Forever With His Boss

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Forever With His Boss Page 24

by Rheland Richmond

Both Ford and Sawyer took a seat, and immediately held each other's hands, Ford having sat Callum in his lap.

  “I interrogated Cynthia Mathis,” he started. “A colleague of mine interrogated Larry Banks and we combined our notes. This will help to clarify some missing links you may have.” He looked up from the notebook he had in front of him at them. “First off… Do you have any questions?”

  Sawyer looked over at Ford who was the first one to ask a question.

  “How do those two know each other?” That was a question definitely in need of an answer. “Cynthia is the children’s biological mother, and Mr. Banks is someone that used to work for us. She was supposed to have been back in New York. We didn’t even meet Cynthia until after Mr. Banks was fired. So… what happened?”

  “Well, that’s easy enough to explain,” he said. “I know that I don’t have all of the information, as we’re communicating with two different counties, but here’s what I can tell you. Larry came to your house and attacked you. Is that correct?”

  He pointed to Ford who slowly nodded as he pulled Callum’s hand away from the jar of pens on the edge of the desk.

  “On that day,” he continued, “It seems Cynthia was watching the entire scene. She got his bail money together and then went and got him released from jail. After that, they teamed together and came up with this kidnap scheme. He says she came up with the plan and promised him half of whatever money she could squeeze from you if he would help her.” He looked up at them “I personally don’t think it was about Callum and wanting him. Looks to me like it was always about the money.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me,” Sawyer muttered. God, he was so lucky to have his mother when his father bailed.

  “Apparently they had been watching your mother’s house and followed her until they saw their chance.”

  Ford’s eyes widened. “Wow.”

  Officer Werling nodded. “Doesn’t seem like they hurt the boy. Our local doctor came in and checked him out and said he’s healthy and happy. I’m sure you were worried about that.”

  “Thank you.” Sawyer released the white-knuckled grip he had on the arm of the chair. “I’m going to assume they’ll be charged.”

  The officer nodded. “They’ll be collected and formally charged in Amber Falls. They’ll be charged with kidnapping and assault charges, along with destruction of property. Also, apparently, they stole from a convenience store, so there will be shoplifting added to that too.”

  “Off the record, I will say that they’ll be in jail for a while and will have a hefty fine applied as well.” Officer Werling sat back in his chair.

  “Thank God!” The weight that had been pressing down on Sawyer lifted since the first time Larry attacked Ford and Cynthia invaded their home.

  Officer Werling looked between the two of them. “Any more questions?”

  “Just one” Sawyer looked towards the door, where Callum was, “When can we get out of here and take Callum home.”

  “In just a minute.” The corners of his mouth quirked up. “I’m sure you’re dying to get him home and put all of this behind you.”

  Sawyer looked over at Ford who had tears in his eyes. “That’s the best news ever.” They both couldn’t wait to get him home and pick the kids up from Ford's parents. Sawyer wasn’t looking forward to explaining to Savie and Gav exactly what would be happening to their mother, but he had to. Honesty was the best policy, even though it would surely crush them. God, it would break their hearts and give them an even worse opinion of their mother.

  There was a part of him that had hoped that Cynthia could get her act together and at least be in the kids’ lives even though she had lost her visitation rights.

  “I think that’s all for now.” Officer Werling got to his feet and so did they.

  When they opened the door, Callum put his hands out toward Sawyer, wanting to be held by him. Sawyer walked over scooped him up into his arms.

  “Thank you, Officer Werling. You have no idea how grateful we are. Thank you so much for the quick resolution.” Ford said on Sawyer’s behalf.

  Officer Werling smiled and said his good-byes, telling them to call if they had any more questions, and then went back to his office.

  “Let’s go home.” Sawyer kissed Callum’s cheek, then reached out and took Ford’s hand, and as a family, they left the station. He was ready to go home.

  “I’ll stay in the car with Callum while you go inside. I’m sure my parents will understand if we don’t stay.”

  Well, apparently he had his marching orders from Ford.

  “I can’t bear to leave him yet.” Ford looked back at a sleeping Callum.

  “I love you. Let me get the kids.” Sawyer squeezed Ford’s hand.

  “Love you too.”

  “No baby, I love you. I don’t say it enough, but I couldn’t do any of this without you.” Sawyer leaned over and placed a quick kiss on Ford’s lips.

  Sawyer looked in the back seat. The sight of Callum sound asleep melted his heart. “I’ll be right back,” Sawyer said. He opened up the car door. Right then, the kids ran squealing out of the house with Ford’s parents hot on their heels.

  “Callum is back with us, right where he belongs,” Gavin shouted as he flew down the path.

  Gavin ran into his arms, but when Savanna got there, she seemed hesitant at first until Sawyer smiled, then she ran into his arms.

  “He’s home?” She bit her lips, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears.

  Sawyer pulled her in for a hug. “He’s home.”

  Ford came out of the car and ruffled Gavin’s hair before walking over to his mom and pulling her in for a hug. Ford stood and had a brief conversation with his parents, then hugged both of them before they walked back with him to the car, and Ford opened the door so his parents could kiss Callum.

  They stepped back, and Barb pulled Sawyer in for a hug, “Go take care of your family,” she whispered, then patted him on the back.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he said once Ford’s parents had gotten back to the porch and everyone was in the car.

  “What happened?” Savanna asked. It was like the mood had shifted, and she could only stare at him with expectant eyes.

  “Ford and I will tell you all about it,” Sawyer began, “once we get you home Sawyer wasn’t looking forward to the conversation that would follow where they would have to tell them that their mother was probably going to be in jail for a long time. For the moment, though, they were excited. The kids bounced in the back seat and showered a sleeping Callum with lots of kisses.

  Sawyer smiled his first real smile since he’d gotten that phone call, and started the car.

  “Did you know what you’re going to tell them yet?” Ford whispered.

  He nodded his head. “Everything,” he said. He put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway. If they wanted to be transparent, then they needed to start with the truth and tell them everything, no matter how much he didn’t want to or it may hurt.



  Sawyer walked into the living room, and his eyes immediately sought out Ford’s, who in turn gave his boyfriend an encouraging smile... at least he tried to. All the while, his stomach felt like it was in his throat, or maybe it was his throat in his stomach. Yeah, he was definitely freaking out. Fuck, he would do anything to make this better for the kids.

  “He’s still out like a light,” Sawyer commented, breaking the silence that had descended over the room since they got home.

  “He had a busy twenty-four hours,” Ford replied, trying to appear calmer than he felt.

  Sawyer lowered himself onto the couch, sandwiched between Gavin and Savanna, while Ford occupied a chair across from them. “Okay… so, here’s the deal.” Sawyer seemed to take a moment to steel himself before speaking. “Callum was taken a couple of counties over by your mother and our old employee. Someone called the local police after seeing them, and they were discovered and immediately apprehended.”

  “Apprehended?” Gavin’s brows drew together, and Ford shot a look at Sawyer. They needed to get a little more down to a ten-year-old’s lingo if they wanted him to understand what they were saying.

  “That means they arrested them,” Savanna helpfully supplied.

  Sawyer glanced at Savie and smiled, nodding, then looked back at Gavin. “Your sister is right. They arrested both your mother and Larry because they did some bad things. They want them to have time to think about their actions, and that means they’ll be going to jail.” He could swear Sawyer was a statue with how still he was when he asked, “Do you understand?”

  Gavin nodded. “I think so. Savie said we’re not going to see Mom for a while, right?” His eyes looked dim and sad. Even though that was what he’d been saying, Sawyer still looked at a loss for words, so Ford spoke up.

  “That’s right, Gavin, but once she’s had lots of time to think and get better, I’m sure she’ll be a better Mom.”

  “That’s right,” Savanna said. She plastered on a smile, though Ford could see that she didn’t believe what she was saying, but for Gavin, she carried on, “Mom needs this time, but you know what…? We have Ford and Sawyer.” Her eyes met his, and Ford looked down in time to see her take Sawyer’s hand. “Ford and Sawyer are looking out for us. We can count on them not to ever leave. That’s all we need.”

  It was like someone made ground beef out of his heart. Ford closed his eyes and swore he would never be one of those people who let their kids down.

  Did Savanna know how much it meant hearing her say that? He met Sawyer’s eyes, and it was clear it meant just as much to him. His boyfriend’s eyes glistened with unshed tears.

  Gavin nodded and wrapped his arm around Sawyer, and the moment he heard the sob, Ford had to go to them. They had a group hug and just stayed in that position until Gavin finally muttered, “I can’t breathe.”

  They laughed and then pulled back, and everyone wore matching pairs of red-rimmed eyes.

  “Thank you for giving us a place to live,” Savanna whispered and looked down, picking at a non-existent spot on her jeans. “We know you didn’t have to take us in, and we could have stayed in the foster system.” Savie sniffed and glanced at Sawyer, then away. “We would have probably been separated if not for you.”

  Ford leaned against the armrest and looked at Sawyer. He was fighting back tears, but was failing.

  “I wouldn’t have done that.” His boyfriend’s voice was choked with emotion. “You three belong with me.” He met Ford’s gaze “With us.”

  “I know dad didn’t... wasn’t there for you.” Savanna’s legs were tapping so much, Ford was worried there would be lift off.

  “Whatever happened with my… your father has nothing to do with you guys. Nothing.” Sawyer squeezed both Gavin and Savie’s hands.

  Savanna sniffed. “Even when we’ve given you a reason to second guess that decision?” Her voice was teasing, and Ford couldn’t help it, he snickered. Like him, Sawyer would never bail on them, even if it got tough.

  “Now it’s getting emotional in here again.” Sawyer chuckled while clearing his throat. He quickly rubbed his eyes. “You two better run and start on your homework. You have some catching up to do today.”

  “But one more hug before you go.” Ford stood and opened his arms. They all laughed, but got to their feet for a good old group bearhug, then the kids pulled back and ran out of the room like they were being chased. Apparently, they were done with the heavy love-in.

  Ford leaned against Sawyer as he spoke. “Can you believe you are raising some pretty amazing kids?”

  “My dad started them on their way there too,” Sawyer said.

  Ford’s eyes widened. He was pretty sure that was the first time Sawyer had given his father any credit at all.

  Ford was about to ask Sawyer about it when their doorbell rang.

  “What now?” Ford asked.

  Sawyer shook his head. “If it’s an officer saying they’re already out, I’m going to tell him to get the fuck off my property.”

  Ford knew that there was no way that was who was on the other side of the door. Cynthia and Larry were behind bars, and that was where they would stay.

  Sawyer groaned, then sighed before going to the foyer to see who was outside, and Ford followed behind him.

  He wasn’t surprised to see his parents at the door. His mom held up a casserole dish. “I brought dinner.”

  Ford chuckled. “Let me guess. You want to see Callum?”

  His dad let out a snort from behind his mom, and when she looked back, he tried covering it with a cough that turned into a chuckle. “I couldn’t stop her. She’s been cooking all day, and when you left, she timed you, and here we are.”

  Sawyer took the dish from Barb and placed a kiss on her cheek. When he stood straight, he stepped aside to let them through. “You know the way.”



  Sawyer and Ford stepped into their suite at the resort in Aspen and looked around the room. “Not too shabby,” Sawyer said.

  Ford had made the arrangements for them, but he’d kept it very hush-hush. By the looks of the room, though, he’d done very well. On the other side of the glass fireplace which divided the living room space, a large hot tub was nestled in the corner with a perfect view out the row of windows. Next to that was a door which led to the balcony overlooking the gorgeous resort and Aspen, and Sawyer could see mountains lining the landscape.

  There was a long couch that sat up against the wall opposite the fireplace, and a full-sized kitchenette adorned another corner of the room, as well. Off to the side, a door stood open to a bedroom, and Sawyer spied a large king-size bed when he peeked in.

  He walked into the bedroom, took a quick look around, and then glanced through yet another doorway to find a bathtub that was definitely built for two. Once Sawyer turned back from the bathroom, he frowned as he moved his eyes over the space. “No TV?”

  Ford chuckled. “Babe… who needs TV when we have each other?” He wrapped his arms around Sawyer and looked up for a kiss.

  Sawyer laughed against his lips as he replied, “Point taken.”

  Ford’s eyes danced. He pulled back, walked over to a remote on the glass table in front of the love seat, and picked it up, pressing a button which had a television rise up from the floor.

  “For when I get tired of you.” Ford turned the TV on. “Maybe I’m tired already.”

  Sawyer walked over to Ford. “That would be a shame since I had other plans for us, namely, christening every surface of the hotel room with sex. Lots and lots of hot sex.” God, he needed Ford like he needed his next breath.

  “Other plans, huh?” Ford still hadn’t turned around from staring at the TV screen, which was on an infomercial channel.

  Sawyer wrapped his arms around Ford’s waist from behind.

  “I’d like to hear about these plans.” Ford rubbed his ass against Sawyer’s already thickening dick.

  He grabbed onto the base of Ford’s t-shirt and slowly pulled it up, and Ford put his arms up for him to slide it over his head. Sawyer admitted to himself that he already wanted to get into the hot tub with Ford.

  “What did you have in mind?” Ford spun around, placing his palms on Sawyer’s chest and pushing him back.

  “Well, we have a hot tub.” He squeezed Ford’s ass and wiggled his brow.

  “Hot tub, huh?” Ford wrapped his arms around Sawyer’s neck. “Good thing I packed waterproof lube.”

  A phone went off, and Ford stepped back to fish it out of his pocket. “The kids will be just getting off the bus now. Maybe we should call them. They’re not used to us being gone.”

  Sawyer laughed. “Babe, we’re two hours away, and your parents are amazing with them, it’s not like we left them with strangers.” In fact, Ford’s parents almost kicked him out after he’d given them several detailed lists.

  Truth was, Ford had been hovering the past three weeks since Callum came home.
Even though Ford had planned their getaway, Sawyer had dropped the hints. Not only had they needed “them time,” but Ford needed to know that the kids were now safe, whether they were with them or his parents.

  “They’re fine, babe. Now kiss me.” Sawyer wrapped his arms around Ford’s waist and lifted him off the ground. His boyfriend yelped and put his legs around Sawyer’s waist.

  “They’re going to be okay. This weekend is about us.” Sawyer lowered to cover Ford’s mouth with his own, kissing Ford hungrily, their tongues dancing together as one.

  “Are you sure?” Ford gasped as he nibbled on Sawyer’s neck.

  “Trust me,” Sawyer said as he carried Ford to the hot tub before lowering him to the floor again. Sawyer pressed the button to get the tub going before focusing back on Ford. He kissed Ford, grabbed onto his jeans and undid the button, then tugged them down. Ford kicked them off, taking his shoes and socks with them. Ford lifted his shirt, seeming to become less tense as they undressed one another, kissing and nipping as they went.

  When they were both naked, they stepped into the tub, and Sawyer leaned back against the tub wall and pulled Ford so he straddled him.

  Ford’s cock rubbed against Sawyer’s, and he wrapped his arms around Sawyer’s neck as their kisses turned more desperate. While they kissed, Sawyer slipped his hands between them, taking both their cocks in his hand, and he began to stroke them. Ford groaned between Sawyer’s lips, and Sawyer continued to jerk their cocks, increasing the rhythm until they were both panting and Ford was squirming in his lap.

  “I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum.” Ford murmured against Sawyer’s lips.

  “I hope so. I’m close too.” Sawyer's voice was ragged, his orgasm right there. He moved his hands up and down their hard shafts twice more, and Ford released a cry before spilling all over Sawyer’s hand. Sawyer quickened his movement, using his thumb to flick the head of his cock and that had him following quickly after, mixing their cum together on his hand. Sawyer lifted his hand to his lips and licked off his fingers. Ford watched him, and his eyes heated, a smirk dancing on his lips. Sawyer moved in to kiss Ford again. “Yeah, this was going to be a fantastic weekend.”


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