Melt With You: Into The Fire Series

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Melt With You: Into The Fire Series Page 12

by J. H. Croix

  Shimmying a little closer, I curled my legs around his hips, sliding my hand through the hair at his nape, and tugged him down for a kiss. My control was short-lived because once he swept his tongue into my mouth, I was lost. Kisses with Max were like tumbling into madness. Need slid through my veins and fire shimmered under the surface of my skin. Our tongues tangled, and he slipped his hand around my waist, cupping my ass and rocking his hips into me.

  After a deep stroke of his tongue against mine, he drew back, catching my lower lip in his teeth. When I stepped back, I felt bereft for a moment. I’d been so caught up in our kiss, I was dizzy from it. It was like trying to stand after spinning in a circle too many times. I couldn’t catch my balance.

  Then, he was lifting me again and setting my feet on the floor. “Lose the jeans,” he ordered softly.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  When we were in the heat of it and Max told me to do something, I simply did it. Flicking the buttons free, I kicked my boots off as I shimmied my jeans down and tossed them aside. Before I had a chance to even look at him, he was lifting me again and dragging his fingers over the wet silk between my thighs as he settled my hips back on the counter.

  “We don’t have much time,” he murmured against my lips, his voice thrillingly low. I was a mess of need, panting and gasping, with my pulse running wild. “So I’m going to make you come, and you’re gonna wish I had my cock buried inside of you. Then, you’ll think about it for a few hours. By the time we come home later, maybe, just maybe, you’ll want me as much as I want you.”

  Oh. My. God. When Max talked dirty, I gushed. My body was pretty much on high idle anytime I was near him. Little sparks of electricity were zipping and zapping through me. When he said things like that, I was lost in the riptide of desire, pulled swiftly under, and tossed asunder.

  “Not fair,” I murmured against his lips as he drew back from another punishing kiss.

  He teased over the wet silk between my thighs, circling my clit. “You’re fucking soaked. I’ve been hard for hours, and I’ll be hard for a few more.”

  Then, he shoved the silk out of the way and buried two fingers knuckle deep inside me, and I cried out, my hips arching into him. He stepped closer, circling his thumb over my clit, which was hot, slick, and swollen from my juices. He leaned his forehead against mine.

  “Tell me you don’t want this,” he repeated, echoing his earlier statement.

  “Pretty sure I answered,” I muttered, my pussy throbbing around his fingers as he drew them out slightly and then buried them inside of me again.

  “Not in words,” he murmured, his fingers drawing out and sinking inside yet again.

  I knew he was trying to push me to simply state the truth. I wrestled against it, but it was pointless. When he drew his fingers all the way out and held still, teasing lightly over my folds, I dragged my eyes open.

  “You’re teasing me.”

  Pleasure was firing inside me, sensation scattering in sparks through my body. With the heat of him caged between my knees, I was just useless. I’d never imagined a man could make me come from a look, but it might be possible with Max. His gaze nearly burned me. My lower belly clenched and my pussy throbbed. My thighs were damp from my juices.

  “I’m just trying to get you to admit how much you want me. Here.” He caught one of my hands in his, putting it over his cock. It was hard and hot, pressing against his zipper. I felt it pulse against my palm and wanted him inside of me so desperately, I nearly cried out.

  “I’m ready to explode, and I’m gonna fucking wait. I’m not sure why. I just think it’ll be that much better tonight, a few hours later. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone, Harlow.”

  His words were raw and honest, and I sensed Max wasn’t usually this blunt, not about things like this. I couldn’t look away, a rushing sensation pouring through me. “I can’t tell you I don’t want you. Because I’d be lying,” I finally said.

  There was more to say, so much more, but I wasn’t ready. Thank fucking God he buried his fingers inside me again, and began to fuck me hard and fast with them, drawing them in and out with his thumb teasing over my swollen clit.

  My orgasm crashed through me so hard, my mind went blank. His name came on a rough shout. His lips collided with mine, capturing my ragged cries in our kiss.

  He slowly drew away as my body shuddered, pleasure wracking me. I wanted more, just as he had predicted.

  We stared at each other, sweet sensation eddying in my core. His gaze was dark. Reaching between us, I cupped my palm over his cock, gripping lightly through the denim. His breath came out in a hiss through his teeth.

  “Not now.”

  Restless, I arched toward him, sliding my other hand around his nape and bringing him close. “You know you want me. Why deny it?”

  He chuckled softly. “Because we’re going to be late.”

  He stepped back swiftly, leaning over and snagging my jeans in his hand. I wanted to argue, but I also knew he was right. Shimmying my hips off the counter, I landed lightly on the floor. Taking my jeans from him, I slipped them on quickly. In another moment, I had my boots back on and glanced over at him. “Do you want to drive, or do you want me to?”

  “I’ll drive. You’ve driven enough for today.”

  I tossed him the keys, and he followed me toward the door. After we shrugged our jackets on, we stepped outside to snow still floating down from the sky. In a few minutes, we’d brushed the flakes off the truck and were driving back into Willow Brook. I directed him where to go, and he rolled to a stop in the parking lot behind Wildlands. A popular fishing and hunting lodge, Wildlands was situated on Swan Lake. Beyond hosting tourists in luxurious hotel rooms, the lodge had space for conferences and also had a popular local restaurant and bar.

  As we stepped out of the truck, Max turned to look toward the lake behind the lodge. Swan Lake was the centerpiece of Willow Brook. The town’s namesake was a brook that ran down from the mountains and fed into the massive lake. By virtue of my job as a hotshot firefighter, I’d gotten to know the geography of Alaska, perhaps more quickly than I would have otherwise.

  Central Alaska was dotted with lakes, small and large. Swan Lake was one of the larger lakes in the area, with lodges surrounding it on three sides and the wilderness on the far side away from town. In the summer, the lake was busy with tourists, float planes were landing throughout the day, and people meandered on the walkways along the lake’s shoreline.

  This evening, with the snow falling through the darkness, the lake was barely visible, with the lights from the lodges circling it, glittering through the snow and mapping its shape in night. Max caught my hand in his as we stepped out of the truck, gesturing toward the lake. “I presume that looks a little different in the summer. I imagine the view is beautiful.”

  “Of course, but then, just about every view is beautiful in Alaska. It’s much busier in the summer.”

  Turning away, he nodded as we began walking toward Wildlands Lodge. “I’ve visited Ivy and Owen in Diamond Creek in the summer. It’s nuts. They stay busy year-round with the ski lodge now, but even then, winter doesn’t hold a candle to summer as far as tourists.”

  Our conversation was cut off as we reached the back entrance. A cluster of people was leaving, and Max held the door for them, gesturing for me to walk in ahead of him. Once we were in the hallway that led into the restaurant and bar, he curled his hand around mine again. I wasn’t quite sure what to think of him being this public with his affection. Not that holding someone’s hand was major, but I’d been resolutely single for two years, so it felt kind of major for me. Seeing as the status of us was rather undefined, I didn’t know how to interpret anything. With my body still humming from the orgasm he’d given me just before we left, I wasn’t quite ready to try to set boundaries.

  When we reached the back of the bar, Max paused and looked to me.

  “This way,” I said, leading the way as we thread
ed through the tables over to the restaurant area.

  The lodge was in a massive timber frame style building with hardwood floors, exposed beams, and windows running along the side of the restaurant that faced the lake. Booths ran along the walls, with the bar and a section of pool tables on one side, and the restaurant with large round tables on the other. Holiday decorations added a festive touch, with bright red bows hung here and there, and holiday lights circling the bar and running along the exposed beams.

  Em squealed when she saw me, standing from the table and hurrying over to fling her arms around me. Only then did Max let go of my hand as I returned her hug. Stepping back, I squeezed her shoulders with a grin. “Happy birthday. How old are you again?” I teased.


  Emily started coming to the station for community service after getting in a spot of trouble at high school. She’d been skipping classes and smoking cigarettes. She’d done her community service at the station, and then Rex Masters, the Chief of Police, offered her a job at the station, which was essentially doing anything that needed to be done. She helped out in the police station and the fire station, and her current career goal was to be a hotshot firefighter.

  Her wide gray eyes bounced from me to Max, her curiosity completely obvious.

  “Hi, I’m Em,” she said, holding her hand out. She kept her almost-black hair short, and it was tipped with violet all over. She looked like a pixie with her fair skin, gray eyes, and slender build.

  I’d rarely seen Max interact with a child, unless I counted the few passing encounters where I’d seen him around other people’s children. Teenagers were another breed altogether.

  He didn’t miss a beat and flashed a grin, reaching out to shake Em’s hand firmly. “I’m Max, and apparently I’m here to celebrate your birthday. I hope it’s okay that I’m crashing the party.”

  Em was delighted with that, her smile widening and her eyes sparkling. “Of course it’s okay!”

  I braced myself for the next natural question, but Max reached for my hand, his warm strength curling around it.

  “Oh, so you’re dating,” Em said, her curious gaze bouncing to me.

  I opened my mouth to protest, but Max cut me off. “We are. I’ve known Harlow for a while. We met through a friend.”

  My cheeks felt hot, and I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t too interested in letting Em ask a ton of questions. She was a curious teen and didn’t hold back.

  “Em, tell us where to sit,” I said, scanning my gaze around the table.

  Jessie and Charlie were bantering about something to do with the presents. Beck and Maisie were seated beside them, and Maisie was teasing Amelia about something. Lucy Phillips and her husband Levi were also there. She was on her phone, while he nibbled on some French fries. Em pointed us over to a pair of chairs between Lucy and Levi and Maisie and Beck.

  As we rounded the table, it occurred to me that everybody here was paired up. I supposed even Max and I were, given what appeared to be his public claim.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Leaning back in my chair, I slid my hand along Harlow’s shoulder to tease the soft skin at the back of her neck. Goose bumps rose under my fingers, and I loved knowing my touch affected her. Tonight was turning out to be an exercise in restraint. I didn’t know what the hell I’d been thinking when I had held back earlier tonight. As it was, my cock was rock-hard right now and had been for most of the evening.

  Thank fuck the table obscured my state. Harlow wasn’t doing a thing to tease me, yet she had me strung tight with need by doing nothing more than sitting beside me.

  I hadn’t known what to expect, coming to meet with her friends here. But they were an easy bunch to be around, and all clearly loyal to each other. It made my heart clench a little to see Harlow hold herself back. She seemed almost surprised to be so fully accepted into the group. I was piecing together more of her childhood, though, so it was no wonder. Her father hadn’t given her any sense of place or belonging. Knowing Howard as I did, business was about all he cared about. Dragging his little girl, who had lost her mother, all over the place, staying in hotels, seemed cold and thoughtless.

  Harlow laughed at something Maisie said, reaching out to tuck a loose lock of her glossy brown hair behind her ear. Levi, who had introduced himself earlier, commented, “So, you and Harlow?”

  By this point, I’d been grilled up and down, back and forth, and sideways. I knew her friends were screening to make sure I wasn’t an asshole. I didn’t know quite what to think of that. Yet, I was the one who’d pushed to make it public we were together. I didn’t care to let it be seen any other way. I glanced at Levi, catching his dark blue gaze.

  “Yes,” was all I offered.

  “She’s a damn good firefighter,” he replied, shifting gears.

  “I would imagine.”

  If Levi hadn’t been so obviously enamored with his pregnant wife, I might’ve felt territorial. As it was, I felt like I had to prove myself time and time again to these men. They now knew I had been raised by a mechanic and could navigate my way around most vehicles. There was the thinnest hint that perhaps being a CEO of a company wasn’t tough enough, but they let it slide. Levi had actually hired Owen to design his house, which turned out to be a mark in my favor, especially when I got to tell him that a few of the designs he used came from work Owen and I had done together a few years back.

  Levi nodded, and Lucy poked him in his side with her elbow. Though he was tall, lanky, and strong, and she was petite and pregnant, it was quite clear she was the one in charge. Levi didn’t seem to care one whit about that.

  “Good grief, you guys have grilled him enough tonight. He’s here with Harlow, and that’s fine,” Lucy said. She caught my eyes, rolling her own. “Levi’s a bit ridiculous. You should’ve seen him when his sister fell in love. Just happened recently, and he still hasn’t quite gotten over it. There are only two female firefighters among the crews here, so they’re a little protective.” Lucy shrugged and laughed. “I guess Harlow is the last one for them to be bossy about. Unless you count Em, but she’s too young.”

  Em called from across the table, the lights catching on the purple in her hair. “I’m not too young. I have a boyfriend now.”

  Jesse looked at her, but he didn’t say a word. I could tell from the expression on his face he had some thoughts about that, but Charlie commented on something, quickly moving the subject along. Em got back to opening the last of her presents.

  Harlow said something, and I glanced at her. “Yeah? I missed that.”

  She glanced to her watch and then outside the windows adjacent to our table. “I was just thinking we should get going before it gets too late. It’s still snowing,” she explained, pointing out the obvious.

  The lights from the lodge illuminated the snow falling, glittering brightly in the darkness. “I thought snow didn’t slow anything down?” I teased.

  She laughed softly. “It doesn’t usually change my plans, but it doesn’t mean I want to be out too late in the dark on icy roads.”

  “Should we go now?”

  She nodded, and it was then I realized her cheeks were flushed. I hoped like hell she was as hot and bothered as I was hard tonight. Because I knew what I would be doing once we got back to her place.

  “Let’s go then,” I said, sliding my chair back.

  We said our goodbyes, and I reached over for her hand as we turned to walk out. She didn’t swat me away, although I sensed she was a little startled by the gesture. I should’ve been, but I wasn’t. I was quite purposefully staking a claim, more for her benefit than anything.

  Harlow assented to me driving again, and we drove home through the dark snowy night. The roads were definitely not good; slick, with ice forming as the temperature dropped. I was relieved I had experience driving through the winding mountain roads of Pennsylvania when I was younger. By no means was Pennsylvania like Alaska in the winter, but the mountains there got plenty of sno
w and the roads were narrow.

  By the time we reached her house, it looked as if another six inches had fallen since we’d left earlier. We probably could’ve shoveled her deck again, but she told me it could wait until morning when I offered.

  With nothing else in sight, it felt as if we were alone in the world as we walked into her cabin. I could see a few lights from other homes flickering through the trees, but nothing was close by. There was something about the snow and the wildness of this place that created a sense of isolation.

  Once we were inside, we both kicked off our boots and hung our jackets by the door. Harlow hurried over to a small woodstove, quickly making a fire. Meanwhile, I checked the heat and flicked on a few lights.

  She walked toward me, light and shadows playing over her skin. With a mind of their own, my eyes immediately dipped down to the shadowed valley between her breasts. I wasn’t going to be satisfied with anything quick now. I needed to see every inch of her. I needed to savor her.

  I didn’t wait. The moment she was close enough, I reached out and caught her hand, reeling her into me. She came against me with a soft exhalation, her cheeks flushing.

  “So tell me, Harlow, do you want more?”

  The moment I spoke, the air around us charged to life, weighted with the electricity of desire shimmering around us. Her tongue darted out to swipe across her bottom lip. Her cheeks were stained pink, her eyes dark.

  “I want more.”

  Damn. This woman. She surprised me time and again. I expected her to be shy, to try to gloss over it. She poured gasoline on the fire of my need for her when she didn’t.

  “I need to see all of you,” I said flatly. My tone came out harsher than I intended, but then Harlow had that effect on me. She brought everything right to the surface—my feelings for her were so primal, so elemental.

  Tugging her hand loose from mine, she stepped back. Within a minute, she was stripping bare, tossing her clothes here and there on the floor around her.


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