Newton Forster

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by Frederick Marryat

  Chapter XXXVIII

  "A green and gilded snake had wreathed itself, Who, with her head, nimble in threats, approach'd The opening of his mouth."


  The _Bombay Castle_ arrived at Madras without further adventure. A fewhours after she had anchored, all the passengers, receiving kind messagesfrom, or escorted on shore by their relatives or consignees, had landed;all, with the exception of the three Miss Revels, whose anxiety to land wasincreased by the departure of the others, and the unpleasant situation inwhich they were placed, by remaining a clog upon Captain Drawlock, whowould not quit his ship until he had surrendered up his charge. By inquiryof the dubashes, Captain Drawlock found out that old Colonel Revel wasresiding at his bungalow, about two miles distant from the fort; andsupposing him not to be aware of the arrival of his grand-nieces, hedespatched Newton Forster to acquaint him with the circumstance. It waslate in the afternoon when Newton arrived at the residence of the colonel,when he perceived immediately that everything was on the establishment ofan old Indian nabob. A double set of palanquin-bearers were stretched underthe verandas; syces were fanning the horses with their chowries, tailorsand various craftsmen were at work in the shade, while a herd of consumers,butlers, and other Indian domestics, were loitering about, or very busydoing nothing.

  It will be necessary, before Newton is introduced to the colonel, that thecolonel should be introduced to the reader. He was a man of nearly sixtyyears of age, forty-five of which, with the exception of occasionalfurlough, had been passed in the country. Having held several lucrativesituations for many years, and, although not parsimonious, being veryprudent in money concerns, he had amassed a very large fortune. More thanonce he had returned to England on leave, and with the full intention ofremaining there, if he could be comfortable; but a few months in his nativecountry only made him more anxious to return to India. His habits, histastes, were all Eastern; the close hospitality, the cold winter ofEngland, the loss of consequence, naturally resulting when a man mixes inthe crowd of London, all disgusted him, and he invariably returned to Indialong before his furlough had expired. He was a bachelor from choice. Whenyoung, he had been very cruelly treated by the object of his admiration,who deserted him for a few lacs of rupees, which offered themselves with anold man as their appendage. This had raised his bile against the sex ingeneral, whom he considered as mercenary and treacherous. His parties werenumerous and expensive, but women were never to be seen in his house; andhis confirmed dislike to them was the occasion of his seldom visiting,except with those who were like himself in a state of happy singleness. Inother points, he was a liberal, worthy man, and a perfect gentleman, butextremely choleric in disposition.

  Newton addressed himself to one of the butlers, requesting to be announced.The man led the way to a spacious hall, coated and floored with chunam,when Newton perceived the colonel, who presented rather a singularspectacle. "Burra Saib; Saib," said the Indian, and immediately retired.

  The colonel was a tall, gaunt man, with high cheekbones, bushy eyebrows,and white hair. He was seated on a solitary chair in the centre of thehall; his dress consisting of a pair of white nankeen trousers and a whiteshirt, the sleeves of the latter tucked up to his shoulders, and exposingsinewy arms, covered with hair. By his side lay a basket of mangoes, andbefore his chair a large tub of water. As Newton entered, he had anopportunity of witnessing the most approved method of eating this exquisitefruit. The colonel had then one as large as a cassowary's egg, held in bothhands, and applied to his mouth, while he held his head over the tub ofwater, to catch the superabundant juice which flowed over his face, handsand arms, and covered them with a yellow stain. The contents of the mangowere soon exhausted; the stone and pulp were dropped into the tub of water,and the colonel's hand was extended to the basket for a repetition of hisluxurious feast, when Newton was announced. Newton was sorry to interrupthim, and would have made an apology, had he not observed that the colonel,whose back was towards him, continued his pleasing avocation: the fact wasthat the colonel was so intent upon his occupation that he had neitherheard the announcement nor could he perceive Newton, who thus had anopportunity of witnessing the demolition of at least two dozen more mangoeswithout the colonel having turned his eyes in that direction, or beingaware that he was not alone. But something at length attracted theattention of Newton, and induced him to come forward, and put an end to thecolonel's repast. The colonel had just taken another mango out of thebasket, when Newton perceived a small snake wind itself over the rim, andcurl up one of the feet of the colonel's chair, in such a position that thevery next time that the colonel reached out his hand, he must have come incontact with the reptile. Newton hardly knew how to act; the slightestmovement of the old gentleman might be fatal to him; he therefore walked upsoftly and was about to strike the reptile on the head with his stick, whenthe colonel, as he leant over the tub, half rose from the chair. In aninstant, Newton snatched it from under him, and jerked it, with the snake,to the corner of the hall. The colonel, whose centre of gravity had notbeen thrown sufficiently forward to enable him to keep his feet, fellbackward, when Newton and he both rolled on the floor together; and alsoboth recovered their legs at the same time.

  "You'll excuse me, sir," said Newton.

  "I'll be d----d if I do, sir!" interrupted the colonel, in a rage. "Who thedevil are you?--and how dare you presume to play off such impertinent jokesupon a stranger?--Where did you come from?--How did you get in, sir?"

  "Is that a joke, sir?" replied Newton, calmly pointing to the snake, whichwas still hissing in its wrath at the corner of the room where the chairlay. Newton then briefly explained the circumstances.

  "Sir, I beg your pardon a thousand times, and am very much your debtor. Itis the most venomous snake that we have in the country. I trust you willaccept my apology for a moment's irritation; and, at the same time, mysincere thanks." The colonel then summoned the servants, who providedthemselves with bamboos, and soon despatched the object which hadoccasioned the misunderstanding. The colonel then apologised to Newton,while he repaired to the bath, and in a few minutes returned, havingundergone this necessary ablution after a mango feast. His dress waschanged, and he offered the appearance of an upright, gentleman-like,hard-featured man, who had apparently gone through a great deal of servicewithout his stamina having been much impaired.

  "I beg your pardon, my dear sir, for detaining you. May I request thepleasure of your name and the occasion of your providential visit?"

  "I have a letter for you, sir," replied Newton, who had been intrusted withthe one which Mr Revel had given to his daughters on their embarkation.

  "Oh! a letter of introduction. It is now quite superfluous, you havealready introduced yourself."

  "No, sir, it is not a letter of recommendation in my behalf, but toannounce the arrival of your three grand-nieces--daughters of theHonourable Mr Revel--in the _Bombay Castle_, the ship to which I belong."

  "What?" roared the colonel, "my three grand-nieces! daughters of Mr Revel!"

  "So I have understood from them, sir."

  The colonel tore open the letter, in which Mr Revel very coolly informedhim that not having received any answers to his former epistles on thesubject, he presumed that they had miscarried, and had therefore beeninduced, in consequence of the difficulties which he laboured under, tosend his daughters out to his kind protection. The colonel, as soon as hehad finished the perusal of the letter, tore it into pieces again andagain, every renewed action showing an increase of excitement. He thenthrew the fragments on the floor, stamping upon them in an ecstasy of rage.

  "The d----d scoundrel!--the villain!--the rascal!--Do you know, sir, thatwhen I was last in England this fellow swindled me out of a thousandpounds? Yes, sir, a thousand pounds, by G-d! promised to pay me in threeweeks; and when I was coming back, and asked him for my money, he laughedat me, and ordered his servant not to let me in. And now he has sent outhis three daughters to me--pawned them off upon me, laughing, I supp
ose, inhis sleeve, as he did when he cheated me before. I'll not receive them, byG-d! they may find their way back again how they can;" and the colonelpaced the room up and down, throwing his arms about in his fury.

  Newton waited some time before he ventured to make any observation; indeed,he was so astonished at such an unheard-of proceeding, and so shocked atthe unfortunate situation of Isabel, that he hardly knew what to say.

  "Am I then to inform the young ladies that you will not receive them?"

  "You don't know me, sir. When did I ever receive a woman into my house?They are all alike, sir. Plotted with their father, I'll answer for, withthe hopes of getting husbands. Tell them, sir, that I'll see them d----dfirst! Swindling scoundrel!--first cheats me out of a thousand pounds, andthen tries to cheat me into providing for his family!"

  Newton paused a little, to allow the colonel's wrath to subside, and thenobserved--"I never was so much distressed as to be the bearer of yourmessage. The young ladies are certainly no parties to their father'sdishonesty, and are in a situation much to be pitied. In a foreign country,thousands of miles from their friends, without means of subsistence, or ofpaying their passage home. What is to become of them?"

  "I don't care."

  "That your indignation is just, Colonel Revel, I admit; but allowing thatyou will not receive them, how are they to return home? Captain Drawlock, Iam sure, would give them a passage; but we proceed to China. Poor girls!"continued Newton, with a sigh. "I should like to make a remark, ColonelRevel, if it were not considered too great a liberty in a stranger."

  "You have already taken a liberty which in all probability has saved mylife. I shall be happy to listen to any remark that you may wish to offer."

  "It was, sir, that, reprehensible as their father's conduct may be, commonhumanity, and a regard for your own character, will hardly warrant theirbeing left thus destitute. They, at least, are your relations, and haveneither offended nor deceived you; on the contrary, are, with you, jointvictims of their father's deception."

  "You appear to take a great interest in these young ladies," observed thecolonel, sharply.

  "If I had never seen them, sir, their present unfortunate dilemma would besufficient. Knowing them intimately as I do, I must say that thisintelligence will be, to one, at least, a death-blow. I would to God that Iwere able to assist and protect her!"

  "Very handsome, then, I presume?" replied the colonel, with a sneer.

  "She certainly is, sir; but it was not admiration of her beauty whichoccasioned the remark. If you knew her, sir, you would be as sorry to partwith her, as you now appear to be to receive her."

  The colonel continued to pace the room, but with less violence than before.Newton observed this, and therefore was silent, hoping that reflectionwould induce him to alter his resolution. In a few minutes, apparentlyforgetting the presence of Newton, the colonel commenced talking to himselfaloud, muttering out a few detached phrases:--"Must take them in, by G-d!Couldn't show my face--no where--d----d scoundrel! Keep them here till nextship--till they are as yellow as gamboge, then send them home--revenge inthat."

  Thus did the old gentleman mutter loud enough for Newton to overhear. A fewminutes more were spent in perambulation, when he threw himself into thechair.

  "I think, my young acquaintance, you appear to be interested for theserelations of mine; or at least for one of them."

  "I certainly am, sir; and so is everyone who is acquainted with her."

  "Well, I am glad to hear that there is one good out of the three. I havebeen put in a passion--no wonder; and I have said more than should berepeated. Were it known that these girls had been sent out to me in thisway, the laugh would be raised against me, as it is known that I am notvery partial to women; and it would also be of serious injury to them andtheir prospects. I have determined upon receiving them, for the best of allpossible reasons--I can't help myself. You will, therefore, add to theobligations of this day, by saying nothing about what has been made knownto you."

  "Most certainly, sir; I will pledge you my honour, if it is requested."

  "When I say not mention it, I mean to other parties; but to the girls, Imust request you to state the facts. I will not have them come here, pawingand fondling, and wheedling me as an old bachelor, with a few lacs ofrupees to be coaxed out of. It would make me sick; I detest women and theirways. Now, if they are informed of the real state of the case, that theyare here only on sufferance; that I neither wished nor want them; and thatI have been imposed upon by their scoundrel of a father, I may keep them atthe other end of the bungalow, and not be annoyed with their company;until, upon plea of bad health, or some other excuse, I can pay theirpassage back again."

  "Could you not state these facts yourself, sir?"

  "No, I never meddle with women; besides, it is better that they should knowit before they come here. If you will promise me what I now request, why, Iwill consent to give them house-room; if not, they may stay where they are.It will be but a few days' laugh at me, or abuse of me, I care littlewhich."

  "Well, sir, unpleasant as this intelligence must be, their present suspenseis still more so. You will allow me to disclose it in as delicate a manneras possible."

  "You may be as refined as you please, provided that you tell the exacttruth, which I am convinced that you will, by your countenance."

  "Then, I will take my leave, sir," replied Newton.

  "Fare you well, my dear sir; recollect that my house is your home; andalthough not fond of the society of women, I shall be delighted with yours.The young ladies may be brought on shore to the hotel, and I will send acarriage for them. Good-bye,--What is your name?"

  "Forster, sir."

  "Good-bye, then, Mr Forster, for the present;" and the colonel quitted theroom.


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