Mistoletoe Surprise: An Older Man Younger Woman Christmas Romance

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Mistoletoe Surprise: An Older Man Younger Woman Christmas Romance Page 5

by Crowne, K. C.

  I glanced down and saw that my hand was on my cock, which was now fully hard.

  Damn it! The whole point of the shower had been to get her off my mind. But there I was, thinking about her with my fucking prick in my hands. Exactly the opposite of what I needed to be doing.

  Change of plans, I decided. I hated to admit it, but there was something that needed to be done if I was really going to get her out of my head.

  As I wrapped my hand around my cock, stiff and solid, I knew what it was. But I made an agreement with myself first. This stupid fucking thing with Cindy would go no further than this. She’d made me horny as hell, sure. But that didn’t mean I would dwell on it. I’d take care of business and that would be that. Easy-peasy.

  Might as well have some fun in the process. I put my left hand on the side of the shower, my right on my cock. Once I was ready, I closed my eyes and I was back in the office with the woman herself.

  “Well,” I said, my legs propped up on the desk. “Your resume and all that shit looks great. Think it might be a good idea to have you work for me after all.”

  She beamed, clasping her hands together in a way that made her tits bulge out. And because it was a fantasy, she had a couple of buttons undone, giving me a nice preview of her milk-white cleavage.

  “I’m so, so, so happy you’re taking a chance on me. I can’t wait to get started.”

  “Just know, I’m tough man to work with. I’m gonna ride you hard.” Sure, it was a little porno-ish. But it was a fantasy – why the hell not?

  Her face turned red in a sexily embarrassed kind of way. “Is that right? I mean, I hope not too hard.”

  I snorted. “You’ll have to say please when you want me to stop.”

  I was doing good work on my cock in the shower, my hands stroking my long prick up and down, pleasure moving through my body. I was going to cum soon and wanted to get to the good part before I did.

  Cindy glanced away and chuckled. “Mr. Johannsson, I have to admit something.”


  “I’ve kind of had a crush on you since I was a little girl. I know it’s bad, but I feel like it’s something you should know if I’m going to be working under you.”

  I grinned. “That right?”

  She nodded. “Like I said, it’s so bad. But I can’t help it, you know?”

  I pretended to give the matter some thought. “Then you know what I’m thinking? We ought to, ah, break the sexual tension before you start. Don’t want to cause a distraction.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  I took my boots off the desk and leaned forward. “I’m thinking that before you work under me you, well, work under me.”

  Her expression changed from embarrassed to intrigued. “I like that idea.”

  “Why don’t you come over here and show me how much you do?”

  Talk about getting right to it. Cindy stood up, her hands moving to the buttons of her blouse as she undid them one at a time. Soon the shirt was open, underneath a black lacy bra stuffed full of tits that looked ready to pour out of the fabric.

  “What do you think, Mr. Johannsson – am I still a little girl?”

  “Hell no. You’re all woman. Now come here.”

  She did, sauntering over, her eyes on me. Once she was on my side of the desk, she loomed over me, her blue eyes locked on mine. I placed my hands on her hips – hiking up the black miniskirt she wore in the dream. The panties matched the bra, and those were soon pulled down her legs.

  No idea what her pussy looked like in real life, but in the fantasy it was perfect. And, of course, nice and wet just for me. She maintained eye contact as she reached down and undid my belt buckle and zipper, my cock springing out hard as a stone.

  “You ready to fuck me, Mr. Johannsson? You ready to fuck your best friend’s daughter?”

  It felt dirty to hear even in the fantasy. But so fucking hot.

  “You know I’m ready.”

  She positioned herself over my cock, holding it up with one hand as she lowered herself slowly, so fucking slowly. My head spread her lips, a soft gasp coming from her mouth. Cindy lowered further and further, taking more of me into her, my cock vanishing into her tight little pussy.

  When my prick had totally speared her, I grabbed her hips, holding her in place and letting the pleasure wash over me. Fuck – she was so tight, like a damn vice grip. Cindy rocked her hips back and forth, my cock rubbing against her soaking wet walls.

  “I have to admit something, Mr. Johannsson,” she said, her voice coming out in a breathy, sensual moan.

  “Oh yeah? What’s that?”

  “I’ve never actually done this before.”

  “What, fucked an older guy?”

  “No, fucked at all.”

  If it was a fantasy might as well go the whole nine. No fucking way a girl as hot as her was a virgin, but why not pretend?

  “Well, you’re good as hell at it.”

  She undid her bun, her coal-black hair falling to her shoulders. “That turns me on so much.”

  Cindy rocked her hips back and forth, my eyes locked on her body as she writhed on top of me. God, it felt good. Sure, the real pleasure came from what I was doing to myself in the shower, but that didn’t matter. The fantasy was clear as day in my mind.

  She moaned sensually, like a woman who knew what she wanted. My hands moved up her curves, coming to a rest on her full tits.

  “You like when I fuck you like this, Mr. Johannsson?” She licked her lips after speaking, making me feel even more wild. I hated to admit it, but the whole forbidden routine I’d come up with was taking this to the next level.

  “You know I do. Faster now, honey.”

  She smiled again, happy to do what I’d asked. The speed of her movement picked up, and I reached to pull her breasts free from her blouse and bra. Her nipples were pink and hard, her tits perfectly round. Everything about her young body was perfect and ripe.

  I decided it was time for me to do the work. I grabbed her hips and held her in place, thrusting from below as hard as I could. My orgasm drew closer and closer, and all I could think about was draining my balls into her tight little pussy.

  “Please, don’t stop,” she moaned. “Don’t ever stop.”

  Her body shook with each pounding of my cock. It didn’t take much of this before I felt her pussy tighten around me as she began to come.

  “Mr. Johannsson…I’m gonna…”

  The shriek announced her orgasm. The vice grip of her cunt tightened so hard I couldn’t have held the orgasm if my life depended on it. With a hard grunt, I came, my cock pulsing into her as I emptied myself deep in her pussy.

  Our orgasms faded, and along with them the rest of the fantasy. I was back in the shower, my cock in my hand and a few streaks of glistening, thick cum on the wall in front of me. The post-orgasm clarity arrived hard, and all I could say was “What the fuck?”

  What had gotten into me? I’d just jerked off to the thought of fucking my best friend’s daughter. And not only that, she was about to be my employee.

  I cleaned up and stepped out of the shower. Once I’d wrapped the towel around my body, I gave myself a long, hard look in the mirror after wiping away a streak of fog.

  There was a good chance this whole thing might blow up in my fucking face.

  Chapter 7

  Craig - Two Weeks Later

  The girl had been a damn good hire – no doubt about that.

  “Alright, kid.” I dropped into the chair of my office and turned my attention to Cindy.

  She was dressed in her usual work outfit of jeans, a blouse, and some casual shoes. I remembered the first day when she’d shown up looking like she was ready for a day at some Manhattan office, with expensive black slacks and a pair of heels that had no place anywhere near a farm. It was cute, in a way. She’d been eager to impress since her first day on the job. Had to admire it, a little.

  “Alright, Mr. Johannsson.”

  I grinned. “You k
now, you’ve been a killer employee.”

  “Thanks.” She beamed back at me.



  “If you don’t start calling me Craig like I asked, I’m gonna start thinking you’re being insubordinate.” I kept the grin on, letting her know I was messing around.

  She blushed and turned her head away for a moment. Damned if I didn’t love it when she did that. It was sexy as hell, in a coy kind of way.

  There you go again, you dumb motherfucker. I didn’t waste any time scolding myself. Get a damn rubber band and wrap it around your wrist or some shit and snap that thing whenever you start thinking about her like that. Shit’s not gonna fly, and you know it.

  Easier said than done. Sure, I’d been good about not having any more solo fun in the shower thinking about her, but that didn’t mean I hadn’t caught myself constantly stealing glances at. How the hell was a man supposed to react to a girl who looked that good?

  Girl. That was the word I had to keep in mind. She was technically a woman, sure. But she needed to stay a girl in my mind – specifically, the little girl of my best friend.

  “OK, OK,” she said. “Craig.”

  “There you go. Much better.”

  Another blush. “But you know it’s hard. You’ve always been Mr. Johannsson to me.”

  “You know, I’m pretty sure even back in the day I told you to call me Craig.”

  “Maybe you did. But my parents taught me to be more formal with adults.”

  “Well, formal has its place. Not here on the farm, though. What I care about here is how well you can do the job.”

  “And how’s that been so far?”

  “Fucking great. How many of these little check-ins have we had?”

  “One every three days around three o’clock since I started.”

  Of course she’d know. I hadn’t made any real schedule for them, only calling her in the office when I felt like it’d been a good idea to make sure she was getting the hang of things. Leave it to her brain to figure out that I’d had more of a schedule to them than I’d realized.

  “Well, that’s pretty fucking precise. But if that’s what it is, then that’s what it is. Anyway, you’ve impressed the hell out of me, to be perfectly honest.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Jo— I mean, Craig.”

  I smiled again. “I have to admit I was a little hesitant at first, thinking you might consider yourself too good for this kind of shit.”

  “Are you serious?” she asked. “I was so grateful for the opportunity. Not even for a second did I think I was better or anything like that.”

  “Now, I can tell. But you never know with New York girls…”

  “I’m not a New York girl, though. This is where I’m from.”

  “And you always will be,” I reminded her. “Even if you end up getting that Manhattan penthouse or whatever.”

  She smiled warmly. “That’s right.”

  “Anyway, you’ve been a real asset since you’ve come on, handling the books like a real pro. You’ve got a real knack for this kind of thing. Hell, I didn’t think anyone would be able to replace Quinn…”

  I stopped myself. Sure, I was only talking about replacing Quinn in the sense of handling all the administrative shit. But even the idea of replacing her here didn’t sit right with me at all. No one ever would, in any context.

  “You alright over there, Craig?”

  Shit. I was wearing my weird feelings all over my face. I cleared my throat. “Yeah. Just thinking about some shit that needs to get done today.” I ran my hand through my hair, getting myself back on track. “But like I said, you’ve been killer. Two weeks and you’re already getting things run ship-fucking-shape.”

  She smiled again. “Happy to do it.”

  “And I bet you’re happy to get paid to do it, too.”

  “I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t a big part of it.”

  “So, I might as well ask – what kind of time frame are you looking at for leaving?”

  I didn’t like the idea of it. Not only had she been kicking ass at running admin around the farms, she’d been, well, nice to be around. The crew I had were mostly the rough-around-the-edges types – even the few women I had on the staff. Cindy was something else. She had a grace to her, something delicate and sweet. Sure, it kinda stuck out like a sore thumb, but her vibe was nice as hell to have around. Two weeks into this shit and I had bad feelings about her leaving. Not exactly a good sign.

  A thoughtful expression appeared on her face. “Well, I’ve been running the numbers for my budget. With what I’ve earned so far, and what I hope to earn over the next couple months, I should be out of here before spring.”

  “Spring. That’s gonna be here before you know it.”

  “I know. I’m already worried about how Dad’s gonna take it when I finally go back.”

  “He’s not going to like it at all. Knowing him, he’s having fantasies about you having a change of heart and sticking around for good.”

  She let out a quick snort of a laugh, then quickly covered her face in embarrassment.

  “What?” I asked. “Such a crazy idea?”

  “I mean, don’t get me wrong – this is my hometown and always will be. But New York…that’s where I’m meant to be. But don’t worry, I’ll come back to visit more often this time.”

  I grinned. “That’s what they always say before they run off to the big city. But damned if I can remember how many times you actually did over the last few years.”

  “I didn’t know you missed me that much,” she teased.

  I laughed, but there might’ve been something to what she’d said. Hell, maybe if she’d visited, I’d have had a chance to get used to the sort of woman she’d developed into. Would’ve been a hell of a lot less of a shock than her leaving as a gawky kid and coming back a bombshell.

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” I said with a grin. “But just know I’m happy you’re here with us. You’re bright as hell and a good worker. Really admire what you’ve been able to accomplish around here.”

  “Why, thank you, Craig. Glad to know I’ve been an asset.”

  Of course, my dirty old man mind zeroed in on the ass part of that statement. Maybe the stupid rubber band thing wasn’t such a bad idea after all. As the thought of a quick snap entered my brain, a rap on the door called my attention. I called for the person to enter, and Kyle plowed into my office.

  “Hey, buddy,” I said, my brows furrowing. “What are you doing?”

  “Dad, I just got home from school,” he said with an air of a much older kid. He looked at Cindy. “Hey Ms. Cindy!”

  “Hi, Kyle! How was school?”

  “Good. I have a test tomorrow,” he looked at me. “You have to help me study.”

  I cringed playfully. “Ah, man. You know I hate studying.”

  “But you have to,” he insisted. “It’s hard stuff.”

  Apparently sensing my discomfort, Cindy asked, “What are you studying?”

  “Math stuff,” he said with a scowl. “I hate it.”

  “That’s my worst subject,” I reminded him. “But we can figure it out.”

  “Or I can help,” she offered, drawing my attention. “Math is my favorite subject.”

  “You’re good at it?” Kyle asked suspiciously, eyeing her. I’d noticed the two of them chatting a handful of times since she’d been here, so I knew he was comfortable with her. He didn’t talk to strangers much.

  “I’m very good at it,” she said. “If your dad and I are finished, I can help you out.”

  “Are you done, Dad?”

  “Almost. I need to take Cindy for a quick walk, tell her about something,” I told him. “Then she can help you, if she doesn’t mind.”

  “I absolutely don’t mind.”

  “Can I get a snack?” Kyle asked.

  “Sure. Find Amy and have her help you,” I told him. Amy was his nanny, for lack of a better word. My schedule was crazy, so I�
��d hired her to help with taking him to school and picking him up as well as watching over him until I was free.

  “Ok!” He was gone as quickly as he’d entered.

  I rose from my seat and gestured for Cindy to follow. “Come on. Let’s take that walk.”

  “Is whatever you’re showing me bad?” she asked as she followed me.

  “I don’t know if I’d say bad, but it might end up being a pain in both of our asses.”

  A quizzical expression formed on her face. I got up and nodded for her to come with me. Moments later, we were heading through the living room, where Kyle sat in front of the TV with his snack. He turned as we walked through, smiling and waving at Cindy.

  “Bonjour!” he said, happy as hell.

  “Bonjour, Monsieur Kyle! Comment ca va?”

  He looked confused, not sure how to respond. Then a lightbulb went off and he spoke. “Um…ca va!”

  “Tres bien!”

  I never got tired of seeing that shit. Kyle was my son and I loved the little guy to death, but sometimes he could be a touch tough to deal with. I knew what it was – he’d taken the death of his mom hard, and like a lot of boys, he dealt with his bad feelings by stuffing them deep down and acting out now and then. He was more like me than I cared to admit.

  But Cindy had a way with the kid. Sure, they’d bonded over the French stuff, but there was more to it than that. Amy, his sitter, had put in a ton of work to win Kyle over. But Cindy had managed to do it in only a week or so. Made me wonder what she’d be like with some kids of her own.

  We headed outside, the weather nice and crisp, perfect for the flannel jacket I had on.

  “OK,” Cindy said as we made our way around the property. “What’s up? You know I like to be kept in the loop.”

  “I know you do, which is why I’m telling you this now.” We stopped in front of the big red barn behind the house. “We got a little event coming up.”


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