Newton Forster

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by Frederick Marryat

  Chapter LIII

  "Thus far our chronicle--and now we pause, Though not for want of matter, but 'tis time."


  Amber, or Julie de Fontanges, as we must now call her, quitted the abode ofher kind protector in such distress, that it was evident she regretted thediscovery which had been made. She was too young to be aware of theadvantages of high birth, and her removal was for some time a source ofunfeigned regret. It appeared to her that nothing could compensate for theseparation from her supposed father, who doted on her, from Mrs Forster,who had watched over her, from Nicholas, who amused her, and from Newton,whom she loved as a brother. But the idea of going to a foreign country,and never seeing them or William Aveleyn again, and, though last, notleast, to find that she was not an Englishwoman, and in future must notrejoice at their victories over her own nation, occasioned many a burst oftears when left alone to her own meditations. It was long before thedevotion of her father, and the fascinating attentions of M. and Madame deFontanges, could induce her to be resigned to her new condition. Mr JohnForster felt his bereavement more deeply than could have been supposed. Formany days after the departure of Julie, he seldom spoke, never made hisappearance, except at dinner-time, and as soon as the meal was finished,hastened to his chambers, where he remained very late. Intense applicationwas the remedy which he had selected to dispel his care, and fill up thevacuum created by the absence of his darling child.

  "Newton," said he, one evening, as they discussed a bottle of port, "haveyou considered what I proposed? I confess to you that I am more than everanxious for the match; I cannot part with that dear child, and you canbring her back to me."

  "I have reflected, sir; but the case must be viewed in a very differentlight. You might affiance your adopted daughter at her early age, but theMarquis de Fontanges may not be so inclined; nay, further, sir, it is notimpossible that he may dislike the proposed match. He is of a very noblefamily."

  "I have thought on that subject," replied Mr John Forster; "but our familyis as well descended, and quite well enough for any Frenchman, let him be amarquis, or even a duke. Is that the only obstacle you intend to raise--or, if this is removed, will you again plead your attachment to another?"

  "It is the only one which I mean to raise at present, sir. I acknowledgeJulie de Fontanges to be a sweet girl, and, as a relation, I have long beenmuch attached to her."

  "Humph!" replied the old lawyer; "I always thought you a sensible lad--weshall see."

  Now, be it observed, that there was a certain degree of the jesuitical onthe part of our friend Newton on this occasion,--excusable only from hiswish that the mortification of his uncle at the disappointment of his hopesshould not be occasioned by any further resistance on his part.

  To M. de Fontanges, who was aware of Newton's attachment to Isabel, he had,previous to the discovery which had taken place, communicated the obstacleto his union, raised by the pertinacity of his uncle. After the removal ofJulie, M. de Fontanges acquainted his brother with the wishes of Mr JohnForster, and explained to him how much they were at variance with those ofNewton.

  The first time that Newton called upon the marquis, the latter, shaking himwarmly by the hand, said,--"I have been informed, my dear Newton, by mybrother, of the awkward predicament in which you are placed by the wish ofyour uncle that you should marry my Julie when she grows up. Believe me,when I say it, there is no man to whom I would sooner confide the happinessof my daughter, and that no consideration would induce me to refuse you, ifyou really sought her hand; but I know your wishes, and your attachment toMiss Revel, therefore be quite easy on the subject. Your uncle made hisproposition when Julie had no father to be consulted: the case is nowdifferent; and, for your sake, I intend, for a time, to injure myself inthe opinion of your good relation. I shall assume, I trust what, if ever Ihad it, would be immediately sacrificed to gratitude,--I mean, higharistocratical pride; and should your uncle make the proposal, refuse itupon the grounds that you are not noble by _descent_. No one will deny yournobility on any other point. Do you understand me, Newton? and will my sodoing be conformable to your wishes?"

  "It will, Monsieur le Marquis, and I thank you most sincerely."

  "Then make no objection when he proposes the match a second time; leave allthe obloquy on my shoulders," said the marquis, smiling.

  This arrangement having been made, it was not surprising that Newton heardhis uncle's renewal of the proposition with such calmness and apparentacquiescence.

  "We dine with the marquis to-morrow, Newton," observed Mr John Forster; "Ishall take an opportunity after dinner of requesting a few minutes'interview, when I shall put the question to him."

  "Certainly, sir, if you think right," replied Newton.

  "Well, I'm glad the dear girl has changed that foolish name of Amber. Whatcould possess my brother? Julie is very fine, nevertheless; but then shewas christened by French people."

  The next day the parties met at dinner. Isabel Revel had been asked; and,having heard from Madame de Fontanges of the plan agreed upon, and anxiousto see the old lawyer, she had consented to join the party. The dinnerpassed off as most dinners do when the viands and wines are good, andeverybody is inclined to be happy. Isabel was placed next to Mr Forster,who, without knowing who she was, felt much pleased with the deference andattention of so beautiful a young woman.

  "Newton," said his uncle, when the ladies retired, and the gentlemen packedup their chairs, "who was that young lady who sat next to me?"

  "The young lady, my dear uncle, whom I did wish to introduce to you as myintended wife--Miss Isabel Revel."

  "Humph!--why, you never spoke to her before dinner, or paid her any commoncivility!"

  "You forget, sir, your injunctions, and--"

  "That's no reason, nephew, why you should forget common civility. Irequested that you would not marry the young lady; but I never desired youto commit an act of rudeness. She is a very nice young person; andpoliteness is but a trifle, although marriage is a very serious thing."

  In pursuance of his plans, when the gentlemen rose, Mr John Forsterrequested a few minutes' conversation with the marquis, who, bowingpolitely, showed the way to a small study on the same floor.

  Mr Forster immediately stated his wish that an engagement should be formedbetween his nephew and Julie de Fontanges.

  "Mr Forster," replied the marquis, drawing up proudly, "the obligations Iam under to your family are so great, that there are but few points inwhich I could refuse you; and I therefore am quite distressed that of thisproposal I am obliged to decline the honour. You may be ignorant, MrForster, that the family of the De Fontanges is one of the oldest inFrance; and, with every respect for you and your nephew, and all gratitudefor your kindness, I cannot permit my daughter to form a _mesalliance_."

  "A _mesalliance!_--humph! I presume, sir, in plain English, it meansmarrying beneath her rank in life?"

  The marquis bowed.

  "I beg to observe, sir," said Mr John Forster, "that our family is a veryold one. I can show you our pedigree. It has lain for some years by theside of your daughter's bundle in the iron safe."

  "I have no doubt of the excellence of your family, Mr Forster. I can onlyexpress my deep regret that it is not noble. Excuse me, Mr Forster; exceptyou can prove that--"

  "Why, I could prove it by purchasing a dozen marquisates, if I thoughtproper!"

  "Granted, Mr Forster. In our country they are to be purchased; but we makea great difference between the parvenus of the present day and the_ancienne noblesse_."

  "Well, Mr Marquis, just as you please; but I consider myself quite as goodas a French marquis," replied Mr Forster, in a tone of irritation.

  "Better than many, I have no doubt; but still, we draw the line. Nobleblood, Mr Forster."

  "Noble fiddlestick! Monsieur le Marquis, in this country, and theinhabitants are not fools, we allow money to weigh against rank. Itpurchases that, as it does everything else, except heaven. Now, Monsieur leMarquis--"
  "Excuse me, sir; no money will purchase the hand of Julie de Fontanges,"replied the marquis.

  "Well, then, Monsieur le Marquis, I should think that the obligations youare under in restoring your daughter to your arms--"

  "Warrants your asking for her back again, Mr Forster?" replied the marquis,haughtily. "A labourer might find this diamond _solitaire_ that's now uponmy finger. Does it therefore follow that I am to make him a present of it?"

  "Humph!" ejaculated Mr Forster, much affronted with the comparison.

  "In short, my dear sir, anything which you or your family can think of,which it is in our power to grant, will make us most happy; but to _sully_the blood of the most ancient--"

  John Forster would hear no more; he quitted the room and walked upstairsbefore the marquis had completed his speech. When he entered thedrawing-room, his countenance plainly expressed his disappointment. Likeall men who have toiled for riches, he had formed plans, in which heconsidered his wealth was to command success, and had overlooked everyobstacle which might present itself against the completion of his wishes.

  "Newton," said he, as they stood apart near the window, "you have been agood lad in not persisting to thwart my views, but that French marquis,with his folly and his 'ancienne noblesse,' has overthrown all my plans.Now, I shall not interfere with yours. Introduce me to Miss what's hername; she is a very fine girl, and from what I saw of her during dinner, Ilike her very much."

  Isabel exerted herself to please, and succeeded.

  Satisfied with his nephew's choice, flattered by his previous apparentsubmission, and disgusted with the marquis, Mr John Forster thought no moreof Mademoiselle de Fontanges. His consent was voluntary, and in a shorttime Isabel Revel changed her name.

  It was about five months after Newton's marriage that he received a letterfrom the Board, appointing him to the command of a ship. Newton handed theletter over to Mr Forster.

  "I presume, sir, it is your wish that I should accept the offer?"

  "What offer?" said the old lawyer, who was reading through a case forcounsel's opinion. "_Melville_--for Madras and China.--Why, Newton, Ireally do not see any occasion for your going afloat again. There is an oldproverb--'The pitcher that goes often to the well is broken at last.'You're not tired of your wife already?"

  "I hope not, sir; but I thought it might be your wish."

  "It's my wish that you should stay at home. A poor man may go to sea,because he stands a chance to come home rich; but a man who has money inhand, and in prospect, if he goes to sea, he is a fool. Follow yourprofession as long as you require it, but no longer."

  "Why, then, do you work so hard, my dear sir," said Isabel, leaning overthe old gentleman, and kissing him, in gratitude for his decision. "Surelyyou can afford to relax a little now?"

  "Why do I work so hard, Isabel?" replied Mr Forster, looking up at herthrough his spectacles. "Why, you expect to have a family, do you not?"

  Isabel blushed; the expectation was undeniable.

  "Well, then, I presume the children will have no objection to find a fewthousands more to be divided among them by-and-bye--will they, daughter?"

  The conversation was interrupted by the entry of a servant with a letter;Mr Forster broke the seal, and looked at the signature.

  "Humph! from the proud old marquis. 'Very sorry, for a short period, tohave fallen in your good opinion--should have rejoiced to have calledNewton my son-in-law! '--Humph! 'Family pride all assumed--Newton'shappiness at stake--trust the deceit will be pardoned, and a renewal offormer intimacy.' Why, Newton, is all this true?"

  "Ask Isabel, sir," replied Newton, smiling.

  "Well, then, Isabel, is all this true?"

  "Ask Newton, sir," replied Isabel, kissing him. "The fact is, my dear sir,I could not afford to part with Newton, even to please you, so we made up alittle plot."

  "Humph!--made up a little plot--well--I sha'n't alter my will,nevertheless;" and Mr Forster recommenced the reading of his brief.

  Such is the history of Newton Forster, which, like most novels or plays,has been wound up with marriage. The last time that I appeared before myreaders, they were dissatisfied with the termination of my story; theyconsidered I had deprived them of "a happy marriage," to which, as anundoubted right, they were entitled, after wading through three tediousvolumes. As I am anxious to keep on good terms with the public, I hasten torepair the injury which it has sustained, by stating that about three yearsafter the marriage of Newton Forster, the following paragraph appeared inthe several papers of the metropolis:

  "Yesterday, by special license, the Right Honourable William Lord Aveleynto Mademoiselle Julie de Fontanges, only daughter of the Marquis deFontanges, late Governor of the Island of Bourbon. The marriage was to havebeen solemnised in December last, but was postponed, in consequence of thedeath of the late Lord Aveleyn. After the ceremony, the happy couple," &c.Sec. &c.

  * * * * *

  And now, most arbitrary public, I consider that I have made the _amendehonorable_, and that we are quits; for, if you were minus a happy marriagein the last work, you have a couple to indemnify you in the present.



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