South Coast Brothers: Part One

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South Coast Brothers: Part One Page 45

by Hamford, Kacey

  “Cam, I need you to hold this here.” She fell to her knees and held it in position. “Someone get me a doctor!” I yelled. I yanked at my belt on my jeans and fastened it around the top of his thigh as tight as I could.

  “You’re gonna be fine. Stay with us.” Cammie kept saying to him.

  “Doc is on his way!” Drake called out.

  “Let’s get him upstairs!” I shouted and Tat, Solar and Toes stepped forward to help carry him. “You got it, Cam?” She nodded as she concentrated on keeping pressure on his leg. “One, two, three, lift.”

  “Aaahhhh,” Titch complained.

  “Don’t be a pussy, chicks don’t like that.” Solar laughed.

  “Yeah, think of all the attention you’ll get from the scar.” Tat joined in.

  We managed to get him upstairs and onto his bed just in time for the doc to arrive. Ashlyn helped him as she had some nursing experience.

  “Let’s get cleaned up.” I exhaled as I led Cammie into our bedroom.

  “What about the girl?” she asked.

  “Prez and Carla are sorting her out.” We both stripped out of our clothes that were covered in blood and climbed into the hot shower. Luckily we decided to keep this room stocked with shower gel, shampoo and clothes as we knew sometimes we would be staying here.

  “Who’s that Ryan guy?”

  “That’s Daisy’s husband.” She stopped scrubbing her body and looked at me.

  “I thought he died. I’m sure Drake told Heather that he had died.”

  “I don’t know all the details yet, sweetheart. I need to get to church.” She kissed me before I opened the door to the shower. I wrapped a towel around my waist leaving one out for Cammie before I quickly got changed and headed to church.

  I walked in the door and everyone was sitting around the table including Ryan, whose club name was Hitch. Apparently, he has had several wives in the past. He was sitting in my VP chair, he was the last VP and I was promoted to that chair as I thought he had died.

  “Hitch.” Prez nodded at him to move and he stood up and moved down the table to the next free seat. The Prez slammed the gavel down. “First, Titch is going to be fine. Luckily, the bullet didn’t hit anything major. He just lost some blood and the doc is getting him some more. Second, Hitch has been working undercover, he went to the Cardiff Carvers MC as a prospect. They have been the ones attacking the clubs down this way, the attack on the Pirates MC today was them. They are trying to gain territory, they think by taking out all of the Cornish clubs they can claim the southwest for themselves.”

  “Surely an undercover mission should be voted on?” Toes added.

  “Normally, yes. We were hit by these guys, they tried to take us out when we were on a run. Hitch had head trauma and was in a coma. We had this pact, like I do with all of you. He didn’t want Daisy to live on the hope that he’d recover, he wanted her to live her life, find someone else and be happy. When I got the call from the hospital weeks later that he was awake, he wanted revenge, he wanted to take this club down, he wanted to go undercover so we had the best chance of attacking them.”

  “Daisy already thought I had died, there was no good in telling her I survived to tell her I wasn’t coming back, and she couldn’t have gone with me.”

  “So what’s the deal with this woman in the cellar?” I asked.

  “I’ve spoken to Daisy, a while back we discovered that she couldn’t have children, we were going to find a surrogate but that takes time and we wanted a family. We had a deal and we picked someone, I fucked her a few times and we were lucky enough that she got pregnant. That’s the woman downstairs. Daisy said she has been watching her, she’s a druggie. Daisy locked her up, thinking that she would be helping the baby.”

  “Shit,” I cursed. “What now?” I focused on Prez.

  “I rode with the Cardiff Carvers MC here, my plan was to alert the Pirates MC but I couldn’t. Before I left, I anonymously posted all the details to the future plots, runs and dealings to the police along with past ones. Hopefully they’ll get picked up soon by the cops.”

  “Did they discover your ties here?” Prez asked him.

  “No, I stayed at the clubhouse all the time. Never let them onto anything, I claimed I had no one and I was one hundred percent committed to them.”

  “Good work.” Prez slammed the gavel down and we all filed out of the room. I needed a fucking drink. I headed towards the bar and before I sat on the stool Penny had a whiskey waiting for me. I grabbed it and downed it in one, hissing at the burning in the back of my throat.

  “Where’s Cammie?” I asked Ashlyn who was sitting at a table with Drake and Solar.

  “She’s with Titch.” I nodded and walked away, heading for his room. I knocked once on the door and walked in. Cammie was sitting on the edge of his bed, holding his hand. She was in black leggings and my hoodie, her hair was tied up and she smiled at me as I entered. I saw Titch’s wide eyes as he tried to retract his hand from Cammie’s. She released it and held her hand out for me. I stood by the side of her.

  “How you feeling?”

  “Pretty good, the doc fixed me up with some strong pain killers.”

  “I heard you protected my girl?”

  “He did, he made sure I was behind him when Daisy started waving the gun around and when the gun fell to the floor he pushed me out of the way.”

  “Thanks, man, I really appreciate it. You’re good for this club. I’m gonna talk to Prez about getting you patched in early. No promises though.”

  “Thanks I really appreciate it.” His words were slightly slurred and I could see he was getting tired.

  “We’ll let you sleep,” Cammie said as she squeezed his hand once more. By the time we had reached the door, his eyes were closed and he was snoring. “Take me home.” Cammie sighed as she leant in to my body.

  “My pleasure.” I tipped her chin up and kissed her.


  I stretched my arms above my head as I woke up, I looked to my left and was disappointed to see that I was in bed alone. We had stayed at the clubhouse last night after the party, Ashlyn and I had drunk loads and danced most of the night. Titch was managing to get around a bit better now with the help of crutches and the bunnies all tried to help him in any way they could, I couldn’t believe he was shot only a week ago. Hitch and Daisy were back together, she seemed like a completely different person than before and the girl who was carrying his baby was in a rehab centre, she wanted to get clean herself but couldn’t afford to. The deal was that they would pay for her to get clean and she had to sign the baby over to him once it was born and she agreed.

  I did a mental check before I attempted to get out of bed, yep my tongue felt fuzzy, my stomach churned and my head pounded. It was a great night. I forced myself out of bed so I could use the toilet, I breathed deeply as my stomach rolled. Was I going to be sick? I just needed something to settle my stomach and head.

  I routed through the wooden set of drawers in the bathroom, looking for some paracetamol when I froze. I came across my tampons and realised that I hadn’t needed them for a little while. Shit! What have I done? Could I be pregnant? I racked my brain trying to think back to when my last period was and for the life of me I couldn’t remember. I admit we were not always great at using protection and I hadn’t found time to get to the doctors to be put on the pill. Most of the time Mason would pull out, but even then, there’s a massive risk. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. How could I have let this happen? I needed to know. I stripped out of Mason’s t-shirt that I was wearing and slipped on some jeans and a t-shirt, threw my hair into a pony tail, grabbed my bag and keys and ran towards my car.

  “Cammie?” Ashlyn called out as I ran past. Shit, we were supposed to be having breakfast together. I couldn’t think about that now. The nearest shop was only ten minutes away and then I’d be back. I waited impatiently while Drake opened up the gate for me, I wound my window down as he waved at me to stop.

  “VP know you’re heading out?�
�� he asked.

  “I won’t be long. Couldn’t find him this morning.”

  “Early morning business to attend to.” I nodded my head, knowing that I shouldn’t ask any questions. I just wanted to get out of there, I felt sick at the thought that I could be pregnant, especially after all the alcohol I drank last night. Surely, if I was pregnant, the baby wouldn’t survive that. That thought alone made my stomach dip, I couldn’t lose another baby, I just couldn’t.

  I quickly ran into the shop, bought a couple of pregnancy tests and headed back for the clubhouse.

  “Wow, that was quick.” Drake laughed as he opened the gates for me. I smiled at him, parked my car and ran back to our room. I was hoping that Ashlyn hadn’t seen me coming back in.

  I paced the small bathroom trying not to look at the pregnancy test that was laid out by the sink. What was I going to do if it was positive? I looked at the time on my phone again, it was time to look at it. I took a deep breath in and picked up the test – negative. I exhaled, relief coursing through my body and disappointment, did this mean I wanted to have a baby? These tests weren’t always accurate so I decided to take the other one just in case. Those minutes were just as much agony as the last ones. When I picked up the test, my stomach dropped and I fell to my knees in front of the toilet, throwing up the food and drinks from last night. How was it positive? One negative and one positive? What did that mean? Shit! I closed the toilet seat and pulled the flush, I rinsed my mouth out and walked out into the bedroom to see Ashlyn standing there.

  “You ok?” she asked, looking concerned. I shook my head as tears began running down my face. “What’s happened?” She stalked towards me and wrapped me in her arms.

  “One’s negative and one’s positive.” I sobbed.

  “What?” She pushed me back so she could look at me. “You took a pregnancy test?” I nodded.

  “They’re in the bathroom but they say something different on each one.” I frantically tried wiping my tears away. She rushed into the bathroom and thirty seconds later, she appeared with them both in her hands.

  “Um… Cam, they are both positive.” She held them up to show me.

  “What?” I took them off her. “How is that possible?” I looked at them and then dropped them onto the bedside table.

  “Maybe you didn’t wait long enough.”

  “Oh God,” I cried, sitting on the edge of the bed and covering my face with my hands. I’m pregnant. Shit. Fuck. What was I going to do?

  “Are you ok?” Ashlyn asked as she placed her hand on my back. I shot up off the bed, shaking my head.

  “No. I drank so much last night. I don’t even remember getting into bed. I’ve probably already killed my baby.” I placed my hands on my tummy and prayed that this wasn’t true. “I’d be a terrible mum, I was a terrible mum. I lost him, he was taken from me and I couldn’t keep him alive. I’d lose this one too.” I was pacing in my bedroom as tears kept falling down my face.

  “You need to tell Holes.”

  “No. Not if the baby hasn’t survived, I couldn’t do that to him. He will never get to feel what it’s like to lose a child. He’d never forgive me. I have to go.” I grabbed my car keys and dashed out of the room, Ashlyn calling out my name behind me. I left everything else behind; my money and phone. I tapped my fingers impatiently on top of the steering wheel as I waited for Drake to open the gates. He leant down to talk to me again and I didn’t stop, I pushed my foot on the accelerator and shot away. I looked in my rear view mirror as I heard the roar of bikes, praying that Mason didn’t see my car driving away.

  I pulled my car up outside of Heather and Blade’s house. Her car wasn’t here but maybe I’d be lucky and she would be in. I pulled down the sun visor to look at my reflection in the small mirror, my eyes were red and puffy. There was no hiding the fact that I had been crying and she would have seen right through me anyway, I couldn’t keep anything away from her.

  I rushed up to the door and rung the door bell, no answer. I tried the door handle and it was locked. Shit. I’d try the clubhouse, if I could find it. Heather had explained where it was located and surprisingly it was easy to find.

  I stopped by the prospect who was by the gates, I didn’t recognise him so he must have been new.

  “What can I do for you, sweetness? You lost?” He smirked, the corner of his lips rising. In my rush to get out I forgot to put on my properties.

  “I’m here to see Heather, I’m Cammie.”

  “Does she know you’re coming?” I shook my head. “Sorry, babe. I can’t let you in.”

  “Is Blade here?” He shook his head. “Riz? Itch?” He shook his head. I covered my eyes with my hands, leaning my elbows on the steering wheel, what was I going to do?

  “Hold on, let me call the VP.” He walked over to his little hut and I could see his lips moving but couldn’t hear the conversation he was having. His head rose and he looked at me, smiling. “You can go on in!” he shouted as he pushed the gates open. I sighed in relief. When I rounded the corner and parked my car in the small parking area there was a guy with a shaved head leaning against the wall. I looked up to the old hotel and it didn’t look liveable, maybe the inside was better.

  “Hey, Cammie.” He lifted his head and smiled at me.

  “Wayne?” I asked, walking towards him.

  “Buzz is the name now,” he said as he scratched his fingers over his shaved head.


  “You looking for Heather?” I nodded. “She’s dropping the kids at nursery, she won’t be long. You wanna wait inside?” I shook my head. I wasn’t wearing my properties and I was a club whore for this club several months back, I didn’t want anyone thinking that was what I was there for. “If you head around the side of the building, there is a black door, that’s the entrance to Heather and Blade’s place. You can wait there.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled and headed in the direction he told me. I sat on the bottom step, pulled my legs up to my chest and placed my forehead on my knees and let the tears fall. I didn’t know how I was going to do this, I’d be a wreck, always panicking that something was wrong.

  “Cammie?” I looked up to see Heather standing in front of me, her smile dropped from her face when she saw the look on mine. Her wavy brown hair blew in the slight breeze and she rushed towards me. “What’s wrong? What’s happened?”

  “I…” I shook my head, I couldn’t say the words, not again. I placed my hand on my tummy hoping she’d get what I was saying.

  “Ahhh!” she screamed happily. “You’re pregnant?” She grabbed my arm and pulled me to stand up so she could hug me and as soon as her arms were around me, I lost it and cried. “Hey, what’s all this? You not happy about it?” I shrugged my shoulders. “Let’s go upstairs. You’ll have to excuse the mess, we’re still trying to get this place liveable.”

  She unlocked the black door and we walked up a flight of stairs to where there was another door, she unlocked that one and pushed it open. We came right into the living room, it was huge and the windows carried across the whole front of the building. To the left was the kitchen, then to the right there was a small hallway that I guessed led to the bedrooms.

  “Wow, Heather, this is amazing.” It was in the middle of being re-decorated, there was only fold up chairs to sit on and a kettle and mugs in the kitchen.

  “It will be great once it’s done. Kade will be on hand for the club but he won’t have to stay away from us either. Now, come and sit down and talk to me.”

  We sat in the fold up chairs opposite each other and Heather reached forward and grabbed my hand.

  “You don’t want to have the baby?”

  “I’d never get an abortion… I want the baby, I just don’t want to be pregnant and I don’t want to be responsible for keeping him or her alive. I’ve already failed at that once.” A sob rose in my throat and I took a deep breath to try and calm myself down.

  “Cammie, that wasn’t your fault. That was the dickhead who let
you fall down the stairs, he left you and didn’t help you. You did everything right, your baby boy was healthy.”

  “I’m so scared,” I whispered.

  “I was scared, do you remember? When my waters broke, you delivered my son. You were calm and collected, you saved him.” The sobs escaped, I acted calm but I was terrified that Liam wasn’t going to be moving when Heather gave birth, I was terrified that it would take me back to the time and place when I looked at my son who looked like he was sleeping, but he wasn’t breathing. He was cold and not moving. Then happiness soared through my body when Liam let out his first cry, clenching his fists. I didn’t want Heather to experience what I went through, I wouldn’t wish that upon my worst enemy.

  “You can do this, you’re strong enough. Besides you have me and Mason this time. We are here for you, always.”


  I hated sneaking out of the clubhouse before Cammie was awake, she looked sexy as sin sleeping with sex crazed hair and in one of my t-shirts. I wanted to crawl under the covers and wake her up in a great way, an orgasm was always the best way to start the day.

  I had a surprise for her and I wanted to get it sorted before she came home. I walked into our house and was greeted by barking dogs.

  “Hi, you two. Come on, out in the garden.” I tried to step around Dusty without stomping on her. They both shot out in the garden once the patio doors were open, I left the door ajar so they could come in and out as they pleased. It was a sunny morning and I enjoyed the sun on my face as a smoked the first cigarette of the day. I needed coffee too. I stepped back into the house and flicked the switch to the kettle on. While that was boiling, I put my plan into action. I moved the sofa to the back wall and placed the blow up bed in the middle of the room, I set out all the candles and the bottle of wine. This time I had it in an ice bucket as it was a warm day and I wasn’t sure when she would be getting here.


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