Animal’s Reformation

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Animal’s Reformation Page 10

by Wilder, Chiah

  “He’ll be coming over to take our drink order.” Olivia laughed.

  “He better, or I’m returning this blouse,” Kennedy said, fingering the hem of her low-cut, form-fitting red top.

  Olivia giggled. “I’d be so self-conscious wearing that. I wish I had your confidence.” She pushed up the spaghetti strap on her blue jewel-toned silky top.

  Kennedy shrugged. “I like the attention. I never had much of it growing up—busy parents obsessed with their careers. Boo-hoo … poor me.” She patted her shoulder in mock comfort. “I’m sure your psych prof would have a field day with that one.” She laughed.

  Too loudly, Olivia thought. Kennedy always acted like she was immune to falling in love, getting hurt, or caring if a guy ghosted her, but Olivia had suspected it was an armor she’d put on to protect herself from heartache and feelings. She was so worried about her friend’s reckless and destructive behavior with men, but whenever she tried to broach the subject with Kennedy, her friend would make a joke of it, masking the vulnerable little girl inside her.

  “So, what does Ivy mean by ‘rough sex’?” Kennedy asked again.

  “Yeah, that’s what we were talking about. Now you can’t say anything to anyone.” Olivia knew Kennedy would keep a secret until death, but she still felt the need to say it.

  “Of course.” Her friend leaned in closer to her.

  “Sickles likes Ivy to be immobile, like totally tied up with a belt around her neck.”

  “That’s fucking kinky. I didn’t think Ivy was into that.”

  “She’s not. She told me that Sickles will just stand back and watch her like that for a long time, then he flips her around and fucks her like a madman—her words, not mine.” Olivia shuddered.

  “Does he tighten the belt around her neck?”

  Olivia shook her head. “No. It seems that he’s just into the visual image of something around her throat and her not being able to move. Total weirdo.”

  “Why the fuck does she let him do that if she’s not enjoying it?” Kennedy asked.

  “The better question is, why the fuck is she with him?”

  “Why is she?”

  Olivia shrugged. “Any time I’ve asked her that, she simply tells me that the kinky sex is just a small part of their relationship, and that he’s a very nice and caring man.”

  “She’s got to dump him. I knew something was off with that guy.”

  “What can I get you ladies?” The bartender focused his gaze on Kennedy’s cleavage.

  She moved in further over the counter. “A black Russian, a vodka martini, and a white wine spritzer.” Kennedy ran the tip of her tongue over her top lip. “Please.”

  A wide grin cracked the sandy-haired bartender’s face. “Anything for you, babe.”

  Olivia rolled her eyes and shifted where she stood, trying to ease the ache in the balls of her feet. The strappy black stilettos were an extravagant purchase, but they were definitely sitting shoes only. Teetering on them, she leaned to the side and bumped against the man standing next to her.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled.

  When he turned to look at her, his eyes widened as they lingered on her chest. Self-conscious, Olivia folded her arms across her breasts. The man’s chuckle pricked her nerves and she pivoted away from him.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” he asked, now fully facing her.

  “No thanks,” she said, looking at the bottles on the shelves behind the bar.

  “Why not?”

  Olivia gave him a sidelong glance. “Because I don’t want one.”

  “Then why the fuck are you standing by the bar?”

  “I should’ve said that I don’t want one from you.”

  “Feisty, aren’t you? I’ve never seen you in here before,” the dark-haired man said.

  Olivia ignored him and picked up one of the cocktail napkins the bartender had put in front of her and Kennedy, and began tearing it into little pieces. A clean-cut guy in black pants and a silver button-down shirt with black pinstripes was talking up a storm with Kennedy. Olivia glanced over at the bartender, wondering how long it could possibly take to make three simple drinks.

  She tugged at the hem of her skirt again, wishing she would’ve worn pants instead. The man next to her was looking, his head to one side, into the mirror above the bar. Olivia noticed he was wearing a leather cut with the all-too-familiar one-percenter patch on it. She caught his blue gaze and held it, then he broke away and turned back to her.

  “Hey, I know you,” he said.

  “That’s a clever line,” she replied, grateful that the slowpoke bartender finally brought their drinks.

  “I don’t feed chicks lines, baby. You’re a neighbor to my brother—Animal.”

  When Olivia heard his name, her entire body tingled, much to her chagrin, and her mind raced as she wondered if he was in the bar. Not wanting to sound desperate or pathetic, she coolly nodded.

  “Yes, I live next door to your friend.” She didn’t dare say his name for fear her voice would tremble. What the hell was the matter with her? If the mere mention of her sexy neighbor’s name threw her in a tizzy, it was obvious that she needed to get back out on the circuit. But there was no way her circuit was going to include bikers—she’d had a lifetime fill of them.

  “I saw you a few nights ago—you were on the porch giving my buddy the eye.”

  “What?” Olivia replied in a strangled voice, her face heating to the roots of her hairline.

  The biker laughed. “Don’t sweat it, babe, Animal was eyeing you too.”

  At that moment, she wished the floor would just open up and swallow her whole.

  “Smokey!” Kennedy’s voice danced above the music.

  The biker shifted his attention from her to Kennedy and a loud boom of laughter burst through his lips. “Fuck, you’re a tempting sight,” he said moving away from Olivia. He wrapped his arms around her friend and hugged her quickly. “You look fuckin’ good, baby.”

  “You too.” Kennedy ran her hands up and down the biker’s muscular arms. “Are any other Insurgents here?”

  Olivia cocked her head to the left and strained to hear his answer.

  “Yeah. How do you like the remodel? My company did the renovations.”

  “I love it! You did an awesome job.” Kennedy leaned into him and he crushed his mouth against hers.

  Olivia picked up her drink and Ivy’s and turned away from the counter. “I’m going back to the table,” she said to her friend who, at that moment, was totally preoccupied with Smokey.

  Grimacing with each aching step, Olivia’s gaze scanned the room full of people in search of Animal. She saw several men wearing their leather cuts with the three-piece Insurgents rocker on the back of them, and she felt a small, but real, stab of disappointment that Animal wasn’t among them. Sighing, she weaved through the crowd to her table and put the drinks on top of it.

  “That took forever,” Harper said when Olivia sat down.

  “It was so damn crowded at the bar,” she replied as she picked up her drink and took a sip.

  “The waitress came by twice since you guys went to get drinks.” Harper looked around. “Where’s Kennedy?”

  “She bumped into a friend. Who knows when she’ll be back,” Olivia replied.

  “How much do I owe you?” Ivy asked.

  “Don’t worry about it. You saved my ass big-time last week when I came in late after my morning class.”

  Ivy nodded. “I had to do some fancy footwork for sure. Dr. Linney’s always so punctual, but it’s Dr. Canty who can be a Nazi about it.”

  “And of course he was the one who was there. I’ve always had bad timing, especially with men.” Olivia lifted her glass and clinked it with Ivy’s and Harper’s.

  Kennedy came back to the table with two drinks in her hands, and Olivia suspected one of them was from Smokey.

  “Did you lose your friend already?” Olivia asked as she sat down.

  “Smokey’s a great kisser, but h
e’s a major player. He’s looking for someone new tonight and so am I.” Kennedy brought her tumbler to her lips.

  “How do you know him?” Olivia asked.

  Her friend put her drink down and leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I met him at one of the Insurgents’ parties and we hit it off. We’ve gotten together a few times.”

  Olivia jerked her head back. “Like on dates?” That was an anomaly with most outlaw bikers.

  “No, like just hooking up—usually at the clubhouse, but he came to my apartment one time. He’s very good.” She hitched up her brows in an exaggerated fashion. “I mean v-e-r-y good.”

  She laughed and smacked Kennedy’s arm playfully. “You’re so bad. Just be careful—a lot of bikers don’t play so nice.”

  “Smokey plays real nice in a very wicked way. Anyway, we’re just in it for the fun. It’s not like we call each other or go out to dinner or anything like that—we just hook up.”

  As they all laughed and talked, Olivia couldn’t help but look around the bar for one particular face. Every time she scoped out the place and didn’t find who she was searching for, her stomach would clench slightly.

  It was ridiculous, really. She hardly knew her neighbor, and when she’d gone over to his house to assess Lucy’s reading a few nights before, he hadn’t even stayed in the room. He was no where to be found during the hour she’d spent with the girl. When their time together had finished, Animal had simply led her to the door, thanked her, and that was that. Olivia wasn’t sure what she’d expected from that night, but it’d seemed that he wasn’t interested in getting to know her. She’d been there for a job—determining Lucy’s reading ability. She knew that going in, but what puzzled and irritated Olivia was why the hell she’d been bothered when he treated it that way.

  He’s not interested, that’s all. Of course he looks at me—he’s a man … and a biker—a double whammy. It means nothing. I know that. Her dad had a different woman every weekend, and her brother had embraced the biker lifestyle when he’d patched in, especially the partying with so many women. That’s the way they are. Anyway … I’d never get mixed up with him. That should’ve been the end of it but it wasn’t, because for reasons she couldn’t understand why, Olivia kept hoping Animal would walk into the tavern. Forcing herself to concentrate on the conversation at the table, she drew in a deep breath and joined in on it.

  After several minutes passed, Harper glanced around. “Where’s the waitress?”

  “I don’t know.” Olivia joined in on the search.

  “It’s easier to just get your drinks at the bar,” Kennedy said.

  “Says you,” Olivia replied.

  Ivy glanced at her phone, the fine lines around her mouth growing taut. She pushed away from the table. “I have to go,” she said as she rose from her chair.

  “What’s up?” Olivia pointed at Ivy’s phone.

  “Nothing. It’s just that Brady has some free time and wants to come over.” Ivy slung the strap of her purse over her shoulder. “Lately he’s been really busy, and we haven’t had much time together.”

  “I thought he was cool with you going out tonight,” Olivia said.

  “He is … but he misses me.” A slight blush colored her cheeks. “I really have to go. It was fun.”

  Before Olivia could say anything, Ivy rushed away and disappeared into the crowd.

  “Why the hell does she put up with that weirdo?” Harper asked, looking at her empty glass.

  Olivia shook her head. “Who knows. They never go out, and he only comes over to her place.”

  “She’s never been to his house?” Kennedy asked.

  “No—strange, huh?” Olivia replied.

  “Maybe he lives with a woman, or he could be married. I heard the creep has a couple of kids. Maybe he has a wife too,” Harper said.

  “Wouldn’t we know that? I mean, Slavens is a small school and Pinewood Springs is far from being a big city,” Olivia replied.

  Harper picked up her empty tumbler, then set it back on the table. “He keeps to himself a lot at school. He rarely comes into the teachers’ lounge, and then when he does, he doesn’t speak to anyone.”

  “Just leers at the younger women.” Kennedy rolled her eyes. “He’s such a jerk. I still can’t believe a nice woman like Ivy is involved with him.”

  “Well … to each her own. Olivia, do you want to come with me to get a drink from the bar?” Harper picked up her empty glass again.

  She reached down and massaged her aching foot. Olivia had kicked off her shoes the minute she’d returned to the table earlier that night. Grimacing as she slipped them back on, she nodded.

  “Cute shoes are always the most tortuous,” Kennedy said.

  “I know,” Olivia groaned then stood up. “Let’s go. Do you want anything?” she asked Kennedy.

  “I’m good. I see that clean-cut guy I was talking to at the bar before Smokey pushed him away heading right to me. Take your time.” She chuckled and sat straighter in the chair.

  “Will do. I’m so damn thirsty—it must’ve been the cheesy tots. I bet I’ll gain five pounds just from retaining water,” Harper said.

  Olivia laughed then followed her friend and, once again, pushed her way through the crowd until she found a space at the corner of the bar and leaned against it. That was when she saw him.

  Animal reclined against the bar with his elbows propped on the counter behind him, and his head cocked to the side as he pretended to listen to what a redhead with big breasts was telling him while he kept throwing sidelong glances at Olivia. She stood staring at Animal’s sexy self, laughing and flirting with the woman. The redhead reached up and touched his lightly stubbled chin, but he pushed it away then turned toward Olivia and their eyes met. The woman pulled his face toward hers, and he allowed it, but he kept checking Olivia out from the corner of his eyes.

  In that instant, Olivia knew that Animal was the man she needed to keep at a distance. She didn’t like the tremors he put in her stomach and the prickle of heat he caused on her skin. The lustful throbs deep between her legs and her quick intakes of breath were all warning signs that her body was ignoring the rule her heart and brain had imposed: don’t get involved with any man. Her body wanted to get very close and personal with Animal, and it had nothing to do with looking for temporary intimacy and sex. This was about so much more. That’s what made it so dangerous and scared the hell out of her.

  Damn, she could feel her panties melting into her flesh from the look in his dark eyes. Those hot, furtive glances had Olivia licking her lips. She wanted to sashay over and push the redhead out of the way so she could run her hands under his tight T-shirt and let her fingers touch the corded muscles of his chest.

  “Did you want another drink?” Harper asked.

  “What?” she answered, her eyes fixed on Animal’s mouth.

  “A drink. Hello?”

  Animal stared straight at her, his lips arrogantly curving up.

  Turn the hell away. But she couldn’t. She sat there locking gazes with him, the noise and people fading away and leaving only the two of them. His mouth softened and his stare grew more intense. A fire burned there, drawing her in until she was lost in the depths of his ebony gaze.

  “Oh God, Olivia, don’t go there.” Harper’s loud and caustic voice drilled into her ear, dragging her out of the fervid moment she and Animal were sharing.

  Olivia broke contact with the biker and looked at her friend. “Did you order?”

  “Don’t change the subject. Okay … Lucy’s dad is hot—I’ll give you that, but he’s off limits for two big reasons.” Harper moved in front of Olivia, blocking her view of Animal. “Number one—” She held up a finger. “He’s a student’s dad, and if you start messing around with him you’ll get fired, and number two—” She held up another finger. “He’s in an outlaw biker gang. C’mon, really? Even Kennedy wouldn’t risk her job over a hot dad.”

  Olivia lightly swatted away her friend’s hand that was i
n front of her face. “You’re being a little overdramatic.”

  “From the way you two were looking at each other, I’d say I wasn’t.”

  “Looking at some sexy eye-candy isn’t the same as getting involved with him. Like I said, ‘overdramatic.’ Did you ever get the bartender’s attention? I think we have to show some cleavage.” Olivia laughed and stepped to the side of Harper, refusing to even glance for one millisecond at Animal. She’d acted like a lovestruck school girl instead of a mature woman, and that was unacceptable. There was something about her neighbor that made her behave out of character.

  “Do you want another vodka martini?” Harper’s voice broke into her thoughts.

  The sandy-haired bartender tapped his index finger on the counter. “What’ll you have, lady?”

  Olivia blinked several times. “I guess I’ll go with a cranberry vodka.” The barman rushed away.

  The two women chatted while they waited for their drinks, and Olivia kept her gaze focused on Harper the entire time.

  “It looks like another band is ready to take the stage. The way they’re dressed, I’d say they’ll be playing hair metal songs,” Harper said.

  Olivia looked over her shoulder and saw five guys setting up their instruments, then she glanced over to where Animal and the redhead had been talking and noticed they were gone. Jealously pricked, which was irrational.

  “Here you go. Are these together?” the sandy-haired man asked as he placed their drinks in front of them.

  “Separate,” Harper said.

  “Do you want to open a tab?” he said.

  “I don’t,” Harper replied as she looked at Olivia. “Do you?”

  Olivia shook her head and handed him her credit card. Once they were all paid up, they headed back to their table. The band on stage was just about finished with its sound check when Olivia slid into her chair. Austin, the preppy-looking guy Kennedy had been talking to earlier had taken over Ivy’s seat and was conversing with her, and another guy, who looked like he’d been cut from the same mold as Mr. Preppy, sat in a chair next to Harper. He immediately extended his hand and introduced himself as Darcy to both Olivia and Harper. Her friend smiled widely while she just kept a straight face. Darcy turned to Harper and began talking with her.


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