Trained by the Alien

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Trained by the Alien Page 5

by Maggie Carpenter

  “It must have been a nightmare after all,” she mumbled, stretching her arms above her head. “He would have come running, unless he was sleeping too.”

  The wall rippled, and she realized she actually wanted to see him. More than that, she was excited to see him, but as he appeared and she lifted her arm to wave, she discovered her fingers were sticky.

  “Good morning, Abby. Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes, except for a weird dream, though I think might have been real. Is it morning?”

  “Your body clock says it is, and you must be kept on its schedule for a while. I wouldn’t worry about the lucid dream. They’re common during the adjustment period.”

  “That’s reassuring. I’m desperate for a bath, and I’m hungry.”

  “I’m sure you are, and you’ll be happy to hear the protective suit is no longer needed.”

  “That’s wonderful, but what will I wear?”

  “We have some Earth garments for you in the bathroom cabinets.”

  “You’re kidding?”

  “I do have a sense of humor, but no. However, after you bathe you will remain naked until after my inspection.”

  “Inspection?” she repeated, heat creeping across her face. “What sort of inspection?”

  “I must be sure you’re physically fit for the ruler. Usually that means your body is in good health, but in this instance, physically fit means—”

  “My body will meet his standards,” she said, whispering the end of his sentence. “What if—?”

  “Bathe,” he said briskly, cutting her off. “I’ll be there soon. After I have conducted my examination, the keeper will bring you nourishment. That is all.”

  As he disappeared, the green light transformed to yellow.

  “Privacy and an inspection,” she mumbled, sliding out of bed. “Talk about an oxymoron. What the hell does he want to inspect? I don’t think I’m going to like this.”

  The bathroom opening appeared as she approached, and stepping inside she was surprised to find the tub already filled, the calming fragrance of lavender in the air.

  “Lavender. My favorite bubble bath. I have to stop being amazed. Is there anything about me they don’t know?”

  Pulling off the thin silver jumpsuit, she climbed into the tub and sank into the warm water. Letting out a sigh, she closed her eyes and inhaled the scent, but the image of the hideous creature with the bulbous eyes popped into her head. Checking between her fingers and finding the gummy substance, she grabbed the washcloth draped over the side of the bath and rubbed it away.

  The creature had touched her hand.

  The memory came alive.

  She caught her breath.

  She hadn’t been dreaming!

  In spite of the warm, relaxing water, she was gripped in a rush of fear.

  “How did it get in?”

  As she breathed the words, her logic suggested it had to be a worker on the ship curious about the human on board.

  “Yes, that’s the only explanation. I’ll tell Zaroff. He’ll make sure it won’t come back.”

  Satisfied with her reasoning, she sank back down and did her best to relax, but as her mind turned to the upcoming inspection, relaxing wasn’t quite so easy.

  * * *

  While Abby soaked, Zaroff arrived and made the necessary preparations in the chamber. Against the rippling wall sat a gleaming silver, armless chair, in the center of the room a low padded bench with a rounded hump in the middle, and nearby a small table with the few items he required. If the training progressed as he believed it would, they would soon be leaving the solar system and heading to the Universal Alliance headquarters. With everything ready, he was about to check in with Keon when Abby entered from the bathroom. Dressed in a thin robe with the sash tied at the waist, she stared across at him nervously.

  “Hello, Abby. Why are you worried?”

  “I don’t like the idea of an inspection.”

  “Are you going to be difficult?”

  “No,” she replied, wishing he didn’t look so ridiculously sexy. “Are you sure you’re an alien? Are those lavender eyes of yours contact lenses?”

  “I can assure you, I am not from your planet, though I have spent time there.”

  “You have? When? Why? How long where you there?”

  “I know you have many questions, but you must be patient.”

  “If you want me to be patient, don’t say things like that!”


  “I’m sorry, but jeez!”

  “I think it best we change the subject. Does it bother you that I resemble your race? It should be reassuring.”

  “It bothers me in a way,” she said tentatively as she moved slowly toward him.

  “And what way is that?”

  “I’m not sure how to put this. The thing is... I don’t know you, but you’re doing these things to me, decadent things, and you’re very attractive.”

  “Ah, I see. You feel shy,” he said, the hint of a smile curling the edges of his lips.

  “Of course I do!”

  “You didn’t feel shy at the end of the last session, and when I carried you to bed, you put your arms around my neck and rested your head on my chest.”

  “I don’t know what to say about that, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re, uh, carrying out some very intimate acts with me, and you’re a complete stranger,” she declared, but dropping her eyes as her face flushed red.

  “This modesty will quickly pass. That’s part of what the training is about. The ruler expects you to be completely uninhibited.”

  “And if I don’t like him?” she asked, darting her eyes back up. “That’s likely, by the way.”

  “I suspect you will, very much.”

  “I’ll still be given the choice though, right?”

  “Yes, Abby, you’ll still be given the choice, but now we must begin,” he said formally, walking toward the shiny, armless chair. “When you meet the ruler you will present yourself. I’m going to sit down and behave as the ruler will behave. You will remove the robe and show me your body, but not timidly. You must be proud.”

  “I thought you were going to do some kind of inspection.”

  “Abby! Do as I say.”

  “I was just asking because—”

  “The ruler will not tolerate these constant questions,” he said sharply. “Learn to hold your tongue.”


  “I’ve explained what you must do. Remember, your body is your gift to him. Make him want you.”

  As the powerfully built alien strode across the room, though trepidatious about his instruction, she couldn’t deny her growing attraction. He personified the dominant of her dreams, a long-held fantasy never experienced. His authority made her knees weak, and his bulging biceps, chiseled features, and sheer size took her breath away. As he sat in the chair, tall and straight, staring at her expectantly, she couldn’t deny exhibiting herself could be a total turn-on if she let it be.

  “So, you’re the Earth female,” he declared. “It is my pleasure to finally meet you. You may present yourself.”

  Taking a deep breath, Abby began to walk toward him. His much-too-kissable mouth carried the same hint of a smile when they’d first met. Gazing at his wide shoulders and brawny arms, she suddenly found herself aching to be engulfed by him. Heat rose up through her being. She didn’t want to feel the attraction, but she did.

  “I’m waiting, Abby.”

  Swallowing hard and taking a breath, she sashayed as she moved toward him, and teasingly unknotting the sash, she slowly peeled off the robe, turning in a sensuous circle as she let it fall from her body.

  “Hold up your tits and come to me.”

  His command sent her butterflies fluttering, and nervously lifting her breasts, she approached the chair and stopped in front of him. “Very nice,” he murmured, tweaking her nipples and smoothing his hands over the plump flesh. “I’m sure if he decides to keep you, he’ll play with them of

  But she heard nothing after if he decides to keep you. The idea of the ruler not wanting her had never crossed her mind. She had no desire to stay with the aliens, so why wasn’t she relieved?

  The epiphany rolled over her.


  It was Zaroff’s acceptance she wanted.

  Wondering how she could be so strongly attracted after such a short amount of time, and to an alien, her pondering was sharply interrupted.

  “You must stop thinking,” Zaroff scolded, squeezing her breasts. “You must focus on this rehearsal.”

  “Sorry, Master.”

  “Spread your legs.”

  As she shuffled her feet apart, he moved his fingers between her pussy lips, and unable to stop herself, she closed her eyes and bleated a soft moan.

  “This pleases me,” he murmured, rubbing her clit. “Your wetness is most satisfying, and you enjoy my fondling.”

  “Very much, Master.”

  “Lay yourself across my lap.”

  “Permission to speak, Master?” she softly begged, opening her eyes.

  “Very well.”

  “I, uh, I wasn’t just saying that.”

  “I know when you speak the truth and when you don’t. Do as I instructed.”

  She paused, staring at him, thinking he really was the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen, then quickly reminded herself he wasn’t a man at all.


  “Sorry, Master.”

  Stepping to his side, she was about to crawl into position when he clutched her hair, yanked her over his lap, and landed several hard slaps.

  “Ow! Ow! I’m sorry. “

  “If you hesitate when the ruler gives an order he’ll punish you just like this,” he exclaimed, slapping her again. “As I continue with the rehearsal, you will remain quiet. I will speak as the ruler now, do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Your bottom is lovely,” he mumbled, rubbing and squeezing her hot cheeks, then pulling them apart, he added, “and you’re a virgin back here. Claiming you will be a great pleasure. You will feel owned, and completely taken. Kneel before me.”

  The sinful promise swirling in her head, she slid off his thighs and settled in front of him.

  “If I take you as my mate, do you promise to do my bidding?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Do you want to stay here with me and remain at my side as I reign over the planets?”

  She paused.

  “Is this when I’ll have the choice?” she whispered.

  “Yes, Abby, this is when you’ll have the choice. He will ask, and you will answer honestly.”

  “No, I don’t wish to stay.”

  “You will want for nothing, and I will worship this beautiful body,” Zaroff murmured, leaning forward and softly kneading her breasts. “Your wetness betrays you,” he continued, sliding a hand between her legs. “You crave the unique attention I offer.”

  “Master, I will not feel this when I’m in front of the ruler.”

  “You don’t know that,” Zaroff said, the wry smile curling his lips, “but this part is over now. It’s time for your inspection. Go to the bench and position yourself over the hump.”

  Her body filled with longing, but she was nervous about what she might be forced to endure. She followed his instruction, but as she settled over the raised bump she suddenly found herself stuck.

  “I don’t require shackles and straps,” he declared. “As you learned on the floor, if I want you held in position, you will be.”

  “May I ask how it works?”


  His hand returned to her sex, exploring and rubbing, and as his finger plunged inside her she tried to wriggle, but found it impossible.

  “I would enjoy teasing you this way for a very long time.” he murmured, thrusting his finger in and out. “Where is that magic spot,” he mumbled, his long finger searching inside her. “Ah, there it is. Does that feel good, Abby?”

  “Yes, Master, it feels incredible,” she panted as the scintillating sensation rippled through her sex.

  “Did you enjoy presenting yourself?”

  “Yes, Master. I enjoyed presenting myself to you, but I’m not sure how I’ll feel presenting myself to a stranger.”

  “But I’m still a virtual stranger.”

  “I, uh...”

  “When you see the ruler you’ll want to please him.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “He is extremely attractive. Now I will do something you might find unpleasant, but you must accept it.”

  She cringed, guessing what she’d have to endure. As he pulled one of her cheeks to the side, something warm touched her rosebud.

  “Very tight. You have to be stretched out. The ruler has a big cock. You must submit and accept this!”

  His voice had been stern, and though she tried to allow entry to the unwelcome intruder, she found it impossible.

  “I’m sorry, Master, I can’t.”

  “As I feared, but I can fix the problem,” he declared, applying a cream. “This lotion will help. It will only take a few seconds to take effect. You’ll soon be begging for the phallus.”

  She wasn’t sure what to expect, then suddenly she felt an overwhelming itch.

  “Oh, Master, make it stop.”

  “The only way to relieve it is to accept the dildo. It contains a soothing lotion that will alleviate the sensation.”

  “I will, I will.”

  “Ask for it.”

  “Please, will you push the dildo inside me?”

  “The ruler will not be happy with that. You must speak lewdly. Try again.”

  “Please, Master, will you shove the cock up my ass,” she pleaded, beside herself with the tormenting tickle. “Please, Master, I’m begging you.”

  “That’s more like it. That’s how you must speak when being intimate with the ruler, but now I must see if you meant it. Submit, Abby.”

  The dildo drove forward, and holding her breath she tried to surrender, but in spite of the instant relief from the itching, she wanted to scream out her objection. Not only was she deeply humiliated, the phallus felt huge. Every instinct told her to push it back out, but she knew she had to accept the all-consuming cock. Telling herself fighting the inevitable would only make the experience worse, she took several long, deep breaths. As her body began to relax, she abruptly realized the intruder had only been halfway in.

  “Excellent,” he exclaimed, shoving it forward. “Much better. You see, you can accept this if you choose to. Now I’m going to stroke. You will learn to enjoy this, Abby, even crave it.”

  As the thrusting began, his free hand rubbed her sit spot, lightly slapped, then rubbed it again. Falling into a steady rhythm he repeated the tantalizing slap-rub-slap across the back of her thighs, pausing frequently to agitate her clit and thrust his finger inside her hungry pussy. She was being swept away in unfamiliar sensations, and though she didn’t want to, she loved the tantalizing torture.

  “Very good, Abby. You are embracing the pleasure,” he remarked, agitating her clit as he accelerated the speed of the thrusts. “Do you want me to stop? Shall I pull it out?”

  “No, please don’t,” she moaned, feeling the buildup of her orgasm in spite of her continued embarrassment.

  “So you like this after all. Tell me the truth!”

  “Yes, Master,” she wailed, panting as she felt her arousal swell.

  “Like it or love it?”

  “Oh, Master, I love it.”

  “You’ve done well. It is time for your reward.”

  The anal intruder buzzed, and as the shimmering sensations catapulted her into a powerful climax, a volley of hot slaps landed on her backside, then two fingers plunged into her soaked channel. Wailing her ecstasy as the spasms surged through her body, she felt herself shatter into a million sparkling pieces, then abruptly she was somewhere else, drifting on puffy cotton clouds, surrounded by pink and purple
rainbows, never wanting to leave the serene sky in which she floated.

  “Abby, you need to wake up now.”

  Zaroff’s distant voice held gentle authority, and leaving her peaceful paradise she opened her eyes. To her surprise and joy she found herself lying on the bed wrapped in his powerful arms.

  Chapter Seven

  Abby didn’t want to feel safe and protected in his powerful arms. She didn’t want to melt as she gazed into his lavender eyes. He had abducted her, and worse, he would soon be handing her over to his ruler, but as he traced his finger around her lips she ached to feel his mouth pressed against hers.

  “How do you feel?” he purred, gently guiding stray hairs from her face.

  “I was floating. Everything was tranquil, and I was surrounded by pink and purple rainbows.”

  “You traveled out of your body.”

  “I did? You mean like astral projection?”

  “I’ll put it another way. Your passion hurtled you into a different state.”


  “I’m not really sure. I only know it happens when you reach a certain level of sexual ecstasy, and you’ll experience it again.”

  “You sound very sure.”

  “I am. You have a passionate soul, and you’re not afraid to let loose. I’m impressed.”

  “I’ve never had an orgasm like that,” she murmured, then shifting in his hold, she moved her arms around his neck. “Please, will you kiss me?”

  “Kiss you?”

  “Kiss me and make love to me?”

  “I’m afraid that’s not possible,” he replied solemnly, “but you have earned back the right to call me Zaroff, though you must remember to call me sir when you’re in training or being disciplined.”

  “Don’t you want to kiss me? Don’t you want to make love to me?”

  “Abby, I’d like nothing better,” he replied with a heavy sigh. “You’re not just beautiful, you have a tremendous sexual appetite, greater than I expected, and we do share a mutual attraction.”

  “You sound so formal.”

  “Only because I must. The spark between us cannot be ignited. I cannot kiss you, and we cannot make love. Your lips and womanhood are reserved for the ruler.”


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