That's Rock-N-Roll

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That's Rock-N-Roll Page 9

by Ginny Michaels

Heart pounding, she grabbed the handle and slowly opened the door. “Seth?”

  “I need to talk to you.”

  When she didn’t move he qualified his statement with a ‘please’.

  Slowly, she stepped back and made room for him to enter. “If this has to do with the other night—”

  “It doesn’t,” he cut her short.

  “So why are you here?”

  “Christian is quitting the band.”

  The words hung in the air between them like a thick fog. She couldn’t have possibly heard him correctly. “What?”

  “Christian. Wants. To. Quit. The. Band,” he repeated, saying each word as if it were its own sentence.


  “He said that if you’re not going to be a part of the band then he doesn’t to want either.”

  “That’s stupid.”

  “I know, but he says Sanctuary has never been the same without you. Actually, I agree with him on that fact, even if I don’t agree with his decision to quit.”

  Holly took a step backward and felt the couch brush against the back of her legs. She sank to the cushions. “He’s willing to give up everything you’ve achieved to be with me?”

  Seth nodded. “He loves you Holly and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to be with you, even if that means giving up his dream to do it.”

  “But he can’t do that.”

  “He can and he has.”

  “What do you mean he has?” Her heart jolted with his words. “What did he do?”

  “He’s already informed management that he’ll be leaving the band. Once they tell the record company, they’re going to issue a press release and that will be that.”

  Her stomach tightened, giving her a sick feeling. While she might not be part of the group anymore, Sanctuary had been her creation and her dream. To see it live on without her was still better than letting the dream die. “What about you guys? If he walks away Sanctuary is dead.”

  “That’s why I’m here, honey.” Seth crouched in front of her, taking her hands in his. “I know you’ve built a life for yourself and I can’t ask you to give it up, but I also know how much the band means to you, even if you’re not a part of it. You’re the only one who can keep our dream alive.”

  “What am I suppose to do? He’s not going to listen to reason.”

  “Like someone else I know,” Seth replied. He leaned in and brushed the softest of kisses over her lips. “I have to go before Christian realises I’m here.”

  Still stunned by his words, she could do little more than watch him stand and walk away.

  So this is what it all came down to? If she did nothing she’d have to live with the guilt of knowing she stood by and let the band fall apart. Yet, if she rejoined the band and something happened between her and Christian, she’d carry the guilt of knowing their relationship was ultimately the group’s downfall. Either way the burden rested on her shoulders.

  Then there was her job at the school. In order to even keep her job she’d have to cut all ties to the band and pretend to be someone she wasn’t. Even if she were willing to do that, and she wasn’t, did she really want to spend the rest of her life sitting in a classroom all day, teaching basic chords to beginners, especially when she was faced with the opportunity of a lifetime?

  Zoë was right when she’d accused Holly of being just as selfish as Christian and Seth. She was about to deny herself and them of something beautiful and special simply because of her own stupid beliefs—beliefs based on an unfounded fear of the unknown.

  With a single focus in mind, she stood and headed to the small office area she’d created in the corner of her dining room. This time she wouldn’t let the brass ring slip through her fingers without a damn good fight.

  * * * *

  Holly walked along the tree-lined street, her fingers laced through Christian’s as he kept pace.

  “I’m glad you called.” He smiled down at her.

  “Me too. I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed spending time with you.”

  “I’m happy to hear you say that, since I have something I need to tell you.”

  “I know you’re quitting the band.”

  He stopped mid step and looked down at her, eyes wide with shock. “How Seth,” he finally said.

  Holly nodded and began walking again. She glanced ahead, gaining her point of reference, ensuring they were on the right path. “He came by the other day. He’s really upset about your decision.”

  “He’ll get over it,” Christian snapped.

  “Why should he have to?”

  “I think you know why. I want to be with you and you know as well as I do that long distance relationships don’t work. Since you won’t rejoin the band, my only other option is to leave.”

  “Is that really fair to the guys?”

  Christian shrugged. “I guess not, but we’re in a sticky position anyway. Rally’s headed to jail and the record company will dump us when we refuse to allow them to pick our next guitarist. Nick, Collin and Seth seem to be okay with my decision, even if they’re not happy about it.”

  “Of course they’re not happy about it, Christian. You’re walking out on your best friends when they need you the most. Not to mention that you’re letting our dream die.”

  He stopped again, his gaze meeting hers. “Now you’re not being fair. You won’t rejoin the band, but you don’t want me to leave either? What do you want me to do, baby? Can’t you see the position I’m in?

  She turned and took both his hands in hers. “You can’t just walk away from everything we’ve worked so hard for, especially when your decision affects not just you.”

  “Yes, I can, Holly. Don’t you see that it all means nothing if you’re not part of it? Sanctuary was your baby. We took it away. To continue on without you, when the opportunity for you to return to the band is there, just seems wrong.”

  “It would only be wrong if you hadn’t given me the choice.”

  “We didn’t, remember.”

  She smiled. Funny how he now tried to use her own words to justify his decision. “It’s not too late to change your mind, Chris. Seth said that you had other labels interested in you.”

  “That was before the newspaper article made its circulation. Even if I decided to stay, no label is going to give us a deal when they think the band is on the verge of a break up.”

  Holly placed a hand on his bicep. “And you know bad press can be countered with good if you try hard enough.”

  He shook his head. “My decision is made.”

  She let go of him and walked ahead to cross the street into what was once the shopping district of town.

  “You know.” He raced to catch up with her. “I thought you’d be happy. Now we can be together.”

  She didn’t slow her pace as she passed by empty storefronts. “You honestly thought I’d be happy to see the band break up, knowing I was the cause?”

  He grabbed her by the arm, stopping her forward motion and Holly had little option but to look up at him. “I-Love-You,” he said with such conviction she had little choice but to believe every word. “Do you love me?”

  “Of course I do. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone, but sometimes it isn’t enough.”

  “It will be enough for us if you let it be.”

  She pulled back and turned away from him, intent on reaching her destination before their conversation ruined her surprise. “What happens in a year or two or five when you realise the mistake you’ve made and start resenting me for it?”

  “That’s not going to happen,” he argued as he walked behind her.

  “How do you know that?” She turned the corner and caught sight of the newly renovated brick building directly in the middle of the block. “It’s easy to make what you think is the right decision, only to realise your regrets later. I’m telling you, it’s not too late to fix this.”

  He patted her hand as they continued to walk. “Actually, it might be. Even if I did entertain the ide
a of reconsidering, the guys are already toying with the notion of forming a new band. Finding a guitarist shouldn’t be very difficult for them. They might even be able to approach another label and get signed based on their resume.”

  “But that doesn’t save Sanctuary.”

  Christian sighed. “I suppose we could go on as a four piece, but that brings me back to my quandary with you.”

  “Besides that, you won’t be able to play the songs off the first three albums correctly without a second guitar.”

  “I know, but it would be a better choice than taking on somebody who isn’t a perfect fit.”

  “What if you found that perfect fit?”

  “You’re the perfect fit, honey.” He squeezed her hand. “Let’s not ruin our night together by talking about the band. There will be time later to sort out the details.”

  “I suppose you’re right.” She stopped in front of the brick building.

  “What are you doing?”

  Holly smiled. “I have something I want to show you.”

  She opened the door and let him pass through.

  A man sat behind a small desk next to a corridor lined with doors. “Ms. Decambra.”

  “Hello, Thomas. Are they ready?”

  He nodded. “Room four, all the way at the end.”

  Christian looked from the man to Holly and back. “What’s going on?”

  She grinned. “You’ll see. Follow me.”

  She stopped in front of the door with a number four on the outside and opened it.

  Christian walked past her and stopped. There inside the room the rest of the band waited.

  “About time you two showed up,” Seth said from behind the drum kit.

  Christian glanced from Holly to the band and back. “I don’t understand.”

  “I thought you might like to see what the band sounds like when you have the perfect fit.”

  “But you said—”

  She held up a hand, cutting him short. “I know what I said. I also know that I haven’t been happy since the accident. Regardless of how much I want to protect myself from pain, the fact is, I’ll never be truly content with my life unless I’m back where I belong.”

  “And us?”

  “Well,” she dragged a finger along his chin. “I’ve talked with the guys and it appears that I was the only one who had issues with a relationship inside the band.” She leaned into him and brushed a soft kiss across his lips. “Since I love you and I want to be with you, then I’m willing to toss that rule out the window.”

  He wrapped his arms around her. “God, I love you.”

  “I love you too, Christian, now let’s play some rock-n-roll.”


  “So how does it feel to be on stage, playing to thousands of people?” Christian slid the keycard into the lock. The light turned green and he pushed the door open, holding it for Holly and Seth to enter.

  Her body ached from the workout she’d just received, yet her mind continued to reel with images of the last two hours.

  She collapsed into the wingback chair in the living room of the hotel suite, a perpetual smile glued to her face. “Wonderful.” She closed her eyes and saw the crowd cheering for her, singing along to the band’s songs and welcoming her as if she belonged on that stage. “And tiring.”

  She threw an arm over her eyes and sank a little deeper into the chair. “Who knew that living your dream could be so exhausting?”

  “I’m glad you finally have the opportunity to experience that aspect for yourself,” Seth yelled from one of the two bedrooms in the suite.

  “Me too,” Christian said. “That exhausted feeling is one filled with satisfaction though, right?”

  Holly moved her arm and opened her eyes to look at him. “That’s an accurate description. Though I’d be even more content if I were snuggled beneath the covers of the king size bed.”

  Christian held out his hand. “I can make that happen.”

  She smiled up at him.

  The weeks since she rejoined the band had been a whirlwind of interviews, practices and work on the new album. While it would have been easy for her to become overwhelmed after being away for so long, having Christian by her side made even the most difficult situation seem easy.

  She took his hand and allowed him to pull her into his arms. Wrapped in his embrace, he proceeded to kiss her along the soft curve of her neck. “How about I snuggle with you?”

  Her grin widened. “Just snuggling?”

  He licked the soft spot just below her ear, causing a shiver of anticipation to race down her spine. “Well, maybe a little more than just snuggling.”

  Knowing what he had in mind, she played along. No matter how tired she was she’d always find the energy to share her body with the man she loved.

  “What about Seth?” she whispered.

  “I like to snuggle too,” he shouted from the bedroom.

  Holly couldn’t help but laugh at the anticipation in his voice. “Looks like we’ll have company.”

  “You don’t mind, do you?”

  She pulled back and looked him in the eyes. “This isn’t going to be an every night thing, right? I mean when we climb in bed tomorrow night, it will just be you and me?”

  “Right. Special occasions only, just like we agreed. And I think your first time back on stage ranks up there as a special occasion.”

  She smiled. “Then I don’t mind.”

  Christian shifted and tucked an arm around her waist, then guided her towards the bedroom Seth occupied.

  She noted the limp in her step and made a mental note to take a long hot bath later. Too many hours spent on her feet were starting to take their toll on her hip and leg. Maybe if she were lucky, she could talk Christian into giving her a massage too.

  She’d barely stepped inside the room when Seth snagged her wrist and pulled her against him. His heat infused her body and she couldn’t mistake the massive erection pushing against her belly. Arousal, powerful and quick shot through her system.

  Seth eased her down onto the bed, taking her blouse off in the process. She lifted her arms, allowing him to pull the fabric clear, then quickly made work of her bra and tossed it off the bed. She leant back to enjoy the scenery as Christian and Seth began stripping out of their clothing.

  How had she become so lucky as to have not one, but two men love her? Revelling in her good fortune she watched her men strip, not missing a single detail. Being shirtless to start, Seth divested first and slowly stalked towards the bed, his cock, an impressive size that would please any woman, led the way. The fact that he was at full mast already, only solidified what she already knew. He wanted her. Her heart beat a little faster with that knowledge. The bed sank under Seth’s weight and Holly fought not to move.

  The last of Christian’s clothing hit the floor, but instead of joining them on the bed, he motioned to Seth, then wrapped a hand around her ankle.

  Seth slid in behind her. “Scoot down, sweetheart.”

  Her ass barely rested on the edge of the bed, but Christian seemed pleased with the position. She reached to unbutton her jeans only to have him slap her hand away.


  “Give me your hands,” Seth whispered, then pulled her arms up until her hands were above her head, clutching Seth by the neck.

  With nimble fingers, Christian made short work of her jeans and panties, leaving her open and bare for his pleasure. He grinned and dropped to his knees between her splayed thighs. He placed his hands over her legs, holding her open.

  Her anticipation kicked up another notch as she watched him watch her. He slowly moved forward, his gaze never wavering from her face. Her breath stalled as his tongue gently slid over her sensitive folds.

  “You taste so good, baby,” he said, then burrowed his tongue deeper, teasing her pussy.

  A gasp tumbled from her lips and she started to move only to realise the men had trapped her in place. Much to her surprise, that knowledge only heightened her ple
asure and she couldn’t stop the moan that escaped.

  “Leave your hands where they are,” Seth ordered as his hands slid down to cup her breasts before tweaking her nipples between his fingers and thumbs.

  The sharp bite of pain shot straight to her pussy and she cried out as both men tormented her.

  Christian slid a finger into her channel, heightening her pleasure even more. “You want me here, baby?”

  “God, yes,” she cried, wanting nothing more than to feel his massive cock deep inside her pussy.

  “Up on all fours, baby, and I’ll make that happen for you.”

  Holly couldn’t move fast enough and scrambled over onto hands and knees. Seth lay beneath her sprawled out like a buffet just for her. The position placed her in the perfect angle to bend down and take every luscious inch of him in her mouth. She stared down at the impressive erection and licked her lips. His cock head was a deep shade of red, with precum weeping from the slit.

  Lost in thoughts of taking Seth, she nearly jumped when Christian’s gentle hands spread her thighs.

  “Easy baby,” he murmured just before the tip of his dick entered her pussy. Slowly, as if he were savouring every second, Christian slid deep into her channel, filling her with his massive girth almost to the point of pain.

  She closed her eyes and moaned, enjoying the exquisite feeling of him filling her to capacity.

  For several long seconds she rocked back against Christian, enjoying the friction their coupling induced.

  “Honey, I’m dying here.” Seth’s strained voice caused her to open her eyes.

  There before her he lay, stroking his cock, his eyes locked on her in anticipation.

  It was time to make this as good for him as Christian was making it for her. She lowered her mouth, and slid her tongue over his damp flesh, enjoying the way he jumped from her touch. His hand tangled in her hair, and he groaned when she finally closed her mouth around the head.

  Why, she wondered as she bobbed her head up and down on Seth’s staff, had she waited so long to give into her desires, especially when it resulted in such pleasure?

  Christian began to rock his hips, slowly at first and then with more force. Each thrust pushed her forward, forcing her to take more of Seth in her mouth.


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