Magical New Beginnings

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Magical New Beginnings Page 11

by Brenda Trim

  His low growl startled me. He was standing at the edge of the woods with a pinched expression. He didn’t tolerate fools and I was acting like a teenaged one at the moment. Trying to lose the grin, I picked up my pace and reached his side in seconds.

  The silence was thick as we walked. I wanted to ask him why he said that. Asking would be a mistake though, so I didn’t. My gaze kept traveling his way, but he was focused on the forest ahead of us.

  When I thought my heart was going to explode out of my chest, I broke the silence and changed the subject. “I have a mermaid living in my pond now.”

  “You managed to figure out how to do your job?” The dubious look on his face made me want to throat punch him.

  “Don’t look so surprised. I just needed to find the damned thing. I may have fumbled through the rest, but I managed.”

  “What was the story she gave you?”

  “Kairi was running from someone. I think it was King Vodor. My guess is he was trying to force her to give him something she didn’t want to, and she took off.”

  The way he looked at me next brought a grin to my lips. He lifted one eyebrow. “Someone’s doing her homework. Here we are.”

  He stopped next to a small cabin set in the middle of a grouping of trees. “Where are we?”

  “My place.” That had my head snapping in his direction. “I told you I’d give you a weapon. Follow me.”

  Heat wafted out the second he opened the wood door. I blinked unsure what I was seeing the second I stepped inside. Along one wall was a fireplace that was big enough for me to stand in. Off to one side were shelves with various tools. Three tables stood around the space as well as a stone pedestal with an anvil on top.

  “What is all this?”

  He walked over to one of the tables and picked up a tiny shovel. “These are tools I’m making for a family of gnomes not far from here.”

  “So, you’re a blacksmith?”

  He set the tool down and lifted one shoulder. “I’m not an ordinary blacksmith.”

  I crossed to a table that had what looked like charms on it. “You’re anything but ordinary. Hey, this looks like mine.” I pulled the necklace I’d been wearing since I discovered it in the house from under my shirt.

  He stopped an inch from me and reached for the charm around my neck. His masculine scent surrounded me. His cologne was outstanding. Normally I hated the stuff. It was too strong, but not whatever he was wearing.

  “I made this over two centuries ago.” Something passed over his face as his blue eyes lifted to mine. “Do you feel that?”

  My throat went tight and my lady bits started tingling. “Ye…yeah. What is it?” Desire!

  One corner of his mouth lifted. It was the closest I’d ever seen to a smile on him and damn did it do things to me. My mouth went dry and I suddenly wanted to feel his lips on mine. I lifted onto my tiptoes, closing some of the distance between us.

  “It’s a spell I imbued into the silver. It recognizes your family line and opens the path to your ancestry of magic. I added the amber to repel negative energy.”

  That was why I’d been stronger since putting it on. “You do this for every family?”

  His head shook side to side. “Only the special ones.” With that announcement, he lowered his head and pressed his lips to mine.

  Electricity exploded in my blood stream. It was like being electrocuted and given an injection of adrenaline at the same time. My body turned languid and I melted into his body. His big hands landed on my hips, pulling me close to his body.

  His tongue traced my lower lip and I groaned. He took advantage and slid his tongue into my mouth. Arousal shot through me in an instant. The kiss went from gentle to heated in a heartbeat.

  His mouth surged over mine, his tongue tangled wetly with mine and his hands grabbed my ass and lifted me. My legs wound around his waist and my core pressed against his erection. I couldn’t help but writhe in his arms.

  One of his hands moved from my backside to tangle in my hair. All I could think about was getting this man into bed. I’d never been a forward woman. It had been decades since I was last kissed like this and it made me want so much more.

  All too soon, he broke away and stood there panting as he stared at me. I licked my lips, tasting him. “That was…”

  “Fucking perfect,” he growled.

  “And unexpected. What now?”

  He set me on my feet. Not what I was hoping for, but the space allowed me to take a breath and calm from inferno to smoldering. “Now we get your Grimoire back.” He turned to the table he’d been standing at and picked up a knife.

  I accepted the weapon when he handed it to me. My palm tingled and bolts of lightning shot out of my skin. They didn’t travel more than a couple inches from my body as they wound down the blade. I wasn’t sure if that was residual arousal or something else.

  My mind refused to focus on the matter at hand as I followed him outside. All I wanted to do was push Sebastian to the ground and climb him like a mountain. I have no idea how he continued walking back to my house as if he hadn’t just kissed me like he was dying of starvation and I was his first meal in a decade.

  And I’d been lost in the desert for months and he offered me a drink of water. It was both addicting and frightening. But I couldn’t think about that at the moment. I had an elf to talk to and a knee to ice.

  Chapter 12

  “I still can’t get used to the fact that there is this hidden market right in the middle of the park.” I was babbling, but nerves were getting the best of me. Bas had come with Violet, Aislinn and I to Staves and Stoves and all I could think about was how hot his kiss had been.

  Aislinn snorted. “That’s because you see humans as being open and accepting because that’s how you are, but that’s not reality. People would freak out over our version of a Farmers Market. Can you imagine trying to explain why Dave is only two feet tall? Or that he sells toadstools as houses for his kind who look more like French bulldogs than anything human.”

  I chuckled at that and thought of not only the people that visited and sold items at Staves and Stoves, but the items they hawked. My gaze turned to Sebastian who looked like he’d just sucked on a lemon as he walked quietly with us.

  “Do you ever sell your tools and weapons here?”

  Bas turned his gaze to me. The look he shot me was full of disgust. I lowered my head and my cheeks filled with heat. Was I having another hot flash? As if I hadn’t already embarrassed myself enough. Ugh!

  He lifted one eyebrow and the same corner of his mouth. “No. I don’t.” He didn’t say anything else or try to explain in any way.

  “Okaaay. So why would Filarion steal my family’s grimoire?”

  Sebastian growled and Aislinn’s gaze shifted from him to me. I could see the question written in her expression, but thankfully, she didn’t say anything about that. “If I had to guess I’d say he was trying to steal your family’s power. It’s the only thing that’s passed down from person to person and carries a piece of your line.”

  “It’s not the only thing.” The words were out of my mouth and my hand flew to my neck. The amulet sat underneath. I never took it off. Hadn’t since putting it on. It wrapped me in warmth and was reassuring.

  “What else holds your power? And, why haven’t we heard about it before?” Violet gave me a pointed look, but we passed between the gargoyles and through the entrance before I could respond.

  Energy sizzled over my skin and the next thing I knew we were standing in the same park, only now we were surrounded by tables full of various things for sale and Fae, witches and hybrids. I saw Camille and waved before continuing to peruse the area. Filarion was on the opposite side of the bazar from the last time I visited him.

  I was able to see so much more this time as we made our way through the area. I pulled the amulet from beneath my shirt. “This necklace holds some kind of power. I’m not sure if it has anything to do with the portal or not, but the first time I
touched it I was able to use my magic.”

  Aislinn and Violet both looked at the charm for a second before I tucked it away. “That’s gorgeous,” Aislinn observed.

  “And you have an unbreakable connection to it. I can see why it fueled you.” Violet’s description surprised me. I hadn’t thought of my connection to the necklace, but she was right.

  Filarion stood fifteen feet away and was talking to Theamise, the nymph that lived in the tree near the pond. I wondered what she wanted from him. I’d needed to make a note to ask her if I could help in any way. My steps faltered and I grabbed Aislinn’s arm stopping her. Violet and Bas paused a few steps from us.

  “What’s the plan, exactly? Do I just walk up and demand he give me the book back? That seems ridiculous. He’s going to deny having it.”

  Aislinn bit her lower lip. “That’s the approach I had in mind, but you have a point. Is there a spell she can use to force him to talk?”

  Violet shook her head as her eyes took on a faraway look. I’d gotten to know her tells well enough to know she was thinking if there was anything that would help. “It’s difficult to force someone to do something. Let alone act against what they would normally do.”

  “We could ask Camille,” I suggested.

  Sebastian was quiet while my friends bobbed their heads. We took a detour to the right and approached Camille’s table. The scent of herbs was heavy in the air as we got close to the older witch.

  Herbs of all kinds, both dried and fresh were scattered on a purple silk tablecloth. I was proud that I was able to pick out a dozen different kinds of plants. And, I knew the uses for most of them.

  Honestly, that had been the most difficult for me to remember. Each herb had various roles in potions and spells. Nothing jumped out that would help in forcing Filarion to admit the truth. I could destroy his sexual drive with hemlock. That would be highly satisfying but wouldn’t help me get me book back.

  “Fiona, so good to see you tonight. What brings you here?”

  A heavy sigh left me. This entire situation weighed a ton and was exhausting. I didn’t get more than a few hours of sleep per night and I couldn’t stop from obsessing about learning enough magic to do right by the town.

  “It seems Filarion broke into Pymm’s Pondside and stole the family grimoire sometime before I arrived, and I need to get it back. However, I don’t think he will be honest with me or give it back. Is there a spell I can use to force his hand?”

  Camille picked up some sage and brought it to her nose. “It’s impossible to override a person’s natural inclinations. And, Filarion is a crooked thief that only considers how he can benefit from something.”

  “What if I threaten his life? Would that be enough of a motivator for him to give it back?” I was entirely serious so when Aislinn started laughing I realized my folly.

  “Somehow I can’t see you sounding scary enough.” Aislinn lifted one shoulder with a slightly furrowed brow and the barest hint of a frown. At least she feels bad about seeing you about as frightening as a poodle. Or maybe a big fluffy teddy bear.

  “Threaten those I love, and you’ll see mama bear attack,” I bit out. “It was worth a try. I want my damn book back. Let’s go.” My anger rose as I turned to head to Filarion.

  Violet hurried to catch up with me. “I agreed with Aislinn until you said that. Now I’m terrified. Just pretend he threatened your children.”

  “That’s not a bad idea.” I focused on the fact that by taking what belonged to me and my family he was in fact putting my children in danger.

  “Hey!” A low voice startled me as I marched across the grass. I stopped in my tracks and glanced down. My leg paused in its trajectory to the ground. I gasped and jumped back, bumping into Sebastian. The feel of his warmth behind me was highly distracting, but I couldn’t miss the pissed off gnome I had almost stepped on. Note to self. Watch where you’re going!

  I bent down so I wasn’t hovering over the little guy. “I’m so sorry. I need to pay better attention. I was caught up in my annoyance with Filarion.”

  “It’s ok. That elf pisses me off that much, too. Just watch it. Many of us won’t fare well under your boot.”

  “Thank you,” I called out as he stepped around me and walked away. I brushed my knee off to hide the grimace as I got to my feet. Getting old really sucked.

  “You need to recapture that fire,” Violet murmured as we started walking again.

  One look at Filarion and his smarmy smile and it was back. “No worries there. I don’t think I will ever look at that guy and not get mad. I can’t believe I thought he was attractive before. There is nothing good looking about him. He has no morals if he’s going to steal from a dead old lady like that.”

  A low rumble sounded behind me and I turned thinking I had upset one of Filarion’s friends, but it was only Bas. His eyes were narrowed, and his lips were pursed. What the hell had I done to piss him off now? I didn’t have time to deal with his mercurial moods at the moment.

  I focused on approaching Filarion and forced a smile on my face. “Hello, Filarion. Or should I say thief?”

  Filarion’s head shot up like bullet from a gun. “Oh! Fiona, right? How can I help you this evening? I have the other spell books you passed on last time. I can give them to you for a deal seeing as you’re becoming a regular customer.”

  My jaw dropped at his audacity. “Actually, I had something else in mind. My family’s grimoire.”

  His eyes widened for a split second before he tilted his head and blanked his expression. “I wouldn’t know anything about your family’s book of magic. I suggest searching Pymm’s Pondside. Isidora would never let it out of her house.”

  A growl left me at his words. “See that’s the thing. I’ve searched throughout the house. What do you think I found?”

  The elf lifted his shoulders and shot a look to my left where Aislinn was standing. “I’m sure I have no idea.”

  “Yeah, you’re definitely a liar. I found your magical signature, asshole. You took advantage after my grams died and broke into my house and stole the grimoire. And, I want that book back. Now!”

  Filarion flinched when I shouted at him. Everyone in the area around his table stopped and stared at us, as well. His hands started shaking as he pushed himself out of his chair. “I did no such thing. How dare you accuse me of stealing from Isidora.”

  Violet snorted. “Yeah because you’re such a stand-up guy.”

  “We all know what you did. You need to return my property.”

  Filarion crossed his arms over his chest and stared at me. I wanted to smack the smug look off his face. “I have nothing to give you. Not that you can prove your accusations anyway.”

  “You like pain. I should’ve known that too. Sebastian?” I called over my shoulder.

  It was the right thing to say. Filarion’s face went pale as all the blood drained away. “Wh…what can I do for you?”

  Bas didn’t move from where he stood three feet behind me, but he didn’t have to. The way he stood there with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes narrowed was enough to have me practically peeing my pants. It was funny that Filarion had been standing in the exact same position, yet I wasn’t afraid at all.

  I smiled at Bas. “Can you confirm what we found in the attic?”

  The wrinkles in Sebastian’s forehead doubled and one corner of his mouth lifted. “I don’t need to tell this bastard anything. He knows what he’s done. Just like he knows he will never get away with it.”

  Wind whooshed by the side of my face and blew something into my arm. I turned to see Filarion muttering under his breath and his table packing itself up. For a second I stood there and gaped as book rose into the air and floated to a chest behind the elf. Damn, I need to use that spell to dust the house this weekend.

  I needed to ask Aislinn or Sebastian how he’d done that. I was beyond tired of cleaning at my age. I’d spent a good portion up until then cooking, doing laundry and washing toilets. This
was my time which meant no more dusting the million tchotchkes grams left behind.

  “I don’t think so you piece of shit.” I lunged before the words were completely out of my mouth. My body went sailing over the table, but I lost my momentum when my knee smacked into the side.

  I reached out for the elf as I started going down. Unfortunately, all I managed was to rip part of his shirt off. Aislinn was in motion right behind me, only she jumped on top of the table instead of trying to throw herself over it.

  Violet ran around the edge in pursuit. Filarion barked something over his shoulder and the chest floated after him as he made his escape. Bas picked me up and set me on my feet before he took off after the elf.

  I was in hot pursuit a second later. My legs felt like noodles and my bad knee still hurt, but I gave it all I had. Violet was right beside me, but Aislinn was younger than us and in far better shape and she passed us in no time at all.

  I was huffing and puffing as I watched Sebastian throw himself into the air. He was a couple feet from Filarion. He was going to get the fucker. “Make him pay!”

  Violet barked out a laugh next to me then started coughing. “I don’t think he takes orders, Fi.”

  “Shit,” I huffed and puffed when Filarion disappeared a split second before Bas’s hand landed on his shoulder. I expected Sebastian to stop and turn back to us, but he continued running.

  Aislinn slowed then stopped and turned back toward us. My chest was on fire and I couldn’t catch my breath. “Did he just disappear?”

  Violet’s head bobbed up and down as she braced herself with her hands on her knees. “Yep. He sure did. Asshole’s on the run.”

  “But Sebastian will get him,” Aislinn added. It was nice to see she was breathing hard, as well. She wasn’t bent over like she was barely holding her guts inside like I was, but she wasn’t unphased.

  “I’m going to be banned from S&S, aren’t I?” Everyone was staring at us as if we were aliens from another planet. This was the second time shit went south at the market while I was there.


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