next time she woke, her head still hurt, but her eyelids were a bit more cooperative. She raised a now lighter than air hand to her head as she pried her eyes open. A chain rattled as she moved her other arm, and that wrist felt heavy. Do they still use chains on prisoners at the jail? she thought, but then she couldn't remember actually being arrested. Did they drug me?

  She moved to sit up, banging her head on the ceiling. "What the hell?" She blinked as she realized she was in a cage. Not a jail cell, but an actual, fucking cage like for a large animal.

  "Ah, you're awake, I will get the master," a quiet voice said.

  All Bella could see was the back of a dress swishing against a pair of tanned legs as it fled through what looked like a doorway. She ducked her head a little and peered through the bars into the room beyond her cage. It was all metal or chrome or something, and it looked like a storage closet. There were a couple other cages, but they were empty, thankfully, and a metal shelf unit that held her camera bag, a couple of purses, three phones and a backpack that she could see from her position in the cage.

  "Wait, did she say master? What the fuck is this place?" she muttered and then looked at the cuff on her wrist. It reminded her of the old chain-gang kind of cuffs and seemed to be just as heavy as what she imagined those had been. She patted the top of her head, feeling for one of the two bobby pins she'd used to hold the wispy bits of her hair in her ponytail.

  She'd just stuck the bobby pin into the lock when she heard someone coming into the room. She didn't want to be caught trying to escape, at least not yet, not before she found out where she was, so she slid the pin back into her hair.

  "Who are you and how dare you treat me this way!" she said, rattling the chain.

  "You will not speak unless I demand it of you, Omega!" came a gruff reply.

  "That's not my name! I demand you let me out of here!" she answered back. "My lawyer is going to have your badge for this! You can't keep me locked up like some animal!"

  "Your lawyer is about ten million light years away, Omega, and your Earth laws do not affect me and mine. You will be processed and then gifted to a Nobleman."

  "Gifted to a Nobleman? What the fuck are you talking about? I'm a person, not a fucking dog! And— wait did you say Earth laws? Where the hell am I? Who the hell are you?"

  "Take her to the processing quarters, Emryn. I do not wish to hear any more of her screeching."

  From the angle Bella was sitting in, she couldn't see anything more than a pair of legs in loose fitting pants as they left the room. "Wait! I demand to know—"

  "It would be best if you did not speak anymore, number four-fifty-two."

  "My name is Bella," she growled at the woman.

  "I'm sorry, but your name will be whatever your master wishes to call you, after you have been processed, of course." The woman worked the cage, opening the door. "Hold out your hands please."

  "Why should I?" Bella asked petulantly.

  "If you do not, I will have to punish you. Please do not make me. It is quite unpleasant and will make you pee yourself and then I will have to clean this room again."

  Sighing heavily, Bella went along with her order, biding her time until she could make a plan of escape. She held her hands out and the woman released the cuff on her wrist, but then snapped a metal bracelet like cuff to each of her wrists. There was a metal bar attached to each cuff in the middle. "What was the point of releasing the one cuff only to put these on me?"

  "The other one does not move from the cage." She gripped the small bar between Bella's wrists and pulled her from the cage.

  Bella slid out on her ass and was yanked up into a standing position. Before her stood a beautiful woman of Indian descent. Her long dark hair hung straight past her hips. She had dark brown eyes that Bella thought might have been soft at one time, but right now they were filled with disdain and directed at her. She was short too; since Bella was at least five inches taller than her. "Where are we?" she asked.

  "You are on my master's ship, the Elite."

  "Ship? What are you talking about?"

  "You have been taken from Earth, as I was taken from Earth, to become the Omega of a Canian Noble."

  "Never heard of them, who are they and what's an omega?"

  "The Omega is the bonded slave mate of a Canian Noble."

  "Slave? You've got to be kidding me! I am not going to be some douchebag's sex slave!" Bella yanked her cuffed hands from the smaller woman's grip.

  "After the processing, you will not feel that way. You will be chemically altered to bond with your master and you will do everything that is asked of you."

  "This is illegal! You can't do this to people!"

  "On Cania, it is completely legal. You have no rights on Cania. And as the Elite is a Canian starship, you have no legal rights here either. Come. I must take you to your quarters and begin your processing."

  "What? No!" Bella tried to pull away again, but the smaller woman was stronger than she appeared.

  The woman, Emryn, he had called her, dragged her down a hallway. A minute later, she stopped and pressed her hand to a panel on the wall. A door slid open and she was dragged inside. This room had a small bed, a side table with a lamp that looked to be permanently attached to it, and in the corner, a toilet and sink.

  "You will stay here while I prepare the first round of your processing." She turned and left through the opening which quickly shut, sealing her inside.

  "Fucking shit!" Bella screamed and stomped her foot. She banged on the door panel, but no one came to open it or even spoke to her to tell her to shut up. She sat down in a huff on the bed, trying to figure out what to do about her current predicament. She looked around. There were no windows in the room, so she still wasn't sure where she was. Of course, Emryn had said she was on a spaceship, but she wasn't so sure she believed her. Wouldn't she know it if she were in space? Wouldn't she feel it? Surely she would. Right?

  Emryn returned a little while later, a syringe with a long needle in her hand. "This is the first treatment."

  Bella scooted back on the bed, pulling her knees up to her chest as her back hit the wall. "No! You aren't injecting me with that!" She kicked out at Emryn, trying to keep her away from her.

  "I must. Master will be quite upset if I do not begin your processing immediately."

  "I don't give a flying fuck if he's upset!" Bella exclaimed as Emryn evaded her kicks and then gripped her bicep. Bella tried to pull away. "Why are you doing this! You don't have to do this! Please, Emryn, please don't do this! We could escape together," Bella pleaded with her.

  "I have to do what Master says, I cannot escape. I do not wish to escape. He is my master." Emryn shoved the needle into Bella's arm with force.

  Bella screamed as the liquid fire was pushed into her vein. After a few minutes, she blacked out again.

  She woke a while later to find the cuffs had been removed. She frowned, trying to figure out a plan of escape, but something in her was wrong, different. Her anger, her sense of danger, adventure… all of it was gone. She could remember it, but she couldn't feel it.

  "What is wrong with me?" s
he muttered.


  Bella wanted to cry, but she couldn't. It was as if her feelings, her thoughts, her personality were locked up inside her mind. If she even thought of trying to vocalize her dismay at her condition, her body would freeze up and she couldn't speak, couldn't even move her mouth to open it. As she stood with Emryn, she worked hard at breaking down the wall in her mind that would free her. When she closed her eyes, she could see wall in her mind. It felt like it was impenetrable, but somehow she had to get through it, break it down, free herself.

  "I am so glad you are more docile now. Master will be pleased. He will get a good price for you when he takes you to auction with the others. Once your new Master pays mine, I will give you the final injection to code you to his DNA. When I do that, you will forget your previous life and be all that your Master needs you to be," Emryn said as she gave her another injection.

  Bella swallowed, trying to find words she could say that would show she was still outraged at this whole thing, but nothing would come to her. It was as if she were fighting against her own mind to let her voice out. Where was her sense of self-preservation? Her self-respect? She had to get out of here. She had to get away, but so far, she'd seen nothing of the ship, only that storage room and the hallway between there and this room she was now being kept in.


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