The Seduction of Mr. Yarnsby

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The Seduction of Mr. Yarnsby Page 8

by McQueen, Hildie

  Although tall, young, and healthy, he would have succumbed to poison, and his death would have been a tragedy.

  “I came out here to think.” He peered up at the sky. “I see you found the perfect place to stargaze.”

  “I can leave you alone,” Vivian said but didn’t move. “Allow you time to yourself.”

  “Remain with me,” he prompted. “I would very much like your company.”

  A shiver of awareness raced down her spine, and Vivian wondered if it would be possible to keep from kissing him again. The thought was silly, of course. He continued to sabotage any chance of her finding a potential husband while not declaring himself.

  This was not the time for such thoughts. Surely the last thing on the man’s mind at the moment was kissing.

  When he pulled her close, his mouth covering hers, Vivian was abruptly proven wrong.

  She clung to his shoulders, enjoying the solid feel of his strong body against hers and the circling of her waist by his arms. Vivian’s eyes fluttered closed when his lips trailed kisses from one corner of her mouth to the other.

  At the pressing of his tongue at her lips, she allowed her mouth to fall open so he could proceed.

  Unable to keep from it, she threaded her fingers through his hair, enjoying the feel of the soft locks as they slipped past. He was a combination of soft and hard, warm and sometimes cold. But in that moment, the only thought she could harness was wanting more than a simple kiss.

  His hand slid from her waist to cup her breast, and Vivian gasped at the instant heat trailing from there to her most intimate place.

  Lifting to her toes, she pressed against him, needing relief, while at the same time wondering how it was possible for something so simple as a touch to send her reeling.

  Alexander circled the very tip of her breast with his thumb, the sensations were indescribable. That he could bring her to feel so much through the fabric of her dress made her dizzy.

  Alexander continued to kiss her. The kiss was different from before, almost savage. She’d no doubt have bruised lips and would be at a loss as to how to explain it. Not even the thought of others knowing what happened made her pull away. Instead, she pressed closer to him.

  He released her breast, leaving her breathless and wanting to cry. When his tongue traced circles down the side of her throat, however, relief filled her. His hot breath blew over the damp trail as he moved down her right shoulder, toward the top of her breast.

  Vivian’s head fell sideways to the left to give him more access as she gripped his shoulders, not wanting him to move away.

  Then he reached her right breast. This time his hand dipped into her bodice to free it. To her delight he took the pink tip into his mouth, Vivian had to bite her bottom lip to keep from crying out as the most exquisite of sensations overcame her.

  “Oh,” she gasped when he pulled the nipple into his mouth, suckling on it and sending rivulets of heat to pool at her very core. “Oh,” Vivian repeated as her head fell back.

  He’d have to stop soon, she considered. Someone could walk out and see...

  All thoughts vanished as something strange happened. Her entire body stiffened, the heat pooling to the point that it was as if it would explode.

  Once again, he kissed his way back to her mouth. His hand took her breast, and he pinched the tip of it just as his tongue drove past her lips.

  Vivian swooned, her body becoming limp, then something marvelous happened that she’d never be able to explain. It was as if all the stars above them moved in circles.

  Her fingers dug into his coat as she feared falling. “We must stop,” she finally managed to say.

  Alexander pulled her against him, his breathing as labored as hers, and she wondered if his heart hammered as hard as hers did.

  “You should release me,” she finally managed. “It is not proper.” The words were silly, of course, but what else could she do? Now that she’d allowed the man much too many liberties, there was nothing to be said that could repair it. That he’d still not declared his intentions made her angry at herself.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever kissed,” Alexander said, pressing a light kiss to her lips. “I wish we could continue forever.”

  The comment, although meant as a compliment, annoyed her, and she pushed him away. At the cold air hitting her breast, she gasped and arranged the bodice, her cheeks burning. “This will not happen again.”

  She went to round him, but he blocked her way. “You should wait a moment and allow the flushing of your face to cool.”

  “Crumpets,” she muttered, knowing he was right. She walked a few feet away from him, keeping her back to the irritating man.

  “Why do you do what you do? Turn men away who attempt to court me?” Vivian asked. “If you do not wish to marry me, it would be best if you stayed away from me.”

  He didn’t reply, which made her angry.

  “I mean it. I do not wish for you to even speak to me again.”

  When he didn’t reply, she blew out a breath. “You are very, very annoying.”

  “I am?” Penelope asked. “Why? What did I do?”

  Vivian turned around to find only her sister standing there.

  “I was speaking to Alexander,” Vivian said, shaking her head. “He is quite irritating.”

  “Oh,” Penelope said, biting her bottom lip. “What exactly happened? It seems to have angered the duke.”

  As much as she wanted to, Vivian did her best to keep her voice even. “Why would the duke care about a conversation between Alexander and me?”

  “Because the duke just told Alexander they had to talk.” Penelope gave her a worried look. “He said he’d seen what happened out here.”

  Vivian’s stomach plummeted, and her face burned hot. “Oh no.” She covered her face with both hands and sunk to the closest bench. “Oh no.”

  “It’s very cold out here. We should go inside.”

  “No. No. No.” Vivian shook her head. “How will I ever face any of them?”

  Penelope looked over her shoulder. “I am sure the duke’s catching you and Alexander arguing is nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “We were not arguing,” Vivian exclaimed, her head falling back. “We were kissing...more than just breast... Oh God.” Vivian stood and raced blindly through the house and up the stairs to her room.

  It was only seconds later that Duchess Torrington, Clara, Penelope, and even Mary all rushed into the room. Vivian was surrounded as she covered her face, repeating, “Oh my God,” over and over. It was unclear if she was on the brink of crying or laughing hysterically as both reactions threatened.

  “The duke caught her and Mr. Yarnsby in the most embarrassing state,” Penelope explained, which made Vivian let out a groan.

  Clara lowered so she could look her in the face. Vivian knew this because she peered through her fingers. “Vivian, what exactly were you two doing?”

  “They were having a passionate escapade,” Penelope answered for her. “I believe Vivian’s breast was out.”

  “Penelope!” someone said.

  Duchess Torrington let out a bark of laughter, which made Vivian drop her hands and gape at her.

  Then Clara began to giggle. “The poor duke...” Her sister couldn’t finish as she continued to laugh. “No wonder he was so flushed.”

  “This is not in the least bit funny,” Vivian said, annoyed they could find humor in her most embarrassing moment. “I can never face the duke again. Or Mr. Yarnsby, for that matter.”

  The duchess lowered into a chair next to hers. “It isn’t something we have not seen before. We raised two hot-blooded boys, after all. Right now, my husband is lecturing Alex and demanding he declare his intentions.”

  Vivian’s eyes widened. “I don’t want him forced to do something he doesn’t wish. Besides, shouldn’t we be focusing on the fact someone tried to kill him?”

  “This is a welcome distraction,” Duchess Torrington said with a warm
smile. “That other bothersome business will be taken care of soon enough. For now, I do believe we should wait and see about what Alex does next. I, for one, am exhausted and seeking my bed. I think we should all wait until morning.” She patted Vivian’s hand. “Don’t be embarrassed. I expect to see you at breakfast.” Duchess Torrington stood, and after Clara hugged Vivian, they left.

  Penelope lay on her stomach and studied Vivian. “He must be the one you’re meant to marry. Alexander Yarnsby brought you away from your inhibitions. How interesting.”

  “I do not wish to speak about it anymore.”

  “Ah, but it’s true,” Penelope continued, undeterred. “Of the three of us, you are the one who’s always in control, rarely does anything rash, and thinks things into the ground before doing them. Do you not find it hard to believe that something like this happened to you and not me? If Tommy kissed me like Mr. Yarnsby kisses you, I would have been in complete disarray, probably half undressed when the duke happened upon us.”

  Despite the situation, Vivian giggled. “You paint the most vivid of pictures, dear sister.”

  “You see, then?” Penelope continued. “When he proposes tomorrow, you must say yes.”

  “What?” Vivian, was bent over and removing her dress, lost her balance and fell onto the floor, her legs tangled in the skirts. “Ouch.”

  “Marriage,” Penelope said as she hurried over to help her up. “I am sure the duke is insisting he marry you. How else do you think this entire situation will be dealt with?”

  Halfway up, her feet still in the skirts, Vivian gave up and sank down on the floor. “I don’t know. If it was you this happened to, or even Clara...”

  “You would tell us that we would have to expect the repercussions of our actions.”

  She was right, of course, but Vivian wasn’t about to accept it. Instead, she looked to the door, discarding one idea after the other. Running away wouldn’t work since the carriages and horses belonged to William. Speaking to Alexander wouldn’t work. With her luck, the duke would catch her sneaking into his room. She looked to the window and considered if she could make it to her aunt and uncle’s estate that wasn’t too far. On horseback, half a day, on foot...

  “What is so horrible about marrying him?” Penelope asked. “He is wealthy, of good social standing, soft spoken, and extraordinarily handsome.”

  “I suppose that is the one thing holding me back. He could marry anyone of any social standing. If he accepted his father’s title, he would be a lord. I am but a commoner with no desire of wealth or social standing. Why would he want to marry me?”

  Penelope gave her a droll look. “Because you’re beautiful. Mr. Yarnsby has had his eye on you since the first day.”

  “I wish for a home where my husband and I can live in peace and raise our children without the burden of society watching everything we do.” Vivian sighed. In truth, she pictured him when thinking of a husband and children.

  “Sounds like a life at his estate. Far from society, yet you can travel to London whenever you wish. You’d not only have Clara near, but also our aunt and uncle.” Penelope pouted. “I just considered that with both of you here, I would remain all alone with only Glenda for company on occasion.”

  “We should sleep. Perhaps this is all for naught, and the duke and Alexander will pretend nothing occurred.”

  Vivian stared up at the ceiling, the darkness of the room giving her comfort. She dreaded having to face everyone at the breakfast table. This was a situation she’d never thought to find herself in.

  Suddenly, she sat up, her eyes wide.

  Her parents were to arrive the next day.

  Duchess Torrington would feel it her obligation to inform her mother of what had occurred, and surely the duke would speak to her father.

  “Ugh,” Vivian exclaimed, falling back onto her pillow.

  Chapter 9

  As the morning sun trickled past the curtains, playing lightly upon his bedding and floor, Alexander considered what the day would bring. He didn’t budge from under the warmth of the covers, enjoying the silence of the early morning.

  He’d been up late with his uncle and William. The duke was clear that he was to marry Vivian Humphries. William had tried to dissuade his father, stating it was a moment of passion that would not affect Vivian negatively since no one was witness to what had occurred. In the end, the duke had put his foot down.

  The man who was like a father to him had looked him in the eye. “Tell me you do not care for Vivian Humphries, and I will ensure she finds a husband.”

  He’d been struck silent. “What do you mean?”

  “I will find her a husband quickly, perhaps Anthony Foster,” the duke stated.

  “That fop?” Alexander huffed.

  “Do you care for her?” He continued the unblinking eye contact.

  Finally, he’d looked way. “I do.”

  “Very well, then, the matter is settled.”

  William had poured three glasses of brandy and insisted they toast to his happiness.

  In a way, it was as if a burden was lifted from his shoulders. It was what he’d always wanted. A family like the Torringtons with demonstrations of love aplenty. Valuable time spent together and always knowing they would stand with him. Vivian was already basically a member of the family, and she was well-liked by the Torringtons.

  Alex blew out a breath. The following week, he’d go to London to find out what the pair of interlopers were up to. They would no doubt be showing up at the estate manager’s office first thing with forged certificates of his untimely demise and some sort of Will and Testament.

  Thankfully, his mother was under guard. Probably in a sour mood as he’d demanded she remain at home and not attend whatever myriad social affairs she’d been invited to.

  She’d promptly sent a note, blaming him for tempting someone to murder him.

  Some women did not have maternal instincts. His mother was not a bad or unkind person. She was someone who considered him more of an acquaintance than a son. Often when they’d spent time together, it was as if she wished to be elsewhere. No doubt he reminded her of the husband who had betrayed her. Then again, her marriage had never been a happy one. Theirs had been an arranged marriage, forced upon two young, incompatible people by their parents for social gain.

  When there was a rap at the door, he called for whoever it was to enter. He sat up, then fell back upon seeing the duke enter.

  “I want to ensure you will be at breakfast. I have decided that you will wait until her parents arrive to declare your intentions. Until then, I will assure Vivian and her sisters all is well.”

  “Do you think they are unassured?”

  At fifty, Reginald Torrington has been married to the love of his life for just over thirty years. They’d married quite young, he on the crest of twenty and she at seventeen. Both remained handsome and youthful. Alex had often caught sight of them exchanging secret looks or lingering touches. Each time, he’d found it warmed his heart to know they loved each other so much.

  When young lads, he and William had often teased them. They’d replied with, “One day you will find someone you will love and won’t care if you are teased about it.”

  “Did you hear me?” the duke asked with a frown.

  “I will do as you wish. However, I would like to speak to her in private.”

  “With a chaperone, of course.”


  “Your aunt or Clara, you decide.”

  “My aunt,” he finally replied, doing his best not to roll his eyes at the idea. It wasn’t as if he were a boy who could not control himself.

  “Now,” the duke said, “be sure to look your best. Her parents will be arriving late morning.”

  “Did you and Aunt Theresa spend the night here?”

  “Of course,” the duke replied. “We had to be here this morning.”

  With a final nod as if proud of himself, the duke walked out.

  “Chaperone. Look my bes
t,” Alex mumbled as he slipped from the bed. Instead of dressing, he put his robe on and stared out the window. “This is an informal house,” he said to the view. “Why should I worry about how to dress?”

  He was acting like a spoiled lad. At that realization, Alex’s reflection showed his eyes widening. Spinning around, he went to search out his clothes for the day.

  * * *

  “Did you sleep well, darling?” his aunt called out as he entered the dining room. Everyone was there at the table. Every pair of eyes but Vivian’s was directed at him.

  “Very well, thank you, Aunt Theresa,” he said, nearing and placing a kiss on her cheek. “And you?”

  Her eyes danced with mirth. “I couldn’t sleep a wink. Too excited about everything.”


  Alexander lowered to the empty seat across from Vivian. She pushed her food from one side of the plate to the other, refusing to make eye contact. “I suppose everyone is waiting to hear what I have to say about last night’s occurrence,” he started.

  “Alexander,” the duke warned. “We can discuss it later.”

  “I think it’s best you tell us what you have to say,” Clara said with a warm look.

  Vivian lifted her gaze and looked to him with curiosity. Her right brow rose in question.

  “Vivian, upon your parents’ arrival, I will ask for your hand in marriage. Not because I am forced to, but because you are right. I have sabotaged every man who has tried to court you. I did it because I’ve always wished to court you myself. However, I wished to wait until all the mess with my father’s estate was over.”

  “And that no one is trying to kill you,” Penelope, ever helpful, added.

  “Since you’ve decided to speak now, may I remind you of what else you should do?” the duke prodded.

  “Reginald, let him eat,” his aunt said, patting his hand. “He needs some sustenance.”

  “Miss Vivian, I owe you an apology for my lack of control over my passions,” Alex said.

  His aunt gasped, Clara and Vivian gawked, and Penelope laughed.

  His uncle began to cough after choking on whatever he was drinking, which prodded William to hit him on the back rather hard.


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