Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One Page 33

by Kat Brewer

  Nall’s mouth dropped open in astonishment.

  “You mean to tell me you have no memory of who you are, or where you have come from?” he gasped out, his mind in a whirl.

  “No, Sir. I evidently hit my head somehow and have lost my memory. I was hoping you would be able to help me…that you might know who I am.” She looked up at him earnestly with her exquisite eyes that appeared richly green in the low lighting.

  Nall stared at her.

  She was clad in a sleeveless white night shift. Her hair tumbled loose and wavy around her shoulders, and she was looking at him with such a nervous, sweet look. It was totally contrary to the woman he knew so well. It was almost as if this wasn’t Cassandra at all.

  A dark thought came over Nall, and he sat speechless, staring at her as he considered it. As they locked eyes and she smiled pleasantly at him, all sense of what was right fled. No one at this outpost had ever met Lady Cassandra of Erla, and it was removed enough to allow him to keep her here secluded and away from the outside world for an indefinite amount of time.

  His conscience pained him at the thought, but when her hand clutched his and her face twisted in concern, he put his conscience aside and smiled at her.

  “Is something the matter?” she asked, stroking the back of his hand gently.

  “No, nothing. I am just wondering what I shall do with you, My Lady.” He grinned devilishly at her, and she blushed deeply. Nall was enchanted by her embarrassment. “I am Nall, Prince of Serlenn. I discovered you in the forest and had you brought here. My healer has seen you and has assured me you will be well, so have no fear regarding your health.”

  “Thank you, My Lord. So, I have been rescued by a handsome Prince,” she said, grinning at him mischievously, “and now, I find myself in his bed.”

  Her eyes sparkled in the firelight, and a renewed surge of desire shot through him.

  “Indeed you do, My Lady. Hmm.” He smiled wickedly and ran a finger across her lower lip, pleased to see an answering flare of desire in her eyes.

  Suddenly, she laughed and he joined her in her laughter.

  “My Lord Prince, I thank you for rescuing me. I wish I could tell you who I am or where I have come from, but I cannot even give you a name to call me.” Suddenly, she put her hand to her head as pain shot through it.

  “Here, you must take some of the medicine the healer left. It will help.” Nall rose from the bed in all his naked glory in order to retrieve the tincture and bring her a dose.

  Her eyes took in every detail of his gorgeous body and gasped as his manhood reacted to her gaze. She dragged her eyes to his, and he laughed at her surprised expression.

  “Lady, how else am I to respond when you ravish me with your gaze?” he asked, grinning.

  “My Lord, how am I to respond when you stand there naked and so desirable?” she quipped and then grinned right back at him.

  Nall laughed and pulled on his pants. She loved the sound of his laughter, it was so deep and warm.

  “I will remove the temptation, then. I wouldn’t want you to lose control of your senses. Yet.” His grin turned wicked and one eyebrow lifted. “I will go and find you some food. It appears to be nearly dawn, and the cook should already be working.”

  He put on fur-lined slippers and a shirt, throwing a smile her way as he left the room.

  She rose and went to the fire, stirring it before she put more wood onto it. The flames blazed up, so she went back to the warmth of the bed. She snuggled into the depression left by his body and inhaled his scent, dozing while she waited for his return.

  Nall strode to the kitchens, struggling with his conscience the whole way. Guilt and love battled within him. He could say nothing and keep her or tell her and lose her. If he kept her and her memory eventually returned, then she would hate him and leave. If he told her, then she would leave now.

  He nearly ran into the healer in his distraction.

  “Your Highness, how is our patient?” the little man asked.

  “She is awake and seems well. She has lost her memory from the head injury, and when she tried to call on her memory, it caused her pain. I gave her the tincture, though. Tell me, will she recover her memory, do you think?” Nall asked.

  The healer scratched his head slowly.

  “No memory whatsoever?” Nall shook his head. “I have heard of this, but I have never heard of someone regaining what they’ve lost. I will send a letter to a healer further north for it seems to me he has had experience with this type of injury.”

  “So you are telling me she may never regain her memory, then?” Hope and guilt flared in Nall’s chest.

  “It may be so. Time will tell. I will go check on her now,” the man said.

  “Very well. She is asking for food, and I go now to get her something to eat,” Nall replied.

  “Well, well, she has our Prince playing page for her already. How interesting,” the little man teased, and Nall smiled in return.

  “I believe her to be well worth it, my friend.” Nall turned and headed back towards the kitchens in search of her food.

  The healer grinned and rubbed his head again as he made his way to the Prince’s quarters. When he entered, he saw the woman on the bed, and when she saw him, she sat up slowly. There was no fear in her direct gaze, only curiosity.

  “I am the healer, child. I have just spoken with the Prince, and he tells me you have no memory prior to your head injury.” She nodded at the little man.

  The man approached and did a quick exam. He looked into her eyes and checked her head wound.

  “Everything looks good. The Prince said you experienced pain when you tried to remember. Did the potion help?”

  “Yes, sir. It did. Do you think I will regain my memory?” she asked.

  “I do not know. I will write to a fellow healer who has more experience with this type of condition and see what advice he has. In the meantime…”

  “In the meantime, you will be a very welcome guest of the Prince of Serlenn. Have no fear,” Nall said as he came into the room followed by maids who carried trays of food and tea.

  She smiled at him and rose from the bed to sit at a table by the fire where he had indicated. The maids lay the trays down and set a plate in front of her, heaping it with food before laying another plate out for their Prince and then setting a hot cup of herbal tea and a cold mug of milk in front of them both.

  Nall sat across from her and returned her smile.

  “You should rest today, my dear. Remain in bed, keep warm, and get as much sleep as you can. I will come again tomorrow to see about you.” The healer bowed to Nall as he left. “The snow falls heavily today, Your Highness,” he said significantly as he pulled the door closed behind himself and the departing maids.

  “I believe that is his way of telling me I should stay in and watch over you,” Nall said wryly, and she smiled around a mouthful of food.

  Nall watched her eat her meal with a voracious appetite and wondered just how long she had been without adequate nourishment. She did appear thinner, and her muscles stood out in stark relief against her frame.

  He ate slowly as she worked steadily through the food on her plate, finally leaning back and groaning as she rubbed her full belly. She belched softly, and her hand flew up to cover her mouth as she blushed and bit her lip in embarrassment.

  Nall threw back his head and laughed heartily, increasing her embarrassment to the point that she threw her napkin at him.

  Finally, Nall stood and offered her his hand and led her back to the bed.

  “You are a very good nursemaid, if a somewhat rude breakfast partner,” she said, wrinkling her nose at him.

  “Me, rude? You were the one who belched loud enough for the entire fortress to hear!”

  “I did not!” she seethed in mock indignation.

  Nall watched as she settled herself into his soft down-filled mattress, pulling the covers up around herself. Her eyes were drifting shut when she held a hand out to him.

>   “Will you stay with me again, Your Highness?” Her drowsy blue-green eyes pled with him.

  Unable to resist, Nall slid out of his shoes and pants and slipped naked into her waiting arms. She fell asleep quickly with her head pillowed on his broad chest.

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Kara wiped the sweat from her brow as she surveyed the scene in front of her. The surviving members of Cassie’s escort party were being rounded up and tended. They had discovered several more bodies and a couple of survivors in some thick brush not too far from the ambush site.

  Quinn lay on a pallet in the back of a wagon as bruised and bloodied as the Erlan warriors. They had been trying to make progress towards Erla when Kara’s band of warriors and wagons found them.

  Kara had dispatched the advance party to load up the dead and return quickly home with them for proper burials. The survivors were being checked by the physicians and were resting to rebuild their strength for the return journey.

  Kara mounted her horse and called out for a retinue to accompany her as she searched for evidence of Cassie. Her mouth was set in a grim line. She had hoped to have her Commander safely back amongst them by now, even leading the rescue party, perhaps.

  One of her best scouts walked ahead of them, and after they had followed the trail for some time, Kara dismounted. Leading her horse, she followed the trail. As they progressed, they caught the unmistakable scent of decaying flesh.

  Kara’s stomach rebelled. It rebelled not only at the smell but at the fear that it would turn out to be coming from her friend’s body. As they came around a curve, they found the body of the slain Trevian. Sighing in relief, they sought to put as much distance between themselves and the rotting corpse as possible.

  Suddenly, a shout rang out behind them, and they swung about as a warrior rode up to them breathlessly.

  “Her horse has been found! Lady Kara, the Commander’s horse has been found!” the warrior shouted.

  Kara and the others wheeled their horses about and made for the camp at a breakneck speed. Kara leapt from the saddle before the horse had come to a stop and ran to Nera’s messenger.

  The woman bowed to Kara.

  “Her Majesty directed me to tell you that Lady Cassandra’s horse has been recovered by a farmer on the far side of the forest to the south of here. Queen Nera requests that you lead your force in that direction and scour the countryside. She directs us to send the wounded and recovering back, and my unit will escort them to free you for the search,” the woman said before bowing again.

  Kara thanked and dismissed the warrior and turned to bark out orders for her warriors to prepare to ride south immediately, unaware that her friend and Commander lay slumbering quite safely in the arms of a Northern prince.

  When the woman woke again, it was early afternoon, and she was alone in the big bed.

  Sitting up carefully, she waited for her head to throb and was pleased when it didn’t. Slipping out of the bed, she moved to the window and looked out into a world of sparkling white. The sun shone softly on the snow that had fallen all morning, giving the world a stark beauty, and she shivered slightly from the chill coming through the glass pane.

  “I suppose I must supply you with some sort of clothing, although I must confess I prefer you like this,” Nall’s smooth voice sounded behind her.

  She spun about to see him close the door behind him as he entered the room.

  “I think it may be better if I were clothed when I left these chambers, Your Highness,” she said with a grin.

  Nall’s breath caught in his chest as he fought back the urge to throw her back into bed and ravish her thoroughly.

  “Indeed! I should hate to have to slay my best men for molesting you,” he said.

  There was a soft knock at the door, and two maids entered with clothing in their arms.

  “My Lord Prince, we have brought clothing for the Lady.” They stood there, watching him expectantly, and Nall realized they wished him to leave in order to so dress her.

  She turned and grinned broadly at him.

  “I believe that is a hint, Highness,” she said cheekily, and Nall shot her a look before striding towards the door.

  “I believe I can take a hint. I will return shortly, My Lady,” he said before bowing and leaving the room.

  The maids fussed with the Lady for some time, dressing her and fixing her hair. When they were finished, she looked into the mirror and nodded, pleased with their work.

  They had dressed her in a soft woolen gown of fine craftsmanship in hunter green, with lighter green embroidery. The cut and color flattered her figure and coloring, and she felt sure that the Prince was behind the wardrobe choice. Soft suede ankle boots warmed her feet, and they had pulled the top half of her hair away from her face, holding it with a jeweled clasp.

  She turned to face Nall as he re-entered the room, and his appreciative smile warmed her more deeply than the clothing or the fire.

  “I see it all fits you rather well, My Lady.” Nall came forward and lifted her hand to his lips.

  Her stomach trembled at the warmth of his touch. Her attraction for him was shining in her eyes, and once again, Nall had to fight down the urge to crush her in his arms.

  “We shall have to decide upon a name for you. Have you thought about it at all?” He asked.

  She frowned slightly and bit her lower lip, causing Nall’s body to tighten with desire.

  “I haven’t thought about it at all to tell you the truth. I suppose it would simplify things if I had a name…” she replied, laughing lightly. “I was hoping someone would recognize me and save you the trouble of caring for me.” Her eyes sparkled into his.

  “I assure you it is no trouble to care for you. In fact, it seems to come quite naturally.” His conscience smote him again.

  She lifted her hand and caressed his face. Her eyes focused on his full lips, and Nall leaned down, giving her full access to his mouth.

  Abruptly, she stepped back.

  “Forgive me, My Lord. I seem to lose all self-restraint when I am around you. It's a little embarrassing.”

  “Please do not apologize for that. I am having the same problem myself,” he replied, straightening.

  “You will have to help me choose a name, My Lord. I am afraid I don’t know where to begin,” she said.

  Nall was still for a while, discounting the obvious choices that sprang to his mind. He didn’t dare suggest her true name for fear it would trigger her memory.

  “I have always liked the name ‘Fara.’ What do you think? There is a legend in my country about a woman with this name, and it has been my favorite growing up. It means joyous one.”

  “It’s beautiful. I love it,” she instantly replied, smiling up at him.

  “Would you care to have a tour of your new home?” he asked. Her face brightened and she nodded. “Then allow me to escort you, my lovely Fara.”

  Guilt ran a familiar course through his mind and heart as she slipped her arm through his, allowing him to lead her through the room and into the Great Hall.

  Servants nodded respectfully as they passed, their eyes lingering on the woman with their Prince.

  Nall was animated as he pointed out the comforts and beauties of the lodge.

  “Would you like to go outside?” he asked. “The snowfall has ceased, and the sun is out. It is quite beautiful.” Fara smiled widely.

  “Oh, yes! Let’s,” she responded eagerly.

  Nall called for a slave to bring her a cloak, and then he settled it upon her shoulders. Fara stroked the soft fur lining as Nall secured the clasp.

  “You treat me as gently as a baby, My Lord. You will spoil me,” she said, happily looking up and into his eyes.

  “That is my intention, Lady. I wish to have you so spoiled that you would not ever think of leaving my side.” He met her eyes, and they softened as she looked at him.

  Pulling some woolen mittens on her hands, he escorted her out into the courtyard. The sun glinting off
the snow was blinding, and it took several minutes for their eyes to adjust.

  Fara cocked her head to the side as she caught the sound of metal on metal in the distance.

  “What is that sound, My Lord?” she asked.

  “My men are training, Lady. This fort is an outpost for Serlenn, and we must safeguard the King’s interests,” he said.

  “Tell me about your father, Nall. Will I meet him soon?” she asked as she looked up at him.

  A sudden breeze whipped his long white hair into his face, and she reached up to brush it aside. Before releasing all of it, she rubbed some of the silky strands between her fingers.

  “My father is King Nyles.” He searched her eyes intently for signs of recognition, and, thankfully, he saw none. “I do not expect to return to the Capital until the spring, and he does not come here often, so I am not sure when I will have the pleasure of introducing you to him.”

  He smiled to cover his discomfort at the lies he was telling her. Nall had no intention of letting the two of them meet. His father would have no compunction about telling her exactly who she was and returning her to Erla.

  “Well, that is disappointing, but I believe I can resign myself to the company of his son.” She crinkled her nose at him, and he laughed shortly.

  “We all have our loads to bear,” he said and she smiled at him again.

  They walked on in companionable silence for a time. For her part, the continuous sound of the swordplay in the distance rippled through her mind, a snatch of a memory that she tried desperately to grasp. It tickled her insides and made her stomach ache.

  “Is something the matter?” he asked, seeing her slight frown.

  “No, nothing. I just wish I could remember,” she answered with a sad sigh and forced smile.

  Nall took her hand, removed her mitten and kissed the back of her hand.

  “It will come. Don’t force it. If it doesn’t, do not be afraid. I will always protect you and care for you. From the moment I saw you, I felt that we belonged together.” Her eyes widened at his passionate words.


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