Watercolors: Ellison Brothers

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Watercolors: Ellison Brothers Page 14

by Vera Roberts

  She was used to hookah bars, taking in a spoken-word session, and doing yoga. She was used to burning her white sage to cleanse her spirit while Solange sang to her through the Alexa speakers. She used to eating at her favorite vegan restaurant before she indulged in her favorite non-vegan cheesecake.

  Aaliyah was welcomed with open arms.

  Everyone greeted and interacted with her. Other politicians got to know her and asked if she could touch up some of their hidden tattoos. One asked when her show was going to air since she was a diehard reality show fanatic. A few did mention the picture and while Aaliyah blushed, she gained several admirers.

  It was as if Aaliyah had always been a part of D.C. politics and the fundraiser was her prom.

  “You must be Aaliyah,” Briana Gooding walked over to her. She wore a red head wrap and matching gown. “I’m Briana Gooding.”

  “Briana,” Aaliyah smiled. She was an admirer of the activist and potential Congresswoman. “Congratulations on your campaign. This is quite a turnout.”

  “It is. I hope these same people who donate money are willing to donate their votes to me as well.” Briana looked around. “Low-key, I think people wanted to be here tonight for the photo-ops and Instagram likes. They really couldn’t have given two shits what my campaign is. Some of them aren’t even from California and they’re here.” She shook her head. “Welcome to Politics 101.”

  “Word.” Aaliyah concurred. “I hope you win, sista. We need more of us in Congress.”

  “It’ll be a trying road but one I’m willing to do.” Briana smiled. She waved to another benefactor. “Excuse me. Duty calls. Let’s meet up for lunch. Ocean knows how to reach me.” Briana kissed Aaliyah’s cheeks. “Pleasure of meeting you, Aaliyah.”

  “Same here.” Aaliyah waved her goodbye.

  “Cinderella finally came to the ball,” Soul Ellison greeted Aaliyah with a glass of champagne. Creator of the Fresh Nectar clothing line and FuckBoi Logic sneakers, Soul went into a completely different direction than his brothers.

  He wasn’t cut for the corporate life nor did he want to spend more time than necessary in board meetings about his clothing and shoe lines. He went to college to get his business degree and graduated with top honors. He also made it very clear to his parents he wasn’t going to be their puppet for their political ambitions.

  In other words, leave Soul out of their bullshit and everyone will be happy. “You need one of these,” he handed Aaliyah a glass of champagne. “Drink up. It’ll make you feel better.”

  Aaliyah grinned at Soul. He stood over six feet tall with a muscular build and a tight fade only a barber in Inglewood could deliver. He was sleeved-up and sometimes wore grills in his mouth. Everywhere he went, he always wore his custom-made sneakers.

  Despite his stance in not getting involved with the family business, Soul was a vital part of the hip-hop community. He networked with many artists, and often employed black models for his lines.

  He was also a quiet philanthropist and always hit the pavement during election seasons, encouraging everyone to vote. He just had no desire to ever run for politics. Being a politician meant he had to give up a certain lifestyle and there was no way Soul was going to give up his PS4 to read a damn bill.

  “How do you deal with all of this?” She asked. Her cheeks hurt from all of the smiling she had to do. “This is pretty overwhelming.”

  “Well, for one, I don’t go to a lot of these,” he mentioned, “and two, I just be myself. Everyone knows how I get down. Don’t talk to me about no political bullshit, don’t tell me who or what I should vote for, and don’t ask to get the homie hookup for my shit.”

  Aaliyah smiled. Soul always kept it one hundred no matter where he was or who he was with. “What advice do you have for me?”

  “I know my brother and I know when he’s hopeless and hapless sack because he’s head over heels,” Soul took a swig of the champagne and pointed around the room. “All these other bitches? He doesn’t care about them. He couldn’t have cared less. He wants you, Liyah. That dude would walk on hot coals and listen nothing but that adult contemporary bullshit for the rest of his life if it meant he could lay next to you forever. And yeah, being a politician’s girl means you’ll be under scrutiny, too. You buy a brand-new car, people are gon’ wanna know if it was your money, his money, or the taxpayer’s. You go out partying with your friends, people are going to think your activities are distracting him from office. You take a picture with a celebrity, people are going to think that celebrity is endorsing your man. It’s an endless cycle of bullshit and that’s why I stay as far away from it as possible.

  “Now, O will protect you as much as he can, no doubt. But I have to keep it one hundred with you – he can only protect you so much. If you don’t have thick skin, you need to walk away. The press harassing your parents was just the top of the iceberg. Wait until they start digging out stuff from your past. You stole a candy bar from a grocery when you were five? That’ll be brought up. You went on a date with a guy back in high school and got to second base? That’ll be brought up. You flirted your way out of a ticket? That’ll be brought up.”

  A chill went through Aaliyah’s core. She could handle petty, childhood theft and puppy love. Could she really handle the backlash from her past?

  “And always, always, look out for number one,” Soul pointed to her, “yourself. Always protect your neck, no matter what. Once people know you’re connected to the family, the leeches will come out in full force.” He took a sip of champagne and nodded ahead of him. “Like those assholes right there.”

  Aaliyah turned forward and were greeted by one familiar face and one she wasn’t sure. She recognized the woman as the one Ocean took to the philharmonic. What was her name? It sounded and looked more exotic than the woman who walked towards her.

  “Who are they?” Aaliyah whispered.

  “That sack of shit is Ximena Montez. The bigger sack of shit is her papi, Ricardo. Them two assholes have been trying to get into the family for years.” Soul’s eyes turned into slits and he didn’t try to hide his contempt. “They tried with me and I said fuck no. Savior paid them dust, and now they have their sights set on O.”

  Aaliyah wondered if their attempts with the brothers would ultimately fail, would the pair try cousins of the family? “Does she even love O?” Aaliyah asked.

  “She loves his power, wealth, and connections.” Soul replied. “Big bro is worth a lot of money due to his investments. One thing our parents did teach us is how to invest our money. Every dime we earn, we save a nickel. O played the stock market and invested in real estate when no one else was doing it. He downplays his wealth but any journalist can find out the true worth.”

  Aaliyah remembered the research she did on her own. It was estimated Ocean was worth somewhere between two and three hundred million. It was pale in comparison of Soul, who was worth close to six hundred million. Savior rounded out the list by having a little over a hundred million.

  It also meant the father, Thomas, was likely a billionaire or close to being one.

  “He also has connections that go beyond their reach. He can get them into places they couldn’t previously go.” Soul mentioned. “A rich, single white male politician who’s passionate about social justice issues? You do the math.”

  Aaliyah read between Soul’s words. Ocean had the exact look and prestige any family would want. He was worth several million on his own but the family as a collective were billionaires. It had been long-rumored Thomas had millions of dollars stored in offshore accounts.

  “Word on the street Ximena wasn’t too happy when she saw pics of you and Ocean. She’s not coming over here to make nice,” Soul warned, “she’s coming over here to scope out the competition.”

  “Competition?” Aaliyah gasped. “I’m not competing with anyone!”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Soul turned towards Aaliyah. “If they won’t admit their jealousy of you, they’ll damn sure show their resentment.”

  “I was at an event back in D.C. and then I came back here.”

  “With who?” She asked. “We’re adults here.”

  “A business associate of my father’s.” Ocean replied. “Nothing important.”

  Aaliyah nodded. Ocean went on a date and couldn’t even admit that much to her. “I’m going to see you and her in the papers, aren’t I?”

  “You’re going to see me being a politician politicking.” He crawled his fingers up her arm and kissed her shoulders. “That might mean I’ll be spotted with different women. It doesn’t mean I’m dating them.”

  Everything slowly began to make sense. Thomas set up that date between Ocean and Ximena. The question became why? It seemed the brothers knew how the Montezes got down and wanted nothing to do with them, yet Thomas insisted.

  Aaliyah wished Brittany’s cousin would hurry up with that information about the family.

  “Soul!” Ximena greeted him with air kisses and a hug. “Pleasure to see you again.”

  “Yeah, likewise.” Soul replied. He forced himself to shake hands with Ricardo. “Ricardo.”

  “Soul.” The older man greeted him and did a glance over at his attire. Only Soul would show up at a political fundraiser wearing sneakers. “New line coming out?”

  “Always.” Soul grinned. He finished his champagne and took another glass. “Ricardo, Ximena, this is my brother Ocean’s girlfriend, Aaliyah.”

  Aaliyah noticed the transformation Ximena underwent in just a few seconds. She was warm and loving with Soul, but clinical with Aaliyah. Her posture straightened out and Aaliyah realized Ximena scanned her entire body from head to toe.

  Ximena wasn’t a bad looking woman but she wasn’t what anyone would call a classic beauty. In fact, beautiful was probably not the word anyone would look for to describe her. She had quirkiness that wasn’t the adorable trait that made Zooey Deschanel famous or made women relate to Tina Fey or Maya Rudolph.

  Ximena seemed to be stuck between being a try hard and not trying hard enough. She carefully hid her disgust behind a plastic smile. “Aaliyah! Pleasure to meet you.” She held out a hand.

  “Likewise,” Aaliyah shook her hand.

  “Aaliyah,” Ricardo shook her hand. “Pleasure to meet you. How long have you and Ocean been dating?”

  “A short while,” she replied, though Aaliyah felt that was too much to say.

  “I see,” Ricardo nodded. “Are you the same woman in the pictures with Ocean a short while ago?”

  The way Ricardo said that it sounded more like an interrogation than a simple question. “That’s me,” Aaliyah answered.

  “Very good.” Ricardo replied. “I hope you enjoy your evening here tonight.” He looked over and saw other people he wanted to speak with. “Excuse me, folks.” He soon left.

  “I’m about to talk to the DJ about the wack-ass music he’s playing,” Soul shook his head, “shit, play some Wu-Tang, Black Milk, or something.” He whispered to Aaliyah. “I’ll be back in five.” He left.

  Aaliyah sipped her champagne and began to people watch. She saw an A-list actor hobnobbing with an A-list rapper. The A-list actor declared how much he hated rap and hip-hop music and told anyone who had an ear, yet it appeared he was best friends with the rapper. She would’ve never put those two in the same picture, let alone the same room.

  She saw B-list celebrity hanging on the arm of another A-lister. The A-lister was married with a new baby. The B-lister was a rising star. They both were out in the open without a care. Aaliyah just shook her head. Hoes are gon’ hoe, she thought.

  “So, what are you intentions with Ocean?”

  Aaliyah was snapped out of her people watching and turned to Ximena. The woman had a smirk on her face and her scheming eyes studied her. “I’m sorry?”

  “Your end game with him?” Ximena repeated. “Do you want his money? Money for your business? You have a reality show you’re filming, right?”

  Ximena studied up on Aaliyah and Aaliyah wondered how much did the woman actually know about her. “Why does any of that concern you?”

  “I just want to know what possible interest you have with Ocean. It’s clear as day you two have nothing in common.” Ximena shrugged. “And let’s face it, a reality star doesn’t belong in D.C. politics.”

  “And I’m sure an ass-kissing suck-up doesn’t belong in D.C. politics, neither. Or maybe you do. You and your father bounce from one Ellison brother to the other trying to see which one will take your bait and won’t pull out. You love to hashtag and retweet social justice issues but I bet I won’t see you at a protest. You’re about women’s rights but you and your like are awfully silent about the mistreatment black women face on a daily basis from our communities and against us from the others.” Aaliyah steadied her gaze. “You’re dripped in diamonds from head to toe, and you’re going to tell anyone with a straight face how you’re about all lives matter, not realizing – or maybe in your case not caring – about the blood sacrifice my skinfolk went through so you could be laced in Cartier.”

  Ximena’s eyes grew wide. “You have some nerve. Tell me, Aaliyah, does Ocean know about your past? I surely do and so does my father. I heard your past was the reason why Thomas made sure Ocean dumped you before he ran for office. What do you think will happen once that news hits? Do you think Ocean will stay with you knowing that his girlfriend used to be a whore?”

  “You can call me every single name in the book if makes your panties wet and you sleep better at night.” Aaliyah whispered to Ximena. “But the difference between me and you, baby girl, is that I got paid for busting it open. Your daddy is still pimping you out and all you’re getting is a wet ass and fake photo-ops.”

  Just when Ximena was about to reach back and slap Aaliyah, she was stopped by seeing a younger woman entertaining her married father. Ricardo seemed rather smitten with the woman and couldn’t stop smiling at her. “We’re not done here,” she replied before she left.

  “Oh yes we are,” Aaliyah finished her champagne. She reached for another one and sipped on that glass. She rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders. She had to play nice for just a bit longer before she went back to Ocean’s home. She just hoped her night became better.

  “Are you fine? Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Savior, if you ask me that one more time, I’m going to take off these Gucci flats and hit you!”

  Aaliyah turned around and saw Savior with his very pregnant wife, Keisha, walking towards them. “Savior,” Aaliyah greeted him with a kiss and a hug. “I didn’t think you would be here tonight! Ocean said the baby is due any day now.”

  “I didn’t want to be here, but someone wanted to come,” Savior glanced over at his wife.

  “You were getting on my nerves!” Keisha defended. She was dressed in a purple chiffon Monique Lhuillier gown. “And I’ve been having contractions all week and guess what? I’m still knocked up!”

  “Ocean said the baby would come at any time and I would rather us be at home,” Savior explained, “we’ll stay for a short while and then we’ll leave.” He turned to Aaliyah. “How are you holding up tonight? No one has given you any issues, I hope?”

  “Ximena Montez.” Aaliyah mentioned. “Name sound familiar?”

  “Ah, Ximena. A textbook picture from Social Climbers R Us.” Savior shook his head. “She couldn’t have cared less about our family and it’s pretty obvious she doesn’t. She wants Ocean because she wants the power and prestige. She’s made it very clear she would be willing to look away at any extramarital affairs as long as she could stay married to the family.”

  “Gross,” Aaliyah shuddered. The music changed to 90’s R&B and she saw Soul behind the turntables. “She won’t stop until she gets what she wants.”

  “A scandal will put a stop to all of it but there’s nothing on the family. They’re supposedly clean but I don’t buy that.” Savior sipped champagne. “I don’t buy that for a second.”

  “If they’re hiding somethi
ng, I wonder what it could be.” Aaliyah wondered.

  “It’ll all come out at some point or another.” Savior mentioned. “Scandals don’t stay hidden for too long.”

  “Savior, Keisha.” Ocean walked over to his brother and his wife. “I’m glad you guys are here but I didn’t think you would able to come.”

  “I didn’t want to,” Savior replied. “But I was threatened.”

  “That’s my girl,” Ocean smiled at Keisha. “How are you?””

  “Uncomfortable and over it.” She rubbed her tummy. “So over it.”

  “Still having contractions?” Ocean asked and she nodded. “How far apart are they and how long do they last?”

  “Eight minutes and only for a few seconds,” Keisha replied. “More of an annoyance than labor.”

  “Okay. When they get to five minutes apart and under a minute, that’s when you need to give me a call. I’ll clear out my schedule.” Ocean stated.

  Aaliyah glanced over to her boyfriend. “You’re still her doctor?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” Ocean stated. “I’m still licensed.”

  “So, even as a senator, you would deliver our babies?” Aaliyah asked.

  “I would love to deliver our children.” Ocean replied. “It would be the greatest honor.”

  The tide changed that moment between the pair. Another energy shift happened and it was beyond just solidifying their commitment. Ocean wanted Aaliyah to be his wife and life partner. It wasn’t different from before. She wanted it to happen more than ever.

  “Let’s dance,” Aaliyah set down her glass.

  “My pleasure,” Ocean led Aaliyah to the dance floor. “Nothing Like Loving You” by Amerie played overhead and Ocean wrapped his arms around Aaliyah’s waist. He pulled her close and they swayed to the R&B song as if it was meant for them.

  “Are you having fun tonight?” He asked.

  “It’s been an interesting night,” Aaliyah admitted. “I love your brothers, and my mom is having a great time schmoozing with everyone. I met Briana and she’s just wonderful.” She paused for a beat. “I met Ximena.”


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