Magical Inner Journeys

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by Anne Marie Bennett

  Anne Marie has prepared excellent guided meditations for many self-discovery purposes: therapy, group workshops and retreats,

  and for one’s own creative inspiration. I love the book’s simple and concise advice on how to lead a guided meditation. Anne Marie offers good preparation for those who are new to facilitating these journeys.

  Magical Inner Journeys is a mini-library available to new or experienced facilitators looking for guided meditations.

  ~ Kylea Taylor, author of The Ethics of Caring

  Anne Marie weaves a gentle wondrous journey in these scripts. I love her imagery, and what a powerful set up for SoulCollage®.

  I will use these again and again!

  ~ Jennifer Louden, Author,

  Wonderfully imaginative! Anne Marie’s Magical Inner Journeys invite deep experiences

  and unearth truly magical wisdom.

  ~ Jill Badonsky, Author,

  These special inner journeys open doors

  that allow new and surprising ways of meeting our inner parts. In each, we are brought gently and slowly to a state of wonderful relaxation in readiness for the visualization of

  the members of our inner “committee.”

  ~ Imelda Maguire, SoulCollage® Facilitator, Ireland

  44 Guided imaGery ScriptS to inSpire Self-diScovery with SoulcollaGe® i

  Magical Inner Journeys

  44 Guided Imagery Scripts to Inspire Self-Discovery with SoulCollage®


  Copyright © 2018 Anne Marie Bennett All rights reserved.

  Please do not copy, forward, give away or reproduce this material in any manner without written permission from the author.

  Many hours and much creative energy were devoted to the creation of this book. Your purchase supports the continuing efforts of in its mission to make SoulCollage® available to people around the world.

  To give feedback or to contact the author, please email: [email protected].

  SoulCollage® is a trademarked process, created by Seena Frost.

  Cover design and book design by Carol Coogan.

  To contact please email: [email protected].

  All rights reserved. ISBN: 1985502216

  ISBN-13: 978-1985502215

  Published by KaleidoSoul Media, PO Box 745, Beverly MA 01915


  For all those who have allowed me

  to lead them on these Magical Inner Journeys as part of my SoulCollage® workshops

  and retreats, online and in person.

  And for SoulCollage® Facilitators everywhere.

  As Seena Frost once said,

  “You are all my seeds, spreading many seeds all over.”

  May these guided imagery scripts help you to continue to spread the seeds of SoulCollage®, creativity, and inner awakenings all over our wide, wide world


  Introduction 2

  How to Use This Book 4

  Part 1 Inner Treasures 9

  Journey with a SoulCollage® Card 10

  Inner Sanctuary 12

  Inner Garden 14

  Treasure Chest 18

  Inner Guidance System (Your IGS) 20

  Walking Your Internal Red Carpet 22

  Opening to Blossom 24

  Breaking Into Flower 26

  The Puzzle of Your Life – Part 1 28

  The Puzzle of Your Life - Part 2 30

  Part 2 Be Here Now 33

  Be Here Now 34

  Velvet Blanket 38

  Lotus Flower of Self-Blessing 40

  Touching Peace 42

  The Mirror 44

  Light Up Your Holidays 48

  Lucky Leprechaun 50

  Table of Creativity 52

  Part 3 Inner Voices 55

  Magic Bus Ride 56

  The Conference Table 59

  Dancing with Your Inner Child 62

  Inner Queen 66

  O Come All Ye Playful 68

  Taking the Inner Critic Out of the Director’s Chair 70

  The Great White Feather 74

  Offering Comfort to a Hurting Committee Part 76

  Part 4 Community 79

  Indra’s Net 80

  Blessed Community Circle 82

  Loving-Kindness (Metta) 84

  Part 5 Archetypes 87

  Meeting a Council Guide 88

  Meeting Your Creative Muse 90

  Archetypes Along Your Journey 94

  Council Circle 98

  Butterfly Woman 1 100

  Butterfly Woman 2 102

  Part 6 Animal Companions 105

  Meeting an Animal Guide 106

  Sacred Animals Circle 108

  Part 7 Spirituality 115

  Circled on a Map 116

  Plugging Into Source 118

  Journey to the Center of You 121

  Part 8 Miscellaneous 125

  Yellow Brick Road- Part 1 126

  Yellow Brick Road- Part 2 128

  Gaining Perspective 131

  Gratitudes 136

  Resources 138

  … Isn’t it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me

  feel glad to be alive—it’s such an interesting world. It wouldn’t be half so interesting if we knew all about everything, would it? There’d be no scope

  for imagination then, would there?

  ~ L.M. Montgomery



  Inner Journeys

  44 Guided Imagery Scripts to Inspire Self-Discovery with SoulCollage®


  I have fallen in love with the imagination. And if you fall in love with the imagination, you understand that it is a free spirit. It will go anywhere, and it can do anything.

  ~ Alice Walker

  My first guided imagery experience was in 1969. I was 13 years old, lying on the hard floor of our middle school gymnasium. Our P.E. teacher (sorry, I can’t remember her name) asked us to close our eyes. I remember that it was the middle of winter, bitter cold outside. But here… in our imaginations, she was leading us to a warm, sunny meadow. I could see it. I could feel it. I

  wasn’t in wintry New England anymore. I was somewhere else entirely and I hadn’t even left the building! The fact that I could close my eyes and picture myself somewhere else so easily. . . well, it was extraordinary.

  I don’t remember the rest of the journey our teacher took us on that day. Heck, I don’t even re- member why she did it in the first place! And I don’t recall it ever happening again while I was in school. But that experience has always stayed with me as the first time I purposely used my imagination to take an “inner journey.”

  In my twenties, I was teaching second grade in a small country town in Virginia. I found a cas- sette tape (yes, well, that was the 80’s) of guided meditations for children and was thrilled to discover that they loved them as much as I did. Pretty soon I was making up my own stories and turning them into short “inner journeys” for my students.

  Later on my life journey I discovered a recording of guided meditations by Alan Cohen, and listening to them pretty much saved my life during a very difficult time in my late twenties and early thirties. From then on, I was hooked. I found that guided imagery allowed me to “go

  within” and explore my inner landscape; it helped me to transform areas of darkness into light, despair into hope, and confusion into peace. It was also a blessing because it encouraged me to stay connected to myself and to Spirit when those connections were lacking in my life.

  During the period of time when I was first discovering and using SoulCollage®, I was also heal
ing from a year of breast cancer surgeries and treatments. A wonderful therapist named Fran accom- panied me on this healing journey, and she guided me through many “inner journeys” during our sessions together. Many of those guided journeys precipitated new SoulCollage® cards. I was learning the language of my inner world, meeting my inner committee voices, gaining wisdom

  from archetypal spirit guides and animal companions. The blend of my own SoulCollage® play with the imagery work that I did with Fran made a huge difference in how my body, mind, and spirit healed from the cancer, and how I was able to transform my life into one where I was fol- lowing my heart and passion instead of “doing” my life the way I’d always done it.

  When I began facilitating SoulCollage® in 2005, I realized what a perfect complement guided imag- ery would be to my workshops. The very first one I wrote was “Indra’s Net.” I was leading a work- shop on the Community Suit and wanted a way for the participants to really grasp the concept that we are all connected. The guided imagery script included in this book is what came forth.

  I want you to know that I don’t use the phrase “came forth” lightly. It is an accurate description of how these scripts have come into being. Yes, each one started with my idea. And yes, it’s true, I sat down at my laptop and “wrote” each one. However, the experience of bringing these guided imageries forth has been very different from other kinds of writing that I have done over the years. Spirit has definitely shaped and formed these scripts.

  I have found that when I sit down to “write” a guided imagery script, a mysterious, almost magi- cal Something Else takes over. I once heard Mark Nepo say of his own writing, “I push the pen until it pulls me,” and that is the exact experience I have when one of these scripts is coming forth. I start the process by pushing my pen (or in my case, my fingers on the laptop) with an idea and a few words . . . and then I am pulled by something greater; the words simply flow, and what results is a Magical Inner Journey.

  Someone once asked me why I call my guided imageries “Magical Inner Journeys.” They are MAGICAL because they invite you to use your imagination in a gentle, authentic way. Because of this, transformation can begin, which often feels like magic. They are also magical because anything can happen once you begin! The magic is limited only by your imagination. Each of these scripts is designed to take you INWARD, to the depths of your being, however deep you are willing and able to go. Also, each one takes you on an inner JOURNEY that has a beginning, a middle, and an end. On this journey, you’ll discover parts of yourself perhaps long forgotten, gifts long neglected, and inner landscapes unexplored.

  It is with great excitement and joy that I offer these Magical Inner Journey scripts to the world at large. My hope is that they will deepen your own relationship with yourself, with others, and with Spirit, however you choose to call Spirit.

  Whether you use them in written form on your own to dive deeper within yourself using your imagination, or you use them as a SoulCollage® Facilitator to help participants understand them- selves and the process more fully . . . it doesn’t matter. What matters always is the journey itself.

  I wish you peace, joy, and many blessings along the way. Anne Marie Bennett

  April 2018

  Beverly, Massachusetts

  How to Use This Book

  Please read this whole section carefully before using any of the guided imagery scripts in this book!

  For Personal Use

  You will find these scripts easy to use on your own for your personal and/or spiritual growth.

  Here are some suggestions:

  1 Scan through the book and find a script that seems to be calling to your heart. You don’t need to know why.

  2 Read the script all the way through once or twice.

  3 Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Eliminate distractions, such as the phone, and ensure that you won’t be interrupted.

  4 Close your eyes and enter the journey as you remember it from the script. It’s perfectly okay if the story veers off into new territory. Make it your own!

  5 Another option is to record the script in your own voice, or ask someone else to record it for you. Then follow step #3, close your eyes and listen to the recording.

  6 When the journey is complete, be sure to bring yourself back slowly and gently.

  Give yourself at least five minutes to either sit in silence, absorbing the experience into your being, or to journal about it. If journaling doesn’t feel satisfying, try finding a different way to process and express what happened for you on the inner journey. Some examples: create a collage, create a SoulCollage® card, watercolor, dance,

  sing or write a song, move into some yoga postures, paint or draw.

  7 Many of the scripts in this book are available as recordings in MP3 download or CD format. You’ll find more information at and

  For Facilitators

  First of all, honor yourself for purchasing this book!

  I trust that it will serve you and your workshop participants for many years to come.

  Many Facilitators I know (including me!) have used one or more of these scripts as the basis for a whole workshop or weekend retreat. You’ll find several guided imageries here for each of the suits. There are a few guided imageries that relate to the Transpersonal cards in the Spirituality section. There are also many scripts that don’t particularly fit into any one suit, but they can easily be worked into an Introduction to SoulCollage® workshop, or any other themed class that you might be presenting.

  Here are my best suggestions for integrating these guided imagery experiences into a workshop setting:

  1 Read through all of the scripts first and allow your own creativity to be inspired.

  2 Choose one and guide yourself through the Magical Inner Journey. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Eliminate distractions such as the phone, and ensure that you won’t be interrupted.

  3 Close your eyes and enter the journey as you remember it from the script. It’s perfectly okay if the story veers off into new territory. Make it your own!

  4 When the journey is complete, be sure to bring yourself back slowly and gently. Give your- self at least five minutes to either sit in silence, absorbing the experience into your being, or to journal about it. If journaling doesn’t feel satisfying, try finding a different way to process and express what happened for you on the inner journey. Some examples: create a collage, create a SoulCollage® card, watercolor, dance, sing or write a song, move into some yoga postures, paint or draw.

  5 Then flip on your Facilitator cap and make some notes about how you could use this script in a workshop setting. How might you introduce it? What might you invite participants to do afterwards?

  6 Just as you trust the SoulCollage® process, I invite you to trust your own inner guidance . . . always and in all ways!

  7 Many of the scripts in this book are available as recordings in MP3 download or CD format. You’ll find more information at and

  8 Please email me anytime if you have a question about a particular script, or would like guidance about how to use it within a SoulCollage® workshop or retreat setting.

  Tips for Reading Scripts Aloud

  Introducing the Magical Inner Journey

  It is important to always preface any guided imagery experience

  by giving participants permission to make the inner journey their own.

  Here’s an example of what I always say before beginning to lead any guided imagery:

  In this Magical Inner Journey, I’m going to be inviting you to see things in your imagination. But not everyone sees things; not everyone is visual. If you’re more auditory, you might be more aware of hear- ing sounds or words. Kinesthetic people sometimes simply explore their inner landscape by the sense of touch. Some people just have an idea about what is happening on the inner journey. And then again, some people feel so relaxed and comfortable
that they fall asleep! I always say that everyone gets exact- ly what they need from these guided journeys, so just allow your experience to be just what it is. Give yourself permission to get what you need from this time of relaxation. I will be guiding you through the whole inner journey, and you can open your eyes at any time if you need to come back before I’m done. It’s all okay!

  I strongly suggest that you preface each of these scripts with a similar invitation.

  Even though it takes a minute or two, it is important because it embraces what we stress during our Soul- Collage® Facilitator Trainings, which is that people coming to our workshops are seeking three things: pro- tection, permission, and connection. This concept is written about more fully by Kylea Taylor in her book, The Ethics of Caring. It resulted from the collaboration of Kylea and two other Holotropic Breathwork® Facilitators as they were designing a module for the Grof Transpersonal Training in 2000. Its application is broad and pertinent to many different healing modalities. Let’s look at it here in relation to choosing to use guided imagery in our SoulCollage® workshops:

  Protection — People need to know that they are safe. When they hear you share the above para- graph before the guided imagery begins, they will be able to relax a bit more, knowing that you are guiding the journey. They will also feel safe because you’ve given them permission to do whatever they need to do to take care of themselves throughout the inner journey. Safety also ensues within each guided imagery script as participants are given choices.

  Permission — People need permission to be able to make the process their own. They need to know that there’s no way to do it “right,” and that no one is going to judge them, no matter what they do or say (even if they fall asleep!).


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