South Coast Brothers: Part One

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South Coast Brothers: Part One Page 5

by Hamford, Kacey

  “Come on in, sugar. It’s not locked,” he called out.

  “What? No, I’m not peeing with you in there. Do you really want me to go out in the clubhouse and use the toilet?”

  “No, fine, I’m getting out.” I was glad my bluff had worked, I didn’t want to go out into the club house; God knows what I would have stumbled across. I heard the door click open and I climbed to my feet, Blade walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist, droplets of water still running from his hair down his toned pecs and abs. I tried to look away but I couldn’t, all I kept thinking was that I wanted to run my tongue over his wet body. “Sugar?” I snapped out of my daze and look at Blade. “Don’t you need the toilet?” I nodded my head and walked past him, shutting and locking the bathroom door. What had got into me? Was it my pregnancy hormones? I’ve never been one to devour a man with my eyes, but I couldn’t look in any other direction apart from his body. I’m glad he snapped me out of my thoughts, I could see it now, me throwing myself at him, begging for him to make me come. That wasn’t what I wanted, was it? I shook my head, disappointed in myself for thinking and feeling this way. I washed my hands and walked back into the bedroom, I stopped in the doorway when I saw that Blade was laying in the bed, topless.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Going to sleep,” he answered, raising an arm above his head and getting comfy. “Did you change the bedding?”

  “Yes, you had a little visitor on the bed when I came back this evening.” I pulled out the spare duvet and blanket and arranged them on the floor, where it looked like I was sleeping for the night.

  “Vicky?” He asked.

  “No, Roxy. Should I expect more visitors?” I asked as I climbed onto the floor and attempted to get comfy.

  “What are you doing?” he asked. I looked over my shoulder and he was sitting up in bed looking at me.

  “Trying to sleep, can you turn the light off, please?” I moved around a bit more until I was comfy, I closed my eyes and tried to imagine I was sleeping in a nice warm and cosy bed. I heard movement from the bed and the next thing I knew I was being lifted in the air. I yelped in surprise and Blade placed me in the bed.

  “Sugar, we’re both adults. We can sleep in the same bed together.” He placed a quick kiss on my lips, flipped off the light switch and climbed in beside me. I felt my body tense and Blade must have noticed it too. “Relax,” he whispered in my ear. “I won’t touch you, not until you’re begging me to.”

  “You’ll be waiting a long time then,” I giggled. I felt his breath on my neck and my nipples hardened. Thank God the light was off and he couldn’t see the effect he had on my body. “There are obviously loads of women around here that want you…”

  “I only want you,” he whispered against my neck, causing a shiver down my spine.

  “So, you haven’t been sleeping with other women?” Shit, why did I ask that? I knew the answer, Michelle had said so.

  “No other women. Only you.” He placed a kiss on my neck and I moved away.

  “Don’t lie to me,” I whispered into the dark room, the only sound to be heard was the ticking of a nearby clock. “I get that you can’t tell me club business. But do not lie to me. That’s what he had done for over six months or maybe more.”

  “I’m not lying.”

  “Oh? And what about Michelle? She told us all about your night together,” I said, feeling angry.

  “Fuck, I forgot about that. I was drunk and…”

  “Just forget it, I don’t have a claim on you, but I won’t sleep with you if you are fucking other women, especially the club whores.”

  “Sugar, I…”

  “Just don’t lie to me, ever,” I cut him off. I rolled onto my side, ending the conversation. I heard him sigh and felt him roll away from me.


  I woke up feeling warm and my arm was aching. Then I remembered that bullet skimming my arm, the bleeding had stopped after a little while, luckily I didn’t need stitches. As I opened my eyes I realised why I was feeling so hot, Heather had wrapped herself around me, she had her leg over mine and her knee was pressed dangerously close to my balls. Her baby bump was pressed against my side, her bed t-shirt had risen up so we were touching skin on skin and I could feel her son kicking me. She looked beautiful sleeping in the bed next to me, I longed to reach out and touch her but knew that she would shy away from me. I needed to take a piss really bad, so I slid out of bed and walked into the bathroom. Once I was done, I walked back into the bedroom and noticed that she was now awake. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt out of my drawer and began throwing them on.

  “You in a rush to get away from me today?” she giggled. I loved that sound, I looked over and she was sitting up in bed, her hair was a mess and she had sleep lines on her face. Her hand was moving over her bump gently as if she was trying to soothe him back to sleep.

  “Got club business to attend to this morning, sugar,” I winked at her.

  “Ok, I’m gonna have a shower and then get some breakfast. Will Neil be at the meeting?”

  “Neil?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. I didn’t know she was friends with CG.

  “Yeah CG. Neil’s his name. What’s your name?”

  “I know who Neil is, sugar. I just didn’t realise you were friends.”

  “He looked after me last night, after Michelle threw the water over me,” she shrugged her shoulders.

  “Michelle did what?” I growled.

  “Yeah, she threw a jug of water over me, apparently because you caused those marks around her throat.”

  “I’ll sort this.” I said as I walked towards her.

  “No, don’t. I need to stand up for myself else they will keep walking all over me. It was fine, Gloria sorted it.”

  “Gloria?” I was surprised she stepped in.

  “Yeah, she is…” I gave her a look. “Oh, you know who Gloria is.” She waved her hand in the air.

  “Did you have to dance last night?” I asked as I sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand. She shook her head.

  “A lot of the guys went to the strip club. So it was quite quiet here.”

  “Don’t get used to it. There’s a big party here this weekend, it’s CG’s twenty fifth birthday. Lot’s of members from different clubs coming in. You may have to dance,” she nodded her head. “You don’t mind?”

  “I can’t do anything about it, the sooner I work off his debts the better.”

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  Someone had banged on the door so loud I thought it was going to come off the hinges.

  “CHURCH.” Riz called out.

  “I gotta go, sugar. See you in a little while.” I leant forward and kissed her on the lips, I wanted to savour her taste, string out the kiss but knew I had to get going.

  “Bye,” she said quietly and I threw a wink over my shoulder to her as I left the room.

  We had been sitting in the church meeting for over an hour and Uno was still going off on one about us being ambushed yesterday.

  “What club was it?” he asked.

  “Satan MC,” I answered. “How did they know where we were? What we had?”

  “This is what I’m trying to figure out,” Uno answered. “CG, find out who was around when the guys left. Who knew where they were going and what to do. Heather?”

  “No,” Me and CG called out at the same time. CG cleared his throat and his focus went back to his laptop.

  “Heather didn’t know anything. I told her it was club business and she would never know what was going on.” Uno nodded at me. “Besides the only other club she knows are the Cornish Crusaders MC, her sister is married to the VP.”

  “Hmm, interesting. They’re coming in this weekend for the party, along with the Bear Devils, let’s hope we can smooth things over with them before that.” I nodded. Uno was still in deep thought as we all sat there. “CG lets chat, everyone else. OUT!”

  We all scrambled to our feet and left the room, I headed f
or my room to see if Heather was out of bed yet. As I passed the kitchen, I heard her laugh and that stopped me in my tracks. I walked through the door and there was a mess everywhere, flour all over the worktops and on the floor and various bowls, cutlery and food were scattered along the side.

  “What’s all this?” I asked. She stopped stirring the bowl in her hand and looked up at me.

  “Me and Cammie are making Neil a birthday cake. It’s a surprise,” she smiled.

  “Look at this mess, if Gloria sees this…”

  “I know what’s going on.” Gloria said as she entered the kitchen, cutting me off. I leant down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She was always kind to me when I stayed here and it wouldn’t have been a bad thing if she and Heather got along. Then I’d know that would be one person protecting her, watching her back.


  What was I supposed to wear to a biker birthday bash? I had dug out all of my dresses that were stuffed in my suitcase, they were all creased and I was going to look awful. I slumped onto the bed as I heard the door open.

  “What happened in here?” Blade asked, chuckling to himself.

  “I’ve got nothing to wear,” I pouted as I leant up on my elbows to look at him.

  “Sugar, it looks like you have lots to wear,” he pointed to all the clothes that surrounded me.

  “They’re all creased, they have been stuffed in my suitcase.”

  “Shit, sorry, sugar. I’ll sort you out some space, soon.”

  “That doesn’t help me now.” I snapped. Blade walked towards me and crouched down in front of me. “I’m sorry, I just don’t know what to wear.”

  “Just don’t dress like a club whore… Oh and wear red…”

  “Red? Why are you wearing red?” I cut him off.

  “Oh, CG thought a theme would be good, so he went with a traffic light party.”

  “A traffic light party?” I asked. “Why wasn’t I told?”

  “Yeah, a party where if you are taken you wear red, if it’s complicated you wear orange and if you are single you wear green.”

  “I don’t have anything red to wear.” I shouted. I was annoyed that I wasn’t told, what would happen if I went not in the correct colour? Would I be fair game to everyone?

  “That’s red,” he said pointing over my shoulder. I looked behind me, he was pointing at a red dress I’ve had forever.

  “I don’t think that will fit me and if it does it’ll be very short.”

  “Just try it on,” he said. I huffed and grabbed the dress and walked into the bathroom. I pulled the dress over my head and tugged it down over my expanding tummy. Luckily, the material was stretchy. It clung to all of my curves and I hated to admit it but it looked good. It was short, but I wouldn’t look out of place that’s for sure.

  “Come on, sugar. We’re missing valuable drinking time.” I pulled open the door and looked at him.

  “Valuable drinking time? I can’t drink.” I placed my hands on my hips and stared at him. “What?” I asked as he kept quiet and stared at me. Before I knew it, he had me pressed up against the bedroom wall and he was kissing me like it was the last thing he would ever do. A hot sensation zapped around my body, my legs grew weak and I held onto his arms as he cradled my face. Our tongues entwining together, creating a dampness between my legs. When we pulled apart Blade kept his eyes shut and I could feel his hot breath against my cheek, he dropped his head to my shoulder and let out a deep breath.

  “Fuck, sugar, I couldn’t stop myself.” I giggled and he pulled back, looking at me. “You’re not mad?”

  I shook my head and pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth. “Fuck, don’t do that, else we won’t make it out of this room.” I pushed at his chest and walked back into the bathroom to check my make-up and hair. I was glad that I put on my everlasting lipstick, if that was what he was going to be like tonight. My body was still on fire but I put that down to pregnancy hormones. I remember the beginning of my pregnancy all I wanted was sex and I was constantly horny, and while James was fucking me he was also fucking someone else. I shook my head, how could I have not seen that? What a laugh they must have been having behind my back, no wonder he went looking for someone else knowing I was going to get fat and be limited to what I could do in the bedroom.

  “Sugar?” Blade called out, snapping me out of my daze. I looked up to his smiling face, I couldn’t change the past all I had was the future to look forward to and on cue that’s when I got a good hard kick from my little baby boy.

  “I’m ready.” I smiled at him, he held his hand out for me and I slipped my feet into my nude heels and placed my hand in his.

  “Oh shit!” he exclaimed.

  “What’s wrong?” I stopped to look up at him.

  “You’re wearing fuck me heels.”

  “Am I?” I asked, trying to look innocent. He threw his head back and laughed. We walked into the party that was in full swing, hand in hand. Neil had requested that none of us work the stage tonight, that some of the girls from ‘Skins’ were brought in and I was very thankful for that. I hated dancing for the twenty guys that were around the other night, let alone the nearly seventy that were already here.

  The place was packed and all I saw were lots of green outfits. Blade pulled me towards the bar. “What do you want to drink, sugar?” he whispered in my ear.

  “Water, please.” I smiled. He nodded and stood patiently waiting for his turn to be served, it felt like we had been standing here for ages, I looked over his shoulder and saw that Michelle was working the bar.

  “You have to serve me, Michelle.” Blade called out. She looked at him and then away again. “I’m a club brother, you want me to get you thrown out?”

  “Just wait your turn,” she said to him. I watched as she served everyone else that came to the bar and left Blade standing there.

  “Fuck this,” I said as I pulled my hand out from Blade’s and walked around the bar.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Michelle screamed at me.

  “Getting a drink.” I said as I pulled a bottle of water and a bottle of beer out of the fridge. I popped the cap off and handed it to Blade, winking at him.

  “You can’t just come around here,” she said squaring up to me.

  “Why not, you weren’t serving us, and my man was getting thirsty.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Hey, sweetheart, can you pass me a bottle of Jack.” I turned around when I heard Neil’s voice. “Heather? What are you doing behind the bar? I don’t want you working tonight. I told Dad that.”

  “Just grabbing a drink as someone…” I nodded my head at Michelle. “Wouldn’t serve us.” I handed him the bottle of Jack and he leant over the bar and kissed me on the cheek. “Happy birthday, by the way.” I smiled.

  “Sugar!” Blade called out, my eyes snapped to his and he didn’t look happy. He motioned for me to come from around the bar and I did, until I was standing in front of him. “We have to go and show our faces.” I nodded and he pulled me close and claimed my lips. I sunk into him, it was never a chore to have to kiss him; I loved every minute of it. I was slowly getting used to living here, it had only been a week but I could see it wasn’t too bad.

  The music was loud, so many people had turned up that the club house doors were wide open and the party had flowed outside too. I was feeling hot and my feet were killing me, I excused myself from Blade who was talking to a group of bikers. I walked outside and found a bench that was empty around the corner from the club house, I needed to sit down. The music was still loud and the men were louder with their shouting at the girls who performed on the stage.

  “Hey,” I jumped as someone spoke to me. I looked up and saw Mason standing in front of me.

  “Hi. I didn’t know you was here.” I gave him a hug and he held onto me for a bit longer. “Is Daisy here too?”

  “Yeah, somewhere. What are you doing out here on your own? Where’s your husband?” he asked as he sat down.

��I needed some fresh air, he’s in there somewhere.” Mason was my boyfriend from school, I was in love with him and he broke my heart when he joined an MC group at the age of eighteen. He was now named holes as he was a trained piercer. He had a pierced tongue and eyebrow. My mind wandered to what else he had pierced.

  “What you thinking?” he asked.

  “I was just wandering what else you may have pierced?” I smirked at him. I remember him getting his tongue pierced at the age of sixteen, and the things he done to my body with that piercing was amazing.

  “You wanna see?” he asked standing up and popping the button open on his jeans.

  “NO!” I shouted. “If Blade comes out and sees that, you’re as good as dead,” he shrugged his shoulders and continued to undo his jeans. “Please, Mason. Don’t.”

  “I’m hard for you,” he said as he grabbed my hand and shoved it in his jeans. He was rock hard and I felt a few piercings too. My body pulsed and I was surprised by how it was reacting. I pulled my hand away and stood up.

  “I’m not a club whore!” I sneered at him. “Look at this dress, I’m in red!” I was angry at what he had done and I was also angry at myself for not pulling my hand away sooner and at the way my body reacted to him.

  “We have history, Heather. Only a matter of time, you’ll want me again,” he smiled at me and walked off doing his trousers back up.

  “What was that? Did you fuck him?” Daisy asked as she walked towards me as Mason walked away.

  “No!” I said standing up.

  “Why was he doing his jeans up and smiling then?” she pointed over her shoulder and I saw Mason talking to Ryan, Daisy’s husband.

  “Why is Ryan in green?” I asked, avoiding her question.

  “He’s on the prowl,” she said waving her hand like it wasn’t a big deal.

  “What are you talking about?” I was confused, did they have an open relationship?

  “He’s looking for someone to impregnate… I can’t have children. We found out last month.”


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