To Have and To Claim: A Dirty DILFs Bundle

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To Have and To Claim: A Dirty DILFs Bundle Page 54

by Taryn Quinn

  We were about to move into a new phase. This would be our origami swan song, so to speak, before everything changed. As much as I couldn’t wait for the future, I wanted to soak up every second of this moment.

  And maybe I was a little afraid too. I was putting my heart in Oliver’s hands and what if things changed? What if he’d been running on high emotion tonight, but he hadn’t had enough time to really think this through? It was all fun and games while the chase was on, yet what happened after reality set in? Dirty diapers, and middle-of-the-night feedings, and arguments where we couldn’t just run out the door and shut each other out. We had so much further to go and so much more to learn if we were going to make it. I had faith—and it was growing every minute—but that didn’t mean I wasn’t scared.

  Having more on the line only meant having more to lose.

  I held my hand to my brow to try to cut down on some of the onslaught and glanced around frantically. All I saw was snow and more snow. What the hell had he done?


  He didn’t give me time to turn around, just wrapped me in his arms and picked me straight up off my feet. My crazy hair flew back, probably choking the guy, but he didn’t set me down as I laughed and flailed. I wasn’t sure how it happened, but one minute we were standing and then we were in the snow, my body cradled and surrounded by his. And I wasn’t laughing anymore.

  “Christ, I’m putting you in a bubble. And me too. C’mon, we have to get up, get you to the hospital to make sure—”

  I let my shopping bags drop into the snow and shifted to frame his face with my mittened hands before lowering my mouth to his. I kissed him hard enough to shut him up, and also to let him know I wasn’t only fine, I was perfect. His lips were like a fever beneath mine, but only for a moment. Then they became soft and tentative. His palpable worry blanketed us almost as much as the snow.

  That’s how much he loves you and the baby. He’s not even interested in making out.

  Of course, we were in a snowbank, but whatever.

  “I’m fine,” I said between kisses, nibbling his lower lip. “Not delicate. Not breakable. The kid is like the size of a Jell-O shot right now, so trust me, we’re all good.”

  He didn’t laugh. “What are you doing out here? When Ally and Seth came in without you, I went through every minute of tonight all over again.”

  “Oh God. I’m sorry. I didn’t think.” I tapped my head against his chest and he stopped me, cupping my cheek so gently with his snow-encrusted bare hands. “I just wanted to see your snow origami before it got covered up.”

  “Snow origami?” Even in the low light where we were sprawled in the snow, his puzzlement was clear. “I don’t even know what that would entail. It’s beyond my paygrade in any case.”

  “Oh. Hmm. But Seth said—”

  “I should’ve known all roads lead back to him.” He sat up in the snow, angling me into his lap and cuddling me so close I almost forgot it was freezing out. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He brushed my hair away from my face, studying me intently. “You should know whatever your answer, I’m still taking you to urgent care. Doubly so, now that I’ve dropped you in the snow.”

  “I landed on you. Safe and sound.”

  “Not good enough.”

  “You really are that concerned about me and the baby?”

  “Of course. Did you ever doubt it?” As soon as he’d asked the question, he shut his eyes. “Yes, you did doubt it, because I’m the guy who can’t commit and doesn’t want a family and couldn’t grow roots in a hydroponic garden.”

  I bit my lip to stop from smiling. Now wasn’t the time. “I wouldn’t have put it quite that way.”

  “No, but it sums it all up.” He tipped up my chin with his thumb. “I didn’t think I wanted a wife and a family. Not until you. You made life so much brighter and fuller and yes, a little more insane. But you’re all I can see now.”

  I tipped my head against his, fighting tears. I didn’t want to ruin a beautiful moment with more preggo hormonal sobbing. “I already said yes, you know.”

  “I know. But I made a vow when Seth couldn’t reach you and Ally that if you came back to me whole, I’d spend the rest of my life spoiling you and the baby. That starts now.” Somehow he made it to his feet while still holding me in his arms.

  That whole seemingly weightless thing with him? Yeah, addictive.

  “Wait, where’s my message?” He was already carrying me out of the backyard, his face utterly focused.

  “Oh, that. Snow covered it up. Dumb idea anyway. Time to get you to urgent care, and then—”

  “Dammit, I want to see. You better put me down before I make sure this baby is your first and last with my knee.”

  Chuckling, he finally stopped in his tracks and rerouted toward the back of the yard. “Fine, you want to see? It was meant for viewing from the second floor, and it’s been hours, but there you go.” He pointed a few feet ahead and I cocked my head, trying to make sense of what I was seeing.

  “I lo u, Sag?”

  He swore and moved closer, hoisting me higher and tipping me a little forward to change my viewing angle. Which reminded me we’d left my naughty gear in a snowbank. Not what we wanted Laurie to stumble upon tomorrow while building snowmen. Especially since I’d snagged a little gift with purchase at the checkout that had batteries.

  Ah, crap, if my very first vibrator got water damage, I was going to be very pissed off. Then again, what was better suited to handle moisture? Probably not quite that much volume. Though sometimes I got pretty excited.

  I shrieked as he dangled me over the snow just right so I could take another look at the letters from this angle. “I lo u, Sag?” I finally got it and started to laugh, also because the jerk was trying to tickle me through my parka. “Aww, some of the letters got filled in. I get it now. I love you, Sage.”

  He finally righted me, and I slid down his body until my feet hit the ground. “Well, I did, before you mercilessly teased me about my romantic gesture.” He sounded a little breathless, and I was pretty sure it wasn’t just from lifting me.

  Minus the coats and stuff, that slide down his body had been freaking hot.

  “Aww, you’re pouting.”

  “I’m not pouting.”

  “You so are.” I leaned up on my tiptoes and rubbed my cold lips against his much warmer ones. “That was so sweet of you to do that in this weather. But I gotta say you could have just done more origami.”

  “Now she tells me.” He looped his arms around my shoulders and nuzzled his way along my jaw to my neck. “Let’s go get you checked out so I can play doctor myself. My stethoscope has amazing powers of perception.”

  I snorted. “I just bet.” I cupped his face and brought it back front and center. “I’d decided to say yes to going out with you before the accident.”

  “Oh yeah?” He flicked his tongue along the seam of my lips. “Just go out with me, hmm?”

  “And stay in. Often.”

  “That will definitely be part of the plan.” He slanted his head, his mouth teasing mine. “Now if we can—”

  “Umm, no, we can’t. Aren’t you forgetting something?”

  “That I’m cold and hungry and want to make sure you’re okay before I fuck your brains out? What have I missed?”

  I had to grin. “Well, all very important points, but hi, bed-and-breakfast? Ring a bell? Seth told me,” Oliver’s head came up and his eyes narrowed dangerously, “um, absolutely nothing. Let’s go to the hospital. Actually, maybe I need an ambulance. Nurse!”

  “He’s going to get his ass kicked!”

  “Actually, no, don’t do that.”

  “Why shouldn’t I? He ruined my goddamned surprise.” He strode away from me, only stopping when I chased after him and yanked hard on his sleeve, nearly pulling off his jacket. “And I’m the unromantic one? Ha! He’s a romance killer. He literally stabs it dead and leaves the smoking carcass to rot.”

  Eww. But moving on.

/>   “So, it’s true?” I demanded. “How? How did you do that when it was already sold?”

  He glanced back, giving me the cockiest, sexiest smile I had ever seen. “I’m rich, baby.”

  If this had been a normal night, I would’ve pulled on his ear for that statement and brought him down a few pegs. But he had made my fondest wish come true.

  Because he loved me. Just as I loved him.

  I leaped into his arms, trusting he would catch me. And he did, barely, staggering back a few steps as he struggled to maintain his footing in the snow as I peppered his face with kisses. “I love you. I so love you. Did I mention I loved you?”

  “Yes, I think so.” He was laughing now too.

  “And you’re going to run it with me? Really? Both of us?” Delighted, I brushed that wild hank of hair out of his eyes. “But what about your real job?”

  “Well, I’m hoping the bed-and-breakfast is a real job too. That will make us real money.”

  “You know what I mean. Working at the real estate office.”

  “I’m still going to. Just part time until the bed-and-breakfast is up and running again.”

  “I can’t believe it!” I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Any day now it was going to be torn down.”

  “It was close,” he admitted. “And it took some serious negotiation. But I pulled it off. The saving grace was that the head of Fielding Holdings was having some misgivings about the property. He’d done some market research and found Crescent Cove really wasn’t the best place for ritzy condos.”

  “Duh, you think? However, you pulled it off, I think you’re a genius.” I kissed the side of his head. “And so, so sweet. And a closet romantic to boot.”

  “You forgot highly skilled lover.”

  “Yeah, I kinda did. It’s been a while.” I laughed as he swatted my ass. “Though I definitely didn’t forget that,” I murmured as his gaze turned hot. “Speaking of such things, that bag we forgot over there? Has all manner of teddies and things to torment you with, and best of all, they’re built for expanding middles. So, you know, second trimester will be a blast.”

  “What’s so special about second trimester?”

  “Well, newbie here, but I’ve heard that’s when women want it a lot. Like multiple-times-a-day a lot, for some. At least that’s what Ally—eek!” He hurried over to pluck the bag out of the snow with such speed, I was sure he would drop me. But nope, He-Man, reporting for duty. “Hello, it’s not going to come any faster if we rush,” I said, laughing.

  “No, but we need to practice so we’re ready.” He tilted the bag precariously and something pink flashed through the air, landing in the snow just as Laurie called out from behind us.

  “Auntie Sage!”

  Oh, crap.

  “Um, vibrator,” I whispered in his ear. “Retrieve that. Fast.”

  He set me down and we both went for it at the same time. Oliver snatched it up just as Laurie bounded toward us and wrapped her tiny arms around my thighs.

  “Hiya, munchkin.” I crouched down to her level, trusting Oliver would protect my first and only sex toy from certain ruin. “You want to make snow angels with—”

  “Not even going to happen. You are going to see the doctor, pronto.” Oliver tugged me up again and securely gripped my arm, the vibrator tucked into his palm not so gently pushing into my skin.

  It was like offering a child a lollipop if they were good for their shot. Except in this case, I would ride my lollipop, not suck on it.

  Although, hmm, they did that in porn too. Eh, next time. A chick could only leap so far ahead in her sexual exploits in one night. Especially since it wasn’t a dildo, so even riding it would be a feat.

  Whatever. I was sure I’d enjoy it regardless.

  I tugged on the pom-pom on top of Laurie’s hat. “We’ll make snow angels tomorrow morning, sweetheart, how’s that?”

  “Try afternoon,” Oliver said against my ear, “maybe evening.”

  “Or maybe tomorrow night,” I added brightly.

  Ally and Seth stood a few feet away, and Alex was securely bundled into a sling against Ally’s chest.

  “So, are congratulations in order?” Seth asked, glancing between us.

  Oliver arched a brow at me. “Are they?”

  “Well, technically, I said yes on the phone to going out with you, but—” I giggled as he grabbed me around the waist and pinched my hip awfully close to my backside.

  Whoa, happy engagement day to me.

  “Yes. I said yes.” I grabbed hold of Oliver’s jacket and dragged him in for a quick, hard kiss. “Yes to everything.”

  “Yay!” Laurie hugged me around the thighs again and pressed her head against my belly. “Baby in here?”

  My gaze connected with Oliver’s as I swallowed the lump in my throat and rubbed a hand over her back. I didn’t know how she knew, but somehow it made this moment even more special. “Yes. Little tiny baby, even smaller than your baby brother.”

  “Jell-O shot,” Oliver reminded me, doing his eyebrow porn thing to rev me up.

  Or maybe that was just a lucky side benefit.

  Ally swept in to give me a big hug—well, as big as she could with Alex between us. “We’re going to be sisters for real now,” she murmured once she drew back.

  I immediately pulled her back in, squeezing her hard. “Like we weren’t before?”

  Her eyes were glimmering wet to match mine as she finally retreated. “Good point.”

  Seth and Oliver were slapping backs beside us, talking in low voices. Knowing them, the congratulations were probably mixed with insults.

  Ah, love was a many a splendored thing. It was also often extremely fucked up, but splendored.

  Oh, and just FYI, my swear gallon is officially retired. I’m owning my potty mouth like the badass I’m on my way to becoming.

  Work in progress there.

  “Congrats, soon-to-be sister-in-law,” Seth said before drawing me into an embrace.

  “Thank you. I’m so happy to join your insane family.”

  Oliver sighed. “I wish I could dispute that, but the truth wins out.” He frowned. “Oh hell, was I supposed to ask for your dad’s permission before I asked you? It wasn’t exactly planned.”

  “No, I think whatever weird-ass conversation you had that morning in the kitchen probably suffices on that score.”

  “Swear jar!” Laurie shouted before running to play in the snow.

  “Put it on my tab,” I called back, turning to look at the rest of the members of my new family. They were all smiling. Romance had won the day, after a rocky start.

  Might as well end it with a bang.

  “There’s even more good news.” I grinned as I gripped Oliver’s hand, the vibrator securely tucked between our palms. My kind of dirty promise. “Seth offered to pay for the wedding.”


  Oliver & Sage

  Six months later

  “Are you ready?”

  I stared hard at the closed bathroom door. We were back in the hotel suite we’d stayed in that first weekend last winter for our “babymoon”—and another surprise event she had not been apprised of yet. Timing was of the essence there. Soon, Sage wouldn’t be able to fly until the baby was born in October.

  Our little pumpkin. Complete with newborn Halloween costume I’d insisted on buying.

  “Yoo-hoo, Hamilton? You out there?”

  I was so ready, I’d probably tear a hole in my boxers if she kept me waiting much longer. “Get in here.”

  The door opened, and Sage stepped out in the sleep set she wanted to model for me.

  It wasn’t as risqué as a few of the pieces she’d purchased early on in her pregnancy, but the tiny boy shorts that rode high on her thighs and silky, lace-strapped top made me fist my hand in the sheets just the same. Her breasts were so much larger than they’d been, and the perfection of her round belly was highlighted by the fringe of lace draped over the top of her stomach. Her miles of wavy blon
d hair tumbled over her shoulders and flirted with the tops of her breasts, dipping down to curve seductively near her nipples.

  Bow-festooned nipples. Bows were a theme with us, from the necklace she never took off to her engagement ring to the pretty little ties I sometimes wrapped around her wrists. Occasionally ankles too.

  “Dear God,” I said, voice low.

  “Like it?” She came around to my side of the bed, and her skin shimmered under the lights with glittery fairy dust or some such. As she got closer, I saw that she’d written words with the glittery stuff on the fullest part of her belly.

  Daddy’s girl.

  Yes, we were having a girl, and yes, I may or may not have purchased every available piece of baby clothing with that phrase in Crescent Cove. Recently, I’d been online shopping to boot.

  By the time our daughter actually arrived, there probably wouldn’t be any room left for her in the nursery due to all the clothes, toys, and baby paraphernalia, mostly bought by me.

  My shame level hovered right around zero. I’d promised to spoil them every day of my life, and I was off to a rip-roaring start.

  I swallowed deeply and grabbed Sage’s hand to tug her close. “I hope that glitter is edible, because I’m going to kiss every inch of you.”

  “Your luck is in, Mr. Hamilton. So is mine, I hope.” She pulled something out of her back pocket that looked suspiciously like a long, silky length of thin, lightly padded fabric. “Since this babymoon thing is about one last hurrah pre-infant, I was thinking maybe you could indulge me one of my favorite fantasies.”

  I pressed my face against the satiny fabric between her breasts and inhaled her summery, ocean water scent. The rich cocoa butter lotion she used now to keep her skin supple layered over the other scents, reminding me of the beach. “If this is about dirty talk, I’m standing firm.”

  She laughed and scooped her hand through my hair. “The kid is not listening to you. I swear.”

  “Do you have proof of what she can hear? Can you guarantee she won’t end up in therapy in ten years because of what filth I said to you while in the throes?”


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