Animal’s Reformation

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Animal’s Reformation Page 27

by Wilder, Chiah

  Olivia felt the soft, warm movement of his tongue caressing her clit, arousing her into the edge of ecstasy. She bucked hard but he placed his hands on her hips and pinned her down as he kissed, nipped, and licked her from front to back. When his tongue poked into her wet heat she writhed beneath him and bit the corner of her bottom lip to keep from going over the top.

  “You taste and smell so fuckin’ amazing,” he said as he clasped her thighs and spread them open farther.

  Animal’s fingers stroked her pussy lips then he pressed one of them into her hot hole. While he pushed into her, his thumb stroked the outer flesh. A moment later, his finger pressed against her mouth and she could smell the scent of her own arousal. “Taste yourself,” he whispered. She opened her mouth and let his finger enter, sucking and licking her own salty-sweet juices from his digit. Smiling at her, he removed his finger from her mouth.

  “I need you,” she whispered.

  Animal leaned over and picked up his jeans, but Olivia grabbed his arm, stopping him. A quizzical look spread across his face as his gaze locked on hers.

  “I want to feel you,” she said. “I’m on birth control and I’m good.”

  The corners of his mouth lifted up. “I’m good too, babe.” He tossed his jeans aside then cupped her breasts and kneaded them while he scooted between her parted legs.

  Hovering over her, his mouth was back on hers, bruising and wild, sending fiery sparks through her. She dug her hands into his ass and gripped the firm muscles.

  “Are you ready, baby?” he rasped.

  “Always,” she replied as Animal pulled away.

  Dark hunger filled his eyes as he lifted one of her legs and draped it over his shoulder. Shivers of delight tingled through her as he kissed her ankle and inner calf. He glanced down and smiled.

  “I love your pretty pussy. It’s all pink and wet and just waiting for my cock,” he said, swiping a finger through her slick folds.

  Olivia groaned and shifted her hips, and he gripped her other leg and placed that one over his shoulder as well. The head of his dick lightly pressed against her entrance, and with intense eyes fixed on hers, he shoved into her.

  “Yes!” she cried as her warmth molded around him.

  “Fuck,” he hissed before pulling out and plunging back in.

  Her fingers clutched onto his shoulders as he fucked her hard and rough, and she quaked and shook under his relentless pummeling—over and over. As she lifted her hips, their two bodies met like claps of thunder and her inner walls clenched around him tightly with each stroke. Animal gripped her hips so hard she knew there’d be bruises. Olivia loved it when he marked her, as she already wore a steady supply of love bites over her body.

  “You feel so fucking good and tight. Fuck, Olivia,” he panted.

  Then he reached down and rubbed his finger over her sweet spot in that swirling motion she loved, and it sent her over the edge. She shuddered violently as waves of bliss washed over her.

  “Babe,” he grunted before stiffening, and then Olivia felt his cock spasm inside her. The muscles of her walls hugged him and he dug his fingers deeper into her skin. “Fuck, baby,” he rasped as her pussy greedily milked every drop from his dick.

  As a delicious warmth spread through every nerve and muscle in her body, Olivia opened her eyes and met Animal’s sated gaze. She curved her arms around his neck and brought his mouth to hers and kissed him wildly.

  “So good,” she murmured. “Oh … Animal.”

  Pulling up a bit, he eased her legs off his shoulders then leaned over and traced her bottom lip with his thumb.

  “That was fantastic, baby.” He kissed the side of her neck then rolled over and drew her close to him.

  For a long while they lay in each other’s arms listening to the sounds of nature and enjoying the warm breeze caressing their sweaty bodies.

  “You’re great with Lucy,” he said, playing with a few strands of her hair.

  “It’s not hard to be—she’s a wonderful girl. I have a soft spot for her. She reminds me of the way I was at her age.”

  Animal kissed her softly on the temple. “She’s crazy about you too.”

  Olivia squeezed her arm around him tighter. “I’m happy to hear that.”

  “Her old man’s fuckin’ crazy about you too.”

  She paused, warmth spreading through her. “And I’m crazy about him.”

  Animal put a finger under Olivia’s chin and tilted her head up so their gazes met. “I love you, baby,” he whispered. He said it so low and soft that, at first, Olivia wasn’t sure she’d actually heard it. “I really do. You’re the first woman I’ve said that to.” He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her gently.

  “I love you too. At first I was terrified to admit it because I thought it was too soon, but now I can’t even remember how my life was without you.” She ran her fingertips down the side of his face.

  He laughed and held her closer to him, his arms curling even tighter around her. “No problems with me being a biker?”

  “None at all. I can’t believe how hanging on to that prejudice for so many years only led me to a bunch of creeps. I had nothing in common with them, either.” She poked his ribs lightly. “But then you came along, and how could I resist?”

  “Good point.” He chuckled.

  “I’m just so happy.”

  “Me too, and that’s huge for me.”

  Another poke to his ribs. “Yeah, it’s a shock for the big, brooding outlaw, huh?” She giggled.

  “Actually … it is.” He rolled her over and peppered kisses all over her face. “Let’s go for a swim.”

  “Isn’t the water like freezing?”

  “I’ll keep you warm.” He sat up then pulled her with him.

  “If I get pneumonia, I’m blaming you.” She joked as they walked toward the lake.

  After spending time swimming, kissing, and fooling around in the water, they made long, slow love for the rest of the afternoon. By the time the lake and surrounding valley was all in shade and the tops of the mountains were bright with sun, the two of them shrugged on their clothes. Olivia shook out the blanket and folded it while Animal tossed the paper bag filled with empty water bottles, beer and soda cans into a large receptacle. He wrapped his arm around Olivia as they walked back to the motorcycle.

  Twigs and leaves crunched under the weight of their feet, and branches swayed and rustled in the late afternoon breeze. Animal stowed the blanket back in one of the saddle bags, then straddled the bike as she put her boot on one of the foot pegs and climbed on behind him.

  The sound of the engine revving seemed out of place in the idyllic surroundings, and Olivia looped her arms around Animal’s waist before he turned the bike around and headed back to town.

  Later that night, Olivia made tacos for the three of them, and after dinner, Lucy kicked both of their butts—which neither would admit to anyone—in the New Super Mario Brothers video game. Of course, Lucy reminded them several times that she was the champion, and Olivia thought the way Animal pretended to be bothered by it was super sexy … and cute. Yeah … cute, but she’d never tell him that.

  When Olivia switched off the nightstand lamp later that night, the last thought on her mind was that Animal loved her. The thrill of it pulsed through her body, and she snuggled deeper into her pillow as her lids fluttered shut with the memory of him seeped into her soul.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The morning light struggled through clouds scudding across the leaden sky. Mountain tops peeked through gauzy veils of mist, and a sweet, earthy smell permeated the air. Pulling up the collar of his leather jacket, Animal took a sip of his coffee as he walked out of the Mugs and Things shop.

  Trees lined Main Street on both sides, standing so tall that their branches touched high in the sky. Shops and restaurants were bustling with activity, and several people strolled on the sidewalks, looking in the store windows.

  Animal had one more stop to make before meeting up with
Hawk and Throttle at Ruthie’s for an early lunch. Bones had told Animal he’d meet up with him at the Shade Store since he’d be in the area, and then they’d both head over to Ruthie’s together.

  Animal pushed open the door to the small store filled with bolts of fabric, several types of blinds, shutters, and shades, and stacks of books filled with design ideas. A forty-something-year-old woman dressed in a tailored suit smiled as she approached him.

  “May I help you?” she asked.

  Animal glanced around the store, wondering why the hell he thought coming here was a good idea. “I need to get some stuff to cover some windows.”

  The woman’s smile widened. “In that case, you’re at the right store.” She gestured at the various items in the shop.

  He wiped the corners of his mouth with two fingers. “I wanna buy some shit for my woman’s windows.”

  The saleslady’s face fell slightly. “Okay.” A buzzer sounded and she looked over Animal’s shoulder and her face paled.

  “Dude,” Bones said. Animal turned around and bumped fists with him. “So remind me again why the fuck you’re in this place.”

  The woman took several steps backward.

  “Buying shit to put over Olivia’s damn windows. She’s had those fuckin’ sheets up since she moved in.” He glanced at the sales clerk. “Olivia Mooney has an order here for one of her windows. I wanna pay for it.”

  The woman nodded. “Okay—let me look that up.” She scurried behind a counter, a look of relief washing over her face.

  “What the hell do you know ’bout decorating, dude?” Bones laughed.

  “I didn’t do half bad at my place,” Animal answered.

  “As I remember it, Jada did most of the decorating.”

  “I found it,” the woman said. “White shutters for the living-room window. She also picked out treatments for the bedroom, bathroom, and sliding glass door, but only put a deposit on the shutters.”

  “Damn, this is gonna be easy. I’ll pay for the whole damn thing.” Animal took out his wallet.

  “Everything?” the woman asked.

  “That’s what I said, didn’t I?” Animal walked over to the counter.

  “Yep … that’s what you said,” Bones answered.

  Flustered, the woman shuffled some papers around on the counter. “I was referring to you paying for the installation as well as the treatments.”

  Animal’s jaw tightened. “Yeah. Everything. Fuck, lady.” Her tight expression emphasized the lines around her mouth. “When can you get all this delivered and installed?”

  She touched the base of her throat and glanced back at the computer screen. “The shutters she put the deposit on can be done right away, but the Roman shades for the bedroom, the sheer shade for the bathroom, and the white shutter panels for the sliding door will have to be ordered.”

  “That’s cool. Let’s do the shutter thing this weekend, and order the rest.” Animal glanced at his phone. “Write it up quick ’cause we gotta get going.”

  “Certainly. There’ll be an extra charge for installation on a Saturday.”

  “Okay.” Animal turned to Bones. “You wanna help me fix a stove today? I gotta pull it out and it’s a cast-iron motherfucker. It’s the woman’s great-great grandma’s stove, and I’m gonna need help dragging that thing away from the wall.”

  Bones shrugged. “Sure—I don’t have any plans. So, you just being in this damn store means you must really like this chick.”

  “Fuck, dude. How the hell did you figure that out all on your own?”

  “Asshole,” Bones grumbled.

  “For Saturday, we have morning and afternoon openings, which do you prefer?” the saleslady asked.

  “After 10:00 a.m. is good,” Animal replied.

  “I’ll put it down for the ten-to-noon spot.”

  “I never thought I’d see you go all mushy and shit about a chick. Buying fuckin’ curtains for her? Fuck.” Bones shoved his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.

  “Olivia’s not just a chick,” Animal said.

  “It’s just that you never wanted to go out with citizens that much. What the fuck? Aren’t you missing the club girls and all that easy pussy?”

  One long, loud choking cough drew Animal’s attention back to the saleswoman, who was grabbing for a bottle of water on a table behind her. He turned away and shook his head at Bones.

  “I can’t explain it.” He laughed. “I guess she reformed me. It just happened, dude.”

  Bones scrunched up his face. “I never fuckin’ thought you’d be the next to fall.”

  Animal clasped his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “You talk like it’s a fucking death sentence.”

  “For me, giving up easy pussy is worse than death.”

  Animal guffawed, then looked back at the woman. “You got that set up yet?” She nodded and brought the water bottle to her mouth. “How much do I owe you for all of it?”

  After Animal finished the transaction, he and Bones left the store and headed down the sidewalk, talking about the newest motorcycle that Bones was aiming to buy at the end of the month. Out of his peripheral vision, Animal caught sight of Skeet across the street. Animal looked over with more intent, noticing the fucker walking down the sidewalk in Insurgents’ territory wearing his cut with the Rising Order patch.

  “Fuck that!” Animal yelled and ran across the road.

  “What the hell?” Bones’s voice floated behind him.

  “You fuckin’ asshole,” Animal said to Skeet.

  The ex-member didn’t respond, and just stood there staring into Animal’s eyes. Thea tugged on Skeet’s hand, seeming to sense the building tension.

  “Let’s go,” she said, her gaze darting from Animal to Skeet then back to Animal.

  Bones sidled beside Animal. “We got a fuckin’ traitor in our territory.”

  “Yeah,” Animal gritted, his muscles growing tight.

  “Come on,” Thea pleaded, her lips trembling slightly.

  “Okay, babe,” Skeet said, turning away from them. When he did, his shoulder collided with Animal’s. Hard. Too hard for it to be an accident.

  Animal just looked over at him and didn’t say a word nor changed his stony expression.

  “Watch where you’re going, honey. Animal’s gonna think you did that on purpose.” A nervous giggle spilled from her lips. Thea glanced over at Animal. “We’re going.” Another tug on Skeet’s hand.

  Skeet flicked a cursory glance at Bones, then settled his blue eyes on Animal. He stood still: feet spread, hands at waist level.

  Animal rocked back on his heels, his gaze never leaving Skeet’s face. Bones muttered obscenities under his breath and took a couple of steps toward the biker. Tension crackled in the air, and Thea kept pleading with Skeet to move on.

  The ex-Insurgent threw the first punch, but Animal was already coming at him and knocked Skeet off balance so that he missed Bones’s face. Animal slammed Skeet against the brick wall of a novelty shop, then leaned back far enough to throw a punch at the asshole’s jaw. Before he made contact, the fucker landed a kick in Animal’s groin, and pain shot through him, sizzling every fucking nerve in his body. He stumbled backward, almost losing his balance, and lowered his head, avoiding Skeet’s fist to his face.

  “You good, bro?” Bones asked.

  Rage burned through Animal, and he kicked out his leg and slammed the tip of one of his steel-toed boots against Skeet’s shin. The traitor groaned and bowled over, and Animal landed an uppercut flush on the jerk’s nose.

  “Fuck!” Skeet yelled as blood leaked over his lips then dripped off his chin.

  Thea screamed and rushed Animal, scratching and kicking him. “You asshole!” she yelled. People on the sidewalk quickly crossed the street, and shop employees closed and locked the doors.

  “Don’t fuckin’ disrespect an Insurgent, bitch!” Bones yelled, pulling the woman away from Animal, who had landed a few sharp kicks to Skeet’s ribs.

me go!” She struggled in the Insurgent’s arms.

  “You’re a fuckin’ skank! You’re lucky I’m not kicking your ass after the shit you did to Metal,” Bones said.

  A deafening roar filled the air, and Animal looked toward the street and saw Hawk and Throttle pull over to the curb and jump off their bikes.

  “What the fuck’s going on?” Hawk asked as he rushed over to Animal.

  “This fucker’s in Insurgents’ territory,” Animal said.

  Skeet glared at Hawk.

  “His ma’s sick,” Thea said, jerking away from Bones. “We rode down to see her.”

  Hawk glowered at her. “Don’t fuckin’ talk to me.” He turned to Skeet. “You didn’t turn in your rocker, asshole.”

  “It’s at my ma’s,” he gritted.

  “What a fuckin’ jerk.” Throttle spat on the sidewalk.

  “I’ll get Rock, Jax, and Puck to go get it. You shoulda turned it in.” Hawk landed a hard blow to the traitor’s stomach. “That’s for fuckin’ around with Metal’s old lady.”

  “Seems like you’re owed a beatdown,” Throttle said. “Metal gets the first punch.”

  “Metal’s okay now,” Thea whined. “I talked to him and he told me he’s over it. He—”

  “Didn’t Hawk tell you to shut the fuck up? You’re nothing, bitch. Don’t talk to us,” Animal said. Thea crossed her arms and glared at them.

  “What’s going on here?” a deep voice said.

  Animal turned around and saw a damn badge walking up to them. Fuck! “Nothing,” he replied.

  “That’s not the way it looks.” The badge’s gaze fell on Skeet, who lay on his side; dried blood crusted the biker’s lips and chin.

  “It’s personal business,” Hawk said. “Move on.”

  The cop jerked his head back. “Move on? You don’t tell me shit like that.” He huffed.

  The vice president visibly stiffened. “I just did. There’s nothing here for you. Call Chief Landon—he’ll tell you.” The Insurgents and the police chief had a tacit agreement: the MC kept hard drugs out of the county and law enforcement would look the other way in most instances.


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