Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One Page 5

by Kat Brewer

  “My Beloved Queen desires me to say she would be honored by your presence in her chambers for the evening meal, Lady Cassandra.”

  “Please tell Her Highness I shall be happy to dine with her,” Cassie said, and the man smiled and rose, bowing his way out of the room.

  “Are these clothes acceptable for dining with the Queen?” she asked them. She was dressed in the same black harem-style outfit she had found earlier.

  Mika answered, “Yes, Lady,” and smiled at her.

  “Then, lead me there Mika. I shouldn’t keep her waiting.”

  Cassie followed Mika to the Queen’s quarters. They were not far from Cassie’s, and as expected, were sumptuous and elegant. Nera rose from a chaise when Cassie entered, and turning, Cassie excused Mika, who bowed with a disappointed look on his face as he respectfully withdrew.

  “And how are you feeling this evening, Cassandra?” Nera queried, smiling at her.

  “I feel surprisingly well considering how much I drank last night. You could have been a little clearer about the effects of over-imbibing Jul,” Cassie said with a rueful smile as she moved into the room to greet her newly accepted sovereign.

  “I do apologize for that. However, you did seem to be enjoying it,” she laughed. “Speaking of that, how are your slaves today?”

  “I think we are all a little tired after last night.”

  Suddenly, Cassie started laughing, and Nera joined her. The Queen motioned to the sofas and they both sat.

  “You have no idea how foreign all of this is to me,” Cassie said. “I was worried about fitting in, but something has come over me, and I feel like I have never known any other way of life.”

  “Perhaps, things just run improperly in your world, Cassandra,” Nera said, and Cassie laughed at her meaning.

  “Perhaps, they do,” she responded.

  Cassie looked about the room and noted a dozen or so male slaves lying on various cushions. They were all very handsome, that seemed to be the norm for this world, and once again, she thought things could definitely be worse...

  “Your Highness,” Cassie began.

  “Hold a moment, Cassandra. I would like it very much if you would call me Nera. I have very few true friends, and I wish for you to be one of them.”

  “I am honored Your...Nera. Please call me Cassie.” She smiled at Nera, who smiled back.

  Cassie had really come to enjoy the Queen’s company last night.

  It occurred to Cassie that if she was on Earth, she would probably feel pretty badly about her behavior, but here in this world, she had merely been doing what was expected.

  “I have a confession to make,” Cassie said. “Where I came from, I had a husband, and he was the only man I had ever been with until last night.”

  Nera’s jaw dropped. “You jest! I believe we are of a similar age, and I cannot tell you how many lovers I have taken...This ‘husband’ of yours must have been an incredible lover.”

  “Well, I always enjoyed it. But, we don’t have Jul on Earth either...” The women laughed together again.

  “Jul is best consumed in small doses. One or two glasses will not create the aphrodisiac quality you experienced; it will just relax you and create a sense of wellbeing.”

  “Well, next time, I will exercise some moderation. I just can’t believe that such a high level of intoxication didn’t give me a hangover. I can’t believe I remember everything so clearly.” Cassie said.

  Slaves began coming in from the kitchen, and a few of the slaves who had been lounging set a low table in front of the women and placed fluffy cushions for them to sit on.

  Nera and Cassie seated themselves, and the slaves began setting dishes of food in front of them. Wine glasses were filled with a deep purple beverage, and when Cassie raised her brows, Nera explained it was a fermented fruit juice called Mull, that possessed none of Jul’s aphrodisiac effects.

  Cassie lifted her glass; it was sweet and spicy, and stronger than wine.

  A handsome young slave with yellow hair and mischievous blue eyes sat beside Cassie and began serving her from the dishes. He placed a serving of a meat and vegetable dish on her plate along with a grain that resembled couscous. He scooped a small amount of the food onto a fork and lifted a mouthful to her lips.

  Cassie’s brows shot up. She looked over at the Queen and saw that another slave was filling her plate, but the Queen took the fork and began to feed herself. Cassie gently took the fork from the young man and tasted the food.

  He looked very disappointed that he would not be allowed to feed her.

  Nera smiled at Cassie and said, “He is eager to please the mighty Warrior Cassandra.”

  Cassie made a pffft sound and then laughed.

  “How old is he?” she asked.

  “He is eighteen cycles and is just learning his household skills. He is being schooled in pleasure by my female slaves. My females know my likes, and my males also will coach him. I would like very much for him to come to you after I have completed his training.” At this, Cassie swallowed reflexively and smiled weakly at Nera.

  Jeez Louise...trans-dimensional jailbait!

  She saw him lick his lips while sending her what she was sure he thought was a seductively heated glance. Cassie fought back a laugh at his antics.

  “I must speak with you regarding the Trevians.” Cassie’s smile left her face as Nera suddenly turned serious. “I have received some very disturbing reports. They recently destroyed a small outlying village, killing the women and children and viciously raping the men before leaving them for dead in the process,” Nera concluded with a grim face.

  “I wish for you to begin training with your troops. Teach them your style of warfare, and learn ours as well. You took down two strong Trevians with no weapons, and that was no small feat. I think we have much to learn from each other. We will benefit from your training, and perhaps you will learn something from our warriors.” Cassie was eager to train, and she looked forward to teaching techniques to the warriors.

  “I need you to hunt down these barbarians and stop them from killing our people.”

  Cassie knew the Queen meant they were now Cassie’s people too, and the thought really made her feel accepted.

  She was here to help these people. Maybe this was her true purpose in life...

  Cassie was very goal-oriented, and now that she had a mission, it made her feel a little better about everything.

  “Your Highness, I will do whatever it takes to rid your people of this threat.”

  Damn. I’m feeling all noble now.

  “I have full confidence in you,” Nera said. “And, Cassie, they are now your people as well.”

  “When do you want us to start patrolling the borders?”

  “Will two weeks be sufficient to train the women? They are already battle-hardened and well-trained,” the Queen said.

  “It will give them enough of a start. I can begin with the rudimentary techniques, and I definitely need sword training,” Cassie responded.

  She was suddenly eager to begin training her warriors.

  Her warriors...

  Excitement filled her. Bloodshed aside, this would be an interesting challenge.

  Nera waved a hand, and three of her slaves picked up instruments and began to play softly.

  The other slaves removed the table and gently wiped the Ladies hands with warm cloths as the women reclined back onto cushions that were placed behind them.

  Cassie sipped her Mull slowly as Nera resumed their conversation.

  “You needn’t begin training immediately. If you require a rest, I can send patrols out now to do some peacekeeping.”

  Suddenly, Nera sat up and clapped her hands, startling Cassie. “Either way, I would have you order patrols to comb the borders now, the information gathered will give us a better idea of what we face.” A slave ran up to the women and bowed.

  “Tell the Lady Kara her presence is required immediately,” the Queen said, and the slave ran to do her bid
ding. “You know Kara, she was with me the day I was attacked.”

  “Yes, I remember her,” Cassie said. Kara was a tall, dark-haired, bold woman with striking gray eyes as Cassie recalled.

  She possessed a strong sense of duty, and Cassie was relieved that someone so capable was to be her right-hand man, or woman, as it were.

  Within moments, Kara arrived, and strode purposefully towards Nera and Cassie before she dropped to one knee before Queen Nera.

  “You sent for me, My Lady?”

  “Yes, Kara. Your Commander has orders.”

  Kara, still kneeling, shifted so that she faced Cassie. “My Lady Cassandra, it is my great honor to serve you and to serve with you,” Kara said as she bowed her head.

  “Rise, Lady Kara. I am deeply honored to have such a warrior as you as my Second-in-Command.” Kara lifted her head, and her eyebrows rose.

  A startled look was now on her face.

  Oh, damn! What faux pas have I just committed?

  “Lady, you honor me too greatly. I feel I am not yet worthy of such a position!” Kara smiled widely at Cassie and the Queen, her face practically glowing.

  Okay...I guess I just promoted her...I hope this will be all right with Nera.

  “I know you will make me proud. Now, I want you to order patrols of the outlying villages, and tell your women to prepare for training. I will show them my style of combat, and I will learn yours as well.” Kara rose, bowed to the Queen and to Cassie, who advised, “Kara, make sure the villagers prepare themselves for the serious possibility of marauding Trevians.”

  “It will be done, My Lady.”

  “You may go now, Kara, and ready your troops,” the Queen said, dismissing her, and Kara bowed once again as she left the room.

  “Nera, I hope I have not overstepped, I had assumed Lady Kara already held the position...” Cassie trailed off.

  Nera waved her hand and said, “Not at all. It is a position she well deserves. Commander Sula's Second-in-Command also died in that battle. Another needs to be chosen and Kara is a fine choice.”

  “I feel good about her, she serves our people well, I think.” Cassie said confidently, inwardly hoping she was right.

  “Indeed, she does. She is loyal and true, so I am quite pleased. The two of you will be a formidable team.”

  “Thank you, Your Highness,” Cassie said as she stretched. “We will begin training tomorrow. I need no extra time off.”

  “Excellent! I shall look forward to participating in your training.” Cassie nodded her head in acknowledgement. She had momentarily forgotten Erla’s Queens were also warriors.

  “Your Highness, if it meets with your approval, I would like to take advantage of the remaining daylight and have one of my slaves take me on a brief tour. I have not yet seen what is outside of the Palace.”

  “Please do. If you have any questions, let me know.”

  The women rose together and Nera embraced Cassie, kissing her on both cheeks before walking her to the door. Cassie bowed as she left the room.

  As she entered her quarters, Cassie’s eyes lit on Aidan’s bright eyes. She very clearly remembered the feel of him in her arms and his intensity when he made love, and those memories sent little shivers down her spine.

  “Aidan,” Cassie began as he sprang to his feet eagerly, “Will you give me a tour of the palace grounds?”

  Aidan smiled and moved to her side while the others had pretty pouts on their faces, that they quickly covered with bowed heads.

  “We’ll be back soon,” she said to them, and they all smiled sweetly at her.

  As they stepped into the late afternoon sun, Cassie took a deep breath and felt herself relax. She was definitely enjoying the weather because although it was warm, it lacked the stifling humidity of Georgia in the summer.

  The sun slid lower in a lavender-blue sunset, and clouds tinged with gold drifted lazily as Aidan told her the weather remained like this most of the year. They had a rainy season that consisted of two months, but otherwise, the weather was idyllic.

  The Palace sat on a rise and, from their vantage point, she could see past the fertile farmlands and surrounding marketplaces to the darkness of the forested land that nearly encircled the city.

  She remembered clearly the beauty of the forest in that she had woke up in when she came through the Portal. She found herself hoping that if this was a delusion or a coma that she would never come out of it. This world seemed nearly perfect, and her old life seemed a million miles away.

  Cassie held Aidan’s hand as they walked, swinging their arms lazily.

  All of her slaves had begun leaving their hair loose, having seen her pleasure in it, and she admired the fading light in his russet hair.

  He looked at her shyly with his amazing emerald eyes.

  “Mistress, you are so beautiful.” It was barely a whisper, practically a sigh, and Cassie reached out to caress his face as he was so very beautiful himself.

  “Thank you, Aidan.”

  “No, Mistress. Thank you. Thank you again and again for choosing me. I know men with my coloring are not very desirable, and I don’t know why you chose me, I only thank the gods for it.”

  Cassie pulled Aidan towards her and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close. He sighed and embraced her tightly, his nose buried in her neck, taking in her scent. He was sublimely happy and so grateful for her precious affection.

  His heavily muscled form pressed closely to her, and she reveled in his strength, strength that she alone controlled. She felt a surge of lust generated by the power she held over him. She wondered if this is how men had felt throughout the ages, enjoying their power over women.

  Cassie decided she was finished with feeling guilty. This was obviously her life now, and she was going to enjoy it. She soothed her conscience by vowing to take care of them and to never treat them badly.

  She couldn’t change the way things were done here, but she could make her part of it good. In fact, she realized she no longer wanted to change it; the seductive charms of this world were something she no longer wished to fight.

  They stood clasped in a tight embrace for several minutes before she stepped back, smiling up and into his face.

  “Aidan, you are so beautiful, that when I look at you, I want to touch you, taste you, and feel you inside me. Never feel that you are less than any of others. The Queen Herself desires you. Surely, that is praise enough in itself?”

  “The Queen...she wants me...she” he asked. His voice was full of wonder and disbelief.

  “Oh, yes! And, it will very difficult for me to not send you to her after my description of your prowess. She asked that I send you to her when I am ‘sated’ with you. I don’t think that time will come soon, so I may just have to relinquish you to her for a night.” Cassie chuckled at his astonished face.

  Aidan was so overcome by her words, that she had bound him to her more tightly than any ownership papers ever could have.

  They returned to walking through the magnificent flower beds in the Queen’s Garden. Rose-like flowers gave off the sweetest sultry fragrance, and it mingled sweetly with orange-colored blossoms that smelled like jasmine. Aidan named the blooms and told her when they had any medicinal value in addition to being beautiful.

  As darkness slowly descended, slaves came around and lit torches, lighting their path back to the Palace, and they slowly followed that path in the torchlight.

  When they got back home, she found the others playing a card game with strange round cards, but she was too tired to even be curious.

  Cassie was very sleepy, and she knew she would have to be well-rested tomorrow for her first training session.

  They looked up and smiled when she and Aidan entered, jumping to their feet.

  She told them she would be training in the morning and gently kissed them each goodnight, ignoring the looks of longing they sent her way. She had neither the energy nor the desire to bring even one of them to her bed that night.<
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  Chapter Five

  Cassie woke early the following morning and threw on her robe. She walked out of her bedroom and saw her men were just getting up themselves, having fallen asleep on the sofas.

  When they saw her, they rose quickly. She asked them for some clothing for training, since she felt certain the silken outfits she had been wearing just would not do.

  They brought her a leather ensemble consisting of a sleeveless vest and pants. The leather was soft as butter, and it didn’t squeak at all as she twisted. They helped her to put on soft leather boots that laced over the pants. She quickly braided her thick hair and tied it with a leather string.

  Kai strapped weapon holders on her hips and across her back as Arn came forth holding a broadsword and slid it into the sheath on her hip. Aidan handed her a long dagger that she slid into the sheath at her waist.

  “How do I look?” Cassie laughed as they stared at her in awe. Desire and admiration were plainly etched on their features.

  “Beautiful, My Lady,” they chorused.

  The sight of her in her warrior’s training gear sent thrills of desire through each man. Their Lady’s strength and prowess was very arousing to them, and they trembled in her presence. Cassie turned to leave, throwing them a kiss over her shoulder.

  Cassie strode through the halls towards the training fields. Her progress was scrutinized by every slave she passed, some looked at her with fear and others with barely concealed desire.

  Unbeknownst to Cassie, she was the epitome of what every male, and quite a few female slaves, desired. She had strength and beauty. Word was already out about her kindness. They all wished to be as blessed as her slaves.

  When Cassie reached the training fields, they were occupied by hundreds of warriors, all of whom snapped to attention when she arrived.

  Kara turned and bowed, one arm across her breast.

  “Good Morning, Commander!”

  “Good Morning, Kara. Are we ready to begin?”

  “Indeed, Commander!” There was a sparkle in her eye that gave away her love of her profession.


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