Don't Let Go

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Don't Let Go Page 6

by Rebecca Deel


  As Simon escorted Zoe from Macy’s house, he quartered the area. Although nothing stood out in this quiet neighborhood, his unease continued to grow. Someone was watching them.

  Zoe’s hand tightened around his. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Is it Macy’s killer?”

  Simon wished he could banish her fear. He didn’t blame her for feeling vulnerable. She was. He would keep her safe. His priority was Zoe and he suspected she always would be. “Might be a nosy neighbor.”

  “You don’t believe that.”

  He tucked her into the passenger seat of his SUV. “Expecting the worst is how we stay alive on missions. We never take things at face value.” Things went wrong in the blink of an eye. You learned to plan for the worst, hope for the best, and adjust on the fly. If you didn’t learn that lesson, you died. Simon didn’t intend to die anytime soon because he had too much to live for.

  After he brushed her bottom lip with his thumb, Simon rounded the front of the vehicle and climbed behind the wheel. As he drove, he kept an eye on the mirrors for signs of incoming trouble. “Are you hungry?”

  “A little,” she admitted.

  “You up for a little drive?”

  “Sure. I thought you would prefer a restaurant in town in case the police or your teammates need you.”

  “We’ll be close enough.” Simon squeezed her hand as he drove toward Highway 18. “I want to be alone with you. If we eat in town, people will stop to ask questions about what happened at the bakery.”

  Zoe grimaced. “Eating away from Otter Creek is sounding more attractive every minute. Where are we going?”

  “One of my favorite restaurants in Cherry Hill. If we’re needed, we can return to Otter Creek in under 30 minutes.”

  For the rest of the drive, Simon steered the conversation to light topics. If Zoe felt stressed, she wouldn’t eat. Down time without bad memories bombarding her might help Zoe remember more to aid with the investigation.

  He also wanted her to himself for a while. Simon needed a chance to start cementing their relationship before Zoe wised up and kicked him to the curb. What woman wanted to be saddled with a man who had his job and erratic schedule?

  Simon drove to Stone Ridge, the best steakhouse in Cherry Hill. Although he didn’t expect his date to eat much, the restaurant served baked potatoes and a creamy chicken soup that should entice Zoe to eat a little.

  He parked near the front entrance and assisted Zoe to the asphalt. Inside the restaurant, the hostess greeted Simon by name and escorted them to a table in a dimly lit corner.

  Zoe glanced around, her gaze settling on the crackling fire in the river rock hearth. “How did you learn about this place?”

  “PSI offers specialized training to local police departments in the area. The Cherry Hill PD trained with us a few months ago and raved about the food here. My teammates and I tried it out and discovered the cops were right. Check their dessert menu. They have selections that my favorite baker would appreciate.”

  Zoe grinned. “Your favorite baker?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Haven’t you noticed that I only buy baked goods from you?” Otter Creek had plenty of options, but none were as good as Zoe’s. “You spoiled me.”

  Her gaze dropped to the menu spread open on the table. “I’m afraid to try a steak or hamburger. Any suggestions?”

  “The creamy chicken soup and a baked potato. Want to try it?”

  “That sounds good.”

  The waitress took their orders. After she left, Zoe eyed Simon. “Will you tell me about your family?”

  “Did you think I’d refuse?”

  “You never mention them.”

  “I don’t make it a habit to talk about my family.”

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. I don’t have the right to pry.”

  Simon covered her hand with his. “Hey, don’t do that. I want you to be interested in every aspect of my life.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the inside of Zoe’s wrist. “You have the right, Zoe.”

  The subtle tension in her face disappeared. “Did you have a hard childhood?”

  He smiled. “Not even close. I have a large family and we’re always in each other’s business. The reason I don’t talk about them except with my teammates is to keep my family safe.”

  Zoe blinked. “I don’t understand.”

  “Have you noticed that none of the operatives or their wives are on social media?”

  “I noticed.”

  “We make enemies all over the world. We keep a low profile and stay off social media. Our enemies could track us down and take revenge by harming those we love. I don’t talk about my family and they don’t talk about me on the Internet. The precaution is one you’ll need to follow if you’re involved with me.”

  She laughed, the sound doing funny things to his insides. “I’m pretty sure we’re past the ‘if you’re involved with me’ stage, Simon. Teach me the rules so I won’t endanger you or your family. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to any of you because of me.”

  Simon squeezed her hand. “What do you want to know about my family?”

  “Do you have brothers or sisters?”

  “Two of each and I’m the middle kid. We’re stair steps. Mom had us one year apart. Somehow, she and Dad survived five children ages five and under at home before my oldest sister started school. Mom says it’s a miracle her hair didn’t turn gray by the time she was thirty.”

  “Wow. Are your siblings married?”

  “I’m the last holdout. I have fourteen nieces and nephews.”

  Zoe’s jaw dropped. “Good grief.”

  “I filled out a spreadsheet for birthdays and anniversaries. With my wonky schedule, that’s the only way I ensure I don’t miss an important event. Needless to say, holidays are a riot around my parents’ place. We get together as often as we can. Usually, I’m the one who misses celebrations because I’m deployed with my team.”

  “What jobs do your siblings have?”

  “Tracey is the mayor of our town. James is a veterinarian. B.J. is a surgeon, and Cassie is a lawyer. Your turn. Tell me about your family.”

  She shrugged. “Not much to tell. I’m an only child. My parents doted on me to the point that I had to move across the state to keep from being cosseted until I was 50.”

  “Do you go home much?”

  “Not as much as I’d like. The bakery keeps me busy. They’ve been in Otter Creek a few times since the shop opened.” Zoe’s eyes sparkled. “Mom badgered Dad until he brought her to visit me. Apparently, eight weeks without seeing me was long enough.”

  A policeman headed toward their table. Simon stood and held out his hand. “Good to see you again, Terry. How’s your family?”

  The man beamed. “Great. Thanks for asking. What are you doing in my neck of the woods?”

  “A date with this gorgeous woman. Zoe, meet Sergeant Terry Hiller from the Cherry Hill police force. He survived two of my classes at PSI.”

  Hiller shook Zoe’s hand. “Good to meet you, Zoe.” He turned back to Simon. “Liam and his lady doing all right?”

  “They’re married now.”

  “Good for them. Thought they might be heading that direction.” He inched closer. “We’ll schedule another training session at PSI soon. The Chief agrees that Cherry Hill needs its own SWAT team.”

  “Excellent. My team is due for deployment soon so I’m not sure we’ll be in town to train you. We have another team on site who will do a great job with you if we’re gone.”

  “Is the other team as good as yours?”

  “Oh, yeah. They’re incredible. You’ll be glad you trained with Durango.” Durango was Fortress Security’s only Delta team. While Bravo was amazing, Durango was on another level altogether.

  Curiosity filled the cop’s eyes. “I’ll look forward to working with them.”

  A moment later, the waitress arrived with t
heir food and Hiller took his leave with a promise to touch base with Simon soon.

  Zoe breathed deep, eyeing the food in front of her. “This looks fabulous.”

  Progress. At least she was hungry. Simon kept their conversation light throughout dinner and convinced Zoe to share a dessert with him. At the first bite of carrot cake, her eyes lit up. By the time the plate was empty, Zoe had eaten more than half the slice of cake.

  Back in the SUV, Simon asked, “How are you feeling?”

  “Not bad, considering. Your suggestions were perfect.” She laid her hand on his forearm. “The company was better than the food. Thank you for dinner.”

  “The pleasure was all mine.” As he drove to Highway 18, Simon considered how best to broach the topic of keeping watch over Zoe. He didn’t want to smother her or give the killer another chance at her. While it appeared Macy was the sole target of the attack, Simon refused to discount the possibility that Zoe might be in danger. If the killer decided that Zoe knew more than she did, he’d try to silence her.

  As they reached the outskirts of Otter Creek, Simon’s phone signaled an incoming text. Glancing at the screen, his blood ran cold. He called Trent. “Who and where?” he asked as soon as his team leader answered.

  “Piper’s on her way to the hospital in an ambulance. Liam’s with her.”

  “Zoe and I will be there in ten minutes.” He ended the call.

  “What’s going on?” Zoe asked. “Did something happen to Piper?”

  “Trent sent an encoded message to say that one of our team had been attacked. When we receive that code, we drop whatever we’re doing and respond immediately.”

  That code was Bravo’s signal that one of their own was hurt. Now that Piper had been attacked, Simon faced the likelihood that Macy hadn’t been the target this morning and he was responsible for an innocent woman’s death.


  Simon escorted Zoe into the hospital’s emergency room entrance and steered her toward his teammates and their wives. The men were grim and the women looked afraid. Simon clenched his fist. No one had the right to terrorize the wives of his friends.

  Unfortunately, they were right to be concerned. Did Bravo have a security breach? If so, all their loved ones were in danger. He had to call his family and warn them to take precautions. The rest of his teammates would do the same for their families as would Durango. If someone was targeting Bravo, Durango was also in the line of fire.

  His grip on Zoe’s hand tightened. Would this situation convince her that dating an operative was too dangerous? Man, he hoped not. She smiled at him and Simon was able to take a deep breath.

  He focused on Liam who was pacing, face white and hands fisted. “Hey.”

  His best friend turned, eyes haunted.

  Simon pulled him into a brief one-armed hug. “What happened?”

  “She stopped by the grocery store to pick up something special for dinner, said she had something important to tell me. Someone jumped her in the driveway of our home. I was five minutes behind her. Five minutes. I found her unconscious on the ground.” His voice cracked. “I can’t lose her, Simon. I can’t live without her. She’s everything.”

  Simple, stark words from the sniper. “Piper is one tough lady. She’ll fight to recover. We’ll find the creep who hurt your wife. He’ll wish he’d never laid a hand on one of our own.”

  Liam’s expression hardened. “He better pray one of you finds him first. If I get my hands on him, he’s dead.”

  Simon saw the truth in his friend’s eyes. Those words weren’t an idle threat.

  “I don’t need a vigilante cruising around town, McCoy.” Ethan Blackhawk, Otter Creek’s police chief, said as he entered the waiting room. He stopped in front of Liam. “I understand you want to protect your wife. You’re welcome to do that on your turf. Actively looking for revenge will land you behind bars. I’d rather toss Piper’s attacker in jail than her husband. Understood?”

  The muscle in Liam’s jaw twitched. “Yes, sir. As long as you understand that if he comes after my wife again, I will kill him, jail time or not.”

  “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” Ethan’s gaze shifted to Zoe. “I heard about Macy. I’m sorry for your loss and your injuries.”

  “Thank you.”

  The police chief folded his arms across his chest. “You have a problem, Trent.”

  Bravo’s leader rubbed the back of his neck. “So it seems.”

  “Find the leak before someone else is hurt or dies.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Simon’s lips twitched. Even though Ethan wasn’t a teammate or their superior, the man demanded and received respect wherever he went. Ethan knew exactly what Bravo and Durango were up against. He’d been Special Forces and understood the risks they faced daily.

  He needed to contact Zane. Now might be a good time to do that while they waited for word on Piper. “I’ll have Zane start on the deep checks for all of us.” Simon glanced at Ethan. “Does Josh know about Piper?”

  A nod. “Called him on the way here. He’s already tightening security around his team and their families.”

  Good. Josh and his wife, Del, had twin baby girls. That man was lethal. No one would touch his family and live to tell the tale.

  He turned to Zoe. “I’ll be back in a minute. Stay with my team.” No offense to Blackhawk, but he trusted his teammates to protect the woman who was coming to mean so much to him.

  He looked at Matt, who nodded, accepting responsibility for Zoe’s safety. That done, Simon walked outside the ER doors and grabbed his phone.

  When his call was answered, he said, “Zane, we might have a serious problem brewing in Otter Creek.”

  “Talk to me.”

  Simon summarized the events. “Start a deep run on Bravo and Durango and our families. We have to know if there’s been a security breach. If there has, plug it fast. We can’t afford to advertise our presence in Otter Creek. We’ll be a danger to everyone in this town.”

  “I’ll contact you as soon as I know something.”

  “I don’t care what time it is, Z. Day or night.”

  “Copy that. Anything else?”

  “I need a secure phone sent to me as soon as possible.”

  Silence, then, “Zoe?”


  “You finally made your move. Congratulations, my friend. The phone should arrive at PSI by tomorrow afternoon along with her cover.”

  “Appreciate it, Zane.”

  “Yep. Later.”

  Simon returned to Zoe. “Anything yet?”

  She shook her head. “Liam won’t be able to hold himself back much longer.”

  “Is Grace working?”

  “She’s in the room with Piper and the doctor.”

  Maybe Matt could learn something. He worked a few shifts a month as a paramedic for Dunlap County. Simon started to approach him when Grace walked into the waiting room. She was surrounded by Simon and the others.

  She held up her hand and the questions stopped. “Liam, come with me. The rest of you have to wait here.” She led Liam to an examination room.

  The minutes passed at an excruciating pace. Simon checked his watch again for the tenth time in the past ten minutes. What was taking so long? Was Piper that seriously injured?

  Grace returned. “Piper will be fine. The doctor is going to admit her overnight for observation. If all goes well, she should be released tomorrow morning. Simon, Liam is asking for you and Zoe.”

  Relief swept over Simon with the force of a tidal wave. Thank God Piper would recover. He held out his hand to Zoe and together they followed Grace to the examination room.

  He stepped into the room only to pull up short when he saw his best friend. Liam’s arms were wrapped tight around Piper and tears were trickling down his cheeks.

  Simon’s brows knitted. “Is everything all right, Liam?”

  He waved to the chairs at the side of the bed. “We have something to tell you.” His vo
ice came out gruff. After they sat, Liam pressed a gentle kiss to Piper’s mouth before easing back and facing Simon and Zoe.

  “Do you need anything before I go, Piper?” Grace asked. “A soft drink?”

  “I would love a soft drink. Nothing with caffeine.”

  A smile from the nurse. “No problem. I’ll be right back.” She left.

  Liam smiled at Simon and Zoe. “We wanted you to be the first to know that Piper is pregnant.”

  “Oh, my goodness.” Zoe hopped up and hugged Piper. “Congratulations! I’m so happy for you.”

  When Zoe moved aside, Simon kissed Piper’s cheek. “You’re going to be a great mom, Piper.”

  She smiled. “Thanks, Simon.”

  “What happened at the house? Did you pass out?”

  Her smile morphed into a scowl. “Some guy dressed in black with a ski mask on shoved my head against the SUV. I blacked out. The next thing I knew, I was in here with Grace telling me I was going to be fine and Liam was anxious to see me.”

  Anxious? Liam McCoy, a sniper reputed to have ice in his veins, had been frantic to see his wife. “You’re sure the attacker was a man?”

  Piper grimaced. “Positive. Hard hands, muscular build, over six feet tall. He was in good shape.”

  “Did he say anything?” Liam asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Was he waiting for you to arrive?”

  “He came from the porch. I remember being surprised the porch light was out. I got out of the SUV and walked to the cargo area to carry in the groceries.”

  “You should have waited for me.” Liam kissed Piper’s temple. “From now on, you aren’t to carry anything heavy and that includes groceries.”

  “I understand you want to protect me and the baby, but you’ll be deployed soon. I have to take care of myself while you’re gone.”

  “We’ll talk about it more later.”

  Simon knew that stubborn look. Piper might not know it yet, but she’d just lost that argument. Knowing his friend, Liam would arrange for a member of Durango or one of the PSI personnel to go with Piper to get groceries while they were out of town. He wasn’t above bribing or blackmailing someone to help his wife.


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