Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One Page 29

by Kat Brewer

  Garen was beside himself. Pleasure rippled through his body, and he wanted so desperately to touch her and give her pleasure in return. He knew he could not move until she gave him permission to do so, however, and the torment was exquisite.

  Lifting her head, she met his fevered gaze and smiled, repositioning herself over him and rubbing the head of his manhood against her clit in lazy circles until she climaxed.

  “You may move now, Garen.” Her tongue caressed his name like an endearment, and Garen’s hands buried themselves in her hair, pulling her down to his mouth, kissing her feverishly.

  Cassie slowly lowered herself onto him, impaling herself on his hardness, making Garen cry out and grab her hips. He held her still while he thrust up and into her deeply. Cassie moaned as her desire got the best of her, and their voices mingled when they finally reached their peak together. She remained atop him, his softening member still within her, and she looked into his eyes as he recovered his breath.

  “I love you, Mistress,” he said, still slightly breathless. Cassie bent down and kissed him deeply.

  “I love you, too, my Garen.”

  He smiled blissfully as she slid her leg over and lay at his side, burying her face in his chest and inhaling the sweet fragrance of his skin. After a few moments, Cassie rose and adjusted her robe, reaching down to offer him a hand up and kissing him when he stood.

  “You please me greatly, Garen.” The man flushed with pleasure at her words. “I love your beautiful hair and how it flows around us when we make love.” Her hands played in his soft mane gently.

  Garen caught his breath at her words and stepped forward, hugging her and burying his face in her neck. Cassie held him tightly for a moment before she stepped back, kissing his cheek and heading for the bathing room to clean up.

  The others smiled, stood, and bowed to her as she entered the room, and she waved away Mika’s offer of assistance. When she re-entered the room, Garen had already dressed and was sitting with the others. His face still carried the afterglow of their encounter.

  “I must tell you all something. I leave in three days to fetch our Princess from Tayliss. Lady Leandra and I will ride out a day ahead of the warriors who will make up her Highness’s escort.” Their faces fell at her news and revealed a trace of fear. “Nothing bad is going to happen. We have vanquished our foes.” She smiled at them as she sank into the comfort of the sofa, pulling Garen’s head into her lap, so she could run her hands through his long, blond hair.

  “Mistress,” Taylyn spoke, “would you consider bringing some or at least one of us to serve you and see to your comfort on this journey?” he asked as he bowed his head meekly.

  “No, Taylyn. We will be traveling fast and light, and I would be unable to provide for your comfort and safety on the trip. Have no fear. I will not be gone for too long, you have spoiled me far too thoroughly for me to stay away.” She grinned, wrapping Garen’s hair around her wrist, admiring the highlights that sparkled in the candlelight as he smiled up at her.

  “Yes, Mistress.” He was clearly disappointed and unhappy, but he would not press her further. Cassie leaned over and caressed his face, soothing him.

  “I know you are worried, but I can take care of myself.”

  “Yes, Mistress. There are none as strong and courageous as you. Please do not believe I meant to suggest any weakness on your part,” he replied as his earnest eyes met hers.

  “I know you did not, Taylyn.” She smiled softly at him. “Come. Let us play cards for a bit before we go to bed.” They rose and found the cards, forcing smiles onto their faces.

  They were not happy she was leaving so soon after her recovery, and none of them could forget what had befallen her during the past few months. They had hoped for her to remain safely at home with them for quite some time, but they knew she would not shirk her duty to Queen Nera, and they resigned themselves to her imminent departure.

  Cassie was excited about her trip. She had very much been looking forward to meeting Leandra’s Queen as well as retrieving her Princess. She had packed with care, and Mika followed in her footsteps so closely that she was beginning to feel suffocated by his heavy concern.

  His fear for her was palpable, and it was seriously getting on her nerves.

  When their hands collided for the tenth time as she checked her saddle bags, Cassie’s patience finally snapped.

  “Mika! Go find something to do with yourself, you are driving me insane!” Mika flinched at her anger, and the others shuddered in fear at her rough tone. “I am glad to be leaving the lot of you for a little while, you are nearly suffocating me!”

  She picked up a goblet and threw it across the room where it shattered against a wall. The sound had them all jumping to their feet.

  Cassie was immediately sorry for her outburst, and as they ran to clean up her mess, she felt like a true villain. The tears in Mika’s golden eyes made her groan in frustration. He stood unmoving as she grabbed up her bags, tears sliding silently down his face.

  Mika was angry with himself. He knew he had gone too far in shadowing her as he had been doing, but he was so worried about her and her upcoming trip that he wasn’t thinking clearly. He adored his Lady, and her injury and subsequent illness had left him terrified that something else might happen to her.

  “Goodbye!” she said gruffly and slammed the door behind her.

  The men stood frozen in astonishment. She had left on a lengthy journey without bidding them a proper goodbye, and their accusatory eyes flew to Mika. Each of them blamed him for her burst of temper. Mika turned away and quickly made up her bed, ignoring the angry glances from his brothers as he dashed the tears from his eyes.

  He knew he had been overwhelming her lately with his concern, and he blamed himself for her anger even more than the others did. He also knew he had to control his fear before it drove her completely from him. It had been nearly two weeks since she had taken him to her bed, and he knew it was his own fault for “suffocating” her as she had called it.

  Sighing, he walked out to the balcony as the others went into the weight room, grumbling their disappointment. Mika looked out into the gardens and resolved to not be so needy and to stop fussing over her. He couldn’t bear to lose her affection, it was his reason for being. He silently vowed to change his behavior by the time she returned.

  Suddenly, a hand lightly caressed his shoulder. He spun about with startled eyes to see his Lady gazing at him. Her striking blue-green eyes sparkled with regret, and she pulled him into a tender embrace. A sob broke from his chest, and he crushed her to him.

  “Mistress, I am so, so sorry. Forgive me!” he begged, trying not to cry again. Cassie pulled him close and stroked his silky ink-black hair.

  “Mika, I am sorry, love. I wish I knew what to do to make you feel more secure. I want my old Mika back. You cannot let fear rule you. I am fine and will return to you as I always have. You need to trust me enough to let me do as I must and trust that I will always be here to care for you.”

  She cupped his face in her hands and rested her forehead against his.

  Mika nodded, and looking into her eyes, he felt his fear slowly melt away. His Mistress was the strongest, fiercest fighter, and she was more than clever enough to keep herself safe.

  He flashed a small grin and was rewarded with a sweet, deep kiss that curled his toes.

  “Now, behave yourself until I return, and I might give you the first night when I get back.” She smiled at him flirtatiously, and he felt a jolt of desire roll through his belly. Kissing his nose, she spun on her heel and walked quickly to the exercise room, throwing the door open.

  “Do I not get goodbye kisses from my men as I leave on my Queen’s business?” she asked with a wide smile, and they nearly ran to be the first to receive her kiss. She spent a few moments telling them goodbye before she left her quarters, walking quickly to where Leandra and Kara stood outside the Palace talking to Nera and waiting for her.

  Cassie and Lee mounted
their horses after bowing to Nera.

  “Is everything sorted out to your satisfaction in your quarters, Lady Cassandra?” Nera asked with a knowing grin.

  “Indeed, it is, Your Highness,” she replied, returning the grin.

  “Commander, are you sure you do not wish me to accompany you?” Kara’s brow was creased with concern and a bit of envy. “The escort party doesn’t leave until tomorrow, and you would be grossly outnumbered if you were to run into trouble.”

  “Kara, I need you to remain here to protect the Queen in my absence. There is no other I would trust with her safety, my friend. I will miss your company on this journey, but Erla’s needs outweigh my own wants.” Cassie smiled at her friend.

  Kara was disappointed not to be going, but she was very proud of her Commander’s faith in her abilities.

  “Very well, but be safe, my friend,” Kara said with a bow. “I hope we meet again soon, Leandra, and under more pleasant circumstances!”

  “Yes, I definitely would like to further our friendship, Kara. Hopefully, we will meet frequently in the future.” Leandra reached down and clasped forearms with Kara.

  “Queen Nera, I have been honored to see you again and to assist you. Should you ever need me or the forces of Tayliss again, you have only to send word,” Leandra pledged as she bowed with a flourish.

  “Thank you, Lady Leandra. Keep my Commander safe and out of mischief, for Erla cannot do without her,” Nera said, causing Cassie to flush with pleasure at her words. “I am sending some pleasure slaves as gifts to Saria; they will travel with the escort on the morrow. Tell her I wish her well and that I hope to see her again soon.”

  “I will, Your Highness. Thank you for your hospitality,” Lee said. With that, she and Cassie swung their mounts around and spurred them into movement, kicking up dust in their wake.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  After three exhausting days on the road, the women reached the outskirts of Tayliss and no sight could have been more welcome. Cassie was dying for a bath and a good hot meal, as was Leandra. The women had enjoyed an easy camaraderie and had deepened their friendship over the course of the journey.

  “It’s not far now, Cassie. We will have a bath and an equally good meal. Queen Saria owns men beautiful enough to rival yours, as do I, so we will be very well cared for,” Lee gushed in her excitement to be home.

  Cassie watched the passing scenery with interest. It was not much different from Erla, though it was more pastoral and less forested. They entered the outskirts of the city and were immediately the center of attention.

  The stories of the Great Warrior Cassandra had made the rounds, and she had developed a reputation of almost mythic proportions. People pointed and waved, calling out their names. Leandra smiled and returned their greetings, calling some by name as they passed the people by.

  Cassie smiled and waved politely, and they were soon joined by mounted warriors, who escorted them to the Palace and the waiting group of nobles.

  Upon arrival, the women dismounted and ran up the steps.

  Cassie, though recognizing Queen Saria from her description, would have known her anyway by her regal bearing. She knelt with bowed head at her feet with Leandra following suit next to her.

  “Rise, Lady Cassandra, Lady Leandra. Welcome to Tayliss, My Lady. We are honored by your presence and offer the full hospitality of our country. If there is anything you desire, you have only to speak to make it so. Rise, Lady Leandra and welcome home.”

  Cassie stood and regarded the beautiful monarch respectfully. Saria had ankle-length black hair and violet eyes like Nera’s. She was Cassie’s height and was truly a stunning beauty.

  The Queen smiled with genuine friendliness at Cassie, easing her nerves.

  “Thank you, Your Highness. My Queen bids me share our heartfelt thanks for your help. Erla is forever indebted to our friends in Tayliss.” Cassie pulled a scroll from her belt and held it out to Saria, who took it with a smile.

  “We are greatly pleased to have such a renowned warrior in our debt.” Saria laughed. “Lady Leandra, you were sorely missed.” Lee grinned at her Lady and bowed.

  “Cassie! Cassie! See! I told you she would come for me! I have the greatest warrior in the whole world as my personal protector!” Danai’s voice piped up, and she ran full tilt at Cassie, followed by a group of wide eyed children of various ages.

  The little girl squealed and launched herself at Cassie.

  Laughing, she caught her in her arms and hugged the child closely. Setting her down, Cassie dropped to her knee before the child.

  “Your Highness, I await your command.” Cassie glanced up through her lashes and choked back a laugh as Danai preened and puffed out her chest.

  “Rise, Lady Cassandra. These are my cousins much removed. You need not kneel before them for they are not as important as I.” The little girl lifted her chin aristocratically.

  Biting her lip to keep from smiling, Cassie stood and bowed to the children, who gaped at her in awe, impressed by her reputation and razor-sharp sword.

  “Lady Danai, your mother wishes for me to remind you of your responsibilities as Princess and Ambassador for Erla and asks that you remember your manners,” Cassie said, raising a brow at the posturing little girl.

  Danai bit her lip and looked up at Cassie beseechingly.

  “And what shall you tell her, Lady Cassandra?” she asked fearfully while trying to maintain a careless façade.

  “I shall tell her that My Lady Danai was a kind and honorable young woman whose manners were a credit to her mother and her country,” Cassie said with a significant look at her young charge.

  “I will see to it that you will not be misleading my mother,” Danai replied, somewhat shamefacedly.

  “I never doubted you, My Lady,” Cassie replied, sweeping a bow to her Princess.

  “Well done, Lady Cassandra.” Queen Saria clapped her hands and laughed as the Princess drifted away with her kin. Even Lee was fighting back a grin. “Let us get you to a comfortable apartment. I am sure you are ready for a bath and something to eat. Please rest this afternoon as we will have a dinner this evening in your honor.”

  “Thank you, Your Highness. I do want a bath,” Cassie replied with a heartfelt grin.

  “I have sent slaves to care for you during your stay. If they do not suit you, then please let me know. I would have you be comfortable and happy in my house.” Saria inclined her head to Cassie before gesturing to a small female slave to escort Cassie to her rooms.

  Cassie found her Princess, gave her a quick hug, and bowed to the Queen before following the slave to her suite of rooms.

  Upon entering, she caught her breath at the beauty and opulence of her chambers.

  Cool marble floors were scattered with cushions, large overstuffed sofas, and low tables. A balcony looked out over the city, and Cassie smiled when the girl led her on a tour of the bedroom and its adjacent bathing room. While looking longingly at the huge, soft bed, she followed the girl’s lead.

  Returning to the main room, she was met with the sight of three handsome men awaiting her pleasure. There were beautiful twins, with golden tanned skin, long brown hair and light blue eyes. The other had shoulder-length light-blond hair and deep chocolate eyes. They knelt in front of her in polite greeting.

  “You may stand. I would know your names,” she said. They rose gracefully and looked into her eyes.

  “We are Dylan and Karl, Lady Cassandra,” one of the twins said, indicating himself and his brother. “Whatever your desire, we will see it fulfilled.” Cassie was surprised at the seductive tone in his voice. She had not yet encountered such sexual brazenness in a male slave before.

  She smiled at him and his brother and then turned her attention to the blond.

  “I am Liam, Lady. Your pleasure is mine.” Hot brown eyes held hers for a moment before dropping demurely.

  “I require a bath and something to eat. Then I will need some rest,” she said firmly.

She found their obvious desire amusing and knew she was expected to use them as she wished during her visit, but it would be on her terms alone, not theirs.

  They bowed and hurried to the bathing room as a knock sounded on the door. The female slave opened it to a warrior who carried in Cassie’s bags.

  “Thank you, warrior,” Cassie said, bowing briefly.

  “It is my pleasure, Lady Cassandra. I am Elayna, of Lady Leandra’s Division. If there is anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to tell me.” The woman bowed low.

  “Thank you, Elayna. I look forward to training with you while I am here,” Cassie said. Elayna’s brow rose in surprise and pleasure.

  “I, too, look forward to it, My Lady,” she replied, grinning.

  Cassie moved forward and clasped forearms with her before the woman turned on her heel and left.

  “Lady Cassandra, your bath awaits,” Liam’s smooth voice sounded behind her.

  “These are my things, Liam. See that they are hung and freshened. The dirty laundry is in the white sack.”

  “Yes, Lady Cassandra.” He bowed and picked up her bags, taking them into the bedroom.

  Cassie followed him and took off her weapons, laying her sword and daggers on the dresser before going into the bathing room. Dylan and Karl stood waiting for her there and caught her clothes as she flung them off and moved into the hot water, groaning in pleasure as she lay back against the edge.

  Dylan and Karl entered the bath and picked up soap and washcloths. Cassie reluctantly rose for them to wash her.

  The soap smelled like roses, and she felt the grime and grit of the road leave her body under their expert ministrations. They washed her hair twice and applied a creamy conditioner-type substance that smelled like the soap.

  When they finished, they pulled the plug and let the grimy water swirl away before adding more hot water for her to relax in and enjoy. At her command, they left the water and went to see about her meal, leaving her in solitude and relaxation.

  Liam came into the room a long while later and found her dozing in the still-warm water. He touched her shoulder gently as he spoke, “Lady, forgive me for disturbing you. I have taken care of your garments as you asked, and your meal is now ready.”


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