South Coast Brothers: Part One

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South Coast Brothers: Part One Page 70

by Hamford, Kacey

  I watched as Rayna handed Beauty another glass of prosecco. I wanted my girl to have a good time tonight but I didn’t want her so drunk that we couldn’t celebrate together tonight.

  “Hey.” She complained as I took the glass out of her hand.

  “I don’t want you passing out on me princess, unless it’s an effect of an orgasm.”

  “Come and dance with me.”

  “You know I don’t do the whole dancing thing.” I placed her glass back on the bar.

  “So, you want me to go and dance by myself.” She started swaying her body to the music. “I’ll go and find Rayna to dance with.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “Uh, princess. Rayna is looking a little busy.” Beauty spun on the spot and gasped when we saw her dancing and kissing Ice.

  “Oh, I didn’t know they liked each other.”

  “Can we make our escape now? Please?” She nodded her head and I didn’t hesitate in picking her up and carrying her off. We departed to sounds of cheering and clapping.

  “What made you change your mind about us?” I asked as I stepped over the threshold to our bedroom and placed her on her feet.

  “I’ve loved you for a long time.” She said as she walked to behind me and pulled my jacket off from over my shoulders. “Since that first time I saw you in Skins I was intrigued by you and once I had you inside of me I was hooked.” She whispered that last part in my ear causing my skin to pebble.

  “Why fight it for so long?” She walked back around to stand in front of me and started undoing the buttons on my shirt.

  “I was scared.” She shrugged. “I didn’t want my heart broken and I thought you just wanted sex.”

  “I’ll admit at first that was why I wanted you here. But you put me under a spell princess, I couldn’t think about being with anyone else. I have a serious case of blue balls over here.” I laughed.

  “Well, let me help you with that.” Her hands went to my jeans and she yanked my belt apart before undoing the button and pulling down my zip. How was I standing in front of her with my shirt and jeans undone and she was still perfectly dressed?

  “How about you slip out of those heels?”

  “You don’t want me to keep them on? Like before?”

  “No, before we were fucking. Tonight I’m going to make love to you and I want nothing between us. Skin on skin.”

  She stepped back and flicked her heels off, causing them both to fly across the room. She giggled and there was nothing sexier than that sound. I gathered her dress up in my hands and slowly pulled it off over her head. Her hair bounced around her shoulders, covering her now naked breasts.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” I had to check that she was ok. I’d wait if she wanted me to.

  “I want you.” She whispered. Her tongue peeked out of her mouth and swiped over her bottom lip. I couldn’t resist her anymore. I cupped her cheek in my hand and covered her lips with mine. The lip gloss that she had been wearing tasted of cherries.

  She fisted her hands in my open shirt and started backing up towards the bed, I didn’t realise we were so close to it and we both lost our balance and fell.

  We parted in fits of laughter. Everything was so relaxed and easy with Beauty. The situation turned serious when she reached into my bedside drawer and retrieved a condom.

  “I said I didn’t want anything between us.”

  “I’m not ready to be pregnant again. Not yet.” I nodded my understanding as I knelt up on the bed and yanked my shirt off as Beauty tugged at my jeans until they had fallen to my thighs. I jumped off the bed and kicked my jeans and boxers off.

  “Now your turn.” I nodded towards her panties. My eyes were fixed on her little body as she wiggled her way out of them. That was sexy as hell.

  I gripped her left ankle in my hand and started to explore her body, running my stubbled chin over her soft, smooth skin. Her moans and writhing body made me want to slam inside of her, but we were taking it slow tonight.

  “Ryder, please?” She moaned as she fisted the sheet in her hands as I reached the apex of her thighs. Her scent was intoxicating and I was dying for a taste. But her calling my name out like that almost had me cuming all over her sweet arse.

  “We’re taking it slow, princess.” She shook her head, causing her hair to fly over the pillow.

  “Slow another day, I need you, please?” She pleaded. I rose and loomed over her, pushing her thighs further apart with mine. She grabbed the condom from the bed and tore it open with her teeth. The desire in her eyes told me exactly what she wanted. She rolled the condom over me and I was surprised I didn’t come then and there.

  She linked her fingers into my hair and pulled me closer, our kiss started off slowly before the desire overtook and I was between her thighs, filling her. Heat and power radiated between us both as our lips fused together. Wildness brewed beneath the gentleness as she matched my rhythm.

  My lips flitted across her collarbone and down to her pink, pebbled nipples. I sucked one into my mouth and she cried out in pleasure. She tightened around me so I did it again before releasing her and looking at her. Her head was thrown back into the pillow and her eyes were at half mast. I surged forwards once more, causing her to cry out my name. Her heat engulfed me, causing my release to follow hers. We were both panting as I stilled above her.

  “Look at me.” I muttered. Her eyes slowly opened and a gorgeous smile covered her lips. “Are you ok?”

  “Better than ok.” She pulled at the back of my neck once again so she could kiss me and I didn’t disappoint her. She mewled as I pulled out of her.

  “I’ve just gotta get rid of this. Climb into bed.” I climbed off the bed, removed the condom and tied a knot in the end before flushing it down the toilet. I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard before, maybe there was something to this making love after all.


  I was enjoying being cuddled up with Riz when there was a loud bang on our door that caused me to squeal.

  “Church!” Someone yelled from the other side.

  “Sorry, princess. I can’t make the Prez wait.” Riz leaned over and gave me a kiss before jumping out of bed.

  “It’s ok. I’m starving anyway.” I swung my legs over the side of the bed and reached for my clothes. I chucked on my leggings and hoodie for now, I’d shower after I ate.

  “Build up an appetite did we?” Riz laughed as he pulled me up from my sitting position on the bed so he could kiss me once more.

  “Something like that. Go on, go, you’ll be the last one there.” I pushed him out of the door first before I headed towards the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks when I could hear crying. I rounded the corner into the bar to see Tia, Naomi, Sara and Becky standing there. They were all crying. I ran over to them.

  “What’s happened? What’s wrong?” I asked as Heather had her arms wrapped around Tia.

  “We’re all pregnant.” Naomi told me.

  “What? How far along?”

  “We’re not sure.” Tia cried. “We haven’t been with anyone else since…”

  “Shit, this happened when you were…” They nodded.

  “Now, I know this has been a shock to you all.” Heather started saying as she steered them towards a table big enough to seat us all. I held onto Naomi’s hand as support. “We need to get the doc here to do some tests and find out how far along you all are, so you can decide what action to take.”

  “I’m not keeping it.” Sara stated.

  “Me neither.” Becky added.

  “Now, let’s not rush a decision. You have to take some time to think about this.” Heather explained.

  “I am not having a baby that was conceived through rape!” Sarah shouted as she climbed to her feet.

  “What’s going on?” Blade asked as he ambled over towards us.

  “We’re going to need the doc here, as soon as possible.” He nodded and looked over his shoulder.

  “Buzz, call the doc.”

�� He nodded his head before pulling out his phone, hitting a few buttons before placing it to his ear.

  “Now why are we getting the doc here?” Blade asked Heather again.

  I looked over his shoulder to see Riz looking at me. He shot his chin in the air, asking me to go over to him.

  “I’ll be right back.” I squeezed Naomi’s hand once more before standing up.

  As I got close to Riz he pulled me in even closer and claimed my lips in front of everyone.

  “I’ve got an errand to run at Skins. I shouldn’t be more than an hour.”

  “Can I come?” I asked eagerly. I hadn’t been back since that night and I’d heard that the place had some work done on it.

  “You really want to go back there? Won’t that upset you?”

  “Nope. Cuz I’ll have you with me. Nothing can break us.” I stretched up on my toes to give him another quick kiss. “I just need a quick shower. Can you make me some toast please? I’ll eat it on the way.”

  “Only if you’re quick.”

  “I’ll be in and out. Promise.” I ran off in the direction of the bedrooms. I felt bad for leaving the girls, but there was nothing I could do to help at the minute. I’d be there for them if and when they needed me. Making the decision to abort or keep a baby conceived through rape must be one of the hardest life decisions to make.

  Riz pulled into the car park at Skins and I was still gripping hold of him tight.

  “Princess, you can let go now.” He laughed as he removed his helmet. I loosened my grip and relaxed slightly. That was the first time that I had been on the back of a bike and it scared me a little. “Hop off.” He instructed me with a gentle tap on my thigh.

  I lowered my foot to the floor and used his shoulders to help steady me as I swung my leg over the seat. He took my helmet from me and hung it off his handlebars along with his.

  “How was your first ride, princess?” He stood in front of me and clasped his hands on my hips.

  “A little scary.” I whispered as my eyes dropped to the floor.

  “You’ll get used to it.” He laughed. “Come on.” He grabbed my hand and led me up the path to the front door. A scary looking guy was standing there with his arms folded over his chest.

  “Dan.” Riz nodded at him. He looked us over and then stepped to the side so we could go in. Riz kept hold of my hand and I was surprised at how different the place looked. I glanced over my shoulder to the back rooms and the door was no longer there. It had been boarded up.

  “What happened to the back rooms?” I asked as we stopped near the bar.

  “Prez decided they weren’t needed. Too much danger for the girls.” I nodded in agreement, it was best for the girls but I also knew that a lot of them needed that extra money to survive.

  “Hey, Riz. What can I get you?” I spun around as I heard that voice. “Beauty.” He smiled at me.

  “What’s he doing here?” I asked Riz, not looking at Anton.

  “He works here, princess.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He was one of the guys that was supposed to protect us girls and yet he stood to the side and let Parker attack me, all for some extra money.

  “You trust him to protect these girls?” Because I certainly didn’t. I was now worried about their safety. Would some guy come in and flash a bit of cash at Anton and he’d let them take one of the girls outside and have his way with her. Him working at Skins had me feeling uneasy.

  Riz wrapped his arm around my waist and led me away from the bar.

  “Princess, we recruited new security. Anton was told he could have a job behind the bar only. These girls are very well protected, I promise you.”

  “I don’t like the fact that he is here.”

  “I know, but he has a family to support. He just found out that his wife is pregnant.”

  “At least he’ll be able to buy it something new with the money he made from Parker.” I scoffed.

  “Princess…” Riz started saying when he got cut off.

  “Beauty!” A high pitched voice travelled across the room. I glanced over Riz’s shoulder to see a head full of blonde curls bounding this way. I stepped away from Riz as I was engulfed in a massive hug from Cici.

  “Oh my god, I didn’t know you’d be here.” I smiled at her as we seperated.

  “Yeah, I work here full time now. After what happened to you a few of the girls left. Are you ok?” I smiled and nodded my head.

  “Princess, I’ll just be over there. Stay where I can see you.” I nodded my head before he claimed my lips and ambled over to a couple of men that were dressed in black trousers and white shirts.

  “Mmm, he’s yummy. You finally settled down?” She asked.

  “Yeah. I stopped fighting it and gave in to love.” A big ridiculous smile graced my face as I looked over to Riz.

  “Let’s get a drink.” She steered me over towards the bar and ordered two tequilas.

  “It’s a bit early isn’t it?” I glanced at the clock behind the bar to see that it was just past ten in the morning.

  “It’s never too early.” She picked her glass up and downed the shot. I didn’t touch mine so she swiped that one off the bar top and slung it back her throat.

  “Don’t you want to do something better with your life?” I asked as I looked around at the dark bar.

  “Nope. Oh, I gotta get back to work. Catch up soon.” She hugged me briefly before strutting her way over to a group of lads. Why were they in a strip club so early?

  I was standing with my back against the bar watching a girl I didn’t recognise dance on stage, while I was waiting on Riz to be finished with his business.

  “Hey sexy.” A guy slurred as he stood in front of me. “How about a lap dance.”

  “No.” I shook my head and he advanced on me. Pinning me to the bar, caging me in.

  “If I’m paying for it, then I’ll get what I want.” He growled at me. A cold dread filled my entire body and I began to panic. I looked to my right and Riz was nowhere to be seen. Shit. My breathing became erratic and I thought I was about to hyperventilate when all of a sudden the guy wasn’t there anymore.

  Anton had him held by the front of his shirt.

  “Have you heard of the Devon Destroyers MC?” He asked him. The guy nodded. “Well, you just tried helping yourself to one of their Old Ladies.” Anton looked at me and told me to turn around. I turned my back to show this guy my leather cut.

  “Oh shit.” The guy had turned pale and seemed to sober up rather quickly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any harm.” he held his hands up in surrender.

  “What makes you think you can hit on any woman and she just has to go with it?” I snapped.”No, means no. Asshole.”

  “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  “Too right it won’t. You’re not welcome back here.” Anton told him as he dragged him towards the door and kicked him out.

  I breathed a sigh of relief once he was removed and I could see Riz in my sight again. He looked over to me and smiled, holding up his fingers to tell me that he’d be two minutes. I nodded back and smiled at him.

  “You ok?” Anton asked as he rounded back behind the bar.

  “Don’t for one minute think that makes up for what you did previously.” I stated.

  “I don’t. Beauty, I know what I did was wrong and I’m very sorry for that…”

  “I bet the big payout helped.” I cut him off. “How much was I worth anyway?”

  “He gave me five hundred.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him. As I was about to walk away he carried on talking. “I didn’t keep it. I gave it to the local women’s rape and abuse centre.”

  “That clear your conscious, did it? Help you sleep at night?”


  “Good. Because I don’t sleep at night. You know what happens when I close my eyes? I see you stepping aside and letting him drag me in there when I begged and pleaded for help. I feel the heartbreak for the baby that I lost because he was so rough with
me. But you were ok, you had a family to go home to and I hear congratulations are in order, a new baby on the way.”

  “He threatened my family. I had to protect them. I’ll never forgive myself for what happened.”

  “Do you know what? I don’t care. I avoided you when you had to stay at the clubhouse and I won’t be back here again. If you happen to see me, steer clear of me. I don’t even want you to talk to me.”


  “Ready to go, princess?” Riz asked as he walked towards me.

  “Yes. Let’s go home.” He flung his arm around my shoulder and said his goodbye to Anton as we walked towards the exit of the club.


  I woke up to the glorious sight of Beauty riding my cock. Her tits were bouncing and her eyes were closed. She was sexy as hell and I couldn’t resist pounding up into her. She gasped as her eyes popped open and smiled at me.

  “Again.” She demanded.

  My hands smoothed up her pale thighs until I clasped hold of her hips. I kept her still as my hips jutted forwards. Her mouth formed an ‘o’ shape and I imagined her warm wet mouth surrounding my cock.

  We both moved together, frantic in racing to the finish. I pressed my thumb onto her clit and that made her explode. Her walls were squeezing around and I had to use all the willpower I had to pull out of her and shoot my release over her pale silky skin instead of inside her body like I so desperately wanted to do. But she was right, we had only just stopped fighting our love and we wanted some quality time together before we started extending our family.

  Once her body stopped trembling she fell against my chest and I held her there.

  “Now, that’s a very nice way to wake up.” I chuckled.

  “Glad you approved.” She yawned.

  “No going back to sleep. I have a surprise for you.” I slapped her on the bum and she yelped in surprise, sitting back up, with her legs straddling my hips. I held on to her as I swung my legs over the side of the bed and climbed to my feet.

  “I need to get my dirty girl all clean.” I chuckled.


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