The Iron Bound

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The Iron Bound Page 29

by J. M. Briggs

  A coffee table was pushed to the side and a young blond boy dressed in shorts and a plain white shirt was sitting in the middle of the empty space. He was breathing slowly and deeply with closed eyes. A faint aura of magic surrounded him and Alex stilled as she recognized a young Arthur. Alex cursed loudly, knowing they wouldn’t hear her.

  With guarded blue eyes, the small boy looked up towards her and Alex gasped in surprise. It took her a moment to hear the person moving behind her and realize that he was really looking at them. Jumping to the side, she half tripped through an armchair as she turned to find Scáthbás looming over the boy. She didn’t look any older Alex realized curiously, and she wondered if Scáthbás had made her human body half Sídhe. Were she and Arthur immortal like Merlin and Morgana?

  The thought was frightening and Alex was half aware that her mind was jumping all over. There was so much to process, but she forced herself to focus on Arthur. He slammed his eyes closed as Scáthbás came closer and the glow around him brightened. Magic flowed over Arthur’s fingertips, but unlike the bright white that Alex had been familiar with his magic was darker and duller.

  “Focus!” Scáthbás smacked his head sharply. “White! I said white!”

  “I’m trying!”

  Scáthbás’ human blue eyes flashed and she leaned down to strike the boy across the face. The sound of flesh meeting flesh resonated in the room, and a bright red mark was left on the boy’s face as the magic around him dimmed. Reaching out, Scáthbás gripped Arthur’s hair and tugged his head back.

  “Focus Arthur! You’ll have to do battle with your magic in the future. A small pat on the cheek is nothing!”

  The off white magic flared again and brightened only a little more, but Alex could tell that the boy had lost control. His features tightened up as he fought to keep the magic manifested, but an exhausted gasp escaped him. Around him, the aura began to dim.

  “Does it really matter?” Arthur’s off white magic faded and he scowled at his mother. “I mean it’s hard for me to control the color it manifests. Can’t I just do it normally?”

  “Arthur, what color was Arto’s magic?” Scáthbás folded her arms across her chest and gave the boy a dark look.

  “White,” he answered with a soft sigh and a nod. “I understand mother.” He lowered his eyes and bit his bottom lip, holding back the tears that Alex could see glistening in his blue eyes. The angry red mark across his cheek seemed even brighter now.

  “Oh, my dear little boy.” Scáthbás dropped her knees next to him and gently rubbed his head, combing her fingers through his hair. “It’s important that Morgana and Merlin truly believe you are the Iron Soul.”

  “I’m sorry.” Arthur lowered his head. “There isn’t much magic and it feels…”

  “You have a great challenge ahead of you, Arthur.” Scáthbás wrapped an arm around him, rocking the boy gently. “Your power is… well, it is stolen, to be frank. Stolen from that Sídhe descendant who could not use it and powered by the earth thanks to the trickery of the Iron Chain. You weren’t a mage in your former life and I know it is a great change, but you will master it. I know that you will.”

  “But will it be enough?”

  “It will have to be,” Scáthbás murmured. “My spies watch those damned Abominations. They are already waiting for their precious Iron Soul to return. Don’t worry my boy, we’ll trick them. We’ve both waited too long to fail now.”

  “Yes Mother,” Arthur answered with a nod, eyeing the floor. “Do- do you think I’ll ever remember everything?”

  “I’ve told you to embrace the dreams,” Scáthbás said. “If you let them in then yes, you will remember everything about your life as Medraut. You will understand why this is all so important.” Scáthbás leaned over and kissed his forehead. “Never forget Arthur that you are my Chosen One. You are my Prince. My Champion and our salvation.”

  The scene was too much for Alex and she turned and started walking blindly out of the living room. If a person hadn’t been listening to Scáthbás they might think that she was a doting mother by how she held Arthur. Of course, she’d struck him only moments before so Alex knew better. Holding back a shudder, Alex felt a rush of bile in her throat at the hint of what Morgana’s childhood had been like. There was a rush of sadness and anger that Alex wasn’t completely sure was just her own.

  Shaking her head, Alex looked around the entryway of the house and looked out the stained glass windows that surrounded the front door. A man with a dog was walking past and his image was distorted by the glass. Then it distorted even more and Alex straightened up and looked around at the house. Everything was shifting again. Alex focused on the sensation of her magic, feeling it fluttering over her skin again even as the cold jolt from the Iron Chain made her shiver.

  The transition felt rougher this time with the icy pull of the chain rattling her whole body. Fear flashed through Alex and for the first time since she’d started the series of visions she had to wonder if connecting herself to the Iron Chain had been safe. It was silly to think of an object as evil, but the familiar thrum of her own magic tainted with all that horrible intent made her feel sick. As her knees trembled the world came back into focus, and Alex found herself back in the same entry hall just as the door opened.

  Arthur stepped inside and dropped a backpack on the floor, and Alex swallowed down a rush of emotions at the sight of him. He was a bit younger than she’d known him with a hint of baby fat still on his features, but he already had those familiar broad shoulders. Despite knowing that she was less than a ghost to them, Alex flinched back from him.

  He moved right past her, heading into the living room. After a moment of hesitation and a tug in her gut, Alex followed him. The living room was virtually unchanged except for a few upgrades on the electronics. Scáthbás was lounging in an armchair with a book in her hands. Arthur shrugged out of an unfamiliar leather jacket and tossed it over the back of the sofa. Scáthbás raised an eyebrow at him and closed her book with a deliberate thud, setting it to the side.

  “Well?” She regally folded her hands in front of her.

  “It went fine,” Arthur assured her with a hint of distaste on his face. “I’m certain that she’s the right one.” He met his mother’s eyes and smirked. “Jennifer Sanchez. All the signs and scrying point to her.”

  “It’s important that she falls in love with you,” Scáthbás said. Her tone was almost urgent.

  “Don’t worry Mother.” Arthur chuckled, running a hand through his hair. “A little bit of magic and a lot of charm. She was practically panting for me by the time I dropped her off.”

  “Good,” Scáthbás demurred.

  She stood up and stepped forwards Arthur. Alex blinked as Scáthbás moved very close to him and paused only inches from him. Scáthbás ran a long fingernail down Arthur’s jaw with a small smirk tugging at her bright red lips. Arthur returned the smirk and shifted a little closer to her as Alex’s eyes widened and she backed up so quickly that she stumbled back through the armchair. Scáthbás’ other hand twisted in Arthur’s hair and tugged him down, meeting his lips in a bruising kiss.

  “Oh God!” Alex closed her eyes and rubbed them as a rush of illness churned in her gut. Her legs threatened to give out. “I’ve kissed that guy!”

  “Just remember my precious boy that the little girl is just a pawn,” Scáthbás breathed a moment later. Alex dared to open her eyes, but it wasn’t safe as Scáthbás was brushing her lips teasingly against Arthur’s as her hands traced the muscles of his chest. “Keep her happy and in love, but don’t forget your Queen.”

  “Like I ever could forget you.” Arthur grasped Scáthbás’ hips and pulled her against him. “She’s just a little girl after all.”

  “That’s my darling.” Scáthbás smiled and toyed with Arthur’s hair again. “I recall you telling me that you left her panting for you.”

  “I’m certain of it,” Arthur bragged. “By the time everything comes together she’ll be comp
letely mine. The Abomination will have no doubt that I’m his precious Iron Soul.”

  “Such a clever, resourceful boy,” Scáthbás cooed. “I should reward you.”

  “Yes my Queen,” Arthur breathed eagerly. “You should.”

  They sank down on the couch together, limbs already intertwining and lips joined again. Alex bolted through the wall into the kitchen, ignoring the painful sharp tug in her gut as her magic tried to pull her back towards Arthur. Bile was filling her throat as her mind unhelpfully reminded her that, before the soul and Sídhe flesh fusion, the infant Scáthbás had used had been the biological child of Elaine Pendred.

  “Shut up brain!” Alex closed her eyes and shook her head, desperate to rid herself of the sight. It was burned onto her inner eyelids. “Get out get out get out get out! I’m ready to go, come on help me out here magic. Time to wake up or move on!”

  Maybe it really was time or maybe her own magic was reacting to her desperation as a long moan filled the room, because a moment Alex felt a rush of vertigo. The room around her faded to black and she began to fall.


  The Dvergr

  115 C.E. Sør-Trøndelag, Norway

  Thor drew his sword slowly, trying to not make a sound as he eyed the Dvergr in front of him. It was all strange enough to distract him from the fact he was underground. He focused on the movement of the Dark Elves within the settlement and the placement of the buildings. Parts of what he could see were messy, but further from them just at the edge of the torchlight, he could see signs of construction and a much straighter and stronger building taking form. They were becoming more organized, and the idea chilled them.

  “Careful.” Merlin moved to push Thor back.

  Everything happened at once: Thor’s foot slipped and his knee crashed into the stone, pulling a loud curse from him that drew the attention of the Dark Elves at the same time that the odd creature took a swing at the nearest one. A hammer crashed into the stomach of the Dark Elf sending it staggering back, but then the Dvergr hesitated, looking back towards one of the huts. He began to move towards it, but over a dozen Dark Elves suddenly rushed out of the darkness.

  Thor gasped softly as he saw them. Their eyes were glowing slightly in the darkness before they burst into the light. One of them grabbed a torch and extinguished it against the stone floor and another made a move towards another torch. This seemed to make up the Dvergr’s mind and it spun around, starting to run towards them. A ball of fire spun through the air and exploded against one of the Dark Elves making him stumble back into one of the buildings. It burst into flames, bathing the whole cave in a red glow as the smoke began to thicken.

  “Morgana!” Merlin’s green magic sailed through the air as dozens of green darts. “Watch it! We need to breathe long enough to get out!”

  The Dvergr looked towards their voices, ducking under one of the Dark Elves as it tried to grab him and hurried towards them. Thor licked his lips and pulled on his magic, grateful when it responded despite his locked knees. A bolt of lightning flashed off his fingertips and struck one of the Dark Elves that was closing in on the Dvergr. Then the Dvergr rushed past them, glancing towards Thor with confusion, worry, and curiosity all flickering in its dark eyes.

  Bolts of silver and green sailed through the air and struck the first of the Dark Elves rushing them. Both creatures shrieked and collapsed to the ground, convulsing as they began to vanish while their fellows just kept charging. There were more of them now, pouring in all around them like water into a hole.

  “Fall back, Morgana!” Merlin shouted while still releasing waves of green magic.


  “Do you mean to be inside the caverns when this becomes too much and it collapses?!” Merlin grabbed Morgana’s arm, dragging her back.

  The word collapse sent a bolt of terror down Thor’s spine and when Merlin looked his way he was already moving back the way they’d come. Up ahead he could hear the Dvergr moving through the tunnels and frantically followed. His lungs were tight like someone was sitting on his chest, and in the corners of his eyes, he could see the cave walls threatening to close. As the glow of the fire vanished behind the first curves of the tunnel Thor had to stop himself long enough to create a small orb of light.

  Breathing out, Thor was torn between relief at the light and another jolt of terror as the stone walls came into view. A shout behind him spurred Thor into action. He struggled with his footing going up the slope but scrambled his way up. Thankfully the route out was easy without any large branches. He caught sight of the Dvergr up ahead and sped up as fresh air washed over his face. With a final burst of speed, Thor climbed the last slope of the cave and sucked in a deep breath as he all but fell out of the cave.

  The Dvergr rushed out into the sunlight ahead of Thor but shrank back from the sun a moment later as he covered his eyes. Around them, a fierce wind was blowing, making the trees quake and bend. There was a hint of a storm on the wind and Thor thought he could smell energy building in the air: a thunderstorm then. He risked a look up at the sky and smiled gratefully. Indeed, dark clouds were rolling towards them, contrasting with the bright blue sky and shining sun overhead.

  Thor’s knees almost gave out on him as he moved away from the tunnel and inhaled the sweet air of the outside. The sky above his head was most welcome, and the trees around him felt comforting rather than confining even as they reached up far above him. His relief must have been clear because the Dvergr looked at him a bit oddly, so Thor tried to calm his expression and straightened up. Turning back towards the entrance he tried not to feel ill at the sight of the small hole in the mountain.

  “Keep moving!” Merlin ordered behind him. “We need some room to fight!”

  “Fight,” Thor repeated dumbly, still feeling out of breath.

  Nonetheless, Thor shifted back away from the entrance. Then the wind on his face gave Thor another burst of energy and he tightened his grasp on the sword. Magic sparked in his left hand around the orb he was still clutching. He felt stronger, and he inhaled deeply. The air tasted of lightning and for a moment he thought it was magic sparking in his hand, but a distant rumble reminded him that the storm was coming. Around them, the wind was picking up and Thor ground his feet into the soil as he eyed the cave entrance.

  The Dvergr grunted and raised his hammer to fight rather than fleeing. Despite not being sure what the creature was, Thor felt his respect for it rising. Sounds from the tunnel forced him to turn his gaze back towards it. His stomach shifted uncomfortably, but the smell of the storm reassured him that he wasn’t in the cave. A Dark Elf climbed out of the entrance with flashing, dark purple eyes. In the strong light, Thor could properly see the being, and he drew back in surprise. No longer were they fair creatures like Frea, but the dark lines he observed when they’d first entered the world had spread completely over their skin leaving it a dark, shimmering gray color. Its cheekbones were more prominent and its lips had turned a dark silver color.

  Thor raised his hand and allowed the magic orb to flare between his fingers. Light flashed around Morgana’s hand and Thor saw it transform into a ball of fire cradled in her palm. Merlin brought his hands forward with green sparks flashing around it as two more Dark Elves climbed out. They lingered in the shadow of the mountain, watching them all carefully.

  “Let’s just collapse it,” Morgana growled to Merlin.

  “No!” The Dvergr turned towards them in horror, making Thor hesitate.

  “Morgana, we don’t know enough yet.” Merlin’s eyes moved pointedly towards the Dvergr and Morgana made a tiny nod.

  As another Dark Elf came out, Morgana unleashed a bolt of magic at the first one. It dodged it for the most part but screamed as the magic tore across its arm. Another one snarled at them and all three moved forward. As they stepped out of the shadow of the mountain and into the sunlight all three froze in place. Blinking, Thor looked at them in confusion as expressions of panic took over their features. Their skin was lighte
ning in the sun and after a moment he realized that their clothing was turning the same gray color. Strange panicked noises escaped the creatures from barely moving lips, but then they were silenced. They eyes and faces turned a dull gray and all the life vanished from them.

  For a long moment, no one moved. Thor was still bracing himself and felt the magic in his hand begin to vibrate faster and faster. Little shocks were traveling up his hand and through his arm. Risking a glance towards Merlin, Thor opened his hand and released the built up magic in a brilliant bolt of lightning. It hit the first of the Dark Elves, which exploded into a shower of rock and dust, crumbling to the ground.

  “What the-” Thor stuttered, taking a step back.

  He heard the Dvergr grumble something but didn’t look away from the other two stone figures. Blinking his eyes, Thor waited for something else to happen. They were still Dark Elves, but they weren’t moving. They were stone, surely this couldn’t be real. Yet Merlin moved forward with a thoughtful frown on his face. Morgana’s magic flared and she extended both hands, ready to defend them if necessary. But nothing happened even as Merlin stood right beside the figures.


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