Churning Seas

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Churning Seas Page 19

by Lily Harper Hart

  “Apparently she’s on her way to her office, and she’s not alone.”

  Quinn swore viciously under his breath. “I’ll kill anyone who moves on her. I’m not kidding.”

  “Well, your FBI friend went after her. He says plans have changed and he wants you to listen carefully.”

  “Tell me.”

  ROWAN DIDN’T BOTHER looking over her shoulder as she walked to her office. She didn’t see the need. She was removing herself from whatever situation was about to play out in the dining room. That seemed like the smart thing to do and her heart hurt too much to focus on anything other than her own pain.

  She inserted her keycard into the reader and flicked on the lights to illuminate her office. Technically she didn’t have any work to do, but since she would be using her new camera for the first time the following day, she wanted to make sure her laptop recognized the device. That might mean installing new software, which she figured was best to get out of the way now.

  Rowan didn’t think anything of leaving her office door open. Most of the ship’s crew was either working at the impromptu banquet or visiting the mainland for the evening. After all, they were setting sail the next day. They had to take advantage of the situation for as long as they could.

  Weariness settled over her shoulders as Rowan sank into her chair and booted up her computer. She tried to tell herself that Quinn not responding to her declaration wasn’t important but, in truth, her heart hurt. She’d been trying to find the courage to tell him for weeks. That wasn’t the response she envisioned.

  “It’s awfully late to be working.”

  The lazy male drawl emitting from the open doorway threw Rowan for a loop as she yanked her gaze to the opening and frowned at the man standing there. She recognized him, although it took her a moment to realize from where.

  “Rocky Dalton, right?”

  Dalton nodded, his shoulder-length hair gleaming under the gel lights as he regarded her. “You have a good memory.”

  “You have to in this business. As a photographer, I take a lot of photos and need to identify faces, so I’ve learned little tricks to remember people.”

  “And what trick did you use to remember me?”

  “I didn’t need a trick. Your name is Rocky. That reminds me of the boxer. It wasn’t hard. Now, if your name was Bill or Bob, utilizing a trick might have been necessary.”

  “Good answer.”

  Dalton stepped into the room, giving the sparse furnishings a lingering glance before fixing his full attention on Rowan. For the first time since she realized he’d magically appeared at her office, Rowan felt a jolt of fear. There was something very wrong here.

  “Can I help you?” Rowan managed to keep her voice calm and even, although it was a struggle. “Do you need something? Perhaps you got turned around, or at least that’s what I’m guessing.”

  “I didn’t get turned around.” Dalton was careful to keep himself between Rowan and the door. If she tried to make a break for it, he would easily be able to intercept her. For her part, Rowan was equally careful to remain behind the desk. It served as a buffer to keep Dalton on his side of the room.

  “Then why are you here?” Rowan saw no reason to play games. Stretching out the conversation wouldn’t help her because she expected no one to come looking. She was on her own. “Do you need something? Do you have questions about cameras?”

  “No questions.” Dalton’s sneer was so bone chilling it caused Rowan to suck in a steadying breath. “I followed you for a specific reason.”

  “And what reason would that be?”

  “You’ve been sticking your nose in things that don’t concern you. Actually, you’re not alone on that. Your boyfriend has been doing the same. Mr. Fitzgerald thinks he can turn your boyfriend to his way of thinking, though. He doesn’t think he can do the same with you.”

  “So I’m an obstacle?”

  “Basically. You shouldn’t have taken those photos the night we landed ... or the following day. Mr. Fitzgerald didn’t like that. He doesn’t appreciate snoops.”

  “I wasn’t trying to snoop.” Rowan opted for honesty. “I was doing my job. I was ordered to take photos the night you landed.”

  “Why? Who was on to us?”

  On to us? Rowan struggled to wrap her mind around Dalton’s words. “I don’t know what you mean. I was ordered to take photos in case any damage happened to the ship during the rescue. Also, not that we didn’t trust you guys, but if you destroyed anything while you were onboard, we would need the photos to turn over to the insurance agency. The policies on a cruise liner are massive and it’s not always easy to prove a claim.”

  “Wait ... you were taking the photos for insurance purposes?” Dalton was clearly dubious. “But ... that can’t be it.”

  “Why else would I take them?”

  “Because you were spying on us.”

  “You think I was spying on you even though we got called to serve as a rescue vessel on a lark? That seems unlikely.”

  “But ... no.” Dalton vehemently shook his head. “You were taking photos because you were spying. That’s what Mr. Fitzgerald said. He also said that you were working with Bart and that he was out to get us, so we had to protect ourselves because Bart was plotting against us. He was even going to kill Mr. Fitzgerald a few days ago … he had a plan and everything.”

  Things slipped into place for Rowan. The omen that appeared on Fitzgerald’s photograph was because of Bart. He was planning on moving against his boss. That’s why they had to eliminate him. “You’ve been doing Fitzgerald’s bidding for a long time, haven’t you?”

  “I’m part of the team. I like being part of the team.”

  “Part of a team that murders an FBI agent? You did that, too, didn’t you?”

  Dalton wasn’t bothered by the charge. “It had to be done. He saw too much. We didn’t even know who he was until it was too late. We thought he was an extra roughneck who could fill in if we needed him. We only realized after a big delivery – one that caused a lot of problems – that he was undercover. We caught him taking photographs the night of the accident.”

  “And that’s why you assumed I was working with him,” Rowan surmised. “I was taking photographs and so was he.”

  “Are you honestly saying you’re not part of this?” Doubt shimmied over Dalton’s face. “Mr. Fitzgerald said you were involved. He wouldn’t lie to me.”

  Understanding bloomed, causing Rowan’s stomach to flip. “You’re the one who broke into my room. You stole my camera.”

  “You took photos you shouldn’t have taken.”

  “Where is my camera?” Rowan had to fight back tears. “My father gave me that camera. That’s all I have left of him. I don’t care if you wiped the photos. It was a wasted effort anyway. They were already backed up in the Cloud. I want the camera back, though. There’s no harm in giving it back.”

  Dalton turned haughty. “Even if I could give your camera back — which I can’t because I tossed it in the water to make sure it was destroyed — I wouldn’t. You won’t be around to use it anyway.”

  Rowan’s blood ran cold. “What do you mean by that?”

  “I mean that you won’t be around to use it,” Dalton repeated. “A dead woman can’t take photographs.”

  Rowan swallowed hard as she shifted from one foot to the other. She sensed things were about to change ... and drastically. She had to prepare herself to run, to fight, although she had no idea how she was going to carry out either option in such a small space. “You’re here to kill me, huh?” She hoped she sounded braver than she felt. “I pretty much figured that out myself.”

  “I was supposed to watch you, wait until you separated from the security dude,” Dalton explained. “Mr. Fitzgerald wants to add him to our team. He’s got a good skill set. That’s what Mr. Fitzgerald says anyway. He also says that he won’t leave this ship without you. Since you’re a liability and won’t stop snooping, we think it’s best to remove you from the

  “Uh-huh.” The saliva dried in Rowan’s mouth. Dalton was so matter of fact it caused her terror to amplify. “How are you going to kill me on this ship without anyone knowing it was you?”

  “This.” Dalton held up a small device. It had been in his pocket and looked like a smaller version of a garage door opener. “This turns off all the cameras in a twenty-foot area.”

  “Quinn handled that. He put new cameras up. He made it so you can’t shut down the cameras with that. He made corrections after what happened to the FBI agent.”

  Something occurred to Dalton, proving he was smarter than Rowan initially gave him credit for. She thought he was a “yes” man. Perhaps he was more than that.

  “How do you know that guy was an FBI agent?”

  Rowan’s heart skipped a beat. “Oh, um, you told me.”

  “No. Dalton shook his head, slow and deliberate. “You said it first. You already knew. If you’re not working against us, if you’re not helping the Feds, how did you know that?”

  Rowan recognized she was in real trouble now and she didn’t like the cold dread coursing through her veins. “I think you’re mistaken. You told me he was an FBI agent.”

  “No, I didn’t argue with you when you said it. You were the one who said it first, though.”

  “I ... .”

  “You’re working with someone else.” Dalton’s hands clenched into fists at his sides. “You’re working with someone else and he told you. Who is it?” Spittle formed at the corners of Dalton’s mouth he was so agitated. “You tell me right now who it is.” He took a deliberate step in Rowan’s direction, causing her to shrink back.

  That’s when Alex made his appearance known. “I think you’re looking for me.”

  Dalton swiveled quickly, only taking a split second to forget about Rowan as he focused on the new player standing in the doorway. “You? But ... how? You’re new.”

  “I’m not all that new.” Alex spared a quick glance for Rowan, his grip tightening on the gun he held. It was clear he knew how to use it and even now Dalton was assessing the situation with a cool gaze and overt fury. “Are you okay?”

  Rowan mutely nodded.

  “I want you to slowly walk around your desk,” Alex instructed. “I want you to stay away from Rocky. I’m afraid he’ll go all Italian Stallion or something if you get close enough to grab. Go the opposite way. Don’t stop until you get behind me. Do you understand?”

  Rowan felt numb. “Yeah, but ... what’s going on?”

  “I’ll explain later.”

  “Where is Quinn?”

  “We had a bit of a situation,” Alex explained. “When I saw Rocky following you, I realized what he was going to do. Quinn and I had a plan for Fitzgerald, but we had to change things up so I could go after you.”

  Even though she knew it was ridiculous to be petulant, Rowan couldn’t stop herself. “Quinn didn’t want to come after me?”

  Alex was incredulous. “Seriously? I’m sure the guy is melting down even as we speak. I sent the bartender to inform him of the new plan. I made sure he knew it would be on him and we would all die if he didn’t do what I said. That meant I had to come after you and he had to handle Fitzgerald. I’m not exactly happy about it either, but I don’t see you worrying about me.”

  “It’s not that.” Rowan grunted as she climbed over the back corner of her desk. It was positioned in such a way there was very little room between the piece of furniture and the wall. She was careful to keep her modesty intact and not inadvertently flash her underwear as she cleared the obstacle. “It’s just ... I think he’s mad at me.”

  “And I think you two are like a soap opera couple,” Alex complained. “You’re smoking hot but a lot of work. I see that now. As for your boyfriend, I can guarantee he’s freaking out right about now. He’s also diligent and knows we need certain things from Fitzgerald before he can come after you. I asked him to trust me.”

  “And he did?”

  “I’m sure there was a lot of teeth gnashing to go along with it.”

  “Yeah.” Rowan was still sad. “I told him I loved him.”

  “That’s nice. I guess.” Alex was baffled. “What’s the problem?”

  “He didn’t say it back.”

  “And you think he doesn’t love you?”

  Rowan shrugged. “I guess not.”

  “Oh, please.” Alex rolled his eyes. “That guy is so gone for you it’s a little pathetic. Maybe you just surprised him. Did you ever consider that?”

  “He said I ruined his moment and that he had a big plan.”

  Alex snorted. “There. That means he loves you.”

  “He didn’t say it, though.”

  “Oh, geez.” Alex was at his limit. “This is why I want nothing to do with women. You’re too much work. Do me a favor and reach into my back pocket. It’s not a sexual thing so don’t give me that look. I have a pair of cuffs and I need them for our friend.”

  Rowan’s expression was rueful. “I’m not squeezing your butt or anything when I’m in there.”

  “I’m glad for that because I don’t need to be pounded by your boyfriend on top of everything else tonight.”

  Rowan fished around until she found the cuffs. “Do you want me to put these on him?”

  “I don’t want you getting close enough for him to touch you,” Alex corrected. “I want you to hold the gun while I cuff him. Do you think you can manage that?”


  Now it was Alex’s turn to be suspicious. “Do you know how to use a gun?”

  “Yes. My father taught me when I was a kid. I used to live in Detroit, too. Trust me. I know how to use a gun.”

  “Great.” Alex visibly relaxed. “We’re almost out of here. You can check on your boyfriend yourself after that.”

  “I’m not sure I want to do that.”

  “Oh, you’re going to give me an ulcer,” Alex complained as he handed over the gun and swaggered toward Dalton. “Why do women have to be so much work?”

  “Because we’re worth it.”

  Alex winked as he fastened one of the cuffs around Dalton’s meaty wrist. “Maybe. I can actually believe that with you. Still, your boyfriend will kill me if I try to make a move and discover if that’s true.”

  “It wouldn’t be true for us, meaning you-and-me us,” Rowan explained. “You have to find the right person for you and I’m not that person.”

  “So, that means Quinn is the right person for you.”

  Rowan shrugged. “Yeah. Even if he is being a butthead right now.”

  Alex’s laugh was riotous. “I can see where you might be worth the work. Quinn is a lucky man.”

  “I hope he feels the same way.”

  “He does. Trust me.”



  Alex insisted on taking Dalton to the holding cells in the security wing despite Rowan’s desire to do the opposite and find Quinn. To her surprise, Quinn was striding out the door when they arrived.

  “What’s going on?”

  “You’re okay.” Relief, warm and fragrant, washed over Quinn as he immediately pulled in her for a hug. “I was just going to get you.”

  Rowan sank into the hug despite her confusion. “Alex showed up in the nick of time. I’m okay.”

  “Yeah, well, I had to see it with my own eyes.” Quinn kissed her cheek before shifting his attention to Alex. “I got your message.”

  “I knew the bartender was a trustworthy friend,” Alex offered as he shoved Dalton through the doors. He raised his eyebrows when he found Fitzgerald already sitting in a cell. “It looks like you managed to work things out on your end.”

  “He wasn’t even a little bit cagey,” Quinn supplied, his hands busy as he rubbed them up and down Rowan’s slim back. “Michael’s office was wired so we have everything on tape. He came right out and said what he wanted.”

  “That’s probably because I told him you would be amenable to the process.” Alex marched
Dalton to the cell next to where Fitzgerald sat glowering. “What about the other guys on Fitzgerald’s team?”

  “They’re still in the dining room. My men are watching.”

  “I’ll sound the alarm,” Alex offered. “We’ll let my guys take them into custody.”

  “Whatever.” Quinn no longer cared about Alex’s operation. The only thing he cared about was in his arms. Still, he had a job to do. He wanted to make sure he’d covered everything on his end before taking a break. “We’re done here, right?”

  Alex nodded, solemn. “We had enough evidence to take down Fitzgerald earlier in the day. Bart left a note that we found in his safe. He was working with Fitzgerald and decided to turn against him. That’s why he was killed. We simply wanted to add to the charges if we could manage it, make sure there was no chance he ever got out. That’s what I needed you for.”

  “Well, it’s done.”

  “Dalton is the one who killed Bart ... and the FBI agent,” Rowan volunteered. “He said he did it on Fitzgerald’s orders. He also broke into my room and took my camera. Then he threw it in the water.”

  Quinn sighed. “I’m sorry. I was hoping we would get it back.”

  Rowan managed to tamp down her sadness, but only because she didn’t want Fitzgerald and Dalton to see her cry. “Maybe it was time to let it go. I have a new camera. That’s kind of like a new beginning, right?”

  Quinn nodded without hesitation. “It is. Now, why don’t you come with me? There something I think we need to discuss.”

  Rowan’s heart flipped at the serious look on his face. “Don’t I have to give a statement?”

  “We have time for that.” Alex waved them off. “We’ll be here half the night. Go ahead and take a moment for yourselves. I’ll find you when I need you.”

  Quinn smiled, although the expression didn’t make it all the way to his eyes. “Thank you.”

  “No problem.”

  “Not just for giving us some time to ourselves. Thank you for saving the woman I love.”

  Rowan’s eyes widened, but she remained silent.

  “You’re welcome.” Alex snickered at Rowan’s reaction. “I told you. You were doing that girl thing and making a mountain out of a molehill. I told you, though. Who was right?”


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