Using Her Dragons: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Omega Book 3)

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Using Her Dragons: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Omega Book 3) Page 4

by April Canavan

  Sharon nodded, and then glanced behind her before turning back to Arielle. “I’m looking for someone to be here every day for the swing shift, so I can go home and rest. It’s from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. You’ll get free coffee and tips on top of your hourly pay.”

  “I’ll do it,” Arielle said without hesitation.

  Sharon smiled, and Arielle felt the faint glimmer of happiness peeking out from behind the darkness in her soul.

  “Great. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. And wear something you don’t mind getting dirty. I have a feeling you’re going to make a mess of training.” Sharon winked leaving Mary and Arielle at the counter, alone.

  “What was that?” Drake said from behind her suddenly.

  Arielle flinched, but there was no other reaction. No panic attack from him coming up behind her. Nothing. It was perfect.

  “I just got a job.” She turned to face him with a bright smile on her face, and did her best to ignore the thunderous expression on his face.

  “You can’t do that,” he practically roared. “We’ve just made arrangements for you to stay on the property of your house until we figure out what the danger is and the best way to handle it. You can’t work.”

  “You,” Arielle said sweetly and patted his arm. “Have no control over what I can or can’t do. I got a job. If that doesn’t fit in with your idea of having bodyguards or trying to control every move I make, that’s not my problem. I’m not a child. I’m not someone that you can just sit down and keep inside a bubble. I won’t be caged. I’m me, and I’m going to keep doing what I want and what I need to do.”

  Arielle left him standing there, with Mary at his side. She couldn’t face the fact that she’d just told off her older brother. Her hands were shaking and her heart was racing. She’d done something for herself, finally.

  With it came the realization that she wasn’t just arguing with him. She’d won a battle for a small piece of her freedom. Battling, that’s all her life had turned into. She was in the middle of a war for her freedom, and it was time to plan her next step.


  One hour, two tacos, and a good soak in the bathtub later had Arielle feeling better about herself than she had in a really long time. Until she heard something crashing from downstairs.

  Her robe was on the back of the door and she quickly put it on, hoping that she wasn’t about to fight off an attacker without any underwear on.

  When she snuck out of her room a few moments later, holding onto the bat that she never thought she’d have to use, Arielle wondered why she didn’t just jump out of her bedroom window and shift. It was impossible to shift completely in the house, and she hadn’t quite mastered the ability to shift only one part of her body like Mary had. Instead, she relied on her wits, and a weapon that she could easily wield against anyone that tried to attack her.

  Idly, it occurred to her that she needed to work out more. Maybe Dani would help her get into shape after she had the babies. Maybe then, she could just fight whoever it was, and there wouldn’t be any need for a bat, or shifting.

  She shuffled to the stairs, and then sputtered when she saw what was happening, holding the bat above her head.

  “What are you doing?” She looked at Stefan, who was staring at her with wide eyes. His mouth was open, and Arielle glanced down quickly to see what he was staring at, turning red as she did so.

  The robe was open. The robe was open. She dropped the bat and closed her robe, embarrassed that she’d exposed herself.

  “I knew I should have gotten dressed first.” She explained, rambling. “I’m so sorry.”

  Before he could say anything, she rushed to her bedroom and slammed the door. The banging continued after a moment and then suddenly paused at her door before moving down to one of Arielle’s spare rooms. As quickly as she could, she dressed before rushing downstairs to see what was happening and why Stefan was in her house.

  Drake was standing in her living room, a smug smile on his face, while he directed the men she’d met earlier as they moved furniture into her house.

  “What are you doing?” She repeated the question she’d asked Stefan, only now directed at her brother while she crossed her arms and stared up at him with her best glare. The effect was ruined when the bun that held her curls came tumbling down.

  “You decided to get a job,” he explained. “So I decided that the best way to keep you safe was to have all three of them move into your house. The house that Erik and I bought for you so that you’d be safe. This way, we all win.”

  She spluttered, angry that there had been some sort of decision made without her permission. Seriously, hadn’t he learned his lesson the first time? She looked around and picked up a pillow to throw at him, but he stole it from her.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Drake cautioned her. “You don’t want to make me angry.”

  “What? Do you think I wouldn’t like you when you’re angry?” Arielle taunted him, using one of her favorite movie references against him. “Shut up,” she snapped before he could say anything. “This is my house. You should ask me before you go and move people into my house. Especially when you know that I wasn’t happy about this whole thing in the first place.”

  She blatantly berated him, and it was clear that Drake wasn’t used to being treated that way. Some time during their conversation, Stefan had snuck back downstairs. Now, all three of them were watching the interaction between Drake and Arielle with varying levels of interest.

  Drake, the annoying brother she wanted to murder, shrugged. “You didn’t give me a choice, so now you’re stuck with it.” He turned to Stefan with hard eyes. “Remember what I told you. I want answers, and I want you to keep her safe.”

  Arielle hugged her brother. The hug was something new for her. Even six months ago, she wouldn’t have been able to touch him like that. She was making baby steps, improving every single day. She just needed time on her own.

  “I’ll see you soon,” Drake said. “Promise me that you’ll try, though. I just need time.” His words echoed her own thoughts and Arielle found herself melting in her resolve against him.

  “If you let me take the job at the coffee shop.”

  “No,” he said resolutely.

  She snorted in response and watched as he left her alone with three men she didn’t know. One of whom had just seen her naked.

  She looked around and then clapped her hands together. “Well this has been fun.” She left them alone to figure their shit out and went upstairs to plot her escape.

  On her way up the stairs, she swore that she heard Matthew say something about her being spoiled, but it was so low that she didn’t quite catch it. Instead of confronting him, she added him to her list. They might be stronger and faster than her, but she had an entire life of planning creative ways to get revenge on those that hurt her. He wouldn’t stand a chance when she put her mind to it.

  Obviously, she couldn’t trust her brother to let her have any freedom in Gilcurry. She couldn’t even stay in her house by herself. Nope, the only way she’d be able to do anything would be to get out of Gilcurry and explore the human side of the border. There was only one very small problem. Something she didn’t even think was a big deal, until she thought about it. Arielle didn’t know anyone outside of Gilcurry. She had no friends, no way of getting out of town. Nothing.

  Fuming, she sat down to plan her escape with the little bit of information that she had. Besides, she was stuck in Gilcurry until she could solve her problems.

  Stefan stared at her ass the entire time she walked back up the stairs. He kept the fact that he’d seen her naked to himself. Still even though almost an hour had passed since he’d seen her body, he knew he’d never forget it. Her curves were the things of his dreams—er hips, her stomach. Hell, even the weight of her breasts while she held that bat above her head had him completely speechless.

  After she fled, he’d barely been able to adjust himself before Matthew or Adam saw his reaction. It was nothin
g compared to how he’d felt at the coffee shop, either.

  “Serious question,” Matthew said from next to him. They had just finished unloading all the belongings they’d need for their extended stay with her, and all Stefan wanted to do was sleep.

  “What’s up?” Adam said from Stefan’s other side.

  He led them into the kitchen, where they grabbed a cold beer from the fridge.

  “Do you know what it feels like when you connect with the dragon that’s supposed to be your mate?”

  Stefan paused, hoping that Matthew was just curious. the look in his eyes was enough to tell him that wasn’t the case.

  “Fuck,” Adam declared. “You felt it too?”

  “Shit,” Stefan agreed with them. “One look at her, and my body connected itself to her in a way that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget.”

  “Same,” Matthew said. “Like an arrow straight through my body that demanded I pay attention to her and forget everyone else in the room.”

  “That barista, at the counter?” Adam asked, “Do you remember that I hooked up with her when we first came to town? Every time I see her, I think about the night we had, and I contemplate doing it again. One look, I swear … not any more. I took one look at the princess and I was a goner.”

  “We’re shit out of luck,” Stefan told them. “If that’s what it was, there’s no way we can act on it. Drake told me that no one can touch her. No one, that includes us, so keep your dicks in your pants.”

  “I don’t want to be here,” Adam said. “And I’m sure as hell not going to screw around with the princess. My body is probably just out of control since the breakup. It’ll pass.”

  Stefan looked at his friend and hoped that he was right. Rather than stay and commiserate with the two of them, he finished his beer and decided to get some rest while he could. On his way to the room right beside Arielle’s bedroom, her door opened and she stuck her head out when he passed.

  “Oh,” she snapped. “It’s you.”

  “Yep,” he said just to be annoying. “What can I do for you, princess?”

  “Stop calling me Princess. That’s not my name.”

  “No,” he agreed. “But it is your title, and you’re going to be shown the respect you deserve.”

  She smiled at him, and he should have known what was coming.

  “Does that mean you’ll respect my wishes and get all your shit out of my house so that I can be on my own like I’ve wanted this entire time?” He watched as she batted her eyelashes at him, and he fought the urge to roll his eyes at how annoying she was being.

  “No,” he said. “You’re stuck with us, because your brother wants to make sure that you’re safe. Even if you don’t think you are, you’re in danger, Princess.” He added the last bit just to watch her grind her teeth and glare at him.

  “I don’t want you here,” she practically whined from behind the safety of her door.

  Gods, he enjoyed arguing with her. The way her hair fell across her face while she fumed was enough to make him want to caress it. Those curls looked like they’d feel amazing against his skin. As much as he knew that he needed to stay away from her, being in the same house was going to be absolute torture.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” he told her. A really cold one, he added silently.

  “Have fun,” she said sweetly to his back. “I hope you slip and break your face.”

  Stefan felt the extreme hate that she was radiating, and he didn’t know what he’d done to deserve it. Hell, he’d been the one ordered to watch over her. It wasn’t his fault, he was just doing his job.

  “Look,” he told her backside. “I get it that you’re wanting to stand up for yourself. I really do. But this is not just about your ideas of freedom. This is about your safety. Stop acting like a child and let me do my job, which is to make sure that you have a life to live by the time this is over.” As soon as the words left his mouth, harsh and unforgiving; he knew it was a mistake.

  “Listen to me.” She turned around and stomped back to him, pointing a finger at him and poking him in the chest when he didn’t give her his full attention.

  He couldn’t help it, though. The way she was, full of viciousness and fury, made him want her. More than he’d felt in the coffee shop. More than when he’d seen her naked body just begging for his touch. He struggled to keep himself from touching her, barely able to hold onto his self-restraint.

  “I am not your responsibility. I’m no one’s but mine. I’m going to do what I want, and live how I want to. I’m not going to let whatever my brother thinks is happening deter me from finally living.”

  Stefan watched her leave and adjusted his erection before he followed her up the stairs and forced her up against a wall. His fantasy felt so real. While he watched her ass sway in front of him as he followed her, he imagined the way it would feel to hold her hands above her head, to show her what real control was. He let her close the door to her room in his face, and he smiled.

  If he ever got the chance to claim her, it would be hell on both of them. But she’d enjoy every minute of it.


  Apparently, Arielle’s house made it easy for people to get in and potentially abduct her. At least that’s what Adam and Matthew told her when she came home from the coffee shop the next morning right before lunch. She’d gone in to start training with Sharon, but there was a problem at the coffee shop and she told Arielle they’d start after the weekend.

  Honestly, Arielle thought that Stefan scared the business owner into taking more time before Aielle started, but she couldn’t prove it.

  Danica and Mary showed up shortly after that with takeout from the Chinese food place that Arielle loved. They turned on a movie and started eating, so that the men currently ‘kidnap proofing’ her house wouldn’t hear them gossiping.

  Speaking of which, while Arielle chowed down on a tuna roll, Adam walked by with a ladder in his hands and she almost dropped the roll onto the ground.

  “Food,” Mary hissed. “Don’t drop the food.” But she was staring along with her.

  The thing was, they weren’t wearing jeans, like most men did when they worked. No, these men were all wearing sweatpants. The tightfitting kind that hugged their asses and outlined their other attributes. Arielle and the others had quickly discovered that they were in for a show and not the movie. All of them watched drooling while Stefan installed a security camera outside the living room window, and he wasn’t wearing a shirt.

  “I want to lick him,” Mary said quietly. Then she took a bite of pineapple chicken and munched loudly. “Do you think he’d let me?”

  “Maybe,” Arielle shrugged. She tampered down the pinch of jealousy she felt at her friend commenting on Stefan. “He’s a dick though, so good luck with that.” She tried to brush it off nonchalantly and sound like she didn’t care, but there was no way that it came across that way. She was sure that everyone knew she thought about him after their confrontation the day before.

  Just thinking about it had her skin tingling. Arguing with him was the most fun she’d had with a man in her entire life. Arielle watched him walk by, and she followed him with her eyes. She wasn’t able to look away, and it really wasn’t fair that he looked as good as he did.

  “Arielle.” Dani shook her and Arielle snapped out of her daze. “Are you okay? I was saying your name and you didn’t answer.”

  Arielle looked down at where Dani had touched her, and was shocked that she didn’t flinch away or anything.

  “Can I touch your belly?” She asked rather suddenly, and wasn’t surprised when Dani took a step back. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you.”

  “No,” Dani laughed. “It’s not that. There was just a pinch in my back. One of them must be moving around too much.” She grabbed Arielle’s hand. “Here.” Then she pressed it into what Arielle could only assume was a head. It felt like a little baseball right under Dani’s skin.

  “Amazing,” she murmured. “Doe
s it hurt?”

  “I’m pregnant with twins,” Arielle muttered with venom toward her stomach. “Everything hurts. I can’t even pee without feeling like my body is falling out from under me.”

  Mary chuckled. “You’re lucky,” she said while staring at Dani’s overly large pregnant belly.

  “I’m going to be the best Auntie ever,” Arielle whispered to Dani’s stomach. It was a promise, more than anything. It didn’t matter who was the father of the babies. Erik and the rest of the men that had mated with Dani were a family, and they were all Arielle’s family—that’s all that mattered.

  “What do you guys think about the fact that I got a job?” Arielle asked Dani and Mary, “Do you think I’m making the right decision?”

  “No,” Mary said immediately. Arielle was surprised.

  Dani looked at Mary with a sharp look and then rubbed her back. “I’m sorry sweetie, but we don’t think it’s a good idea. I mean, Mary grew up in the human world and now that she’s in Gilcurry, she doesn’t do anything that would put her in danger.”

  Mary snorted. “I’m not in danger, because Drake has made it known far and wide that if anyone touches me he’s going to rip their arms off and shove them down that person’s throat. While they’re still alive.”

  She painted a vivid picture, but it was the truth. Drake had seen Mary, covered in their father’s blood, and he said that he knew immediately that she was going to be his.

  “When I was in danger, I did what I was told,” Dani went on. “There are dangers here, things that you and I don’t understand. But those men do. It’s their life. They live and breathe this every single day. Your brother thinks it’s a bad idea for a reason.”

  Arielle felt betrayed. Here were two women that were supposed to be her supporters, but they were telling her that she was making a mistake. She really did need to run away to the human realm now. While she remained silent, processing everything they said, she was glad she didn’t tell them about her plan to go explore. They would have tried to stop her, or possibly worse … told on her.


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