Princes of the Underworld

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Princes of the Underworld Page 21

by Olivia Ash

  Damien screamed, “Sadie!”

  He flew in her direction. The dragon whipped its tail. Damien ducked and lashed out with his sword, scratching the dragon’s shoulder. It growled in response.

  Damien landed as Sadie stood. She coughed and summoned a fire sword in her right hand and a blazing shield in her left. Her torso was tender and was more than likely bruised, but she wasn’t giving up. She needed to save the village and try to get the dragon to snap out of whatever came over it.

  “Are you all right?” Damien asked.

  She thought he shouldn’t have flown to her.

  “Focus, Damien,” she said, and she ran toward the dragon with her shield in front of her. She used the flames on her shield to shoot a bolt of fire, hitting it in the face.

  The creature shook its head and shrieked. Scales melted and cracked. Sadie shot another bolt of fire, landing in the dragon’s chest.

  Damien bolted past her, his cloak swinging with the breeze. He jumped and shot a stream of fire of his own. It hit the dragon’s throat. The creature staggered to the side but didn’t collapse. It growled and snapped at Damien, again missing him by mere inches.

  Sadie cast a ball of fire that the dragon’s leg. The creature snapped its head at her and opened its mouth. Another ball of frost appeared in the creature’s throat. She ducked and raised her shield, intensifying its heat.

  The stream hit her shield and it jarred her arm, but she gritted her teeth and summoned more energy for her shield’s flames. Her shield burned white and steam surrounded her as the ice cracked and fizzled. She poked her head around the shield as the dragon paused to take in another breath. Through the fading mist and flames, she caught an exposed spot on the creature’s chest. The scales surrounding the area had separated while the dragon inhaled, revealing a patch of soft skin.

  That gave her an idea. An unfortunate idea, but an idea none the less. If she could get the dragon distracted, she could use the moment to stop the dragon permanently. Albeit, she would’ve preferred to save the creature’s life. But it refused to respond to her mental pleas.

  Searching for Damien, she found him on the other side of the dragon. He slashed at the creature with his sword.

  “Make him shoot ice at you, Damien! I have an idea!” Her voice came out muted, though she exerted herself to get her voice to carry as much as it could through the chaos of screams and magic, and roars from the dragon.

  Damien had heard her though. He lowered his weapon and darted into the air from one point to another, pausing for a split-second before flying to another space. He reminded Sadie of a hummingbird, never staying in one place long enough to get snipped by the dragon’s sharp teeth.

  Taking her opportunity, she sneaked up on the dragon, hoping she was stealthy enough that the creature wouldn’t notice her creeping. So far, it worked, since the dragon was too distracted by Damien’s movements. As Sadie neared, she had to constantly step out of the way of the dragon’s legs, wing, and tail.

  When the creature’s chest was within her reach, she struggled to keep her position.

  Please work…

  “Now,” Sadie said in a whisper, silently praying Damien heard it.

  Damien swooped down, sword angled at the creature again. His weapon found its target within the dragon’s shoulder. He twisted the blade. The dragon roared and blew a long stream of frost at Damien. Sadie kept her eyes glued to the dragon’s chest, waiting for the scales to part and reveal a patch of skin.


  Sadie angled the tip of her sword toward the unguarded area that had just opened up. She plunged her fire sword through the soft skin until it was hilt-deep in the creature’s chest. Smoke and golden ichor seeped from the wound. The dragon reared back and let out an ear-splitting scream.

  Sadie’s chest tightened.

  That was the first sign of a true connection she felt with the dragon. Sadie almost regretted what she had done.

  I’m so sorry…

  But this wasn’t time for grieving. Sadie broke her hold on the fire sword and jumped out of the way before the dragon collapsed and crushed her on the ground. The dragon crumpled to the ground. Its head lay still, eyes wide and focused on Sadie.

  The poor thing stared at her in a way that made Sadie’s heart break. She attempted to reach out again, to communicate with it. She sensed the creature’s life ebbing away. She also felt something unexpected.


  The creature blinked once before its eyes closed for the last time.

  Sadie’s eyes drifted to Lightbane still within the dragon’s shoulder.

  Damien! No!

  Her pulse quickened as her eyes scanned her surroundings for him. She wondered if he was hurt. He was nowhere in sight. That made her panic rise a bit more.

  Just as she started to assume the worst, a voice spoke from behind her. “Sadie.”

  She whirled to find Damien staring at her. She ran to him. He grunted as she slammed against him and threw her arms around him, holding him as close as she could.

  He stiffened in her arms before surrounding her in an embrace of his own.

  “We’re all right,” he said, murmuring against her hair.

  Around them, ifrits appeared from their houses and buildings. At first, it was only a small group, but more kept coming until it seemed like the entire village’s population surrounded them.

  Everyone just stood around, staring at her, at the dragon, and back to her. Some checked on each other while others held their injured before turning their attention to the defeated dragon and demon queen. Sadie stood still, worried a single move could tip the moment in the wrong direction quickly.

  A collective cheer broke out. Sadie smiled at them, but she didn’t feel like rejoicing. She wanted to save the creature from its demise, not aid in it.

  She turned her attention to the body of the beautiful blue dragon, now at peace and lying on the ground. Golden liquid pooled from underneath it.

  Such a majestic creature. She wished she didn’t have to kill it.

  Above the corpse, the fortress’s silhouette loomed above a cliff. Beside the castle’s shadow, three flying figures appeared. Damien placed a hand on her shoulder as he watched his brothers fly toward them.

  Kaiser reached them first. He panted for breath as he said, “What happened? Are you okay?”

  Sadie smiled at him. He seemed to always be the most worried out of all the princes.

  “I’m fine,” she said. “We’re fine.”

  Mordecai and Steele landed in front of her. Mordecai looked over her shoulder to the corpse of the dragon. He raised his eyebrows. “You killed that?”

  Damien answered. “Sadie did.”

  Sadie opened her mouth to say that they both did, but Mordecai walked around her and approached the body. He knelt and opened its jaw to examine the creature’s mouth while she looked away. She didn’t want to watch whatever it was Mordecai was going to do to him.

  But curiosity had gotten the better of her. That, and she didn’t want to show how squeamish she was in front of the ifrits. She and Damien had just killed the creature to save them, after all. She turned her attention back to the dragon.

  Mordecai pressed his palm over the dragon’s chest. When he found whatever it was he wanted to find, he nodded to himself and stood.

  Mordecai walked back, a dire frown on his lips as he looked at his brothers. “Edreatrum.”

  Sadie’s eyebrows pursed.

  Mordecai caught the look of confusion and said, “It’s a fungus that makes creatures wild and bloodthirsty.”

  “How did you know?” Sadie asked.

  “There are black spots in its tongue. It’s usually the most prominent sign of poisoning.”

  Now I know why he was looking in its mouth.

  “But who would do such a thing?” she asked. She instantly thought of that demoness and her incessant need to destroy everything Sadie was trying to build. “It’s Mara, isn’t it?

  Kaiser shifted besid
e her. “It’s possible. Especially since this fungus is only found in the Vale.”

  The Vale. Where Mara lives.

  She clenched her jaws and formed fists so tight that her nails bit into her palms.

  The demoness was coming after her people now. She had to end Mara, once and for all.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Sadie stood by the largest window in her room, lost in thoughts of how to take care of Mara as she looked over her land. She had to find this artifact the princes had talked about, so she could kill the demoness.

  The dagger Blair had given her back in her apartment had hurt Mara, but she didn’t remember seeing it when she went back there with Carlos.

  She sighed, frustrated. She wondered what else she could do.

  Lost in thought, she almost didn’t notice the sound of footsteps outside her room. She turned around and watched the doorknob twist. The door opened a crack and Steele peeked inside.

  Oh great.

  When he saw her, he entered her room, closing the door behind him.

  She rolled her eyes and groaned. “What now? I thought I made my rules clear.”

  “You called?” he asked.

  She scoffed. “Actually, no. I didn’t. But since you are here, you might as well stay.”

  “You can drop the act, you know,” he said.

  She propped her hands on her hips. “What act?”

  “I know you secretly pine for me.” He scratched the nape of his neck. “Even though you clearly look annoyed that I broke your rules again.”

  “You got me,” she said. “Maybe I’ll let you sleep in the dungeons for a night.”

  Sometimes this man got on her nerves, but sometimes she also liked him. Very much. Everything felt light around him. Especially now, as the air lightened and the tension in her shoulders eased a bit. She knew what he was doing… and she let him when the gentle scratch at her mental barrier came. He affected her in that way, and she trusted him enough to know he wouldn’t hurt her. Not with his power. And she could use the break from planning for the moment.

  Sadie returned her gaze toward her window to look at the dark crags beyond rolling, green hills covered in pink flowers. She felt Steele come up behind her. He placed his hands on her shoulders. His fingers began to move, massaging her. She didn’t stop him, because it felt nice. She just enjoyed his touches and the break from the plotting and danger.

  “You’re stressed out,” he said. “Just relax, will you?”

  Sadie sighed. “It’s kind of hard to relax when everyone seems to want me dead.”

  “You can’t keep worrying about the demons banging at your door,” he said. “You have this incredible, newfound power.”

  Steele stopped kneading her shoulders only to set aside the thin strap of her chemise and bend his head to kiss her shoulder.

  “You have a castle, a reliable butler.”

  He pressed his lips on her neck. She could feel him smile against her skin. “

  You have a handsome man in your room with you right now.”

  She chuckled.

  He nudged her ear and whispered. “I’ll help you relax. Let me distract you.”

  Sadie closed her eyes. He scratched against her mental barrier again, soft and gentle. Asking permission.

  She didn’t hesitate. Her barricade fell. Steele’s fingers traced lines on her shoulder and drifted down her arm. His tender touches created goosebumps along her skin.

  In the back of her mind, a collection of memories played like a movie flashing in front of her eyes. She saw her and Blair as children, chasing each other on a playground their parents used to take them to.

  She remembered her first heartbreak, the boyfriend that cheated on her and how Blair stormed to his house with a golf club in hand. Sadie had followed Blair then, pleading with her sister to just leave it alone. Blair hadn’t hurt him, but she screamed a plethora of verbal threats, promising to beat him to a pulp if she ever saw his disgusting face again.

  Sadie relived the several nights, back in college, when Blair had appeared on her dormitory steps, asking if she could crash for the night because she missed her sister.

  Now, Sadie knew better. Blair had probably been on the run and hiding.

  The memories played in her mind, and she recalled them with fondness and a few of them with regret. But even with the bad memories, she still felt lighter, holding on to these moments with her sister. They were the only thing that she had of her sister now.

  As the movie of memories ended, she wiped away the solitary tear that trickled down her cheek. She blinked away the dampness welling in her eyes. She faced Steele and lifted onto her toes to kiss his cheek.

  “Thank you.”

  When she stepped back, Steele placed his hands on the small of her back and pulled her closer.

  “Thank you isn’t enough,” he said. Two fingers held her chin and tilted it upward. He drew nearer and kissed her lips.

  And this is more than enough, Sadie thought as she smiled against his mouth.

  She rested her hands on his shoulders. He pulled her closer and kissed her more deeply. She moaned. His touches always made her feel lighter and so very much more. Every worry that dragged her down dissipated. He had that effect on her, and she loved it. Even amidst all the craziness that was happening around her he made smiling easy.

  His lips traced kisses on her neck. She arched her back.

  As if his kisses weren’t enough, Steele knocked on her mental barrier again. She let him in. She gasped as an explosion of scenarios burst in her mind.

  Images of him and her. Sexy ones. Tempting ones.

  Of her underneath him. Above him. Beside him. On the bed. On the floor. Against the wall. Outdoors. Everywhere.

  Steele’s imaginary kisses and touches felt as if they were real. She moaned as a surge of desire shot down to the space between her legs. She curled her toes.


  When the images ended, she opened her eyes, his arms around her, chin resting on her shoulder. He kissed her neck and looked at her with a knowing smile on his face.

  He stepped back but still held her hips. Her hands still rested on his shoulders. They seemed like they were about to dance for a slow song. The music was the only thing missing.

  Steele’s eyes crinkled as he smiled at her, and a tune began to play in her head. A slow, romantic song. Piano notes danced with the graceful humming of a violin. Her eyebrows shot up.

  Bastard is in my head.

  He began to sway from side to side. She giggled but followed his steps, letting him lead. She just relaxed and enjoyed the moment with him.

  She thought of all those times she had spent with Steele. It was obvious. She liked his company very much. He always ignited her sexual desires every time he got her alone, and even with such a sexual beast like him, he never ceased to surprise her with how soft and gentle his touches could be, instead of rough and harsh and rushed.

  Sadie rested her head on his chest and listened his heart beating. He planted a kiss on the top of her head before resting his chin on that very spot. She smiled and sighed. She wouldn’t mind if this went on for hours.

  The music stopped. She looked at Steele, wondering why he ended things there.

  “This is just the start, you know,” he said. “Sex, itself, is even better.”

  Sadie laughed. “Maybe I’ll let you enjoy it with me someday.”

  “Playing hard to get, I see.”

  “Of course,” she said. “I’m a queen. I should be hard to get.”

  Steele cupped her cheek. “I’m kind of liking the taking things slow game.”

  He took her hand and led her to the bed. He sat down and propped his feet up on the sheets as his back rested on the headrest. Sadie sat on the edge of the bed next to him. He placed a small red pillow on his lap and gestured for her to lay down.

  She lay her head on the pillow and he played a soft piano piece in her mind. His thumb softly traced small circles ag
ainst her skin. Combined with the music, his touches made her drowsy. What astonished her most was how much she trusted him, though grateful for him all the same. Lying in his arms, she fell asleep, knowing her prince would watch over her.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  Sadie woke surrounded in silk sheets, feeling well-rested and happy. She reached an arm out to rub Steele’s chest, but the space beside her was empty. She sat up on the bed and rubbed her eyes.

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  Sadie followed the sound of Steele’s voice to the balcony. He grinned at her, his chiseled torso was bare. The waistband of his trousers hung low on his hips. Her gaze lingered on the lines of hard muscle that led down his pants.

  She stood, wearing only her black chemise. She thought to question him about that, but then he probably only wanted to make sure she was comfortable. Instead, she strode to where her robe hung on the back of a chair. As soon as she had the robe on and was tying its ribbons around her waist, Steele sauntered to her and held her hands to stop her.

  “Don’t put it on,” he said.

  She pecked his lips and finished tying the robe’s ribbons. “It’s cold, you know. Besides, we have work to do. Can you go find the others? I’ll just shower. I’ll be along in a bit.”

  He pouted. “Why can’t I shower with you?”

  “Steele.” She gave him in what she hoped was a reproachful expression.

  He laughed. “Of course, my queen.”

  He grabbed his shirt, put it on, and locked his lips with hers for a few seconds before leaving.

  After showering, Sadie opened her wardrobe and put on a long, black gown with red brocade spiraling over its bodice. Two slits ran along the length of the tight skirt from ankle to thigh, baring an ample amount of skin as she walked the halls to meet with her men. She opened the double doors to the dining room, finding the princes sitting around the dining table, laughing at something Steele had said.


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