Animal’s Reformation

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Animal’s Reformation Page 14

by Wilder, Chiah

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he murmured.

  His ran his tongue against her lips, nipping them and arousal washed over her, hot and thick and seductive. Olivia leaned into Animal and kissed him back with all the desire she felt for him at that moment.

  As his hands slid up her blouse and curved around her breast, Olivia softly moaned into his mouth and sank her fingers in his hair. He rubbed her nipple through the purple top, the scraping fabric making it ache and harden. With his other hand, Animal moved her hair aside and lightly nibbled on the sensitive pulse beneath her ear. She groaned and lolled her head to the side, giving him better access. His lips peppered kisses over her skin, trailing a path down to her collarbone.

  “I shouldn’t be doing this,” she whispered without budging. She licked her lips and tasted him.

  He tweaked her nipple as she uttered the words, and she tipped her head back and moaned.

  “What we do is between us alone—fuck everything else,” he said as lips moved further down.

  “But Slavens—Lucy.” Olivia closed her eyes, relishing in the sensations burning through her.

  “Stop overthinking this. Go with your gut—logic’s fucking overrated.”

  Animal’s mouth replaced his hand and he kissed her through the blouse, wetting the fabric with his tongue as he flicked her pebbled bud. With each burst of desire, she tugged at his hair, squirming against him. It had been a long time since Olivia had been with a man, and the way Animal woke up her body in such a short time was unlike anything she’d ever experienced.

  A groan rumbled from his chest and the small sound sent a shockwave of need through her. She pulled his head up and their gazes locked; the smoldering lust in his eyes sent shivers down to her toes.

  “Olivia,” he growled then pressed his mouth to hers.

  I have to stop this. But that rational thought flitted out of her head the instant his hand slid over her hip and rested on her thigh. She briefly acknowledged that she was in trouble—big trouble—when his fingers inched away from her thigh and cupped her pulsing sex through her jeans. The thought slipped away on a moan as she arched into him, feeling his hard dick pressing against her.

  “Fuck, baby, I bet you’re real wet.” His words smothered on her lips.

  The loud ringtone of a cellphone made Olivia jolt. At first she didn’t move and simply clung to Animal, who also remained still, but the phone kept ringing, urging someone to answer it.

  “Fuck it to hell,” he muttered under his breath as he pulled away from her a bit and jammed his hand in the back pocket of his jeans.

  Olivia watched as he glanced at the screen, and she saw a frown pull his brows together just above the bridge of his nose.

  “Yo,” he said as he broke away from her and walked over to a large evergreen tree. The volume of his voice dropped, and she could barely make out any words.

  Mental clarity replaced the sexual haze that had enveloped her. Olivia breathed in the cool pine air, felt it rush into her lungs, and puffed it out with a cloud of frost. Saved by the ringtone. She smoothed down her hair, snapped closed her jacket, and ran her finger over her lips, still swollen from Animal’s lethal kisses.

  The car door opened with a click, and Animal looked over and held up his hand to her as if gesturing her to wait. Olivia knew what waiting would bring, and she couldn’t go there again. Animal was a hard man to resist, and despite her best intentions, it seemed like she was always caving in. If she wasn’t careful, she’d fall hard for him then be nursing one of the biggest heartaches of her life when he kicked her to the curb. Like Dad did with Mom. He destroyed her—broke her into a million pieces so she gave up on living.

  The door slammed shut and she turned the ignition. Animal strode over to her and knocked on the window.

  “What the fuck? I had to take that call. Don’t take it personally,” he said.

  “I didn’t.” She smiled.

  Confusion rolled over his face. “Do you wanna fuck in the car? I thought we’d go to my old room—it’s more comfortable.”

  Ah … there’s the biker. “That was so romantically put, but I think I should go.”

  Animal scratched his head. “Why? I know you want some, baby.”

  “It’s late. I’ll see you at school on Monday, and we can talk about Lucy’s reading assessment.”

  He shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. Anger plastered against his face, and his look went through her like an icy blow.

  “I’m sorry. It’s just—”

  “Forget it, baby. You don’t know what the fuck you want. Well, I’m dropping out of your goddamn schoolgirl games. Getting pussy’s no problem.” He looked over his shoulder in the direction of the clubhouse. “Plenty of chicks wanna play in there.”

  “I’ve had some bad experiences …” Her voice trailed off.

  “Save it.” He shrugged. “You don’t owe me any explanations. As a matter of fact, you and I don’t owe each other shit.” He stomped his feet on the ground, puffs of steam streaming from his mouth. “Go on—I’m not gonna stop you.”

  She looked up and their eyes met, then Olivia turned away from him, backed out of the parking space, and drove away. In her rearview mirror, she saw Animal watching her until she turned onto the road and the trees and darkness filled in the distance between her and the club.

  “I did the right thing,” she said aloud.

  Then why in the hell did it feel so wrong?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Animal stood outside the door, listening to Lucy’s muffled cries and hoarse gasps, and he didn’t move. Each sob was like a stab to his gut and his heart. Not knowing what to do or say to his daughter, he almost retreated until he heard something crash on the floor. He knocked softly before he opened the door.

  Lucy sat cross-legged on a pink and green striped comforter, clutching her worn out rainbow llama—Cuddles. The room was a complete mess. It looked like a cyclone had just struck. All of the throw pillows and the window seat cushions were on the floor. Broken pieces of a white dresser lamp littered the floor along with video games, books, and several LEGO designs. A bent and twisted dark pink lampshade laid next to one of the lime-green painted walls, and Lucy’s beloved musical ballerina jewelry box was perched precariously on the edge of the dresser.

  For a few seconds, Animal stood at the doorway watching as his daughter’s head hung disconsolately on her chest, her fingers digging into Cuddles.

  He crossed the room and moved the jewelry box to the middle of the dresser then sat on the edge of the bed.

  “What’s going on, kiddo?” he asked.

  Lucy sniffled then wiped her nose with her hand, but she didn’t answer.

  Animal pressed his lips together and reached out and touched her knee. Lucy jumped and scooted away. He slowly rose to his feet and began picking up the chaos on the floor, and from the corner of his eye, he saw Lucy watching him.

  After he finished cleaning up and vacuuming the floor and rug, he pulled out the desk chair and sat down. Leaning back, he laced his fingers over his chest and let out a long sigh. The room was quiet like a tomb, and Animal sat waiting for his daughter to acknowledge him. After several long minutes, she looked over at him and they locked gazes.

  “Do you want to tell me why you’re upset?” he said in a low voice.

  “I want to go home,” she mumbled, tugging her braid with her free hand.

  Animal scrubbed his face with both hands. “I know,” he replied.

  “I miss, Mom.” Lucy’s voice quivered.

  He wiped his palms on his jeans. “I’m sorry that you feel bad, and I bet it’s hard not having your mom around.”

  “Why doesn’t Mom call me?” She wiped her nose again with her hand.

  Animal pulled out a tissue from the box then walked over to the bed and handed it to her. Lucy took it without looking at him, and he perched on the bed next to her.

  “I’m not sure, kiddo, but sometimes parents get caught up in their l
ives and forget about their kids. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you, it’s just that she’s settling down.”

  Lucy looked up, a small frown forming on her face. “That doesn’t make sense.”

  He nodded. “You’re right. I wish I could make this easier for you.”

  “Why doesn’t Mom love me?”

  Animal placed a tentative hand on his daughter’s shoulder and when she didn’t flinch away, he drew her to him.

  “Your mom loves you. She’s just having a hard time right now.”

  Lucy buried her face in his chest. “I must’ve been really bad.” Her small sob muffled into his shirt.

  Hot anger pricked his skin and his mind. “You’re not bad, kiddo. I think you’re great, and so does Aunt Jada, Grandma and Grandpa, Jax, Cherri, Hawk, Smokey … Damn, I could go on for a long time, just telling you how many people think you’re pretty awesome.” She leaned silently against him. “I can also tell you how glad I am that you’re with me. I tried to reach out to you so many times over the years.”

  “Mom told me you didn’t care. You never called me.”

  He placed two fingers under Lucy’s chin, tilting her head back so she had to look at him. “I called you, sent you cards, presents on your birthday and Christmas—the whole nine yards. Your mom and I didn’t have a good relationship, and I’m afraid you were caught in the middle. I’m sorry about that, but I want you to know that I’m damn happy you’re with me.” He bent down and kissed the top of her head. “I love you, kiddo, and I’m not ever leaving you.”

  “Promise?” she whispered.

  “Promise.” Animal hugged her close and she wrapped her arm around his waist. He wished he could glue back together Lucy’s broken heart or give her a potion to erase away her pain, but he couldn’t.

  She pulled away and climbed off the bed then padded over to the dresser and opened one of the drawers in her jewelry box. Then she took something out and walked back to the bed.

  “Here,” she said, handing Animal a feather.

  “Where did you get this?” he asked as he took it from her.

  “I found it the other day at school after some of the kids were saying I don’t have a mom. Ms. Mooney said that my feather meant that an angel was near.”

  Animal rolled the soft feather between his fingers. “She said that?”

  “Uh-huh. Do you believe in angels?”

  “I guess. I never really thought about it, but it’s not common to find a feather in the winter.”

  “That’s what Ms. Mooney said.”

  Warmth spread through him. “Did you feel better after you found it?”

  “Uh-huh. Ms. Mooney said that a white feather is one of the best.”

  “She said that?” The memory of how Olivia felt in his arms flooded his senses with pleasure.


  The thought of her voice whispering in his ear, the scent of her perfume curling around him, the softness of her lips pressing against his, and the feel of her tits in his hands were all playing havoc on him at that moment.


  Animal jerked his head back and scattered away the images. “Yeah?”

  “Do you like it?”

  He looked down at the palm of his hand. “I do, but it’s yours.”

  “I want you to have it.”

  Heat radiated through his chest and his finger closed around the feather as he stood up. “Thanks, kiddo.” Animal brushed the back of his hand across Lucy’s cheeks. “What about going out to get some barbecue at Big Rocky’s? Afterward, we can get some ice cream at Red Spot Creamery unless you think it’s too cold for it.”

  Lucy shook her head. “No, I don’t think it’s too cold for ice cream.”

  Animal laughed and embraced her. “I don’t either. Why don’t you wash your face and then meet me downstairs.”

  She broke away from his arms and scurried to the bathroom. He walked out of the room, his jaw clenched. Animal had every intention of calling Emerald and telling her to give Lucy a call. She’s such a fucking, selfish bitch! He strode over to the living room window and looked through the blinds at Olivia’s house. Several lights were on and he pictured her lying on the couch wearing sexy lingerie while watching television and thinking of him. Well … it was his fantasy.

  “I’m ready, Dad,” Lucy said behind him.

  Animal turned away from the window. “Let’s get going.” He smiled at his daughter and made his way toward the garage as she followed close behind.

  * * *

  Black T-shirts, denim, and leather filled the main room, as a cacophony of music, shuffling feet, clinking glasses, and loud voices merged into a roar. Church had been particularly heated that morning, and Animal needed a double whiskey, pronto. Skinless, one of the three prospects scrambling to make sure the brothers were taken care of, placed the tumbler in front of him. Animal tipped his head back and let the amber liquid slide down his throat.

  “We shoulda gotten rid of the traitorous bastard back when we dealt with Tigger,” Wheelie said, slamming his beer bottle on the counter.

  Animal shook his head. “Yeah—we fucked up.”

  Rags turned to Bones, who’d been unusually quiet. “You guys are tight. Did you know he was a fuckin’ turncoat?”

  Bones held his hands up. “Don’t fuckin’ get on my damn case because a friend of mine—a brother of ours is a goddamn rat. I didn’t know shit. I knew he was pissed as hell about Tigger. He thought the club abandoned Tigger and had a double standard when it came to Wheelie.” He jerked his head in Wheelie’s direction. “But he made amends with it, or that’s what I thought. I mean, it’s been almost two years since all that went down, right?”

  Animal nodded. “Yeah, just about.” He clasped his hand on Bones’s shoulder. “I’m not blaming you, dude. I think that goes for most of us here.” The other men tipped their chins at Bones. “It’s just been a while since we had a brother betray the club.”

  “And to fuck around with Metal’s old lady? They’re together, not getting a divorce or any shit like that. Asshole!” Rags pounded his fist on the table.

  “Skeet just opened himself up to a whole lot of fuckin’ grief,” Hawk said as he joined the group. “Metal doesn’t deserve to be treated like this by a brother or a bitch wife.”

  Metal was an inactive Insurgent who’d stepped down due to medical issues. He’d been with the club for over thirty years, and he, Banger, Rob, Buffalo, Ruben, and Itchy were all good friends that went way back. They were old-school bikers who remembered the brutal turf wars between the Insurgents and the Deadly Demons MC. After years of bombings and dead bodies, Reaper, the president of the Deadly Demons, and Banger met and struck up a truce that brought peace to both clubs over the past nine years.

  Even though Metal was no longer an active member, he was very much an Insurgent for life. A member didn’t stop being a brother when he stepped down. Even if a fellow Insurgent died, he was still a brother, and if he had an old lady and kids, they were taken care of and treated with respect.

  Metal had stepped down five years before, and he’d taken up with a woman half his age, and at fifty-five years old, his wife, Thea, was just under twenty-eight. Banger warned him that marrying a woman so young would spell disaster, but Metal had just laughed and ignored his friend’s warning. In the beginning it was all good, but after four years of marriage, Metal started having medical issues, and the things he could once do were a thing of the past. His young wife didn’t want to slow down, so she looked elsewhere for some fun.

  The bond of an Insurgent was almost stronger than that of blood with a dedication to each other’s lives that most people would never understand. A brother’s problem was everyone’s problem, and vice versa. So a member fucking another brother’s old lady was very much a club problem.

  Skeet and Thea had been screwing around behind Metal’s back for quite some time, but if he suspected it, Metal didn’t mention it to Banger or anyone else in the club. The whole affair came to ligh
t after Skeet and Thea took off, leaving a note that simply read: “Fuck off, old man.” Metal had been crushed, and when Banger found out about it, he went through the roof.

  To add insult to injury for both Metal and the club, Skeet had joined up with a group of bikers up in Northern Colorado who had started a club. They called themselves the Rising Order and were gaining a lot of members in the past year or so. The Insurgents watched them carefully, and as long as they didn’t put Colorado on their bottom rocker, the club was okay with them, but the minute they claimed the state as their territory, the Insurgents would have to shut them down.

  Skeet’s betrayal was the worst thing a member could do to his club, and it was something that would ostracize both Skeet and Thea. The animosity the members felt toward him was off the charts, and it simmered beneath the surface of the club, always at risk of boiling over.

  “What’re we gonna do about it?” Animal asked.

  “For now, not much, but if Skeet has the fuckin’ nerve to show his traitorous ass in Pinewood Springs, he’ll get the beatdown he deserves.” Hawk took a long pull of beer. “If the damn pussy club he’s with now puts Colorado on their bottom rocker, it’ll be war, and Skeet will be history.”

  “Why the fuck didn’t he just leave the club after Tigger?” Wheelie said. “What a dumbass.” The other men chuckled, but anger showed in the taut lines on their faces and the way they stood: legs planted wide and chests thrust out.

  Banger raised his fist in the air as he approached the group and they responded in the same fashion. The president gripped Hawk’s shoulder and said, “How’s Cara and the baby doing?”

  The mention of his old lady and new baby made the vice president’s face soften. “She’s doing real good, and Neo’s got a fuckin’ pair of lungs on him. He’s already demandin’ and commandin’—perfect biker material.”

  Banger guffawed. “Glad to hear it. Belle’s available to help out if you need her too. Having three young ones can’t be easy.”

  Hawk nodded. “Thanks, bro. Cara and I will keep that in mind.”

  “Sofia’s down for it too. Damn, since Macy was born, she wants another kid so bad,” Wheelie said.


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