Saving Penelope (The Knights Book 1)

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Saving Penelope (The Knights Book 1) Page 4

by Zoe Jane Fox

  "Do you think you can catch this guy before he finds her?" I ask Bastian.

  "I will try my hardest to capture him first. There is a positive in this situation though. We know every other woman he has killed was a single woman in her early twenties with no family or friends. No one believed her, so she wasn't able to get help and away from him. Penny found you and got away. We just need to keep it that way." He says before standing.

  Bastian tells me he is leaving and will call me later once he has heard back from the coroner's office. I'm sitting there by myself thinking about what he said also what he didn't say. I know he's worried that taking her away from the rogue could upset him even more, causing him to act out. I need to hope for the best and be with my mate, I go upstairs to take a nap with Penelope.



  I wake up hot and sweaty, wondering what the heck is going on until I realize Monroe is half on top of me. He has one arm on my waist, his head on my shoulder while his leg thrown over on top of mine. As much as I would love to feel his body next to mine, I'm also the type of person who doesn't like to wake up hot. It makes me cranky and grumpy for the whole day. I slide out from beneath Monroe, he doesn't even budge, I think he must sleep like a bear. I have to throw my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing out loud not wanting to wake him. I tiptoe out of the room, heading downstairs, stopping to use the bathroom before making a snack. While I'm in the kitchen Doctor hears me moving around and wakes up while slowly getting off the couch making his way to me. He must be hungry, but Hank didn't bring any food over. I open the fridge, seeing Monroe has some sliced ham for sandwiches. I don’t like feeding him human food, but I have no other choice, so that will have to do until I can get him some dog food. After Doctor has eaten, he starts sniffing around looking for a place to go to the bathroom. I know I need to get him outside before he has an accident inside. Walking up to the back patio door, I unlock the door, opening it before slipping outside with Doctor. He runs around the yard exploring for a few seconds before taking care of his business. There isn't a fence in the backyard, it all backs up to some trees, causing me to worry that Doctor will make a run for it. All of a sudden Doctor's head pops up, then he runs to me. I look around to see what could have spooked him when I get that same feeling I had at work last night. Goosebumps are now everywhere on my body not just my neck. I reach down to pick up Doctor, turning around to go back in the house when I slam into a hard body. I scream as loud as I can, Doctor starts barking.

  "Hush, it's ok. It's me, shit I think your dog peed on me." the familiar voice says.

  I look up to see Damon looking down at his shirt, looking at a wet spot. I'm so mad he scared me. I'm about to lay into him for scaring me when I hear a loud roar just before a giant bear comes barging out of the patio door shattering it into a million pieces looking around frantically. I realize the bear is Monroe, he must have heard me scream and was coming to protect me. I hand Doctor over to Damon not sure how he will handle being this close to a bear, making my way to Monroe. I reach out a hand and rub his face. He leans into my touch for a moment before nudging me with his head trying to push me back. I take a step back as he wants me to. He nods his head before shifting back in his human form. Giving me a wonderful view of his sexy bare chest, his pajama bottoms are hanging low on his hips giving me a perfect view of his abs and that V line. Now that I'm not so shocked about him being a bear, I lots of questions to ask. Like, how did his clothes stay intact?

  “What happened”? Monroe asks. His voice is rough like he is still on edge, but walks over to me wrapping me up in his arms.

  "I was letting Doctor outside to use the bathroom when he got scared right as I got that feeling I had last night before I was chased. I turned to go inside, but I slammed into Damon and it scared the shit out of me so I screamed" I said. I turn around to glare at Damon, who just shrugs like it didn't matter. Oh, I was totally going to get him back for that.

  "I was in the woods doing patrol like you asked when I smelled the scent of a vampire. I know Bastian was here earlier so I almost let it go. Then I saw Penny was outside so I shifted, before coming to the patio and was about to tell her not to come outside alone. When she turned around slamming into me, while her dog pissed on me." Damon says.

  That makes me lose all my thoughts of revenge for him scaring me, he was only looking out for me. Damon sits Doctor down on the ground, telling us he's leaving and will come by tomorrow unless we need him for anything. We watch him shift back into his bear before running off into the woods not even waiting for us to reply. Monroe tells me to pick up Doctor, and once I have him in my arms Monroe sweeps us both up in his arms saying he doesn't want us to get hurt with the glass and takes us back inside. Monroe sits me down on the couch and says he needs to make some calls to have someone come fix the window. I look down at Doctor and say "Well, at least things aren't boring around here," Doctor licks my hand like he couldn't agree more. I remember we don't have any dog food, I'm about to go ask Monroe if we can get some when the doorbell rings and without waiting for anyone to answer it in walks Natalie and Andrew carrying lots of bags.

  "I got you and Doctor some things I think you could use until all of this is over and you can get your stuff from your apartment," Natalie says while putting some of the bags down. That's when she notices the shattered patio door and begins yelling with her hands on her hips

  "Monroe Andre Knight! I taught you better than barging through doors" She yells.

  I bust out laughing that a twenty-eight-year-old is getting in trouble with his mom when Monroe comes back in the room glaring at me.



  After explaining what happened to the patio door, my parents finished unloading all the stuff they got for Penelope and Doctor. Then they say they're going home for the day, but if we need anything to give them a call. Penelope is looking at all the bags in shock.

  "Ma has always wanted a daughter, but only had boys so she may have gone a little overboard. Please don't feel bad about everything she bought I'm sure it's only going to get worse if you deny her." I tell her.

  "I can see your mom getting mad at me for rejecting them and buying me more out of spite. OK, where should I put everything so it's not laying on your living room floor?" she asks.

  “Go put it up in our room baby, The window company said someone will be here in half an hour, so they should be here by the time you’re done,” I say

  “You mean your room? I could put them in one of your guest rooms since we don’t know how long I’ll be staying here” She says while looking sheepish.

  "The only place your stuff belongs is in OUR room. You’ll be staying here until we catch this guy and if you decide to be my mate then you’ll stay here forever with me" I say in a tone that lets her know I’m serious.

  I walk over to her pulling her to me, wrapping her hair around my fist while pressing my lips to hers. When she lets out a small gasp, I slide my tongue in her mouth tasting her. She starts kissing me back following my tongue with hers while moving closer to me. I want to deepen the kiss and take her upstairs, but I know we don't have time for that so I pull back a little resting my forehead against hers

  "As much as I want to continue this, we will have company soon and I need to make some calls," I say.

  With a dazed look in her eyes, she nods her head, with one last quick peck to her mouth, I take a step back. She calls Doctor with her as she grabs the bags going upstairs, leaving the bags with Doctor's stuff down here. I start to head towards my office when my cell phone rings. Reaching in my pocket I pull it out, seeing that it is Bastian calling I press answer.

  "Hey man, what's up? Did you find out anything new?" I ask.

  "Yeah." he sighs before continuing "Hank was right, it’s definitely a rogue. He has been sneaking into their homes, drinking from them. It's not a lot, but enough that it was noticeable, each woman was down about two or three pints of blood. For some reason, no one was making that
connection." He says.

  That means the rogue drank from my mate. My bear is going crazy wanting to get out, to go find this guy and tear him apart. I tell Bastian about what happened outside earlier, he says exactly what I was afraid to say out loud.

  "If she had that feeling then he has found her, he will probably start to stalk her again before he makes his move. I'll be over tonight to help keep watch on your mate, I want this bastard caught," he says before hanging up.

  My phone pings again, I look down to see the window company is at the gate. I press a button, letting the guards know it's ok to send them on in. While waiting for them to make it to the door, I send a text off to Jace letting him know I want to add guards around the house to keep her safe. Right as I'm about to go to the door, Penelope comes down the stairs.

  “I left Doctor upstairs since the window people are here and I don’t know how he would react to loud noises. Are you hungry? I’m going to go make some lunch I’m starving” she says in a rush as she walks up to me giving me a hug. I feel like a shitty mate for not thinking about feeding her.

  "Yeah baby, that would be great," I say as I lean down and kiss the top of her head before she lets go and walks away.

  I hear a car pull up, I open the door while stepping outside to lead them around the side of the house showing them the patio door that needs to be replaced. They tell me they're going to clean up before taking the old framing down and take some measurements to see if they have a replacement in their van. If not, they will have to board it up for the night and return in the morning. I go back inside, heading to the kitchen to something that is smelling wonderful.

  "What are you making baby, it smells so good," I ask coming up behind her moving her hair off her shoulder, kissing and sucking on her neck.

  "I… I'm making," she stutters out, but doesn’t finish what she was saying, letting out a soft moan that causes my cock to throb in my pants painfully. I let go of her neck after nibbling a little bit.

  “What was that baby?” I ask with a chuckle.

  “I can’t think when you do that! I’m making hot ham and cheese sandwiches,” she says really fast like I’m going to distract her again, but I don’t with the window people still here, I don’t want anyone seeing my mate like that.

  With one last kiss, I back off knowing she needs time to accept us. I get plates out for us, walking to the fridge asking her if she would like something to drink. After getting us both cokes I sit them down on the table, before walking over to the counter to help her finish plating our food then carry it to the table. We both are hungry, barely say a word while eating. I need to tell her what Bastian found out and that he will be coming over later on but I can’t just yet. I don’t want to ruin our moment together by frightening her even more. One of the men pops their head in the dining room from the patio, telling me that they don’t have the size I need on them and will have to come back out tomorrow. They board up the opening before leaving. Penelope is putting our plates in the dishwasher so I text Jace to let him know to be sure and put a guard by that area since we can’t secure it as I would like.

  “Monroe, I want to be your mate,” Penelope says, looking up from the dishwasher.

  “Are you sure? I don’t mind waiting until you feel more comfortable with everything.” I say while keeping my hands in a fist at my sides so I don’t jump up and grab her and take her right here on the kitchen floor.

  “I’m sure, Monroe. I want you.” She says with a soft but strong voice, letting me know she is serious. Now that we are alone, and Penelope is telling me she wants me, it’s time to take my mate upstairs.



  I have just barely finished telling Monroe I’m sure when he’s rushing over to me. Bending down, putting his shoulder to my stomach, then standing now holding me in a fireman’s hold.

  "AHH! What are you doing Monroe?" I ask while grabbing on to his waistband so I'm not flopping around. He slaps me on my butt causing me to let out a moan.

  "Taking my mate to bed," he says.

  He takes the stairs two at a time he gets there in no time. Opening up the bedroom door, Doctor who was asleep on the bed now sits up to see what's going on.

  "Out!" Monroe says while pointing to the door and like a good little dog Doctor hops down and walks out of the room.

  Monroe shuts the door before going to the bed, laying me down on the bed, He’s very careful like he is afraid he is going to hurt me. He's standing beside the bed, staring at me. Slowly he rubs his hands up my legs to my thighs, squeezing them before going to the button, undoing them. Monroe pulls on my jeans, I lift my hips to help him get them off. I'm laying here in my panties and his shirt while he goes back to rubbing my legs.

  "Take your shirt off baby." He says with a rough voice like he's barely in control of his bear.

  Quickly I shed my shirt, leaving me in my bra and panties. He climbs on top of me, leaning down kissing me slowly at first before deepening it, kissing me like he is desperate for it. I raise my hips towards his body needing some kind of relief when he pulls back from my mouth, making his way towards my neck placing soft wet kisses as he goes. I lean my head to the side, giving him more room, he bites my neck, not hard enough to draw blood, but hard enough to send pleasure straight to my clit. Kissing his way to my chest while he reaches under me to unclasp my bra, dragging it off of me. He captures one of my nipples in his mouth, causing me to moan loudly before whimpering from the need to come. He slowly makes his way down my body, grabbing a hold of my panties.

  "Are you sure, baby? I don't mind waiting, I can give you some pleasure and we can hold off for a little while longer," He asks. Before I can answer he starts kissing my covered pussy teasing me some more.

  "Monroe, I want to be your mate, I want you and I don’t want to wait," I said while lifting my hips trying to get his mouth closer to me.

  He lets out a growl before ripping my panties from my body. Leaning his head down, putting his nose right on me, inhaling me before licking my clit then sucking it into his mouth, sucking hard on it. I cry out with another moan, he lifts his head "I will die a happy man if I get to hear your moans for the rest of my life." He says before going back to my pussy and attacking it with his mouth.

  Slowly, he's sliding a finger inside me, causing my back comes off the mattress making me feel like I'm close to coming.

  "Come on baby, come for me so I can make love to you," he says.

  This time he adds another finger inside me stretching me a bit so I will be able to take him, before sucking my lip in his mouth. He lets it go, twirling his tongue around my clit then nibbles on it while curling his fingers, it's too much to take I come while screaming "Monroe!!" He laps up all of my release before licking his fingers clean making his way up my body that is still shuddering from my climax.



  I slowly kiss my way back up her body, placing a kiss on her lips. I slide my tongue in her mouth, tasting her soft tongue, she moans at the taste of herself on me. I break the kiss, taking a moment to look at her beautiful body, while she is glowing from her release. She tugs at the hem of my shirt trying to pull it over my head.

  “I want to feel your skin on my skin, Monroe,” She says in a husky voice, letting me know she is turned on, wanting this as much as I do.

  After she gets my shirt off she goes for the button on jeans, then starts pushing them down my hips along with my boxers, I help her kick them off of me. I settle in between her legs as she moves them wider to make room for me. I grab my cock in my right hand, leaning forward to slide the head through her wet folds. She is moaning for me again, letting me know she likes what I'm doing to her spurring me on. Leaning down on my left arm, careful not to crush her I line my hard cock at her opening, she wraps her legs around my waist as much as she can. She reaches up running her hands on my head, grabbing a hold of my short hair pulling my mouth back to hers. When she moans from the kiss I push forward slowly trying to keep my
bear in control, he wants me to slam home claiming our mate already. I stop a few inches in letting her adjust to me before pulling back and going in a little more each time. I nudge against her barrier, happy that she is a virgin like me, this will be new to both of us. I don't want to cause her pain so I break apart from our kiss, leaning down, pulling her nipple into my mouth while thrusting forward breaking her barrier. She cries out in pain, pulling back, I look to see she has a few tears running down her cheeks.

  “I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” I say while waiting a minute to let her body get used to the invasion I just caused.

  “It’s ok Monroe, I know it had to be done.” She says then starts moving her hips a little bit testing to see if it still hurts. When she doesn’t show any signs of pain and lets out a small moan, I take that as my cue to keep going thrusting slowly in and out. She moves her hips in time with mine, I can’t take it anymore, so I reach down rubbing her clit with my thumb, causing her moans get louder.

  “Monroe, I’m going to come again,” she says while panting heavily.

  I lean forward to kiss her neck before sucking it in my mouth finding the perfect spot. I feel my canines grow, knowing this is my moment, I bite down on her neck. She comes on my cock screaming out my name over and over, pulling my release out of me while I come deep inside her unprotected womb. I release her neck from my mouth, licking her wound so my saliva will heal her. My mark will stay there forever marking her as my mate, not everyone will know what it means but all the paranormal people will. When I pull out of her, we both groan at the loss. I roll over so that I am laying on my back, pulling her to me. She moves around getting comfortable.


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