wisdom of equality (Tib. nyam-nyi yeshe, mnyam nyid ye shes; Skt. samata-jnana). One of the five wisdoms of Buddhahood; the perfection of loving-kindness and compassion.
wisdom-light. Also known as “the natural light of wisdom” or “the radiance of wisdom.” In the relative sense, the pure light and nectar emanating from the Buddha’s body and wisdom. In the absolute sense, Buddha wisdom and Buddha wisdom-light are in union. Lights are the spontaneously appearing luminosity of the Buddha’s wisdom itself. That is, we are the light and the light is us: all are one.
wisdom-light body. At death, very highly accomplished meditators could dissolve their gross body into a mass of light. Then that light will also dissolve. That is a sign that they have purified, not only their mind, but also their gross body, into ultimate purity—the body of wisdom-light, Buddhahood.
Tibetan Works Cited
Tibetan titles in this list are given in a modified Wylie transliteration, arranged according to the abbreviations used in the endnotes.
Byams pa sgom pa’i mdo. Sherab Natshog. Vol. Ka. Kajur.
Dege Edition.
Byang ch’ub lam rim ch’e ba, by Je Tsongkhapa. Published by the Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation, Taiwan.
lo gros mi zad pas bstan pa’i mdo. Dode. Vol. Ma. Kajur.
Dege Edition.
la rnam la nye bar mkho ba’i yi ge, by the Third Dodrupchen. Jigme Tenpei Nyima’i Sungbum. Vol. Ja. Golok Edition, China.
Byang ch’ub sems dpa’i spyod pa la ’ jug pa (Skt. Bodhisattvacharyavatara, Way of the Bodhisattva), by Shantideva.
Dodrupchen Monastery Edition, China.
dBu ma rtsa bai tshigs le-ur byas pa shes rab, by Nagarjuna.
Published by the Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation, Taiwan, 1990.
Ch’os bchu pa’i leu. Kontseg. Vol. Kha. Kajur. Dege Edition.
Bya bral ch’os dbyings rang grol gyi rnam thar dang gsung skor. Published by Serta Dzong, China, 1992.
bChom ldan ’das ma shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa’i snying po. Shes rab sna tshogs. Vol. Ka. Kajur. Dege Edition.
Ch’ed du brjod pa’i tshoms. Dode. Vol. Sa. Kajur. Dege Edition.
’Phags pa ch’os yang dag par sdud pa zhes bya ba theg pa ch’en po’i mdo. Dode. Vol. Zha. Kajur. Dege Edition.
mDo sde dran pa nye bar bzhag pa. Dode. Vol. Ra. Kajur.
Dege Edition.
bsTod tshogs, by the Third Dodrupchen. Jigme Tenpe’i Nyima’i Sungbum. Vol. 1. Sichuan Mirig Petrunkhang, China.
De bzhin gshegs pa brgyad la bstod pa, by Shantarakshita. Totsog. Vol. Ka. Tenjur. Dege Edition. Reproduced by Mirig Petrunkhang, China.
Dri ma med par grags pas zhus pa’i mdo. Dode. Vol. Ma.
Kajur. Dege Edition.
Don rnam par nges pa zhes bya ba’i ch’os kyi rnam grangs.
Dode. Vol. Sa. Kajur. Dege Edition.
sDom gsum rnam par nges pa, by Padma Wangi Gyalpo. Published by Khamtul Rinpoche, Kalimpong, India.
Dam pa’i ch’os padma dkar po (Skt., Saddharmapundarika). Dode. Vol. Ja. Kajur. Dege Edition.
mDo ting ’dzin rgyal po. Dode. Vol. Da. Kajur. Dege Edition.
Man ngag rdo rje’i thol glu spros bral sgra dbyangs. Patrul
Nyentsom Chedu. Sichuan Mirig Petrunkhang, China.
SmDzod tik thar lam gsal byed, by Gyalwa Gedundrub. Tibetan Monastery, Sarnath, Varanasi, India, 1973.
rGyud bla ma’i bstan bchos, by Maitreya-natha. Gyu Lame’i Tenchö Tsadrel. Sichuan Mirig Petrunkhang, China.
Yon tan rin po ch’e’i mdzo kyi bsdus ’grel rgya mtsho’i ch’u thigs, by the First Dodrupchen. Yönten Dzö Tsadrel. Sichuan Mirig Petrunkhang, China.
rGyab ch’os padma dkar po, by Ju Mipham Rinpoche.
Mipham Sungbum. Vol. Ch’a. Dege Edition.
’Phags pa rgya ch’er rol pa. Dode. Vol. Kha. Kajur. Dege
sGom rim tha ma, by Kamalashila. Wuma. Vol. Ki. Tenjur.
Dege Edition. W23703.
mNgon pa mdzod kyi mch’an ’grel dbyig gnyen dgongs pa gsal ba’i sgron me, by Losal Wangpo. Ngonpa Dzo Tsadrel. Sichuan Mirig Petrunkhang, China, 1996.
rGyal ba’i sras kyi lag len sum chu so bdun ma, by Tsunpa Thogme. Gyalse Laglen Tsadrel. Sichuan Mirig Petrunkhang, China.
brGyad stong pa. Sher phyin. Vol. Ka. Kajur. Dege Edition.
’Jam dpal zhing gi yon tan bkod pa. Kontseg. Vol. Ga. Kajur. Dege Edition.
Kun bzang bla ma’i zhal lung, by Patrul Rinpoche. Sichuan Edition, China.
sKyid sdug lam ’khyer, by the Third Dodrupchen. Jigme Tenpe’i Nyima’i Sungbum. Vol. Ja. Golok Edition, China.
’Phags pa thugs rje ch’en po’i khrid gzhung gsal ba’i sgron me. Discovered by Rigdzin Godem. Thugje Chenpo Droba Kungrol Gyi Tsapö. Vol. 1. Block print. TBRC W27296.
dKon mch’og ta la la’i mdo. Dode. Vol. Pa. Kajur. Dege Edition.
dKon brtsegs. Vol. Kha. Kajur. Dege Edition.
sNying thig sngon ’gro kun bzang bla ma’i zhal lung gi zin bris,
by Pema Ledreltsal. Sichuan Mirig Petrunkhang, China.
’Phags pa lang-kar gshegs pa’i mdo [Skt. Lankavatara Sutra] sangs rgyas thams chad kyi gsung gi snying po. Dode. Vol. Cha. Kajur. Dege Edition.
Mani bka’ ’bum, by Chogyal Srongtsen Gampo. Vol. E.
Puthang Dewachen Edition, Bhutan. TBRC W19225.
mNgon par rtogs pa’i rgyan, by Maitreya-natha. Taiwan
mNgon pa kun las btus pa, by Asanga. Ngonpa. Vol. Ri.
Tenjur. Dege Edition. TBRC W23703.
’Phags pa od dpag med kyi bkod pa zhes bya ba theg pa ch’en po’i mdo. Kontseg. Vol. Ka. Kajur. Dege Edition.
Sangs rgyas phal bo ch’e zhes bya ba shin tu rgyas pa ch’en po’i mdo. Phalbo Che. Vol. Ah. Kajur. Dege Edition.
dPa’ bar ’gro ba’i ting nge ’dzin. Dode. Vol. Da. Kajur. Dege
Ri ch’os mtshams kyi zhal gdams, by Karma Chagme. Published by Tashijong, India.
Rin po ch’e’i phreng ba, by Nagarjuna. Wuma Rigtsog
Drug. Taiwan Edition.
Nang sgrub rig ’dzin ’dus pa’i zin bris Rig ’dzin zhal lung bde ch’en dpal ster, by Chechog Dondruptsal. Golok Edition, China.
gSang ba rnal ’byor ch’en po’i rgyud rdo rje rtse mo. Gyudbum. Vol. Nya. Dege Edition.
gSol ’debs le-u bdun ma. Discovered by Rigdzin Godem.
Dudjom Chöchö. Kalimpong Edition, India.
gSol ’debs smon lam phyogs bsdus. Jigme Tenpe’i Nyima’i
Sungbum. Vol. Ka. Golok Edition, China.
ems nyid ngal gso, by Longchen Rabjam. Adzom Edition.
Sems nyid ngal gso’i rang ’grel, by Longchen Rabjam. Adzom Edition.
rDzogs pa ch’en po sems nyid rang grol, by Longchen Rabjam. Adzom Edition.
gSung thor bu, by Je Tsongkhapa. Je’i Sungbum. Vol.
Kha. Lhasa Edition.
’ Phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa tshigs su bchad pa.
Sherab Natshog. Vol. Ka. Kajur. Dege Edition.
Sher phyin stong phrag brgya pa. Sher phyin. Vol. Ka. Kajur. Dege Edition.
rTen ching ’brel bar ’byung ba dang po dang rnam par dbye ba bstan pa zhes bya ba’i mdo. Dode. Vol. Tsha. Dege Edition.
rTen ’brel gyi bshad pa, by Lushul Khenpo Konchog Dronme. Dodrupchen Khenchen Namzhi Sungchö Chogdrig. Vol. Om. Sanglung Gon, Dzika, China.
Thub ch’og byin rlabs gter mdzod, by Mipham Rinpoche.
Mipham Sungbum. Vol. Ch’a. Dege Edition.
Thar pa rin po ch’e’i rgyan, by Je Sönam Rinchen (Gampopa). Sichuan Edition, China.
Thub pa’i dgongs pa rab tu gsal ba, by Sakya Pandita. Photoprint.
Thog mtha’ bar gsum du dge ba’i gtam, by Patrul Rinpoche. Patrul Nyentsom Chedu. Sichuan, China.
Thugs ch’en yig drug gi skor tsho, by the Third Dodrupchen. Dodrupchen Sungbum. Vol. Nga. Golok Penying Edition, Sichuan, China.
Thugs rje ch’en po’i mngon rtogs yid bzhin nor bu. Discovered by Rigdzin Godem. Thugje Chenpo Droba Kungrol. Tsapod. Vol. 1. TBRC W27296.
Tshad med bzhi’i rgya ch’er ’grel ba, by Buddhagupta. Wuma. Vol. Ki. Tenjur. Dege Edition. TBRC W23703-110.
Yon tan rin po ch’e’i mdzod dga’ ba’i ch’ar (Treasury of Precious Qualities), by Jigme Lingpa. Yönten Dzo Tsadrel. Sichuan Mirig Petrunkhang, China.
Lam rim ye shes snying po’i ’grel pa ye shes snang ba rab tu
rgyas pa, by Lodrö Thaye. Rinchen Terdzö. Vol. 96. Ngodrup and Sherab Drimay, Paro, Bhutan, 1976–1980. TBRC W20578.
Yid bzhin rin po che’i mdzod, by Longchen Rabjam. Vol. E. Adzom Edition.
Zhing mch’og bgrod pa’i bde lam, by the Third Dodrupchen. Jigme Tenpe’i Nyima’i Sungbum. Vol. Ch’a. Golok Edition, China.
gZhi lam ’bras bu’i smon lam, by Jigme Lingpa. Nyingthig
Doncha. Choten Gonpa Edition. India
Zhal gdams phyogs bsdus, by the Third Dodrupchen.
Jigme Tenpe’i Nyima’i Sungbum. Vol. Ka. Golok Edition,
Zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol gyi las byang ch’ung ba tshor ba rang grol (Zhitro Gongpa Rangtrol), discovered by Karma Lingpa. Zhitro Gongpa Rangtrol. Vol. Om. Sherab Drime, Sikkim, India.
English-Language Books by Tulku Thondup
Boundless Healing: Meditation Exercises to Enlighten the Mind and Heal the Body. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2000.
Buddhist Civilization in Tibet. New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987.
The Dzogchen: Innermost Essence Preliminary Practice (Long-chen Nying-thig Ngon-dro), by Jig-me Lingpa. Translated with commentary by Tulku Thondup. 2nd rev. ed. New Delhi: Paljor Publications, 1987.
Enlightened Journey: Buddhist Practice as Daily Life. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1995.
Enlightened Living: Teachings of Tibetan Buddhist Masters. Kathmandu: Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 1997.
The Healing Power of Loving-Kindness: A Guided Buddhist Meditation. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2009.
The Healing Power of Mind: Simple Meditation Exercises for Health, Well-Being, and Enlightenment. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1998.
Hidden Teachings of Tibet: An Explanation of the Terma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1986.
Incarnation: The History and Mysticism of the Tulku Tradition of Tibet. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2011.
Masters of Meditation and Miracles: The Longchen Nyingthig Lin-eage of Tibetan Buddhism. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1996.
Peaceful Death, Joyful Rebirth: A Tibetan Buddhist Guidebook. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2005.
The Practice of Dzogchen: Longchen Rabjam’s Writings on the Great Perfection. Rev. and exp. ed. Introduced, translated, and annotated by Tulku Thondup. Edited by Harold Talbott. Boston: Snow Lion, 2014.
Other English-Language References
Blofeld, John. Bodhisattva of Compassion: The Mystical Tradition of Kuan Yin (1977). Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2009.
Goleman, Daniel. Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama. New York: Bantam Books, 2004.
Suzuki, D. T. Buddha of Infinite Light. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1997.
Note: Index entries from the print edition of this book have been included for use as search terms. They can be located by using the search feature of your e-book reader.
absolute nature
absolute truth
Adorned by a Thousand Worlds (pure land)
afflicting emotions
healing pain of
of ordinary mind
results of
sickness and
See also negative emotions
all-knowing wisdom
Amitabha Buddha. See Buddha of Infinite Light
Angels of Wisdom
animal realm
appearance (phenomenal)
arising with loving-kindness
in Ultimate Buddha Stage
on memory
aspirational bodhichitta
Atisha (also Jowoje Atisha)
on degenerate age
on faults
on merits of serving others
on Six Perfections
duality as cause of
freedom from
in generating loving-kindness
generosity and
to meditative experience
to objects of loving-kindness
to phenomena
protection from
transforming into wisdom
See also grasping; negative emotions
Avalokiteshvara. See Buddha of Loving-Kindness
Avatamsaka Sutra,
avoidance, strategy of
absence of
mindfulness and
perfection of wisdom and
awareness wisdom
absence of
of blessing lights
power of
of realized persons
in Ultimate Buddha Stage
in Universal Buddha Stage
beings, sentient
See also mother-beings
of blessings
of dedication and aspiration
of devotion
of Five Perfections
of loving-kindness
of meditation
of Outer Buddha Stage
sources of
of transforming mind
Blazing Glorious Seat of Accomplishments
See also Dodrupchen Monastery
blessing energies
blessing lights
for healing
in Inner Buddha Stage
meditation on
to one’s mother
in Outer Buddha Stage
in tonglen
in Universal Buddha Stage
from acts of body, speech, mind
benefits of
of enlightened objects
for physical healing
receiving in visualization
result of
source of
three Buddha qualities and
trust in
visualizing sources of
Bliss Go
blissful heat
blessing lights and
in developing devotion and trust
for healing
in Outer Buddha Stage
in receiving blessings
Blissful Pure Land
Blofeld, John
Bodhicharyavatara (Shantideva)
aspiration for
discipline of
loving-kindness, developing from
The Heart of Unconditional Love Page 19