His Alien Hostage: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Alien Pirates Of Cania Book 2)

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His Alien Hostage: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Alien Pirates Of Cania Book 2) Page 15

by Zara Zenia

  Terrex nodded. He had loved her and in the end she'd shown that she really did love him too, by saving him. He now had one more reason to kill his father. He wished that shot to his shoulder had been just a bit lower. It didn't matter, he would kill him next time they crossed paths. He would avenge his mother.

  "Come, they are awaiting us in their chapel." Lezin directed them to the center of the town.

  Vervanians shifted forms to resemble the humans and Canians and Selithi, and then followed the small group as they entered the chapel. Every seat was filled and that made Terrex's heart swell. His mother was getting a proper send off. The Vervanians had a cushioned alter prepared surrounded by flowers for her body, and Terrex laid her down, crossing her hands over her wound, hiding it from prying eyes.

  Bella moved up next to him and took his hand. Together they stood over her, their heads bowed. Bella said a prayer, not that she'd ever really been religious, but she was spiritual and did believe in a higher power, so she prayed that Lady Pansy was at peace wherever her spirit had gone.

  Terrex turned around and looked out at everyone gathered. "Thank you all for this, for being here for my mother, Lady Pansy. She was a good mother, a beautiful spirit. May she rest in peace." With that, he strode down the aisle and out of the chapel.


  They spent several weeks on Verva, repairing the ship, which took the majority of the Credits Terrex had liberated from his father's safe. They'd sold off all of the trinkets and completely refilled their food storage. The Earth women who had been sequestered onboard finally came out and of the ship and managed to enjoy a little sight seeing on Verva, but for the most part they continued to stay in their quarters, not mixing with the rest of them.

  Bella had spent hours out exploring the planet, taking pictures of the exotic location, the town, the people and getting to know the planet. Lucky for her, Gaddis had been able to find supplies there on Verva to create a new flash drive for her to store all the images on. She wanted to be able to keep and share them with others, even if those others were on Earth.

  She'd spent a lot of her time thinking while she'd been out taking pictures. About her life back on Earth, about Terrex, about Melody, Jodie and the others. So much had happened, she had changed as a person, realized she could be part of the action, she didn't have to be the one off to the side filming. She could do her part to make a difference, help save people, and maybe get the chance to explore some more planets, document their trips, spend more time with Terrex…

  "There you are," Terrex said, approaching her.

  He looked as sexy as ever, wearing just a pair of thin material pants and no shirt, like the Vervanian males. She was dressed in a sarong style dress of the same material. With their hot and humid climate, it was lightweight and perfect. She'd managed to pick up several while shopping in their little shops.

  "Hi," she replied smiling.

  "I think we're getting ready to go. Melody said she wants all of us back on the ship within the hour."

  "Okay." Bella sighed, looking around.

  Terrex wrapped her in his arms. "Gonna miss this place as much as me?" he asked softly. He had another reason for missing it, aside from all the memories they'd made here. It was where they'd buried his mother. She had a lovely resting spot under an ancient Terilily tree, a lush tropical tree that grew white and pink flowers. Bella had gotten a picture of it for him and had it framed. It now sat on the table next to his bed, along with a framed picture of the two of them surrounded by the lush jungle and distinct looking birds flying in the background.

  "Yeah, I really am, but I'm excited too."

  Terrex's smile faded. "Because we're returning to Earth?" he asked.

  She shook her head and stepped closer to him. "No, I mean, well yeah, sure, I want to show you Earth, but no, I'm not going to stay there. I'm staying with you. If you're okay with that." She grinned.

  Terrex bent and kissed her. "I am more than okay with that." He laughed. "Come on, lets head back."

  Once they reached the ship, they headed for Terrex's room, which was really their room now as Bella rarely stayed in her own quarters. She liked being close to him.

  "Hey, did you get some last minute shots, chicky?" Jodie asked as they met up in the hallway.

  "Yeah, I'm gonna miss this place." Bella smiled at her.

  "Well, soon you'll be back on Earth and in the action of riots again, so those shots will have to last ya for a while." She chuckled.

  "Yeah, about that," Bella grinned and looked up at Terrex. "I think I'm just gonna hang with you all instead, that is… if you could use another hand around here?"

  Jodie gaped. "Seriously? Hell yeah! Of course, we need to clear it with Melody, Devron and the others, but yeah!" Jodie hugged her.

  Bella bit her lip. "Do you think they'll mind?"

  "No, I bet they'll be cool with it, but once we're in space we can set the auto pilot and have a meeting."

  "Great," Bella answered. "I suppose you realize that means both of us, right?"

  Jodie nodded. "Yeah, I figured. Didn't think you'd hang around if Bella was gone."

  "Probably not. Not sure what I would have done, probably be plotting how to kill my father in some bar, drowning my sorrows in spirits."

  Bella frowned at him.

  Jodie chuckled. "Well, no sense doing that. Okay, well, I'll let you two get to wherever you were going. I'm headed up to the galley before we take off."

  They went into their room and Bella put her camera away. Ten minutes later, they were settled in their seats. That was another upgrade that Gaddis and Jorwon had made with the help of the mechanic on Verva, adding and programming another jump seat into their quarters.

  The window panels moved to cover the window panes and soon the ship was lifting and zooming into space. Thirty minutes later, the panels slid back, and Melody was telling them it was safe to resume their activities.

  Three days later, they entered the Earth's atmosphere. The ship was cloaked as they flew through the United State's air space, to drop off the women they'd rescued. They deposited each of them back in their hometowns, after Gaddis wiped their memories and planted false ones. He left the friendships that the girls had made with each other, planting memories of a trip to Mexico where they all "met" with Bella's help.

  After that they made a stop at Jodie's island where they spent a few days relaxing in private. Bella especially loved showing off the planet to Terrex even if they had to do it from the windows of the ship. She was glad Jodie's island was private and he was able to join her for a midnight swim in the ocean.

  "It is very beautiful here." Terrex looked at her, her hair shining in the moonlight. "Are you sure you want to leave all of this?" he asked.

  Bella smiled and moved into his arms as they stood on the beach. "I'm very sure."

  They walked hand in hand along the sand and then dropped down on their large beach blanket and spent the next hour making love under the moonlight as the surf crashed against the shore. When they returned to the beach house, everyone was gathered around the large dining table.

  "What's up?" she asked as they joined them.

  "We've been trying to decide what's next," Melody answered.


  "First things first. I know Jodie was wanting to do this sooner, but we didn't want to test the auto pilot until after we returned to Earth. So, do the two of you want to officially join the crew of The Freedom?" Melody asked, looking at them.

  Bella looked at Terrex and they both smiled. "We do."

  "All in favor of allowing them to join the crew?"

  Everyone raised their hands, even Mabav who had finally come out of his coma two days earlier. He was taking it slowly, but it looked as though he would make a full recovery.

  "Excellent, welcome aboard." Melody smiled. "Now on to further business. As you know the Credits we gained from Terrex and Bella playing Robin Hood, have gotten put to good use, but we don't have much left. Earth money is only good here on
Earth, so while we've stocked up on every imaginable thing we could here, it's not going to do us any good off planet."

  "I do have to admit, you were right about chocolate, it is very good," Terrex murmured in Bella's ear.

  "And that was only a candy bar, wait till you try the ice cream." She grinned back.

  "Hey, Bella and Edward, wanna knock it off? Trying to hold a meeting here," Melody snarked.

  Jodie busted out laughing.

  "Who is this Edward?" Terrex frowned and looked at her.

  Bella rolled her eyes. "Very funny. She means you." She shook her head and looked back at Melody. "You were saying?"

  "As I was saying, Earth money is no good on other planets. That being said, we need to come up with another viable way to make some money. Suggestions?"

  Rayhan and Lezin spoke in hushed tones, and then Rayhan raised his hand. "I think, since the ship had been upgraded and we're now capable of hyperdrive, we could lay off the rescues for a bit, at least until the Imperial Space Fleet back off some more. We could probably make some money smuggling to the outer galaxies for a while."

  "That could work." Melody nodded. "All in favor of going with Rayhan's idea?"

  Everyone raised their hand in agreement.

  "Excellent. Get some rest, we leave at first light."


  Six months later

  Bella woke up in Terrex's arms and smiled. "Happy Anniversary."

  "It hasn't been a year, beautiful, not yet." He cuddled her closer.

  "True, but it has been six months, so it's our six-month anniversary."

  He grinned. "Do you celebrate that on Earth?"

  "Oh definitely. It's a very important anniversary you know. Celebrated with a special meal and dancing."

  "Is it now?" He arched a brow. "And does this special meal include something chocolate?"

  "You know, come to think of it, it does." Bella laughed. "But you will have to wait until tonight to find out what kind. Right now, you have to get up. You're expected at your post in ten minutes."

  Terrex sighed. "Very well, but only if you come up with me. You can practice your shooting."

  Bella shook her head. "My shooting is just fine. Besides, I have chocolate things to prepare."

  "Hmm well that does seem more important." He winked at her as he climbed from the bed and got dressed.

  While he was in the bathroom, Bella got up and dressed, then made their bed. By the time he was finished, she was ready to go. She walked with him up to the top floor and with a kiss, she headed to the galley while Terrex went to the gunnery. He'd been made their Chief Gunner, leaving Jorwon and Mabav to help with their smuggling operation. Lezin and Rayhan took turns navigating and listening to the comms so that they didn't accidently run into any of the ISF.

  They mostly smuggled weapons, food and essential items to outer planets. Though sometimes they were paid to acquire specialty items, which wasn't technically illegal, just hard to get. Still, they didn't want to draw the ISF's attention, so they did their best to avoid them.

  "So, what's the plan for tonight, chick?" Jodie asked, seeing Bella come into the galley.

  "I'm making chocolate cupcakes." She grinned.

  One of the things they'd added to the galley when they'd been on Earth had been a convection oven. So, every now and then, Bella, Jodie or Melody was able to make up some special Earth treat.

  "Oh yum, with chocolate frosting?" Jodie asked, hopeful.

  "Is there any other kind?" Bella giggled.

  "Need some help?"

  "You just want to lick the spatula."

  Jodie laughed loudly. "Yep."

  Together they made the treat and then put them in the Tupperware holder that Jodie had acquired from her kitchen. After seeing to that, she programmed the computer so it would be able to cook up a turkey dinner, with mashed potatoes, peas and rolls. That was something that Gaddis had taught her, how to enter specific recipes so that the computer to do the cooking for them.

  She ate lunch with Jodie and then headed up to the security room where she took a turn on the comms, while Lezin and Rayhan went to eat. She didn't have a regular job on the ship, she mostly just helped out here and there. Sometimes in the medbay with Sina, sometimes in the Gunnery taking a turn on the guns, and sometimes with security. They'd actually added to their crew, a couple more maintenance guys to work under Gaddis and a couple other gunners. Two of them were Vervanians and the other two were Starsinians. They'd answered an ad that Rayhan had designed.

  Once she finished listening to the comms and Lezin was back to relieve her, she headed to her and Terrex's room to get ready for the evening. She took a shower, dried her hair and braided it. It was down past her waist now, so she took the added time to do a French braid that wrapped around her head and fell down her left shoulder. She spent another hour putting on make-up and painting her nails. After that, she dressed in a slinky black dress with sparkles and heels that she'd picked up on their last Earth trip.

  Bella didn't want Terrex to see her in the dress, so she left him a note on the bed, where he would be sure to see it, and then headed over to Jodie's room to wait.

  "Thanks for letting me use your room," she commented when Jodie let her in.

  "No problem, chicky. I'll go make sure your table is all set up," Jodie replied. "You look fab, by the way."

  "Thank you."

  "I'll be back in a few."

  Bella sat at Jodie's table, messing with her iPod. She'd been introducing Terrex to Earth music over the last six months. Tonight, she planned to play a selection of romantic songs and she wanted to get the order just right.

  Jodie returned a few minutes later holding Bella's camera. "Thought I would get a picture of his face when he sees you all dolled up."

  "Oh thanks." Bella grinned. "Was he in there?"

  "Yeah, he was reading your note." She laughed. "He looked completely baffled. I showed him what you meant by tux."

  Bella rolled her eyes. "Thanks. Figured he should be dressed up too."

  Thirty minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Bella stood up and Jodie prepared the camera as she said, "Come in."

  The door snicked open and Terrex stepped in. "Bella, what is all th—" he stopped, his mouth dropped open at the sight of her. "You look… amazing." He moved to her, embraced her and kissed her. "Beautiful. Almost good enough to eat." He chuckled.

  Bella blushed. "Thank you."

  "Okay you two, look over here," Jodie commented and then took their picture. "Awww so cute. Now, off you go, you've a dinner to eat."

  "Something delicious?" Terrex asked.

  Bella nodded and they went up to the galley. She led him to the table Jodie had arranged for them next to one of the windows with a table cloth and candles, and a bottle of champagne on ice. As they sat, Jodie put the order into the computer for them and then brought the dinner over to them.

  "What's this?" Terrex asked, seeing the meal. "Smells wonderful."

  "It's turkey, potatoes, peas and dinner rolls. When I looked at the calendar, I saw it was nearly Thanksgiving, so I thought, why not?" She smiled. "Thanksgiving is a holiday we celebrate in the United States. We give thanks to God and show appreciation for a bountiful harvest. It's a reason for us to get together with our families and spend time together. This is a traditional meal of the day."

  "Can you not get together with your family on other days?" Terrex asked. Human customs seemed strange to him, but he knew that his planet's customs were just as strange to her.

  "We can, of course, but this is a special day. I haven't really had anyone to celebrate with for a long time, and I've missed it."

  Terrex reached across the table to her. "I'm you're family. I'll celebrate with you."

  Bella smiled and leaned across the table to kiss him. "Thank you." She sat back down. "Eat, we've got lots of things to do tonight." She grinned.

  They ate while Jodie set up her iPod to play. After dinner, they danced and held each other close. B
ella loved being in his arms. He owned her heart.

  "This has been an incredible evening, beautiful," Terrex murmured as they swayed to the music.

  "Not over yet, babe," Bella replied and led him back to the table. "Stay here and close your eyes."

  "All right."

  A moment later, Bella said, "Open your mouth." When he did, she put a forkful of chocolate cupcake in his mouth.

  Terrex licked his lips and smiled. "That is very tasty, though, right now," he reached for her, "there is only one delicacy that I want, and that is you." He picked her up and carried her out of the galley and down to their room.

  Bella giggled.

  He set her down and slowly removed his tux jacket then his bowtie and shirt as he kicked off his shoes. He moved back to her, his hands skimming over her arms as he drew her hands up to his neck. He embraced her, kissing her as he pulled the zipper down the back, loosening the dress. It fell to pool at her feet. He drew in a sharp breath seeing her in the lingerie and then picked her up and laid her on the bed.

  "You're beautiful." He slid his hands over her as he nuzzled her neck. "I love you, Bella."

  Bella felt her heart swell. "I love you too." She cupped his face and kissed him. "With you, I have a place in this universe. My life makes sense. You are my world, Terrex."

  "And you are mine. You make me a better man. I can't wait to share more of the universe with you."

  Make sure to sign up to my VIP Reader Club here to find out when the next book in the series comes out! And check out book 1 in my other series, Trilyn Alien Fairy Tales series if you haven’t already, Alien Prince Charming here!

  Or check out our other series, Alien Abduction series, starting with Alien Zookeeper’s Abduction here!

  About Zara Zenia

  Zara Zenia writes steamy, sexy, and suspenseful sci-fi romances! You will find her writing alien romances from intergalactic planets, bionic romances, superheroes and time travel romances too.


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