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Married to a SEAL

Page 10

by Makenna Jameison

  He grabbed the phone at his bedside and punched in Rebecca’s number, hoping that he’d be able to reach her. He didn’t even know what time it was here right now to calculate the time difference. His heart pounded in his chest as he began to wonder if she wouldn’t be able to answer. Finally, after four rings, her sweet voice answered her cell phone. It was like balm to his soul to hear her soothing voice from thousands of miles away.

  His heart caught for a beat in his chest, the reality of the situation hitting him like a punch to the gut.

  “Hi sweetheart,” he finally managed to say. “It’s me.”

  “Patrick!” she gasped, and he could hear her already getting choked up over the line. “Patrick, oh my God. How are you? Are you okay?”

  “I’m out of surgery and recovering,” he said as she broke out into a loud sob. “Hey, sweetheart. Sweetheart, please don’t cry. I’m okay, and I’m coming home to you. I’m okay.”

  “Oh my God. Patrick. I’ve been so worried. You don’t know how good it is to hear your voice. The last twenty-fours have been horrible. I thought I was going to go crazy with worry. And not knowing? It’s been a nightmare.”

  “For me, too,” he said, his voice gruff. “And I don’t even remember half of it. There was an explosion, and the next thing I knew, I was on a hospital stretcher being rushed through the hallway. No memory of how I got here, no recollection of anything other than the moments before I was injured.”

  Rebecca let out a sigh. “When Ryan called me last night—I just—”

  She broke down again, and Patrick felt his heart clench. Rebecca’s first husband had been killed in a horrible freak accident on a bridge. What were the chances he’d be severely injured on an op? Sure, his career was dangerous, but they trained for every scenario. He’d always assured her he’d be fine, but no one could predict the future. Least of all him.

  “I’m sorry you were worried. When I woke up, your face was what kept flashing through my mind. What kept me fighting. I knew no matter what that I had to fight and get back home to you.”

  “Do you know when they’ll let you come home?”

  “No. Not yet. I have to be stable enough to fly. I mean, hell, right now I can’t even get out of bed without help. I just woke up a little while ago. The doctor should be in soon to talk to me. Hopefully in the next week or so they’ll let me come home.”

  “Will they send you to a hospital here?”

  “Walter Reed. It’s several hours away from Little Creek, but a helluva lot better than having a damn ocean separating us.”

  “My doctor appointment’s next week,” she said.

  “For the baby?”

  “Yes. It’s the first appointment.”

  “Hell, I wanted to be there for you.”

  “It’s fine,” she assured him. “This is just the very first one where they ask me a million questions. They’ll be plenty of appointments after that for you to come to.”

  “I’ll be at every one,” he said.

  “Is Evan on his way back?” she asked.

  “I haven’t talked to anyone on the team, but it sounds like the rest of them are back.”


  Patrick cleared his throat. “I’m not sure. But it sounds like the mission was a success.”

  “Alison went into early labor last night,” Rebecca gushed out. “I stayed with her at the hospital for a while.”

  “Wow. Was the baby born?”

  “Not yet. I waited with her a few hours while they got her contractions under control.” She finished filling him in on the rest of her night. “You sound really tired. You should probably get some rest.”

  “I will. I just needed to hear your voice. How’s Logan holding up? Did you tell him what happened yet or were you waiting until you knew more?”

  “I was waiting for an update from Ryan. I sent the kids to camp since I didn’t have details about how bad your injuries were. I didn’t want them to sit around worrying all day about you. At least now I can tell him you’ll be coming back.”

  “I love you, sweetheart. I promise to come home to you and the kids as soon as I can.”

  “You better,” she said quietly, sniffling again. “I love you, too.”

  Patrick said goodbye, his gaze resting on the phone after they’d hung up. He’d come so damn close to losing everything. The second he got back home he wanted to propose to Rebecca. Marry her. Never let her leave his side.

  Sleeping in different beds every night, in different homes, seemed like too much after what he’d been through. He wanted every second to be with her.

  “Knock, knock!” a voice said.

  “Doctor,” Patrick said. “I suppose I have you to thank for saving my life.”

  “That and the men on your team. They provided emergency aid that kept you stable enough to be eventually transferred here.”

  Patrick nodded, thinking of Mike, the medic on their team.

  He owed him a hell of a lot whenever he made it back to Little Creek.

  The doctor began explaining Patrick’s surgery and the extent of his injuries. After listening to him run through all the details of his surgery, the recovery, and the physical therapy he’d likely have to go through, Patrick was struggling to stay awake.

  Food and thoughts of anything else would have to wait.

  He shut his eyes just as the doctor was leaving the room and fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 12

  THE DOORBELL RANG A second time as they were finishing dinner, and Rebecca glanced at Abby and Logan as she crossed the kitchen toward the foyer.

  “Maybe it’s Patrick!” Abby shouted, a huge smile on her face.

  “No, sweetie, he’s in the hospital.”

  “And he wouldn’t ring the doorbell,” Logan chimed in, taking another bite of his chicken nuggets. Abby’s food sat mostly untouched on her plate, and Rebecca sighed. Nothing like trying to explain to the kids that Patrick was injured while they were in the middle of eating. She’d tried to make it as casual and non-scary as possible when she told them he was in the hospital.

  But now?

  She wondered if she’d played it down a little too much.

  Although she hadn’t wanted to frighten them, they also needed to understand he wouldn’t be back immediately. Or running around with them the second he got home.

  When he finally made it home.

  Nausea roiled through her, and she took a deep breath.

  Between nerves with everything that had been happening and her morning sickness, she’d already lost a few pounds.

  She hurried into the foyer, pulling open the front door, and did a double-take as she saw a couple of the men from Patrick’s SEAL team. Christopher was standing there in aviators and was holding a couple of bags of groceries, Mike had three huge “to-go” ice cream sundaes in a carry-out tray, and Brent had a football in one hand and his motorcycle helmet in the other.

  Her gaze slid to the driveway, where Lexi waved from the passenger seat of Christopher’s pick-up truck, and she noticed Mike’s SUV and Brent’s motorcycle parked on the street in front of her house.

  “What are you guys doing here?” Rebecca asked in surprise. “Didn’t you just get back?”

  “I’m dropping off groceries,” Christopher said. “Lexi did some shopping for you, but we’ve got to get back to base. Computer emergency came up.”

  “But we’re here for the evening,” Mike said, his normally teasing expression looking at her with concern. “Can I give these sundaes to the kids?”

  “But what? How?” Rebecca asked in confusion as the three men crowded on her front porch.

  Christopher ducked down, giving her a quick hug. “We just landed an hour ago. I’m sorry about Patrick,” he said in a low voice. “I wish Lexi and I could stay to help out, but she’s got some hacking issues to deal with. We’ll all be on base bright and early to debrief, so we thought we’d stop by now.”

  “I’ve got sundaes for you and the kids and can fill y
ou in somewhat more on the situation,” Mike said.

  “I came by to toss a football around with Logan,” Brent said, his dark eyes meeting hers. “Since Patrick’s injured, I thought he might appreciate it.”

  “All right,” Rebecca said, feeling somewhat dazed. “Wow. Come in, of course. I just wasn’t expecting anyone.”

  Christopher moved by her with the groceries and was striding back across the foyer a second later. “I left the bags on the kitchen counter. Sorry I have to rush out.”

  “Mommy! Can we have ice cream?” Abby shrieked from the kitchen.

  “Yes, go ahead!” she called out.

  Mike’s head popped out the kitchen door. “There’s one here for you, too.”

  “Oh, you go ahead and have it,” she said.

  He shrugged, his eyes twinkling. “Can’t say no to ice cream, right kids?”

  Rebecca’s eyes met Brent’s as they stood in the foyer. “Wow. I can’t believe you guys are here. Where’s Ella?”

  “Finishing up a paper. She’s taking two summer classes and has something due this week. She insisted I come by while she finishes up. I figure the kids will be in bed anyway by the time she’s done. Of course, if you need us to stick around longer, Mike and I are here as long as you need.”

  Tears filled her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” Brent asked, looking alarmed. Brent was one of the biggest, toughest guys on the team—the resident “bad boy” until he’d met Ella. But he seemed to have a soft spot for a woman in distress.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’ve just been so overwhelmed with everything. It all happened so fast, and even now that I know he’s okay and coming home, I’ve just been kind of a mess.”

  “Patrick will be back on his feet in no time,” Brent said. “He’s tough. The toughest. And hell, I know he’d want us looking out for you while he’s not here. One of us can come by every night if you want.”

  “That’s sweet,” Rebecca said, “but we’ll be okay. The kids are in summer camp, the nanny will be back next week to watch the kids when I’m working, and hopefully we’ll be able to visit Patrick up in Walter Reed after that.”

  “And a man on the team will be here every night,” Brent said. “Whatever you need, one of us will help out until Ice is back.”

  “He’s lucky to have all of you. We’re lucky to have you.”

  “Damn straight,” Brent said, and she laughed despite herself. “Walter Reed is a good place,” he said. “If he can’t be discharged from the hospital yet, that’s the best place for him to be. The doctors just need to make sure he’s stable enough to fly back. You’ve spoken with him?”

  “Yes, he called earlier. He actually sounded better than I thought, all things considered. I was half-tempted to fly over there right away to see him, but I’ve got the kids and have been feeling a little sick lately.”

  “Hell. I never told you congratulations,” Brent said, running a hand over the dark stubble on his jaw.

  “Patrick told you I’m pregnant?”

  Brent chuffed out a laugh. “At the barbeque. I have to admit I wasn’t expecting that. But you’ll have one lucky kid.”

  Rebecca smiled. “It was a surprise, I’ll admit. The best kind of surprise. We haven’t told our kids yet. Once Patrick is back, we’ll tell them together.”

  “I won’t say anything,” Brent assured her.

  Happy shrieks coming from the kitchen caught her attention. “I better see what they’re up to. Or if Mike needs rescuing,” she added with a laugh. “With those huge ice cream sundaes he brought over, I’ll never get the kids in bed tonight.”

  “That’s where we come in,” Brent said. “I’ll toss around a football with Logan. I’m sure Mike can play hopscotch or something with Abby,” he said, his dark eyes gleaming with amusement as he sauntered into the kitchen.

  “Hopscotch?” Mike asked, looking mock-chagrined. He polished off the rest of his sundae and tossed the empty container into the trash.

  “I love hopscotch!” Abby said. “We can use chalk to draw a picture in the driveway.”

  Mike shot Brent a look. “I’m getting you back for that one. After Abby and I play, it’s all you. And I’m taking pictures of it to send to Ella and every single guy on the team. Maybe I’ll even upload a video to YouTube for the entire world to witness.”

  Brent smirked. “In your dreams, Patch.”

  “Why are you calling him Patch?” Abby asked. “His name is Mike.”

  “It’s his SEAL name. My dad’s name is Ice!” Logan said. “That’s cooler than Patch.”

  Brent chuckled as Rebecca began to clear the table, collecting the remains of the melting ice cream sundaes.

  “Kid, I’m wounded,” Mike said, sinking down into a chair. He crossed his legs and leaned back, looking amused.

  “Do you have a nickname, too?” Logan asked Brent.

  “Yep. It’s Cobra.”

  “Wow. That’s cooler than Patch, too.”

  Brent smirked as Mike clutched his hands to his heart in mock-agony. “Tough crowd tonight. Next time I’m bringing Kenley,” he said, referring to his fiancée. “Maybe she can up my cool points or something.”

  “Can I get you guys a drink?” Rebecca asked, glancing at the two men sitting at her kitchen table. It wasn’t the same as having Patrick here, but it was amazing how all the guys on the team came together and looked out for one another. Kind of like having one big extended family. They’d been watching her last year when she had a stalker after her.

  And now?

  She appreciated their support even more.

  Plus the kids seemed to adore all the men on the team.

  “Do you have school tomorrow?” Mike asked with a grin, glancing between Abby and Logan.

  “No!” they chorused. “It’s summer!”

  “Then let’s go outside and play. Brent brought over a football, but Abby and I are going to play an epic game of hopscotch.”

  “What’s epic?” Abby asked as the kids followed the men to the front door.

  Rebecca watched them in astonishment as she heard Mike explaining it to Abby while Brent ribbed him some more. At this rate, the kids would barely notice Patrick was gone. Not if they had the undivided attention of a guy from the SEAL team every night.

  She smiled, watching them from the front door for a moment. It wasn’t the same as having Patrick around, but they were lucky nonetheless.

  Chapter 13

  REBECCA WALKED OUT of the OBGYN’s office the following week, an early ultrasound photo clutched in her hand. She glanced down at it again, her heart swelling. The black and white image didn’t look like a baby at this point. It barely looked like anything, if she was honest. But that tiny little image was her baby. Their baby. Her heart filled with joy as she glanced at it again.

  Funny how something so small could change absolutely everything.

  She tucked the ultrasound picture safely into her purse, her heels clicking on the asphalt as she walked across the parking lot. Scrolling through her contact list, she dialed her assistant’s cell number. “I’m on my way into the office. Are there any updates on the court time this afternoon?”

  “It’s still at 4:00 p.m. I have all the documents you’ll need to bring with you.”

  “Wonderful. My appointment went longer than I thought—I had to wait almost an hour to see the doctor.”

  “Ugh, that’s the worst. Maybe you should bill them for your time.”

  “Right?” She unlocked her car door and climbed in, tossing her purse onto the passenger seat. “I’m sure I wouldn’t be the first patient who’s considered that. It wouldn’t have been so much of an issue if they hadn’t changed the court date and time on me. At least you’re on top of everything. Goodness knows my mind has been all over the place lately.”

  “Don’t worry about a thing. I have it all under control over here. And things will settle down soon. I mean, they can’t get any crazier, right?”

  “That they cannot,” Rebecca agree
d. “I should be there in half an hour or so. Once I gather everything, I’ll head right to court for the proceedings. You notified the client of the time change, correct?”

  “Yes, it’s all taken care of.”

  “Wonderful.” She said goodbye, then backed out of the parking space and unrolled her windows. There was nothing like a sunny June day to leave her feeling happy and optimistic. The sea breeze blowing in as she drove back to the office was enough to put anyone in a good mood. And tomorrow was finally Saturday.

  She and Patrick had talked every night over the past week. Although their phone bill would be astronomically high this month, it was more than worth it to hear his voice from the other side of the line. The other side of the Atlantic Ocean. He was supposed to be arriving in Walter Reed up in Maryland today. She’d wanted to rearrange her doctor’s appointment and drive up, but Patrick had insisted she and the kids just come up first thing in the morning instead.

  It’d be a hell of a drive to go visit him frequently, but she’d take the kids up each weekend until he was cleared to come back to Virginia Beach.

  To come home.

  She’d met with the realtor again this week, too, and was planning to put her home up for sale later in the summer.

  There was nothing like a near-death experience to make her shift her priorities. They’d been planning to move in together, yes, but with the baby on the way and Patrick nearly dying?

  The sooner they were under the same roof, the better she’d feel.

  She shuddered thinking about what it would be like when he deployed again one day. They’d just deal with it whenever that day arrived, she supposed. She had Patrick each had their own careers, and part of what made their relationship work was that they accepted that about the other.

  For better or worse.

  “You look happy,” Rebecca said to her assistant as she walked into the reception area of her office thirty minutes later.

  “Just enjoying this beautiful summer day,” she said cheerily, taking a sip of her iced coffee. She rolled her desk chair back, smiling.

  Rebecca stopped midstride and gazed at her curiously. “Something’s up.”


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