Home > Other > Her Accidental Hero: A BAD BOY BILLIONAIRE BROTHERS ROMANCE BOX SET > Page 86

by Holly Jaymes

  He smiled at me. “This time, we do it right.”

  “Sober?” I asked.

  He laughed. “And with intention. If you’ll have me again. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes, a million times yes.”

  “Come on then.” He took my hand and led me inside.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Sloane, welcome back,” the same woman as last year greeted us. “Mr. Sloane, we have some paperwork for you if you’d follow me. You can wait here Mrs. Sloane.”

  I frowned, because that was different. And what paperwork? We were already married.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said giving me a quick kiss.

  Shrugging, I stood in the little vestibule, waiting. On the other side of the room a door open. I turned to see a man walking out and my heart stopped.


  He was followed by my brother.


  “Hey, honey,” my father said as he hugged me. “I’m here to escort you up the aisle.”

  Tears formed in my eyes as the magnitude of what Will had arranged hit me.

  “We didn’t get an invite the first time,” Mathieu said.

  “Sorry. Spur of the moment thing. It is Vegas, after all.”

  My father put my arm around his. “Shall we?”

  Mathieu opened the doors and walked in before us, taking a seat in one of the few pews. I gasped as I saw Will’s family standing as we entered.

  “Oh my God.” I immediately looked at Will. He was so handsome, standing by Elvis the minister. My heart filled to bursting at this wonderful man who loved me so much to do all this.

  When I reached him, I put my hand on his cheek. “You’re so amazing, and I love you so much.”

  He kissed my palm. “Then let’s get hitched again.”

  This time, I savored everything about our wedding. We wouldn’t need a video for me to remember every lovely moment. Although, I did enjoy watching the first video too. Ms. Slater had been right about our first wedding. There was something in the way Will and I looked at each other that suggested there was more between us than just friendship and camaraderie. It was there, and neither of us had realized it at the time.

  When it was time for vows, Will turned to me. “I made my own, if that’s all right.”

  My heart was so full it seemed impossible that it wasn’t coming out of my chest.

  “Adalyn. When I first met you, I was immediately smitten by your vivacious personality, your incredible intellect, and full-throttle living.”

  I bit my lip, hoping my mascara wasn’t dripping down my face.

  “I was a man who played it safe, so I didn’t follow through on that. Seeing you here a year ago, something inside me told me I had to take a chance, and since then, my life has been nothing but love and laughter and such happiness. I commit everything that I am or will ever be to you, my sweet Adalyn, from now until forever.”

  “Oh Will.” I sniffed.

  “Do you have vows, or would you like to use the traditional ones?” Elvis the minister asked.

  “I’ve been put on the spot.”

  “Sorry,” Will said sheepishly. “I wanted to surprise you.”

  “That’s okay, because I’m a quick thinker and I don’t need any time to come up with something to say to you. Will, you’re a dream come true. You’re solid, trustworthy and dependable.”

  “That sounds like dullard to me.” He flashed me a grin.

  “No. Because you’re also kind and sweet, and sexy … that thing you do to me when I’m above —”

  There was a gasp in the room, and Will’s cheeks flushed.

  I grinned. “Well … you know. It’s definitely not boring. Anyway, before you, I was always looking for the next adventure. The next thrill. I don’t do that anymore, because all my happiness and excitement is with you. I can’t wait to spend forever loving you.”

  Elvis the minister completed the ceremony, and Will dipped me in a long, passionate kiss while our families clapped.

  We then loaded up in a series of limos as we headed back to the hotel, where Will had reserved a ballroom for our reception.

  “I can’t believe you did all this,” I said to him as I watched our guests mingle. I looked up at him. “Actually, I can. This is exactly something you’d do. And I love it.”

  “I love you.”

  I felt so completely in awe of him and our love. “Our families look happy, but I can’t imagine anyone is as happy as I am.”

  “There’s me,” he said, pulling me to him as music started to play. In his arms, letting him guide me around the room to the music, I was able to fully understand the joy of family. His mother and my father joined us on the dance floor. I watched as Gabe held three-year-old Annabelle and swayed like he was dancing with her, while Sam cradled their newborn son.

  My brother chatted with Mitch and Hope, while they bounced two-year-olds on their laps. He held Nate Jr on his lap while, Nate and Hallie joined us on the dance floor.

  I turned my attention back to my man. I studied his chiseled jaw, his dark eyes, and tasty lips, as did all the time.

  “You look hungry,” he said with a knowing grin.

  “I was wondering how long we had to stay here, because what I really want is to get naked with you.”

  He pulled me closer, his erection pressing against me. “I was wondering the same thing. Do we have to stay and eat?”

  “Would they notice if we left?”

  “We’d notice,” Nate said, gliding up next to us. “But we’d understand.”

  “Maybe we could ask Mathieu to babysit and follow them out,” Hallie suggested.

  Nate grinned. “You’re brilliant.”

  I laughed.

  “What do you say, Adalyn? Shall we go consummate this marriage renewal?”


  Ten minutes later, we were in our suite, grabbing at each other and removing our clothes.

  Will held up a strip of condoms. “I came prepared, in case we still needed these.”

  A month ago, Will and I decided to forgo waiting three years before starting a family. It took some talking him into it, but now he seemed fully on board. Since my doctor suggested that I be off the pill for a full cycle before getting pregnant, we’d switched to condoms.

  I took the condoms from him and tossed them over my shoulder. “We don’t need them anymore.”

  The flash of wild lust in his eyes turned me on.

  “It is weird that it really makes me hot to think about impregnating you?” he said tugging me to him.

  “It’s probably some sort of innate primal thing.”

  “Does it turn you on?” His hand slid between my legs.

  “You always turn me on, Will. I do like the idea of getting rid of the condoms. It’s not the same with them.”

  “Those ribbed ones we tried a week ago weren’t that bad.”

  I laughed. “I liked the colored ones. Except the green. A green penis doesn’t look right.”

  “How’s this one,” he said, as he pressed his hard, long length along my pussy.

  “It’s perfect.”

  He lifted me, and I wrapped my legs around him as he brought me to the bed. “Let’s make a baby, Adalyn.”

  His words both titillated and filled me with love. The idea that he and I could make a life from our love also awed me.

  We touched and kissed. Caressed each other, and spoke words of love. Finally, he slipped inside me and held still, as our gazes caught.

  “I love you so much, Adalyn. So, so much.”

  I ran my fingers through his hair and then lifted my head to kiss him. “I love you.”

  He began to move while our gazes held. The intensity of our love making, the magnitude of what we were doing, made the moment magical.

  Soon, our bodies took over, need and urgency growing. Yet we stayed in sync, our bodies coming together like they’d been crafted specifically for each other.

  “I’m gonna come, Adalyn … are you there?�

  “Yes, yes, yes …” I arched, and when he plunged in again, he hit that one perfect spot, and sent me into the most perfect bliss.

  He growled, as he withdrew and thrust in again, this time spreading warmth in my womb. I held him tight, wanting to savor everything about this moment. The moment when we created our child.

  I lay in his arms. “I hope our baby is good and kind and solid like you,” I said.

  “I hope she’s as smart and beautiful as you.”

  “Not adventurous? I thought you liked that about me.”

  He flinched. “No. I’m not sure what I’d do if she came home accidentally married.”

  I laughed, rolling so that I was on top of him. “I don’t know, it turned out all right for us.”

  “If we’re lucky, one of her other three brothers or sisters will help keep her on an even keel.”

  I grinned. “Four.”

  He pulled me close. “Whatever you want Adalyn, I will give you.”

  “You’ve given me everything already.” I rested my head on his chest, savoring the steady, solid beat of his heart. “I have love and a home. I have you. That’s all I need.”

  Book 4: Epilogue—Two Years Later

  Epilogue: Two Years Later

  Epilogue: Two Years Later


  "I hereby declare, on oath …”

  I watched as Adalyn stood with a group of other people as they all took their oath of allegiance to become United States Citizens.

  “Do you see Mommy?” I said to fifteen-month-old William Matthew Sloane III, or Little Will, as I held him in my arms.

  The last two years since our marriage renewal had been even more perfect that I could ever have hoped for. My business was booming. Adalyn still had her own business, but she only did work for me when I needed it. Mostly, she cared for Little Will and hung out with my sisters-in-law or spent time at my mother’s. There was a time I’d have thought that wouldn’t be enough excitement for her, but she said she was blissfully content. Not that we didn’t have any excitement. The arrival of Little Will was the biggest adventure at the moment, but we had made it to Paris for breakfast and then Venice for the gondola ride.

  The only blip in the happiness meter was during her application for citizenship. I was scared to death of all the paperwork and the interview. This time, though, there were no questions or concerns. When we got notice of her citizenship ceremony, we’d invited Ms. Slater along with our families. Adalyn wanted to invite Mr. Bigalow too, but I put my foot down on that. No way was that man getting near my family again.

  “This is so wonderful, Will,” my mother said next to me. We’d invited my family and all of them were there. I was proud of my wife, but also so grateful that my family was with us.

  “It is. I’m so proud of her.”

  “I wish your father was here,” she said.

  I looked at her.

  “To see his namesake, both of them,” she said with a nod to Little Will.

  I used my free hand to pull her close. “Me too, Mom.”

  “I guess she aced the test,” Nate said on the other side of me as he shifted Nate Jr to his other arm.

  “She knows more about the U.S. than we do, that’s for sure,” I answered.

  “She looks so happy,” Hallie said, resting her hand on her very large belly carrying her and Nate’s second child.

  “She does,” I agreed. If I did my job right, she’d always be happy.

  After the oath, the individual citizenship certificates were handed out. My chest was so filled with pride to see Adalyn receive her certificate. And of course, the breath I’d been holding since she arrived home with her green card finally released. Now, she was a U.S. citizen. There was no risk of her being taken from me again.

  The celebration party was held at our house. When we learned we were successful at making a baby, I’d had the yard fenced to keep the kids away from the river. We’d made a few other changes as well. Gabe had been right in that some smart home features made life easier. When my hands were filled with a boy and his toys, it was easier to ask the house to turn a light on than to use my elbow. I also liked to the special video monitor set up in Little Will’s room. There were times I could watch him sleep all night.

  Right now, all the kids, Annabelle, who had just started school, her little brother Liam, Nate Jr, Mia, Pax, and Little Will were all playing in the play area we’d set up in the family room. I had another bittersweet thought that my father wasn’t there to see them. His legacy.

  “A toast to the newest citizen of the United States,” Gabe said, holding up his wine glass.

  “Here, here,” the rest of the crowd said.

  I held up my wine while Adalyn held up a glass of juice.

  “You’re not having wine?” Hope asked.

  Adalyn bit her lip as she looked up at me.

  “Oh, is there news?” my mother gasped.

  I laughed. “Actually, yeah.”

  “It’s a dual celebration,” Adalyn said. “Will and I are expecting again.”

  After hugs and high fives, the ladies ventured off to talk about pregnancy and babies. I found myself standing watching the kids with my brothers.

  “Of all of us, you’re the one that surprises me the most,” Mitch said to me.


  “You were so adamant that you’d be single forever,” he said.

  Nate laughed. “He was committed to bachelorhood. Now look at you. A mini-Will and a bun in the oven. God, I wished I’d known this was coming. I’d have liked to have razed you about it.”

  I slapped him on the back. “I remember you being the consummate playboy.”

  “I was, but when I met Hallie, that was it.”

  We all nodded.

  “What I remember is Will being worried about being outnumbered by girls,” Mitch said.

  “Well, right now we’re fine, but if both Hallie and Adalyn have girls, we’ll be outnumbered.”

  Gabe snorted. “You’re not really worried about that, are you?”

  “Nah. I wouldn’t mind having a girl.” I hoped she’d be as beautiful on the inside and outside as Adalyn.

  “What are you boys plotting over here?” my mother said, coming to stand between me and Nate.

  “World domination, Mom,” Nate said putting his arm around her. “Want to help us?”

  She laughed. “How will you have time with all these children to raise?” She looked out over her six grandchildren. “There was a time I wondered if I’d ever have grandchildren.”

  “Glad we could help,” Gabe said.

  “I used to worry about you boys a lot, but your father always said, ‘They’re a little wild but they’re good people. They’ll makes us proud.’”

  My heart rolled in my chest, and I passed a look to each of my brothers, whose expressions suggested they were feeling the bittersweetness of the moment too.

  My mother sighed. “He was right, of course. He always was about these things.”

  When the party was over, and Little Will was tucked into bed, I pulled Adalyn close to me in our own bed.

  “I was so proud of you up there today, saying your oath.”

  She smiled up at me. “It wasn’t as wonderful as saying my vows to you.”

  I kissed her, because that’s what I did when she said such lovely things to me. “I worry sometimes you’ll get bored, but now you’re stuck here with me.”

  “I’m not stuck Will. You and Little Will, and soon our next little one, are my big adventure now.” She pressed her hand to my cheek. “You’re everything to me.”

  I kissed her again, as I rubbed my hand over her belly where our second child was growing. “You’ve given me a life, Adalyn.”

  “And you’ve given me a purpose.” She tugged at me until I moved over her lush body. “Do you want to hear a revelation I had the other day?”


  “You won’t like it.”

  I frowned. “Why not.”
/>   “Well … we’re here today, living our happily ever after, because of Mr. Bigalow.”

  “Fucker,” I hissed.

  She laughed.

  “Okay, you’ll have to explain that one,” I said, even though she was right in that I probably wouldn’t like it.

  “Mr. Bigalow told me there were concerns about my visa related to the top secret work I was doing and my father being in Iraq. Because of that, I cut off communications with my dad. When he couldn’t reach me, he contacted you. You came looking for me, and we ended up accidentally married. And now here we are.”

  She had a point. “You sound like that book about giving the mouse a cookie. If you tell Adalyn her visa is in trouble, she’ll stop talking to her dad. If her dad doesn’t hear from her, he’ll call his friend Will. If Will goes to find her, he’ll fall head over heels in love with her.”

  Her smile was so beautiful it stole my breath. “You say the loveliest things, Will.”

  “Should I send Bigalow a thank you note?”

  Her eyes gleamed. “That would be hilarious. And it would be safe. I can’t get kicked out now.”

  “Which reminds me, tomorrow, we need to register you to vote and get you a social security card.”

  “You say the most romantic things to me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “How about this: I’m dying to make love to you now that you’re an American.”

  “Do you think it will be different?”

  “There’s only one way to find out.” I settled over her, ready to love her now and forever.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you, thank you, for reading my box set, “Her Accidental Hero”! I’m so grateful and I hope that you enjoyed the stories.

  Reviews for my books are very important to me as an author. If you enjoyed reading my books I’d be so thankful if you would be willing to write me a review.

  Thanks again for your support and for reading my story. I couldn’t do it without you!

  XX Holly

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  About Holly James

  All of Holly's romances involve passionate, alpha males who don't shy away from demonstrating just how they feel about their sassy heroines. Because, let's face it, those are the best kinds of book-boyfriends to have.


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