Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One Page 39

by Kat Brewer

  “I understand, Cassie, and I approve. If you bear a son, then he will be an heir of Serlenn and must be brought up as such and that would not be possible here. Nyles will welcome the child with open arms and will surely acknowledge him. I believe Nall will also be thrilled to have a son. If it is a daughter, she will, of course, stay here. I know you would not wish her to grow up in servitude in Serlenn as a second-class citizen, who would be victim to a man’s whims.” Cassie nodded in agreement.

  “I feel sure this child is Nall’s. I have had time to think about it, and my menstrual cycle ceased before I left the outpost. I think it will be hard to let go of a son, but I would want him to be in Serlenn where he can have what he is entitled by birth to have. I plan to be active in his life, and I will spend time there as often as I can.” Nera nodded her assent. “And if Nall wishes to live a long healthy life, he will bring him to me often.”

  “I am somewhat eager now to see what this son of yours will grow to become, although I still hold out hopes that it will be a girl within that enormous belly,” Nera teased.

  Cassie pouted and then laughed.

  “I am huge. I just hope it all goes away!” she said, grinning at Nera.

  “It will. Have no fear. No other part of you has gotten any bigger. I believe if I get pregnant again, I will take your advice and exercise.” Cassie had ceased training weeks ago, but she continued to walk with her slaves daily.

  She sent Garen with the letters to find a messenger and rush the letters to Nyles in Serlenn. Nera had read them and approved. She knew that she would soon have royal visitors, so she rose and bid Cassie goodbye so that she could go and make the arrangements.

  When Nera had gone, she put her puffy feet up on the sofa and sighed, relaxing back into the softness as she studied her swollen feet. She looked up as Mika approached, and she smiled at him when he sat and began to gently rub her feet and ankles.

  “Thank you, Mika.” He smiled into her eyes. “I love you, sweetness.”

  “I love you too, my Mistress.” He beamed in pleasure at her words, and it still thrilled her that they prized her love and affection so highly.

  “Mika, I expect we will be receiving King Nyles and Prince Nall within days. I expect each of you to behave very well and to show no signs of disrespect to either man. Do you understand?” she spoke firmly.

  Mika nodded but looked down.

  “I know how you feel, but you must not show it.” He nodded again.

  “Mistress, if your child is a boy, you need not send him away. We can raise and care for him here,” Mika said earnestly.

  “Mika, this child will be an heir of Serlenn. He cannot be raised as a slave. His genetic makeup would be programmed differently from yours. He will be like his father, never satisfied with the role of a submissive male.” Mika nodded sadly. “It will be all right, Mika. It’s going to be a girl anyway.” She smiled at him, and he returned her smile warmly.

  “Yes, indeed, Mistress. She will be a beautiful girl like her mother for us to spoil.” His smile widened into a grin.

  Cassie laughed, and then her smile turned into a frown as her belly tightened. “Mistress, are you all right?” Mika’s voice was laced with concern as he set down her foot and came to kneel beside her.

  The others saw her face and rushed to join him at her side.

  “Yes, I am sure it’s fine. I probably ate too much last night.” She wasn’t very convincing, and they decided they would watch her closely.

  She was very near her time, and her belly had dropped even lower since yesterday.

  Cassie yawned widely and struggled to rise before giving up and allowing them to haul her off of the sofa.

  “I am going to take a nap. I swear I am tired all the time now. Mika, will you lay with me?” she asked.

  “Of course, Mistress.” He slipped his arms under her legs and back and hoisted her into his arms, carrying her to the bed.

  “Mika, be careful; you will hurt yourself. I am so fat now!” She buried her face in his neck.

  “You are not fat, Mistress. It is just the baby that stretches you out so, and you hardly weigh that much more.” He pulled back and kissed her cheek softly before lowering her gently onto the bed. “You grow more beautiful every day. My heart beats so fast just looking at you.” Sincerity shone in his golden eyes, and she smiled at him, feeling a sudden, fierce desire for him.

  “Mika, make love to me . . .” She pulled his mouth down to hers and kissed him softly. He responded gently.

  “Mistress, I would not want to hurt you or the babe.” This was as close as Mika would ever come to turning down her advances, and she knew it.

  “You won’t. We will be careful, and you are always so gentle with me. I want you, Mika.” Her desire was evident in her vibrant blue-green eyes and Mika could not resist her.

  He removed her clothing and ran his mouth down her throat and between her breasts to her distended abdomen and worshipped her flesh with his warm mouth. Cassie moaned softly and relaxed against the soft bed, allowing him to take the lead. His hands caressed her flesh from her quivering breasts to her sensitive thighs and calves, loving her with hands and mouth.

  When she could stand no more of his teasing, she begged him to take her.

  Mika took a pillow and slipped it under her bottom, elevating her hips so that he could kneel between her legs and not lay on top of her. He rubbed the head of his hardness against her clit softly and then more firmly when she moved her hips against him. Then, he placed his thumb on her and rubbed firm circles around her clit as he slowly and gently filled her.

  Cassie moaned and writhed as he began a steady rhythm, continually working her clit until she climaxed, and then he continued until she came again, her nails grabbing his hips and digging in. Mika increased his pace, and as she reached her peak for the third time, he joined her, crying out his pleasure.

  He opened his eyes to find her looking upon him lovingly, and as he slowly pulled his body from hers, he removed the pillow and then lay beside her, kissing her softly and caressing her hair until she fell asleep.

  Later that afternoon, Cassie awoke with a backache, and as she tried to roll from the bed, she was struck by a pain that rippled across her abdomen, tightening as it moved down her belly.

  Falling back on the bed, she tried to breathe through it, and it eventually faded.

  Finally, she was able to stand, but when she did, she was rocked by another pain, and gripping the headboard, she panted and grimaced. As the pain passed, she walked out from her bed chamber, looking for her men.

  The baby was definitely about to make its appearance.

  They were nowhere in sight, and she figured they were in the exercise room. So she walked carefully across to the room, and just as she was about to reach the door, another pain gripped her, and she hoarsely called out for them.

  The door burst open, and all six of them poured out, and seeing her condition, they rushed to her. Arn swept her up into his arms as Taylyn ran for the door, intending to fetch the physician.

  As Arn carried her to the bed, she looked over his shoulder and called to Mika and Aidan to fetch Nera and Kara. The men turned and ran out immediately as Kai turned to the kitchen to begin boiling the water and gathering the cloths that would be required.

  “Arn, don’t leave me,” she cried out through another strong contraction.

  “I won’t, Mistress. I will stay with you,” he murmured reassuringly.

  Five feet from her bed, a flood of water ran down him and hit the floor. Arn looked at her gravely.

  “Mistress, your waters have broken, and the baby will follow shortly.” At that moment, Taylyn returned with the physician, practically carrying the small woman in his haste to get her there.

  The physician saw the puddle of water and hurried to the bedside to examine Cassie as Arn placed her upon the bed.

  “So, your water has broken.” She looked up at Arn. “Help me get her clothed, find a fresh shift for her, then go clean
yourself up.” Arn nodded and quickly brought forth a soft cotton gown that he expertly put on her while she clutched at his hand hard as a pain tore through her.

  He squeezed gently in return until her grip faded and Taylyn moved to take his place by her side as Arn went to clean up.

  “Lady Cassandra,” the physician looked up from between her legs, “your womb has opened, and I can see the babe’s head.” She smiled at Cassie. “I will tell you when to start pushing. This looks like it will be a very quick labor. You are fortunate. Some women labor for days.” Cassie nodded, biting her lip.

  Cassie wasn’t feeling very fortunate at the moment, her stomach felt like it was being squeezed through a grape press.

  Another pain hit, and she squeezed Taylyn’s hand, focusing on his somber eyes as she tried to breathe through the pain ripping through her.

  Nera and Kara arrived and stationed themselves on either side of her and immediately began stroking her hair and making soothing noises.

  The physician’s assistant rolled Cassie gently and placed thick pads under her in preparation for the coming birth. Kai and Mika stood ready with cloths to swaddle and wipe the babe.

  Between pains, Cassie looked at the group of people surrounding her and laughed harshly. When they looked at her strangely, she said, “I would really love some Demerol or an epidural right now.”

  They looked at each other perplexed. “Never mind,” she replied through gritted teeth as another contraction came over her.

  “Jesus!” They all looked at each other, confused at her calling out a name they had never heard before. “Ow! I hate men, do you hear me? I. HATE. MEN! Aargh!” she yelled out as yet another contraction ripped through her. Nera and Kara fought down the urge to laugh at her words. "Fuck!"

  Her men looked at each other with wide eyes.

  “Lady Cassandra, on the next contraction, I want you to push as hard as you can; the babe’s head has crowned,” the physician said when the pain faded a bit.

  Within moments, another pain hit her, harder than the last, and she grunted as she pushed down. She could feel the baby move through the birth canal and held the push as long as she could.

  The physician pulled the tiny baby the rest of the way out and handed it to Mika, who was glowing as he looked from his Lady to the baby in his hands. Kai came and stroked the baby gently, cleaning the blood and mucous from the tiny form. Mika turned the baby on its side and patted its back. The child roared out a cry, making his mother laugh as she saw she had just delivered a boy.

  Mika beamed a smile at her.

  “It is a handsome boy, Mistress and he is so strong!” Cassie smiled at his joy and looked at her son longingly.

  The physician went back to work with Cassie, ready to deliver the afterbirth when she cried out loudly.

  “Another one! Twins, My Lady!” the woman said as another pain ripped through Cassie. Nera and Kara cried out in surprise and joy, holding Cassie up as the physician pressed her knees back up.

  “Push, Lady, push!” Cassie drew a breath and pushed down as hard as she could, growling loudly in pain as she tried not to scream when she felt the baby slide out of her womb into the waiting hands of the physician.

  A thin cry sounded, but then became stronger as Cassie watched little arms flailing angrily as the child bellowed its anger at the cold, new world.

  “A girl! My Lady Cassandra, you have a daughter!” The physician laughed happily.

  Nera and Kara cried out in happiness, holding hands above Cassie’s head, jubilant at the outcome of their friend’s labor.

  Cassie was quickly delivered of the afterbirth.

  Her men cleaned the infants, having cut the cords and tied them off. The physician and her assistant cleaned Cassie and packed her with an absorbent material. They then put a fresh gown on her before placing extra pillows behind her to prop her up.

  Cassie sighed as her men laid the infants in her arms for her to inspect.

  First, they brought her daughter. Thick white hair capped her head, a contrast to her red face. She sucked her fingers noisily as her mother nuzzled and kissed her.

  Cassie grudgingly gave the baby to Nera, and her son was placed in her arms. He had an equally thick cap of white hair, and they both had the characteristic blue eyes of newborns. He was quieter than his sister and lay snuggled against his mother happily. Cassie had never seen a baby with such thick, blond hair. She admired how it curled against his ears.

  Kara reached over and ran her finger down the boy’s face and tapped his nose softly. Cassie was surprised by the tenderness Kara showed to the little boy.

  “They are beautiful, Cassie, and he is just so adorable.” Kara smiled into Cassie’s eyes. Just then, her daughter let out a loud wail.

  “My little Commander is hungry and I will not see her go without, Cassandra. You must now feed them,” Nera said imperiously, a mischievous smile on her face.

  They brought her the babies, and she arranged pillows at her side before attaching them to her breasts. They fed voraciously, latching on with little fuss, much to the joy of the watching adults.

  “They are indeed attached well, Lady. You should have no problem feeding them. If the boy is to go to Serlenn, then a wet nurse must be located. I will send word to the village. Also, you look as if you will heal well; there was no tearing. I will check on you tomorrow. Send one of these magnificent beasts if you get sick, and do not lay with them for at least a month.” She shook her finger under Cassie’s nose, and Cassie just grinned at the woman as she swept from the room.

  Nera came around and sat next to Cassie, taking her son from her and placing him on her shoulder to burp as Cassie did the same with his sister. A loud belch came from the boy, and Nera smiled, lowering him to look at him more closely.

  “He is beautiful, Cassie. You have indeed made a fine heir for Nall.” Nera looked a bit sad as she gazed at the boy, and kissing him softly, she handed him into Mika’s waiting arms.

  The men crowded around and exclaimed over the infant, making the women laugh in delight.

  Kara took the girl from Cassie and cuddled her, kissing the infant’s soft cheek.

  “This makes me want one of my own,” Kara said, looking down at the sleeping child.

  “Well, if I can do it, then you can, too,” Cassie yawned. “Aidan, my angel, I am starving!” She smiled at him as he turned quickly to get her some food.

  Kara handed the baby to Nera, who took her gratefully.

  “I believe she will have your eyes, Cassie. How beautiful they will be!” Nera kissed the baby softly.

  “Nera, her eyes are closed, how can you possibly tell?” Cassie laughed.

  “I can just tell,” Nera said smugly as she gave the baby to Garen.

  The other men brought the cradle to Cassie’s bedside, and they placed the sleeping infants in its cavernous interior.

  Cassie stretched a bit and then grimaced at the soreness in her lower regions.

  Just then, Aidan came in with a tray full of delicious-smelling foods, pastries, and fruits, and Cassie dug in ravenously. Her friends joined her in enjoying the massive amount of food.

  Finally replete, Cassie drifted off to sleep under the watchful eyes of her friends and her men.

  Chapter Thirty Three

  Nearly a week later, Cassie was feeling well, and she refused to spend the majority of her days in bed anymore. Her bleeding continued as expected, but not too heavily after those first few days.

  Her slaves had been incredible, rising at night with the babies, changing them, and then bringing them to their mother for feeding. The babies were quickly putting on weight, and Cassie could see that Nera was correct; both sets of eyes seemed to be changing into their mother’s unique shade.

  Cassie stood in the seating area holding her son. She had named him Nicholas. She had been determined to make this decision herself since the child would grow up primarily with Nall.

  He was plump and round with rosy cheeks and thick, curling, white
hair. A perfectly beautiful baby.

  She had named his sister Jasmine, a name she had always loved.

  As she stroked her son’s cheek, she looked down at her men where they sat huddled around Mika, who was seated on the floor, holding Jasmine in his arms and cooing at her.

  A knock sounded at the door, and with a smile, Cassie motioned for them to stay where they were and answered the door herself.

  The smile slid off of her face as she looked into the dark blue eyes of the Prince of Serlenn.

  His father, King Nyles, stood behind him, she noticed without breaking eye contact with Nall.

  Nall was drowning in bright pools of blue-green as he maintained their eye contact. His heart was flipping over and over in his chest, stealing his breath.

  She was even more beautiful than he remembered, and his heart ached anew at his loss. He wrenched his eyes from hers finally and looked down to the baby she held in her arms, tears welling as he surveyed the child.

  Cassie backed up, allowing the men entrance into her quarters. Nera stood next to Nyles and entered with him, sending her friend a bracing smile.

  “Welcome, My Lords. Please, come in,” Cassie finally spoke, remembering her manners.

  “My child, you have given me a grandson I hear, and from the looks of the babe in your arms, it is very clearly of my blood.” Nyles beamed at her, leaning in to kiss her cheek in a fatherly fashion.

  “Yes, My Lord. This is your grandson, Nicholas.” She knew Nall had not taken his eyes from her and his son. “Would you care to hold him, Your Highness?” She handed the baby carefully into his grandfather’s waiting arms.

  Nyles took the child and walked over to sit on the sofa, inspecting him closely.

  “You have done very well, Cassandra. He is as strong and handsome, as a Prince should be.” Nyles smiled joyfully at her, and she smiled in return.

  Finally, she turned her eyes to Nall who stood nearby, his eyes slipping from Cassie to the baby and back again.

  “I hope you are well-pleased with your son, My Lord,” she said softly, love rippled through her for the man before her. She realized then that she had never stopped loving him.


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