Don't Let Go

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Don't Let Go Page 20

by Rebecca Deel

  Zoe didn’t think that was the case and Simon’s expression indicated that he disagreed with the detective as well. The Barones had wanted to draw out Simon and Liam to kill them. Why would they leave before the job was done, especially since their targets were in the same place and unable to leave until Mr. Murray was stable?

  “You know where to find us,” Simon said as he threaded his fingers through Zoe’s. “You’ll keep us in the loop?”

  “What I can tell you, I will.”

  Which meant he would tell them nothing. Zoe couldn’t say she was surprised. The Otter Creek police were closed-mouthed about their cases, too. At home, though, the grapevine was alive and well and more accurate than the police wanted. She’d heard of more than one dressing down by Ethan Blackhawk when an officer let information slip. From what she’d seen over the past year, the police chief was excellent at his job and he demanded the same from his people.

  Simon squeezed her hand. “We’d better get moving. We have a long walk ahead of us to the SUV and it will take longer in the dark.”

  More like it would take Liam and Simon longer with her along. Zoe suspected most of their operations were conducted at night under cover of darkness. The operatives were used to working under these conditions. She would slow them down.

  The men flanked her as the trio made their way down the hillside and navigated around brush, rocks, and crevices. She imagined the area was beautiful in the daylight. At night with deep shadows cast by objects in the natural environment, the going was treacherous. Zoe lost count of the number of times Simon and Liam steadied her when her feet slid or she stumbled over an exposed tree root hidden in the darkness.

  “The first thing we’re doing when we return home is buying those hiking boots,” she muttered.

  Simon grinned. “Right. Pink camouflage.”

  Liam gave a huff of laughter. “This I’ve got to see.”

  Soon, Simon slid behind the steering wheel of the SUV and drove them toward town. “While we were talking about strategic options on the jet, you researched the Barones. What did you learn?” he asked Zoe.

  “Not a lot. We already know both of the men attended UAB with Chris and Isaac, and then enlisted in the Army.”

  “Both of them served in the Army?”


  “What kind of information did you find on their military service?”

  She twisted to look at him. “How do you know I found anything?”

  “You used the Fortress search tools. We’re able to access more information than a casual searcher would find with a traditional search engine.”

  “This time, your search tool let me down.”

  “Why do you say that?” Liam asked.

  “I didn’t find anything about their service record except that the years they served. I couldn’t even find out what job they did in the military or the units they were assigned to.”

  Simon’s head whipped her direction. “You found nothing?”

  “That’s right.”

  He glanced in the rearview mirror at his partner, his expression grim.

  Liam growled.

  Alarmed, Zoe looked at the sniper. Raw fury hardened his features. “What is it? What did I miss?”

  “There’s only one reason you couldn’t find anything out about their military service,” Simon said. “The Barones were in Special Forces.”


  Simon parked near the ER entrance and kept Zoe close as he escorted her inside the medical center, his gaze scouring the darkness, alert for a threat. A sniper possibly having Zoe in his crosshairs at that moment infuriated him. The only thing he could do to protect her and his family was find the clowns threatening them. If the Barone cousins were Special Forces, the level of danger had just risen one thousand percent.

  He glanced at his teammate and saw the same mixed feelings brewing in Liam. Dealing with this kind of danger was bad enough on missions and an accepted risk. Their loved ones weren’t supposed to be in the line of fire. The Barones had changed that by betraying the ideals instilled during military training. The cousins used their training to harm innocents instead of protect them. If they wanted to come at him and Liam, let them come. Their loved ones should be off the table. But they weren’t.

  His hands fisted. The Barones had no honor and were the antithesis of everything Special Forces soldiers stood for.

  Simon felt sick at heart. He expected to defend himself and his teammates against terrorists, not fellow soldiers, men he would have bled and died to protect on the battlefield. The cousins had betrayed him and other Special Forces soldier with their choices.

  He glanced at Zoe. Would she trust him now that she knew who and what he was or paint him with the same brush she did the Barones? Seeing disappointment in him in her eyes or, worse, fear, would destroy him.

  Zoe looked at him, an unspoken question in her eyes.

  Simon shook his head. This wasn’t the time or place. They’d talk at the hotel. First, he wanted to check on his parents. After that, he’d take Zoe to dinner or order room service if she was too tired to eat in a restaurant.

  They exited the elevator on the sixth floor where Cade was on watch at the door to Don Murray’s room. The EOD man met them a short distance from the room.

  “Did you find the traitors?”

  The bad-tempered question brought a slight smile to Simon’s lips because that was the perfect description for the Barone cousins. “No, but Liam located the sniper’s nest. The crime scene team is processing the area now.”

  “We’ll find them, Simon.”

  Would they find the men before they hurt someone else he loved? As much as he worried about Zoe’s safety, he couldn’t forget his brothers, sisters, their spouses, and his nieces and nephews were vulnerable. While Zoe had the best protection detail available, his brothers and their families didn’t. His sisters had police protective details. His brothers had refused police protection.

  Simon walked into his father’s room where Matt and his mother sat. Liam remained in the hall with Cade. “How is he?” he asked his teammate.

  “Drifting in and out, but resting comfortably. His wakeful periods are coming more frequently and lasting longer, a good sign.”

  “Has the doctor been by?”

  A nod. “Your father’s surgery progressed like he anticipated, and Don came through it like a champ.”

  Simon wrapped his arms around his mother and held her tight. She trembled in his grip. This had to be agonizing for her. She and his father were soul mates. He spoke past the lump in his throat. “What are his chances of a full recovery, Matt?”

  “Excellent. Your brother, B.J., confirmed my assessment and that of Don’s doctor.”

  Thank God. He drew his first free breath since he’d received the call from his mother. Simon kissed her cheek. “I need to speak to Matt. We’ll be in the hall if you need us.”

  She stepped out of his hold. “I’ll be fine, honey. Do what you need to do.”

  “Is there anything you need, Mrs. Murray?” Zoe asked.

  “It’s Lisa, and I’d love a soft drink. Anything is fine.”

  “I’ll be back soon.” She followed Simon and Matt. “The vending machine is down the hall to the right. Do any of you want a cold drink?”

  “Something with caffeine, please,” Cade said.

  Matt nodded. “Same for me.”

  “And me,” Liam chimed in.


  “Same. Do you need help?”

  She shook her head. “I’ve got it.”

  Simon watched her until the corridor curved and he lost sight of her, making him twitchy. If she didn’t return soon, he’d track her down.

  He angled his body to talk to his teammates and monitor the hallway for Zoe’s return. Between him and Liam, they updated their teammates about Hollister and the Barone cousins.

  Matt scowled. “We need to track these guys down before they cause more trouble for your family or Zoe.” />
  Cade looked around. “Speaking of Zoe, where is she? I thought she’d be back by now.”

  Liam frowned. “Maybe the vending machine isn’t working and she had to find another one.”

  Simon’s stomach knotted. “I’m going to look for her.” He left his teammates to guard his parents and moved swiftly along the corridor Zoe had taken. Before he reached the alcove filled with vending machines, Simon heard her voice.

  “You’re sure he’s all right?” Zoe asked the person on the phone. “Well, that’s something at least.” Silence, then, “I don’t know, Nick. Not for a few days at least. Simon’s dad is doing well, though. Yes, I’ll tell him. Thanks for calling.” She slid her phone into her pocket and gathered the soft drinks in her hands and turned.

  Zoe gasped. “Oh, wow. You scared me, Simon. I didn’t hear you walk up. You guys should wear bells. You don’t make any noise.”

  His lips curved. “Moving without making noise is necessary for our work. Anything wrong?”

  “Nick Santana called to tell me the crime scene cleaners finished the bakery bathroom. He also mentioned someone broke into Mason Kincaid’s home.”

  Simon took the soft drink from her hands. The break-in artist couldn’t be the Barones unless they’d split up. Hollister said both the cousins were here in Hanover. Had they shot his father and returned to Otter Creek? If not, who was responsible for the invasion of Mason’s place? “Did he take anything?”

  “Nothing. Like Macy’s place, the drawers were open and the dressers in the master bedroom and guest room had been moved slightly.”

  “No wholesale destruction?”

  “Apparently, that honor is reserved for me.”

  “Hey.” He stopped and turned to face her. “We’re working as fast as we can to smoke the Barone cousins out. As soon as we do and I’m sure Dad’s stable, we’ll return home and reclaim your life, including opening your bakery.” Simon leaned down and brushed her mouth with his. “We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

  “I know.” She sighed. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to complain, but we’re hitting walls at every turn.”

  “We’re frustrated, too, but making progress. We know the names of the men targeting me and Liam. When we find them, we’ll confirm who’s funding the bounty.”

  “Confirm?” she repeated. “Do you know who it is?”

  “I have a couple of ideas.”

  “Care to share?”

  “Not yet. I’m still thinking through some things and need to do more digging.” He got them moving again. “We’ll get past this and things will go back to normal.” As normal as life could be for her when dating an operative. “You were amazing out there tonight, Zoe.”

  She looked skeptical. “At what? I was along for the ride. The best thing about that adventure was spending time with you and watching you work in the field.”

  He stopped again. “Are you kidding? You walked in the darkness through rough terrain, hunting for a sniper’s hide, not knowing whether the shooter was still there or had set a trap for us. We were out there for four hours and you didn’t utter one complaint.” Simon inched closer and lowered his voice. “You went with me so I wouldn’t be distracted or worried about you even though you aren’t a fan of the great outdoors.”

  Her lips curved. “The great outdoors and I have a terrific relationship as long as I stay inside. Did I slow you down too much? I tried not to hold you back.”

  “What do you think?”

  “I held my own pretty well for a couch potato.”

  Simon chuckled. “You did, at that.”

  “I’m grumpy because I’m tired, hungry, and need a kitchen. Baking is in my blood and I’m restless when I don’t have a chance to mix batter, dough, or icing.”

  “If the kitchen withdrawals grow too bad, let me know. We’ll go to the ranch and bake cookies or something. Mom always keeps the kitchen stocked with ingredients for cookies, cupcakes, and pies for the kids.”

  Zoe brightened. “I’d love that. Come on. We should deliver the soft drinks while they’re still cold.”

  Matt and Cade turned at their approach, relief filling their eyes. “Thought you might have gotten lost, Zoe,” Matt teased.

  “Nick Santana called me.” She explained about the break-in at Mason’s home. “He wanted an update on Simon’s dad and a possible timeline for our return to Otter Creek.”

  “Mason’s okay?” Cade asked.

  “He wasn’t home and nothing was taken. Only the dressers were moved and the drawers pulled out.”

  “Like Macy’s home.” Matt frowned. “That doesn’t make sense. Why would he search furniture?”

  Simon rubbed his jaw, frowning. “Doesn’t Mason live in Rio’s old house?”

  “That’s right. Why?”

  “Rio must have tight security installed. Maybe the cameras caught something.”

  “Call him and ask.” Cade leaned one shoulder against the wall. “He’ll find the similarities between Macy’s break-in and Mason’s interesting.”

  “It can’t be a coincidence.”

  “Think the Barones are behind this latest incident?” Matt asked.

  “I don’t see how unless they chartered a plane and flew out right after they shot Dad and tried to kill Hollister. I think Zoe is right. This feels like two different groups.”

  “Ethan will be ticked off at the crime spree.”

  No doubt about that. The police chief took crime personally.

  Simon’s mother came to the doorway. “Simon, your father’s awake and asking for you.”

  He hurried into the room with Zoe trailing a step behind him. “Dad.”

  His father’s hazel eyes locked onto his. “Simon?”

  Despite the barely audible whisper, joy exploded inside Simon at the sound of his father’s voice. “I’m here. You’re going to be fine, Dad.”


  “They’re still at large.”

  Don Murray’s eyes widened.

  Simon covered his father’s hand with his own and squeezed. “We believe there are two men involved in your shooting. You were shot at long range by a trained sniper. We’re aiding the police in their investigation.” Bravo would also be tracking down information the police wouldn’t have access to through legal channels. A few people owed Simon favors. If necessary, he’d cash in a few to find the Barones.

  “Check my computer.” Stare intense, Don continued. “Threat.”

  Simon scowled. “Target?”



  Zoe’s heart jolted into a frantic rhythm as Simon’s face hardened into a fierce expression. Why would someone send Don Murray a message threatening her? Wouldn’t the threat would have been more effective emailed to Simon?

  Perhaps the sender couldn’t find Simon’s email address. The operatives didn’t share their personal information and if the threat had been sent to Fortress, Zane would have tracked the IP address unless the sender masked his trail. She didn’t think the shooter and his buddy were that tech savvy.

  She frowned. The Barone organization should have access to computer professionals. Could one of them track down Simon’s email? Why have a bounty placed on Liam’s and Simon’s heads if someone from the Barone family was to kill the operatives? Perhaps the Barone cousins weren’t supposed to go after Liam and Simon in the first place. If they had, the job would have been a debt of honor rather than for money. Something to think on and share with Simon.

  “Go to Otter Creek. Protect her,” Don insisted.

  A smile curved Simon’s mouth. “Dad, she flew to Hanover with me.” He caught Zoe’s hand and tugged her gently forward. “This is Zoe Lockhart. Zoe, Don Murray, my father.”

  Incredible hazel eyes shifted to her, eyes so like Simon’s. Relief flooded his features. “You’re safe.”

  “Yes, sir. Simon is an amazing bodyguard.”

  He was silent a moment, studying her face. “Is that all he is to you?”

n Murray might be on pain medicine, but he was sharp and saw more than she was comfortable with. Now she knew where Simon inherited part of his intuitiveness. Simon’s mother had asked several pointed questions in the few minutes they’d been together without him. “No, sir. He matters a great deal to me.” Zoe was crazy about the operative standing beside her.

  With a slight nod, he turned his head toward Simon. “Do you know who shot me?”

  “We know their names and motivation. We’ll find them soon, and you and the rest of the family will be safe again.”


  “No one will hurt her again on my watch.”

  A frown. “Again?”

  “We think the same men attacked Zoe in her bakery after stabbing her friend. Macy didn’t survive.”

  By the time Simon finished a summary of the events in Otter Creek, Don’s eyes had grown heavy. “Rest now, Dad.”

  Don roused enough to focus on Simon again. “You look tired.”

  “I’m used to little sleep.”

  “Zoe isn’t. Take care of her.”

  She noted Simon’s flinch at his father’s words and laid her hand on his arm. “He’s taking great care of me, Mr. Murray.”

  “Don. Mr. Murray is my father.” He settled deeper into the pillow with a pained grimace. “I need a minute with Simon.”


  “No, Simon. It’s all right. I’ll wait in the hall with the others.” After squeezing Simon’s hand in support, Zoe went to talk to Matt and Cade while Lisa slipped back into the room with her husband and son.

  Simon joined Zoe a short time later. He trailed his hand up and down her back. “Do you want to go to the hotel with Matt? He’ll stay with you in the suite until I get there.”

  Zoe leaned against his side. “I’ll go when you do. You might need me.”

  “Are you sure? I won’t be able to leave until 2:00 tomorrow morning.”

  She shrugged. “I’ll be fine. I can research recipes for next month’s specials at the bakery and bring food or more drinks for you and the others.” She glanced around and frowned. “Where’s Liam?”

  “With Trent, providing security for Hollister,” Cade said. “When the Barones find out he survived their bullets, they’ll want to finish the job. If he’s alive, he’s a threat to them.”


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