Don't Let Go

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Don't Let Go Page 13

by Rebecca Deel

  Simon and Liam exchanged glances.

  Brent frowned. “How many missions are we talking about, Liam?”

  The operative rubbed the back of his neck. “At least ten. We’ve been partners for five years. Not all our missions required the full team.”

  “Four involved only the two of us, though,” Simon added. “For the rest of the missions, Bravo provided backup but we didn’t need assistance.”

  “Focus on those four,” Brent said. “Let’s narrow down our suspect pool.” He turned his attention to Zoe. “What do you think?”

  “I’m not sure the trouble we’re experiencing is from one person or group.”

  Simon’s boss straightened. “Explain.”

  Zoe told him why she suspected two different groups or people were responsible for the problems. “The crimes are on two opposite ends of the scale. On one end, two houses are broken into. Macy’s place was searched, especially the dressers. In my house, everything was trashed, almost like someone threw a tantrum. My dresser had also been moved. I don’t know for certain, but I have to wonder if my house was invaded by two people.” Knowing that made her skin crawl. “On the other end of the crime scale is the murder of Macy and Isaac. Would a thief kill?”

  “If he panics and is stupid enough to carry a weapon, then yeah, it’s possible,” Nate said.

  “Most thieves don’t carry weapons,” Josh murmured. “They don’t want to have a longer prison sentence if they’re caught by the police.”

  “Piper was attacked in her own driveway,” Zoe pointed out. “She said the man came from the front porch.”

  Brent looked at Liam, eyebrow raised.

  He nodded. “Zane checked the video feed. The clown tried to break into the house. He had enough difficulty that Piper arrived home before he succeeded. He shoved her into the side of the SUV and ran.”

  “Was she home at the normal time?” Josh asked.

  “Piper left work early to prepare a special meal.” A slow smile curved his mouth. “She had news to tell me.”

  Rio, Durango’s medic, tilted his head. “Don’t keep us in suspense, buddy. Looks like the news was good.”

  “It’s the best. Piper is pregnant.”

  That brought a round of congratulations from the members of both teams and Brent.

  Josh finally held up his hand in a bid for silence. “Circling back to the topic at hand. So, Piper came home early. The perp didn’t plan to confront anyone. He thought he’d have the house to himself to do his search. Piper’s change in plans interfered with his agenda.”

  “Zane thinks the guy is a professional,” Simon said.

  “But it’s not the same guy who killed Macy and Isaac,” Cade said. “He wouldn’t hesitate to use a knife on Piper like he did with Macy and Isaac.”

  Liam’s hands clenched. “When I get my hands on the dude who hurt Piper, he’ll wish he’d chosen a different profession.”

  “I didn’t hear that,” Josh said, his tone mild.

  “You can also turn a blind eye when he’s dropped off at the station with a few bruises.”

  Durango’s leader scowled at him.

  Nate looked at Zoe, speculation in his gaze. “Maybe we should consider another alternative.”

  Simon wrapped his arm around her. “What’s that?”

  “All the incidents are connected to Zoe, not Simon and Liam.”


  Simon’s heart skipped a beat before lurching into a rapid rhythm. “Why do you think Zoe could be the target instead of me?”

  “I don’t know that she is, but it’s something to keep in mind. Macy was her employee and friend. Zoe and Piper are friends. Maybe the shooter at the police station wasn’t aiming at you. Zoe could have been the intended victim. The shooter wouldn’t know the SUV is reinforced and decked out with bullet-resistant glass. In a normal vehicle, she would have been hit with one of those bullets.”

  “What about Isaac’s death?” Zoe asked. “Why would someone use him to get back at me? I didn’t like the man and tried to convince Macy to break up with him. Killing Isaac isn’t about punishing me.”

  “Lyons’ death wouldn’t punish you,” Matt agreed. “But if Simon was blamed for his death, his arrest would separate you from your best protection. That could have been the point to killing Lyons near your house. It was pure luck that Simon happened to be in your home near the time of the murder. He should have been at home asleep with no witnesses to prove he was there.”

  “But I haven’t made anyone angry enough to want to kill me. For crying out loud, I haven’t even been on a date since Simon moved to Otter Creek.” She stopped and covered her face with her hands. “I can’t believe I admitted that to a room full of men.”

  Several chuckles sounded in the room. Simon couldn’t help but kiss her temple, loving that she hadn’t been interested in anyone else in months. He’d felt the same about Zoe.

  “Perhaps you didn’t make someone angry, Zoe,” Josh said. “You could have seen something you weren’t supposed to, something that threatens a dangerous person.”

  “But how does that explain Macy’s death and the attack on Piper? We do things together all the time. Most of the time we included Delilah, Sasha, and Grace in our plans. How can I pinpoint something I saw that threatened someone else?”

  “Get all the women together and brainstorm,” Brent said. “See if you can figure out what might have been the trigger. It’s possible one of them noticed something at the time or in recent days that set off warning signals.”

  “I’ll talk to Grace about her work schedule,” Trent said. “We’ll arrange a meeting with the women as soon as we can.”

  “Good. In the meantime, we need to make contingency plans, Simon.”

  His gaze shifted from Zoe to his boss. “What kind of plans?”

  “A place to go to ground if it does turn out that you and Liam are targets for revenge.”


  “Micah Winter, our logistics coordinator, is out of town with his wife and kids. His cabin outside of Murfreesboro is empty. He’s agreed to let you and Zoe use it as a temporary haven. It’s not listed under his name and it’s off the grid.”

  Simon considered that option, then shook his head. “I don’t want to bring this trouble anywhere near his family or their house.”

  “I can appreciate that, but he’s a paranoid man. Trust me, he’s well prepared for trouble. There’s even a secure room in his cabin.”

  “I still don’t want to risk it.”

  “Rod’s cabin,” Josh said. “It’s also outside Murfreesboro but nowhere near Micah’s place. The cabin is large enough for a team of operatives to provide protection for Zoe and Simon.”

  That brought a scowl to Simon’s face. “I can protect myself.”

  Durango’s leader ignored his outburst. “After Rod’s cabin was rebuilt, we helped him set up a shell corporation. The origination is buried deep because Z is a master geek. That should give you enough separation to keep the location off the radar and give you a safe and secure place to hide.”

  Maybe. At least the cabin wouldn’t be associated with Micah or anyone else from Fortress. Contemplating retreating from the field of battle rankled, though. Although he’d leave Otter Creek to protect friends and neighbors, he hated to cede even an inch to the enemy. “I’ll consider it.”

  “What about the bakery?” Zoe’s voice was soft. “Nick should release my bakery soon.”

  “You need to have the bathroom cleaned by people who specialize in cleaning crime scenes,” Josh said. “I can give you a recommendation. These guys are fast and good.”

  “Will I be able to work while they clean?”

  “You won’t want to be there. Want me to call them and set it up once Nick finishes his work?”

  She sighed and gave a short nod. “Thanks, Josh.”

  Simon’s phone rang at that moment. He checked the screen and rose, heart rate skyrocketing. To receive a call from her during
the day was unusual. She always waited until after the workday to contact him. Even then, it was a text for him to call her. Like Zoe, his mother worried about calling him at the wrong time. “Excuse me. I have to take this.”

  In the hall, he swiped the screen with his thumb. “What’s wrong, Mom?”

  “Your father’s been shot.”

  His grip around the cell phone tightened. Fury that someone would shoot his father and bone deep fear that he would lose him filled Simon. “How is he?”

  A soft sob came through the speaker. “I don’t know. He’s in surgery right now.”

  “Do the police know who’s responsible?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “It’s all right, Mom. I’ll find out. Are you at Hanover Medical?”


  “Do you have someone with you?”

  “B.J. is here.”

  “Let me talk to him.”

  A moment later, his brother said, “Are you stateside?”

  “I’m in Otter Creek.” Even if he wasn’t, Maddox would fly him home as soon as possible. “What do you know?”

  “One shot, center mass. He has tension pneumothorax.”

  He scowled. “English, please.”

  “His lung collapsed, there’s air in his chest, and it’s pressing on his heart. In addition, the bullet is close to the spinal column.”

  “Bottom line, bro. Is he going to make it?”

  “I don’t know. The surgeon is working on him now. I’ll know more when Dad is out of surgery. When will you be here?”

  “As soon as I can. I have some things to arrange first.”

  “Hurry, Simon.”

  He ended the call and took a moment to get himself under control. His mind filled with the myriad tasks he needed to accomplish before he’d be able to leave town. He wasn’t leaving Zoe in Otter Creek when danger surrounded her. He’d never forgive himself if anything happened to her while he was gone.

  Simon slid his phone away and opened the door to the conference room.

  Zoe took one look at him and said, “What happened?”

  “My father’s been shot.”

  Matt straightened. “Injuries?”

  Simon repeated what his brother said. “B.J. won’t know more until Dad’s out of surgery.”

  Quinn Gallagher, Durango’s spotter, said, “I’ll cover your responsibilities here. If Durango is deployed, I’ll arrange for another instructor to step in.”

  Maddox spoke up. “One of the jet’s will be in Knoxville in two hours. You’re officially off duty as of now. We’ll have a vehicle waiting for you and Zoe when you land in Hanover.”

  “Thanks, boss.”

  “Let me know what you and your family need. We’ll take care of it. Matt?”

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Pack your bags. Simon needs backup. Might as well be someone who speaks medical jargon.”

  Instead of agreeing instantly, the medic glanced at Simon, his gaze troubled. “Sir, in light of what’s happening in Otter Creek, I don’t want to leave Delilah.”

  “Take her with you. Simon, give me the name of a good hotel close to the hospital. I’ll have Zane reserve a suite for the four of you.”

  “The Westgate Hotel.”

  “Boss, if Bravo is the target, what are the chances this shooting is a coincidence?” Liam asked.


  “We should all go,” Cade said.

  “And leave our wives vulnerable to attack?” Trent scowled. “Not a chance. Grace is a nurse. She can’t request time off without warning.”

  Maddox looked thoughtful. “The Shadow unit is down one man. Ben was injured when the rogue tried to take him out, but he’s functional. The team is available for a soft assignment. They’ve been skating on a razor-thin edge for a while. I don’t think they’ll protest babysitting duty.”

  “If Shadow provides protection, I’ll feel better about leaving Delilah here,” Matt said.

  “We’ll trade off shifts with them,” Josh added.

  Trent nodded. “That will work. Have Nico contact Grace with a protection plan for the women. She’ll touch base with the others to let them know what’s going on. We’ll meet Shadow at the airport and let them drive our SUVs to Otter Creek. That way they’ll have wheels.”

  A nod from Maddox. “We’ll reserve rooms for the rest of Bravo along with the suite at The Westgate. Zane will notify you when the jet’s in the air.” He ended the transmission.

  Josh stood. “We’ll take care of things here, Trent. Focus on Mr. Murray.”

  “Watch your backs. We still don’t know if the rogue spilled enough information to be a danger to your team and your families.”

  “So far, Bravo’s been on the front lines. If you remain the main target, you’ll take the trouble with you.”

  Trent’s expression turned grim. “Still, don’t let down your guard and give the tangos an opening.”

  A slow nod from the Delta soldier and cop. “We never do.”

  Simon’s gaze swept over each of Durango’s faces. No, he supposed they didn’t. “We owe you a favor.”

  Josh waved that aside. “No favors owed between friends. Just take care of business and get back here.” He walked to the white board at the end of the room, picked up a marker, and looked at his team. “We have a schedule to rework and security plans to firm up. We need to work fast. I have a class in thirty minutes.”

  Trent motioned for his team to vacate the conference room. When they reassembled in the hallway, he looked at his team and Zoe. “Pack your gear. We leave Otter Creek in one hour. We’ll meet back here and travel together.” His gaze focused on Simon and Zoe. “I don’t want you traveling alone in case someone decides Highway 18 is the perfect place for an ambush.”


  As Simon drove a loaner SUV from the PSI parking lot, he glanced at Zoe. “Do you mind going home with me?”

  “Of course not.” She twisted in her seat to face him. “I want to meet your family although I’d hoped to do it under better circumstances. Besides, you should concentrate on your father, not worry about whether or not I’m safe. I don’t want to be a distraction and right now I would be if I insisted on staying in Otter Creek.”

  She ran her fingers through her hair, giving him a peek at the bruise spreading across the right side of her forehead, a stark reminder of the danger she was in. “I also need to have the bathroom at the bakery professionally cleaned and prefer the work be done when the bakery is closed. I don’t think people want the reminder of what happened while they’re eating or ordering food. Hopefully, the cleaners won’t take long.”

  The knot in his stomach eased, grateful that she understood his concern over her safety and how torn he was between wanting to protect her and be with his family. He didn’t want to chase her off with his overprotective streak. She’d have to get used to that aspect of his personality. However, he wanted to ease her into it, not hit her with the reality before their relationship had a chance to solidify from this fledging beginning. Simon didn’t want to lose this woman. “Thanks, Zoe.”

  “You would do it for me if my father had been shot.”

  “I’m not sure how long we’ll be gone. A few days, at least.” Maybe longer, depending on how his father responded to treatment.

  “I’ll have to make arrangements for a few orders already placed for cakes and remind Sasha I won’t be able to bake for Perk for a few days.”

  “Make whatever arrangements you need to.” He squeezed her hand. “I want you with me.”

  “To protect me?”

  “Yes, and because I need you.” He’d never admitted that to another woman. What was it about Zoe that allowed him to let down his guard and make himself vulnerable?


  “I’ve been careful about my family’s safety since I entered the military, then transitioned to black ops. This is the first time my job has caused harm to someone I love. The thought of you being here while I’m out
of state doesn’t sit well with me.” He sighed. “I’m afraid to let you out of my sight, not because you’re in danger although that’s true. I’m more worried that you’ll realize I’m not worth the risk and move on to someone else, someone with a job less dangerous than mine.”

  Zoe gave a soft laugh. “No other man fascinates me like you do. You also don’t know if your father’s shooting is connected to your job. Isn’t it possible your father was an innocent bystander and someone else was the target?”

  “Maybe.” He didn’t think that would turn out to be the case. Coincidences didn’t happen often in his line of work. “I have to call Ethan. He needs to know we’re leaving town and why.”

  Simon called the police chief and put the call on speaker.


  “It’s Simon. Zoe and I are leaving town in an hour. Bravo is going with us.”

  “What happened?”

  “My father’s been shot. The bullet is lodged near his spine.”



  “Do I need to provide protection for the other Bravo women?”

  “We have it covered although having more eyes on them wouldn’t hurt. Shadow is arriving in two hours to provide protection. Between them and Durango, the women will be well protected.”

  “I’ll talk to Josh and offer assistance if his team is deployed. Otherwise, we’ll keep our eyes open around the homes and businesses. Where is your home, Simon?”

  “Hanover, Texas. I don’t know how long we’ll be gone.” His hands clenched around the steering wheel in a white-knuckled grip. “I’m going to find out who did this.”

  “You won’t be in Otter Creek,” the police chief warned. “The cops in Hanover don’t know Bravo is a team of good men.”

  “I’m aware.”

  “Forget about being a vigilante, Simon. Concentrate on your father and family. If you and Bravo learn the identity of the perp, give the information to the police. You hear me?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. We’ll be vigilant while you’re gone and watch the Bravo women as well as your home and Zoe’s.”


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