The Beast Within

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The Beast Within Page 7

by Rachel M Raithby

  He chuckled softly. “Did you enjoy that?”

  “You know I did,” she murmured, not opening her eyes.

  “Yeah, I know, but I want you to open your eyes and tell me yourself.”

  “Anyone ever tell you you’re bossy?”

  “No,” he answered seriously.

  “Liar.” She smiled, then relented and pried her eyes open. Taking a breath for courage, Becca answered his question, “Yes, I enjoyed that. I more than enjoyed that.”

  “Good.” He kissed her softly. “So did I.”

  Aster was on top of her before she’d managed to suck in a breath, the hard ridge of his erection pressing against her still sensitive core.

  Kissing her neck, he bit lightly, and sucked. Surprisingly, heat pooled between her legs, and her nerves came screaming back to life. “I guess it’s your turn then.” Becca laughed as he rocked his cock against her.

  He stopped immediately, lifting off her slightly. “Only if you want to.”

  “You’d really stop here?” she asked in disbelief.

  “Yes, Becca. It would kill me, and I’m pretty certain my balls might turn blue, but I’m not the kind of man who’s going to force you into sex. Or anything for that matter.”

  “You forced me to stay here instead of getting a room somewhere.”

  “Forced is a little harsh. I persuaded.”

  Becca glanced down to the top of his jeans. His zip had edged down while she’d been licked into oblivion, and the hard length of him looked painfully tight. Being brave, Becca lifted her hand and ran one finger down the length of his cotton-clad penis. It jumped from her touch, and she smiled shyly up at him.

  “You’d really stop?” she repeated, running her finger over him again.

  “Keep doing that and I might change my mind.” He groaned. “I’m not an ass, but neither am I a saint.”

  Her smile turned wicked, and she took hold of his length and squeezed.

  “Christ, Bec,” he rasped.

  “I don’t want to stop, Aster,” she whispered.

  “Thank God for that,” he murmured, dipping his head back to her neck.

  “I do want to be on top though,” she said against his skin.

  “In a minute,” he growled.

  Becca allowed him more than a minute. It was hard to protest when his every kiss increased the pleasure in her veins. He’d made his way down to her breasts, she gazed at him, watching his teeth and tongue work their magic as he feasted on the mounds of flesh, her nipples were hard points, her skin pink and marked. The pressure in her core was building again, each hard suck, and sharp nip threatened to send her plunging into ecstasy again.

  “Stop,” she moaned. “You’re driving me crazy, it’s my turn.”

  With one last bite which had her rasping out a sharp breath and clenching her thighs, Aster rolled off her and onto his back.

  “Jeans off,” Becca ordered.

  “Now who’s bossy,” Aster replied with a grin as he climbed off the bed.

  Becca opened her mouth to reply, but her words died in her throat. Not only had Aster taken off his jeans, his boxers had slid down with them, too. She stared at the evidence of his arousal and gulped. He was hard, thick, and quite possibly too big.

  “You’re staring, Bec,” Aster murmured.

  Becca’s eyes flicked to his face to see a smirk on his lips and satisfaction in his eyes.

  Men! Always so proud of their cocks.


  He moved with slow grace, lying down beside her. Straddling him, Becca wasn’t ready for the searing heat of his erection as it met her core. The tip of him teased her entrance. Gasping in a breath, she met Aster’s gaze, feeling suddenly unsure. She’d never been a pushover, her personality strong-willed, but it had been a long time since she’d actually been present during the act of sex.

  His hands rested on her hips, his touch gentle. “Are you all right, Bec?” he asked her softly.

  “I’m not sure,” she admitted.

  A single tear rolled from her eye and down her cheek. Aster reached out and swept it away. His eyes softened, filling with care and understanding. Becca couldn’t handle his gaze. She didn’t deserve his tenderness. After all, she’d stayed with Alex for years; sure she’d wanted out not long into it, but she’d never tried to get out. Instead, she’d stood by and watched him hand out cruelty, and drugs. She’d allowed him to beat her, to have sex with her without putting up a fight. In a way, Becca felt it was her own fault for carrying on without protest. Maybe if she’d done something earlier, she could have escaped Alex before she’d become so internally scarred.

  Feeling undeserving of Aster’s tenderness, and suddenly vulnerable, Becca climbed off Aster, and fled the room, slamming the bathroom door closed behind her.

  After minutes of silence, of him not muttering a word, Becca heard a shuffle outside the door, and then his voice whispered softly through the barrier, “What did he do to you?”

  “What makes you think anything was done to me?”

  “I just know, Becca. There’s a connection between us. You can’t deny that.”

  More tears fell down her face. Becca swiped at them angrily. Two years she’d been trapped in hell, and not once had she shed a tear. What was it about Aster that made every one of her walls crumble?

  “It doesn’t matter if we have a connection or not. It changes nothing.”

  “Maybe it’s time to stop running, Bec?”

  Becca glared at the door, even though Aster couldn’t see her from the other side. “I stop running, he finds me, and he can’t find me.”


  “Alex Scar.” His name left her lips without thought. But instead of regret settling in her stomach, a weight left her. Her shoulders relaxed as she let out a long breath. Finally, she’d shared her demons with somebody. Even though it was just a name, Alex’s name represented the horrors of her past. He was the cause of all her nightmares. His name haunted her both day and night, and at last, somebody else knew.

  “Who is he?”

  Becca picked up a discarded shirt from Aster’s bathroom floor and pulled it on. Opening the door, she faced Aster and answered his question. “It doesn’t matter who he is, or what he’s done. I’m free now, but I won’t stay that way if I allow whatever is between us to grow.”

  “Living on the run isn’t freedom, Bec.”

  “It’s the only freedom I’m ever going to get.”

  “I can protect you.”

  Becca smiled sadly and stepped into his arms. Her voice was muffled as she spoke against his skin, but he heard. “I know you think you can, but Alex isn’t like you. He doesn’t play fair, and he isn’t alone.”

  It doesn’t matter. I’ll tear him and anyone else limb from limb. His Minotaur was like a thunderous drum through his skull.

  She’s not ready to know that yet, Aster placated.

  She’s ours. Ours to protect, ours to take, the beast roared.

  Aster gritted his jaw, forcing his beast under control, all the while being conscious to hold Becca with care.

  Aster knew he could show her how wrong she was. He could shift were they stood and reveal his true self, but Aster was afraid she’d run. He wasn’t ready to reveal all his secrets, just as she wasn’t, but she had admitted one thing; Becca did feel the connection between them, and she couldn’t leave just yet. He had a few days, a few days for their connection to grow, a few days until he had to reveal his deepest secret, and pray she’d stay.

  “Shall we go for a drive now?” he asked.

  “You’re really just going to drop the subject like that? I expected you to push me for more details.” Becca looked up at him, her eyes wide and vulnerable.

  “I keep telling you, I’m not an ass.”

  Resting her cheek against his chest, her arms clung to him a little tighter, and it took great effort for Aster not to pick her up and haul her back into bed.

  “Yeah, I’m starting to see that.”

sp; “Are you hungry?” Aster asked.

  Turning her head from the view of the passing scenery, Becca glanced at Aster. “Yeah, starving actually.”

  “Being in bed all afternoon is hard work,” he said seriously, but added a wink at the end, making Becca laugh.

  “So what’s a small town like this got to eat?”

  “Probably not as much choice as you’re used to, but we’ve got a Chinese.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Thought we could pick something up to go.”

  “Fine with me.”

  There was a moment’s silence before Aster spoke again. “Are you all right, Bec? You’re pretty quiet.”

  Am I all right? She didn’t really have a straight answer. In one respect, she was all right. In fact, she was feeling the best she’d ever felt. She was in a car with a sexy, caring man. Not so long ago, she was having the best orgasm of her life, and she’d found herself in a quaint little town, surrounded by wilderness, a far cry from the places she’d lived, but in a good way. Yet deep down, Becca knew she couldn’t have what was now around her. Her life was destined to be forever on the run.

  It’s cruel really to be shown things I never knew I wanted, only to know I can never have them anyway.

  She wasn’t going to tell him that though, because she was beginning to see Aster was the type of man who’d want to do everything in his power to give Becca her dreams, and she couldn’t be responsible for Alex taking another life.

  She’d once had a friend, a girl named Tamsin, who she’d met when she’d first run away from her foster home. Being of similar age, and from similar backgrounds, they’d instantly hit it off. But when Alex had met Tamsin, he’d been jealous of their friendship, so jealous that he’d helped feed Tamsin’s drug habit. He’d not killed her directly, but in Becca’s eyes, he may as well have. She’d realized Alex’s nature too late to save her friend, but she could save Aster.

  “I’m all right, honestly.”

  “Okay… Well, why don’t you tell me about your bike?”

  Becca laughed at Aster’s attempt to steer the conversation to simpler topics. “It’s not mine. I stole it from him.”

  “Oh! Do you like motorcycles?”

  “I like the feeling it gives me riding on an open stretch of road. I think it’s sexy as hell, well, was until you trashed it.”

  “Are you ever going to drop that?”

  “Maybe.” Becca turned her gaze back out the window to hide her grin; she did enjoy winding him up.

  “Why don’t you pick a topic this time, since everything I say gets me in the shit.”

  “Oh, God, I don’t know. I’m not exactly used to talking to people, and there is nothing to tell. I grew up in one shitty foster home after the other. Ran away when I finished high school, lived on the streets for just under a year, and then met Alex. The rest isn’t pretty, and you do not need to know. That’s it. That’s me.”

  “That’s not who you are, Becca. What interests you? What do you do for fun?”

  She gritted her teeth as a thread of anger wormed its way into her head. He didn’t understand. She wasn’t anyone. She’d never be anyone. Alex hadn’t allowed her interests, or fun; he’d given her torment and cruelty. It was all she knew.

  “I don’t,” she snapped.

  Aster didn’t say a word after that, though Becca could feel the tension coming from his body. The set of his jaw and the way he kept squeezing the steering wheel all indicated to him being angry. She was used to anger, but she wasn’t used to it being contained. He made her feel like a child. At twenty years old, she’d done nothing, had no interests, no connections or ties to life. When she died, no one would notice, or care. Maybe it was time she grew up and faced life, discovered what made her Becca, but she wasn’t sure how.

  Pulling off the road, Aster parked outside the small Chinese.

  “What would you like?” he asked curtly.

  “Anything,” she answered in the same tone.

  Sighing, Aster climbed out, but before he closed the door, Becca spoke, “I know you’re mad at me.”

  His eyes softened. Opening the door further, he leaned into the cab. “I’m not angry at you, Bec. I’m angry at him.”


  “For making you believe you’re no one.”

  When Aster returned to his truck, Becca was sitting on the passenger seat, her knees tucked up under her chin. She looked so young, so vulnerable. Her eyes tracked him as he walked to the car and climbed in. Though he said nothing to her, he’d decided to let his anger go. It wasn’t what she needed right now. Giving her a smile, Aster turned the key and his truck roared to life. He drove the short distance to the duck pond, which was in the center of the old part of town. As he pulled up, she whispered something he didn’t quite hear.

  “What was that, Bec?” he asked, looking across at her.

  “Drawing. I used to draw.” Tilting her face to him, her eyes glistened with unshed tears. “That’s something about me.”

  Becca was telling him a detail of herself she’d forgotten, and he could read in her eyes that for her to share this was monumental. But all Aster could think about was how goddamn beautiful she was. The sun was setting behind them, and the beams of light caught each fine strand of her hair making it glow. Her eyes were deep pools showing him a glimpse into her fragile soul.

  I’m never letting her go.

  He couldn’t even believe he’d attempted to ignore the connection his Minotaur had first felt. He was a fool to have ever thought about letting her pass through. He was afraid she’d run like every other woman, but she meant too much for him to hide behind his fear. It was obvious Becca had known many monsters in her life, he just hoped she could see past his to the man inside.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Like what?” he murmured.

  She breathed deeply, her grip on her knees tightening. “Like you’re seeing me for the first time.”

  “Maybe I am,” he whispered, leaning toward her.

  “What’s she look like, this new me?”

  Becca lifted her head. With her mouth just inches from his, her breath kissed his skin, causing a sliver of pleasure to roll down his spine. “Beauty beyond compare.”

  Their lips met. Hot, searing pleasure rolled through his body, straight to his penis. He moaned as her fingers scratched at his chest, and tiny needy sounds came from her throat.

  Pulling away, Becca laughed, her hands pushing against him when he attempted to recapture her mouth. “Food, remember?”

  “You taste far better.”

  Her cheeks flushed red.

  “You just pictured my mouth between your legs, didn’t you?”

  Slapping him lightly, Becca feigned disbelief. “I wouldn’t think such things.”

  Taking hold of her hands, Aster leaned in and nipped at her neck. “You would and you did. Admit it.”


  Grinning as she attempted and failed to keep the smile from her face, Aster lowered his voice until it was just a rough caress against her skin. “Admit it, or I’ll do it again right here in the truck.”

  “You wouldn’t,” she gasped.

  He locked eyes with her. “Oh, I would, and I’d enjoy every lick, every bite. I’d suck your clit until you were writhing and screaming beneath me, and then I’d demand more.”

  Becca’s breaths grew heavy, and her skin flushed red for another reason. He could just see the tight points of her nipples through her shirt. Unable to resist, Aster lifted his hand and took hold of one of her heavy breasts. Never dropping her gaze, he watched her eyes grow heavy as his thumb grazed the tip of her nipple. On the second caress, her body turned to liquid. Sinking back into the seat, he still refused to let their eye contact drop.

  “Admit it, Becca.”

  “Hmm?” she asked, dazed.

  His smile turning on the edge of wicked, Aster released her breast with a sharp pinch of her nipple. Her breath hitched as her thigh
s clenched.

  “I’m waiting.”

  “Okay, okay, I admit it. Now kiss me some more.”

  Chuckling, he shook his head. “Admit what?”

  “I should have known you’d make me repeat every detail.” She huffed. “I pictured your head between my legs. God, I can even feel your tongue touching me. What have you done to me?”

  “That’s better.” Aster kissed her lightly before pulling back and climbing out of the truck.

  “Aren’t we going home?” Becca whined as his feet hit the ground.

  “No, we’re eating. If you’re good, I might consider having you for dessert.”

  Becca shook her head as Aster strode away, the bag of food in his hand, and his triumphant laughter in the air. She wanted to hit him, and kiss him in the same breath. In fact, skip the kissing, she wanted to go back to the cabin and finish what she’d been too chicken to finish earlier.

  He’d turned her body into a tingling mess. Her skin felt tight, her nipples on the edge of pain, and the ache between her legs only grew. Consequences be damned. Becca wanted, needed to finish what they’d started, but first it looked like she was going to have to eat food and try and forget about desires, or the dampness of her panties.

  Letting out a heavy breath, Becca grabbed her jacket and slung it on. It had turned chilly with the sun making its way down in the sky, but she felt as if she was on fire. The cold blast of wind against her exposed skin did wonders in calming her burning lust.

  By the time she reached Aster, he’d already set out the various cartons of food and was waiting for her.

  “Manage to get yourself under control?” he asked with a smirk.

  “You could at least try to not look like you’re enjoying my pain.”

  “Don’t worry, Bec, I’m in pain, too, a pain I hope you plan on relieving later.”

  Taking a seat across from him, Becca forced the smile from her face and answered seriously. “Be good and I might consider having you for dessert.”

  His jaw clenched as his hands fisted.

  “Are you in control?”

  “Completely,” he ground out.

  Becca burst out laughing, and took in the food he’d bought. “Mmm, this smells good. What we got?”


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